wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Byte This Report: Tomko, Joy, Dawn

June 18, 2005 | Posted by Ashish

My shot out this week will come first, as it is more of a condolence, and is aimed at my boy T, and more specifically, the family of Tina Siks of Radcliff, Kentucky, a 23 year old who tragically passed away this week. You know, it seems sort of trivial that today, on my birthday, I am celebrating another year of life in the world, when this girl has no more life to speak of. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family in friends. She is now in a better place, where the wrestling is actually good.

Hello kiddies. I turn 25 today, and in celebration I go on a massive rant about spoilers. We have 3 consecutive PPVs. ECW One Night Stand ABSOLUTELY OWNED. Slammiversary? I’ll let you know next week. Vengeance? The card, at least, is pure gold. I didn’t get my Christian shirt today, and therefore can’t rebel against the system and wear it during TNA Slammiversary.
I promised to pimp JP Prag 8 times in this column, so there’s one.

First off a big Thank You to Ryan Byers who filled in for me last week, and honestly, his ByteThis! re-cap was so good, and so FUNNY, I should be fired from 411 and he should replace me as ByteThis! re-capper. Thanks again, RB.


Random One Night Stand Thoughts:

– Joey Styles!!! WOOO!!!

– Mick Foley!!! WOOO!!!

– Lionheart Jericho! Take a shot!

– Great moves!

– More Great moves!

– DAMN! That shot to the head had to hurt… nice work Lionheart

– Okay, this PPV kicks too much ass… this segment is fired!

Random SmackDown! Thoughts:

– Latino Heat! vs…… Paul London?

– Rey Rey!

– A Fence! Take a shot!

– The cabinet needs some new shelves.

– Carlito. That’s cool.



– If Sharmelle gets drafted to RAW, I’m firing Vince McMahon.

– Big Show is fucking OVER… Jesus….

– He just scanned the crowd for his peeps!!!!!!!!!! Taking a page out of Christian’s book!!!!!!!!

– For the third week in a row people… this guy is a FUCKING BEAST… now get that damn gimmick off him.

– Damn Show only has like 2 inches on him…. Hell, comparing them next to each other, Morgan is like a really ripped Big Show.

– CORRECTION: Matt Morgan is like a buff Big Show who can’t wrestle as good as Brock Lesnar. (I know the guys a fucking lame but he was an NCAA champion)

– I want to see a sign that says “James” and has an arrow pointing down. I’d mark for that.

– Jordan needs a haircut…. Seriously…. oh and by the way… HOLLY GOD FUCKING ROBBED AGAIN.


– Okay that DDT SUCKED.

– JBL has cellulite… that’s hilarious.

– Okay South Park goes into syndication…. ON UPN???

– This main event has actually been a really good match.

– REALLY good match.

– RKO! RKO! RKO! RKO! God, I’m SOOOOOOOOOO glad he went back to being a heel! **marks out**

JP Prag , that’s 2!


1. ByteThis! is a weekly radio program hosted by Marc Loyd and Steve Romero. They interview superstars over the phone, and allow for some fan interaction (if you consider 2 questions per guest fan interaction). Sometimes the guest is in full character, sometimes completely out of character, and sometimes a little of both. During the commercial breaks, they show various clips. During the interviews, they show various clips and pictures of the superstar on the phone.

2. I will provide a general recap with some of my thoughts and opinions, and a little (VERY little) witty banter.

3. Quotes will be found after the superstar recap, and for those of you who have to hear every single word out of your superstars’ mouth, a link will be provided to take you to the actual show.

4. I will be recapping SUPERSTAR INTERVIEWS ONLY. I will not spend time to regurgitate the bickering between the hosts, OR the weekly phone call from Droz (unless I get email requesting otherwise, or LC tells me I have to).

