wrestling / TV Reports

411’s Tough Enough Report 7.26.01

July 26, 2001 | Posted by Danny Birdwell

I’m back after a week hiatus full of events including: a job interview, friend’s bachelor party, friend’s wedding, my birthday, and putting my house up for sale. It won’t happen again… promise. It don’t want to be sent to Puerto Rico again!

Anyway, we start off with our opening and a recap (it’s all about a recap within a recap). Darryl is the first to get the boot without quitting… yeah I’m sure NO ONE saw that cut coming.

They show Shadrick… he’s trying really hard. Josh talks about working how everyone needs to work hard. I’m trying to work hard to finish this recap.

At Trax we see some bumps and Tazz demonstrates the Single Leg Crab. Now our contestants try it. Tazz scolds Chris (of the little variety) about falling wrong. He’s landing on his arms.

Back at the house, Our students are talking about the day they’ve had.

Everyone goes to Lucky Chengs, which happens to be a transvestite bar… oh boy. Greg comments on his reservations before he and Chris (of the big variety) get on a table and strip. Eww… did that guy… I mean chick… no guy… just bite his nipple? Chris does the famous crotch flossing with the shirt bit.

Now Maven gets a chance to play dress-up… I don’t think he “won” it… At least I hope he didn’t. Maven comes out dressed like the hottest chick I’ve seen with a beard. I’m sure someone is thinking… “hell, I’d do her before I’d do Nicole Bass”.

Commercials… Get you freak on!

Maven is on the phone with his mom. He tells her about the “incident” and she thinks it’s funny. His mom then calls him a “dike”? Whatever it was, it got bleeped.

Our students are watching RAW that night with Big” John. Josh is watching it by himself until “Big” calls him downstairs. Josh says he doesn’t like watching it with everyone else because he hates listening to the others criticizing the pros.

Maven talks about his mom and her bone marrow cancer.

At Trax, we get our 24 hr. notice before the cut. Al pumps everyone up with a speech… and away we go! Shadrick is getting frustrated because he wants it, but can’t get it… sounds like a “head” problem. Al talks to Shadrick about the pressure of the business.

Back in the ring, Chris (little) is screwing up again by flopping over on Arm Drags and Hip Tosses. Put him there with Saturn… that’ll fix him! Al decides to put Chris and Shadrick together so they can screw up each other and sure enough… we have a train wreck.

More Commercials

Our students are talking about the cut back at the house. Josh thinks it’ll be Chris.

Now our WWF crew is discussing the cut. Jackie compliments Josh on his bumping. Then they discuss Chris… and it’s not good. And last, Shadrick. Al says Shadrick is afraid of failing. Jackie then talks about Shadrick’s frustration and how it got to her… see they DO care.

Now our students are at Trax for the cut. Al talks for a minute, then they’re off to their lockers. Shadrick finds the red tag in his locker. Shadrick says goodbye to the guys and a tearful goodbye to the girls, including a long embrace from Paulina. Now Shadrick says goodbye to the trainers. Jackie completely losses it… I’m touched… seriously. Al says some encouraging things to Shadrick, then he leaves.

Al then talks to the remaining students and takes another chair to the graveyard.

Next Week: ANGLE… ANGLE… our NEW WCW Champion!!!!

…and we’re out!


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Danny Birdwell

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