5. Any typos found in the quotes or the recaps are because those are the exact words from the hosts or superstar’s mouth. (Example: ya know. Example: gonna)


Show kicks off with the usual highlight promo, and they start with a clip of RVD vs. Jerry Lynn at ECW Guilty as Charged in 2001, which apparently was the last ECW match. MAN the Van-Daminator was a sick move. Show starts, Hello Hosts! They start by pimping themselves, as they were absent last week They pimp 24/7. They pimp Vengeance. They pimp the Diva Search (eh…). Poll question for the night: Who’s getting drafted to SmackDown! the following night? I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say Randy Orton….. wait… my column comes out on Saturdays, no fair. They pimp the Draft Lottery. They pimp One Night Stand. They pimp Jericho’s heel turn (damn 2 minutes in and we’re already pimp heavy). They go break and show a promo for ECW One Night Stand, and play a promo for the LOD DVD. They come back, talk to Droz, and go to another break. During the commercial they show Carmella and Joy arm wrestling contest on RAW during the Diva Search from last year.

We’re back and joining us is the very sexy Joy Giavonni! [most of the divas have no established character, so its her] God she is LOUD. They thank her for being on the show, and Marc asks her about the pressure of the Diva Search contest from last year (AKA the pressure of crapping up my TV for 20 minutes a week.). She says that while it was nerve-racking, it really was a lot of fun. She mentions a lot of people asked her if it was real, which of course it was. Marc thinks a lot of the fans enjoyed the Diva Search (WHAT-THE-FUCK-EVER). Joy was in the top 3 (Congratulations to the 8 contestants this year, your booby prize will be a job with the E). She was glad to get on the mic (yay). They show, and mention, the ‘ice cream sundae’ she made out of herself. Joy pimps Stephanie (McMahon-Helmsey). They pimp Christy Hemme. Marc asks how exciting the last year has been for her. **JP Prag that’s three**. She talks a little about being happy to be with the company. She pimps Christy some more. She pimps Vince McMahon (the boss!). Steve brings up the storyline with Big Show, and asks her to talk about it. She pimps Big Show, and admits that she was quite nervous originally. They are “really good friends who still talk all the time” (Show, are you tappin’ that ass? If so… nice work.). She was named ‘SmackDown! Rookie Diva of the Year’ (for some reason, this made me think of a couple weeks ago when Jindrak was like ‘we need some new ho’s… ones that put out’… that was hilarious). It was apparently a landslide victory, and she credits being on TV with Show causing the win (sexy AND humble… me like).

They move on and Steve asks her thoughts on escorting Jimmy Hart at WrestleMania 21. She pimps it whole heartedly. She pimps Jimmy. She pimps Piper. She pimps Hogan. She says the whole thing was surreal and unimaginable. They pimp the ‘Best Wrestling of the 80’s’ DVD. They pimp the Divas DVD, and ask her about the photo shoots for that. She says that there was actually a second set of Divas who got there after the other Divas had arrived. She says she had a great time doing it, and all the SmackDown Divas had a little sleepover (ehehehe) when the DVD came out. She pimps various aspects of the DVD. Final question is what advice she can give the contestants of this years Diva Search. The answer, like the answer of EVERY DAMN DIVA that comes on the show, be yourself. Don’t try to be what you think they’re looking for. They thank her for being on the show and go to commercial break.

**Notable Joy Giovanni Quotes:

“When you get the chance to be on the microphone your true personality gets to come out. I don’t think you have to you really have the time to do anything else.”

“(on the DS last year) It’s been great, and I love being on SmackDown. I’m glad Christy won, she really deserved it. She put her whole heart and soul into it, and she’s doing an incredible job on RAW.”

“(on Big Show) He really was great. He helped me so much in the beginning.”

“Going to my first WrestleMania (21) was an incredible experience. It was amazing to be around all those guys getting inducted.”

**Only 4 quotes because this was a fairly short interview, as there are 4 guests this week as opposed to the usual 2 or 3.

They go to break and show a clip of Tomko vs Val Venus from last year. Holy shit Tomko made someone tap. This is the 4th volume of the JP Prag pimp-fest.

We’re back and next up is the Problem Solver, Tyson Tomko.[If you can even call his character a character, I suppose he’s in it.] He starts the interview by grumbling. They welcome him to the show (his first time) and dive right into talks of Captain Charisma. They pimp the title shot, and ask him his thoughts. Tomko pimps Christian, and says he will definitely be ready at Vengeance. They ask him about the ‘brewing of tension’ between Christian and John Cena. He says it’s been there for a couple of months, and mentions that Christian may still go to SmackDown! (I smell a segway!). He pimps Christians promos (as he should) and pimps RAW. He cuts a quick promo on Cena. They ask him if he takes pride in Christians rapidly growing push over the last year. He does. Tomko will do ‘anything in his power’ to help Christian get the belt. The hosts pimp Christian and ask how much Tomko has learned from being able to be around him. Tomko says it’s an honor, pimps his brawling skills, and says that Christian has really helped him with the ‘wrestling’ aspect of it (I could take a shot here, but I’m not going to.). He says it takes years to become a great wrestler, and that Christian is somewhat cutting back on that time. Marc brings up that at some point Tomko will want to do things on his own. He says yes, he can feel that starting to happen.

Email from Andre in California: Tomko, if you and Christian get separated in the draft, would you offer your services to anybody else? or look forward to starting a singles career? He replies that while he would look forward to a singles push, if he saw somebody on SmackDown! that he could align with to help his changes, he would welcome that opportunity as well. He said ‘Never say Never’… because apparently superstars are contractually obligated to say this when they are on ByteThis!. Steve asks if the tattoos mean anything or if he just thought they looked cool. He is fascinated with Egyptian symbology, and is also part Blackfoot Indian. He says the whole thing is actually not completed but he hasn’t had the time lately to get it done. They talk about tattoos for a minute (usually I’d consider this off topic, but I’ll let it slide). He thinks it’s cute that Steve has a butterfly on his shoulder (that is a joke people). They say he has been impressive lately when he has wrestled. He said he always has an agenda. He always gives 120% (that’s unique). They ask him when he knew he wanted to be part of the WWE. He says he wanted to be a wrestler so he got into the bodyguard business, where he managed to be a bodyguard for Limp Bizkit for three years (200 – 2002). They make a joke about stories (you had to hear it). Last question (and a usual one), what can we expect from Tomko in the future. He re-pimps the quest he’s on with Christian for the WWE Championship, and pimps his (eventual) solo career. They thank him and end the call.

**Notable Tyson Tomko Quotes:

“(on the title match at Vengeance) We’re going to make it happen.”

“Christian decided to go after the top dog, and that’s John Cena. He’s the champion.”

“(on Christians push) I take a lot of pride in that. There are things you see every week that look like they don’t go our way but ultimately, we’ve ended up where we wanted.”

“(on Christian) I’m honored to be out there with that guy every week.”

“I’m hungry. Being with Christian turned out to be a great opportunity, but now as this process goes on and Christian is finally getting a title shot, I look at it and say ‘this is what I want to do’ and it’s what I’m gonna do.”

“I’m Tyson Tomko, and you should go read JP Prag” (that’s 5!)

“(on his tattoos) It was a 120 hour process.” (Jesus that guy is a BEAST)

“You don’t buy a tattoo. You don’t get a tattoo. You earn a tattoo (through the pain).”

“Growing up in Florida I watch a lot of NWA and WWE; my favorite wrestlers were Arn Anderson and Bruiser Brody”

They go to commercial and show a clip of some old ECW Lance Storm match.

We’re back and it’s Dawn Marie! [ditto] They thank her for being on the show, and head into how much fun ECW One Night Stand was. She admits that prior to coming out with Lance, she had to literally fight back tears. She pimps Lance Storm and Paul Heyman. Steve asks what she was thinking when the crowd was marking out when she did her old routine. She marks out for herself for a few minutes, and they move on. Marc mentions the hot crowd, and asks her to compare it to the old ECW crowds. She said it felt like a time warp because the crowd was identical to that of old. She pimps the ECW fans, calling them ‘a different animal’. She pimps ECW shows. They get into talks of how ECW consistently had cat-fights (and mostly in lingerie, ty ladies). She discusses both on and off air feuds (nothing specific). The hosts congratulate her on her pregnancy. She pimps motherhood. She pimps the WWE, and discusses their ‘family oriented-ness’ backstage. They pimp (and show) the Viva Las Divas magazine, which they ask her about, as she is in it (how much fun she had?). She had an absolute blast, and makes a joke about dieting. She is very particular about her work. She picked and had her own bikinis hand made. They pimp her in-ring outfits. They move on to the Diva Search (…….). Marc asks ‘what does it take to win it, and last like you have?’. She lays down some advice, and mentions to not underestimate the potential this has for them. She goes on a fairly respectful analysis of the current wrestling business. She threatens the contestants if they don’t give 200%. She rants for a minute about disrespect. They thank her for being on the show, congratulate her again, and the call ends.

**Notable Dawn Marie Quotes:

“Lance is the most amazing person I’ve ever worked with”

“To be able to stand there and do our signature poses again was ….knowing it was my last time really gave me closure. I was able to absorb it and enjoy it and not take it for granted.”

“(on the fans at ONS, and she said this jokingly) It was the same fans, the same chants, the only difference was I was a little older, a little more pregnant (laughing).”

“(on cat-fights, laughing) In front of the camera and behind them too!”

“(ditto) You’re a little better in the ring when you don’t like the person you’re in there with.”

“(on her pregnancy) The WWE is a family company, they have been so welcoming with all of this.”

“I always give 150% no matter what I am doing”

“(on the Diva Search) My best advice would be… if they’re blessed enough to win, make sure you stay because you love the business.”

“I take it real personally when someone doesn’t respect my business. You give up your life and you sacrifice everything and you have love and deep passion for it, then you have somebody who comes in and doesn’t appreciate it; that’s pretty much a slap in our face.” (testify, girl!)

“There’s nothing wrong with getting your butt kicked as long as you stood up for yourself.”

They pimp the new SmackDown! magazine and pimp Torrie Wilson. They go to break and show the clip of Coach where the two Divas had huge boxing gloves and basically assaulted his manhood. Ass bite!

JP Prag #6

We’re back and it’s The Coach! This portion of the re-cap will be like JBL and Christian, because Coach is SURE to be in character, and he’s a funny ass dude (yeah, i said it haters!).

MARC: Coach, welcome to ByteThis!

COACH: Well first of all, this used to be my show. I started this show, I created this show, and I don’t appreciate the fact that you would show that clip when *I* am the main event of the evening. But go ahead Marc, asks your silly little questions. (I told you!)

STEVE: What time is it? 8:55? Okay Coach we’ve got about a minute and forty seconds, we just want your opinion real quick, do you think the 8 Diva contestants are better than last years group? and then we have to get out of here.

WHAT COACH SHOULD HAVE SAID: Steve, have they announced the 8 Diva Search contestants on RAW yet? NO, so I’m obviously not at liberty to discuss that, dumbass.

WHAT COACH DID SAY: I will go on record as saying yes, they’re better than last year. You don’t limit the Coach’s time, and secondly, these girls dirty hot; they’re are more exciting, they have more personality. I’m not saying last years were bad, but this years will be very exciting.

STEVE: Dirty Hot?

COACH: You don’t know anything about dirty hot. You don’t live in the world Coach lives in. Everyone wants to be like the Coach. They want to live in the Coaches world, and that’s what I do.

STEVE: Coach, it’s been great having ya on…

MARC: Wait wait wait… we’ve got to talk to the Coach longer than 30 seconds. Coach, Romero is sitting here plotting and scheming.

COACH: Well of course he is. You guys are obviously excited that you have a true superstar on the show, a superstar with the calibur of ‘jenasequa’ that I bring to the table.

MARC: You’ve had a chance to get inside the squared circle a few times; you were in the Royal Rumble, what’s that been like for you going from an announcer, to major character, to now inside the ring.

WHAT COACH SHOULD HAVE SAID: Marc, you’re worse than Josh Matthews.

WHAT COACH DID SAY: Well, I’ll be honest, Coach the wrestler was not something I necessarily wanted to do, but when duty calls, duty calls. A lot of people don’t realize how truly difficult it is to get inside the ring. I would never say that I am great, good, or even average when I get in there. Do I entertain? Absolutely. It is so difficult to get to where our superstars are, and that’s why there are very few that achieve that success. The last couple of years have been super, and I never thought I would get this far in the WWE.

MARC: Coach (while laughing), we’re watching the Royal Rumble, you’re cowering, holding on to the ropes as Chris Benoit is beating the crap out of you. Romero says you looked like a baby over there in the corner.

COACH: What? Romero’s sitting in the corner sucking on his thumb? That’s another story for another show. I will say this. When you look at the bottom line, when you look at the stats of how long people were in there, where does the Coach rank? That’s exactly right, the Coach ranks 5th, and I got to look at 7 guys competing for a title shot at WrestleMania. Let’s not forget that. If it wasn’t for Ric Flair and Batista DOUBLE TEAMING the Coach, I may STILL be in the ring. So don’t make fun of my tactics and the way I do things cuz it almost worked.

MARC: (as both hosts are laughing at the computer screen) Instant feedback Coach, this one person Obie Kanobi or something says: Ask Coach if his arms hurt from patting himself on the back all the time. (buuurrrnnnn)

COACH: That’s great. It’s amazing to me that the guy is even intelligent enough to find his way into the chat room. And once again, the chatroom was MY idea. Then look what happens, we get idiots like this guy typing. Unless you have something good to say (about the Coach), don’t even bother typing. The Coach doesn’t have time to answer questions from the likes of an idiot like this. (phone beeps)

STEVE:Coach do you have one of your women calling, we want to make sure we aren’t bothering you too much.

COACH: I’ll be honest, there’s one to my right, and there’s one to my left and said ‘Ladies, chill, I gotta be on ByteThis!’ because the Coach doesn’t like to get excited, come down, and then go back up again, IF you know what I’m talking about.

STEVE: The Coach is a ‘glass is half full’ kind of guy. If you see him and you say ‘Coach, I saw you with an ugly woman’, he’ll say ‘at least it was a woman’.

COACH: Lloyd, I have a lot of respect for you, I always have. But as far as Romero is concerned, he should be lucky to even SIT in a chair next to you.

STEVE: By the way Coach, I just want to thank you for dinner tonight.

COACH: Dinner tonight? Dinner tonight? I don’t know what the waitress told you where you were eating at, but you were probably sitting there all by yourself going ‘oh oh I’m Steve Romero, I’m getting ready to go do ByteThis!’ and she says ‘I don’t care, I don’t care who you are’ and then kicked you out of the restaurant. That’s the message that I sense.

MARC: Coach, Romero has been bragging the whole night that he ate dinner with the Coach and on top of that, the Coach picked up the tab. Are these all lies?

COACH: Pleeease. The Coach has not paid for dinner since ’02. It’s compt all the time, just like next week when I’m in Vegas. I’ll be in Vegas all next week. I’m going to compete in the World Poker Tournaments, I’m going to hit the nightclubs every single night, I don’t pay for ANYTHING.

MARC: If you’re going to be on World Series of Poker, have you picked out some shades?

COACH: If I make it to the final table of the particular tournament that I’m in, it will be on ESPN, and the Coach will have a brand new pair of sunglasses and some WWE paraphernalia, but let’s not jump ahead of ourselves, there’s still about 900 people I need to beat; but knowing the Coach like I know the Coach, it should not be a problem.

MARC: I team up with Steve, Coach teams up with Todd Grisham, a great team. We’ve both heard about a problem with you BOTH cheating on the golf course… what’s up?

COACH: I would rather not get into the Coach’s extra-curricular activities, but let’s just put it this way. Vengeance is a week from Sunday, live on Pay Per View… whether Todd Grisham MAKES it to Vengeance, well that’s another story. Cuz let’s face it, when you pull some of the stuff he’s been pulling on the golf course lately, I don’t care who you are, the Coach has a size 13 ready to go directly up you know where, and Grisham better be lucky I’m going straight from Phoenix after RAW on Monday, and going straight to Vegas, and not coming back to Connecticut. Otherwise, he may not get on that plane.

STEVE: You bring up Vengeance, Coach, tell us briefly your thoughts on John Cena and Kurt Angle coming over to RAW and also now the triple threat match between Jericho, Christian, and Cena, and also the HITC between Batista (Dave!) and Triple H.

COACH: You’d have to be an idiot to say that the additions of Kurt Angle and John Cena didn’t bolster an already strong RAW roster. John Cena lights up the crowd, whether you’re a fan of his or not, me personally I’m not a big fan of his, but you can’t say he doesn’t sell merchandise, you can’t say the fans don’t love him, you can’t say he’s not charismatic, but the bottom line is this: Chris Jericho and my main man C-squared, Christian, are gonna walk into Vengeance ready. Does John Cena sell merchandise? yes he does. Is he as accomplished as Jericho and Christian, absolutely not. At Vengeance, he will be exposed as the paper champion everybody knows that he is. And Christian will finally get the recognition that Christian deserves (WOOOOOO COACH WOOOOO!!!). Now, switching gears to Hell in the Cell, we’ll all seen over the last several years, Triple H be one of the best if not THE best in HITC. The weak of heart need not every apply for this match. Everybody knows the stories. He has ended careers inside a HITC. I quite frankly don’t think Batista is gonna walk out. Triple H will become the eleven time World Heavyweight Champion, and Batista might be here a year from now on ByteThis! saying ‘Coach, you correctly predicted the end of Mr. Batista’s career.’

MARC: The good thing is we won’t have to remind you of that Coach.

STEVE: Yeah Coach you never say what’s on your mind and that bothers me (chuckles).

COACH: It’s always been a problem for me (laughs) and I appreciate you bringing that up. It’s one of those situations where it’s very tough being me. People don’t understand what it’s like to be the Coach, to be this intelligent, this articulate… I mean let’s face it, everybody saw the video this past Monday night, with all those girls all over the Coach. That was just a small taste of what went down over the course of two days in Los Angeles. That’s everyday for me. Can you imagine what it must be like to get up everyday, look in the mirror, and see the Coach, and have to go through a 24 hour day dealing with being me (God this interview is fucking great). Most people cannot.

MARC: Coach, one last thing, how is Romero doing on the Softball team? He says he’s like a vacuum at third base, is that true?

COACH: The only way Romero would be a vacuum at third base, is if we put a buffet over there while he’s playing. He played the first day, then for some reason decided not to show up for a couple of weeks, and he’ll com e and say ‘Coach, put me in, I need to impress those girls’ and I’ll say ‘Why?’ because it doesn’t matter. He hasn’t played in about six weeks. He claims he’s on the Softball team, all he does is bring the beer (nothing wrong with that!)

MARC: We gotta run we appreciate you coming on the show.

STEVE: (sarcastically) Yea it was a real slice of heaven.

COACH: I wanna thank you guys for running the show late and giving the Coach all the time he needs to be as entertaining as possible.

Call ends. They make more jokes about Coach being quiet. The pimp SmackDown! They thank the guests. They pimp RAW. They pimp Vengeance. Show ends. Romero just said ‘Triple H will be on the Cabana next week’. Romero, if you just gave me a spoiler, you need to read the finisher of this column, bitch.

**Show ends**

Joy was a ..well, a joy to listen to. She really showed that she has a good grasp on the history of this business. The interview was short, but she definitely moved up a couple of notches on the “Divas I can stand” list.

Tomko was interesting because now I know more about him that the fact that he has tattoos, which is nice.

Dawn Marie got REALLY over with me on this one. Her in depth knowledge of the business really impressed me. She and Joy both moved WAY up on the ladder with me.

Coach was great as always. All you Coach haters can fuck off.


Before I start this, JP Prag #7
This weeks finisher will be spent ranting about spoilers.

SPOILERS SUCK. Anybody who gives spoilers, either in a chatroom, via email or Instant Message, or broadcasts it in the headline of a column (example: In this weeks SD Report, Orton gets drafted)… you people are fucking lame. Seriously.

Some of us who can actually control our anticipation til Thursday actually WATCH the show, and don’t want it to be boring because we know what’s going to happen. UNLESS YOU ARE DIRECTLY ASKED ABOUT A SPOILER KEEP IT TO YOUR FUCKING SELF.

Seriously, if you give spoilers in any way, shape, or form, be it wrestling, sports, television or movies, you can feel free to go play a game of Hide and Go Fuck Yourself (thanks to PrincessBytch for that gem), because you are so lame that the term ‘BumbleFuck’ is hardly adequate enough to describe the depths of your assclown-ed-ness.


….People who give spoilers are worse than newbies, AIDS, Chris Masters, annoying Mother in Laws, Cancer, the price of gas, warm stale beer, and the Diva Search… I really wish I could make that smiley where you have the two eyes and the straight line representing the mouth.


Cook, as usual.

JP Prag Yay! I did it! 8 times!

We can’t forget Hazard



And Larry one more time because I botched a column.

Entire interview can be seen / heard here.


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