wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE Great American Bash Report 06.27.04
WWE Great American Bash
Live from Norfolk VA
Announcers are Michael Cole and Tazz
Report by Widro
Torrie introduced the PPV in Uncle Sam gear.
John Cena out for a promo. Runs down his three opponents. References GI Bro!! Mad props to Cena. Cena mocks the dance and apparently Dupree cant see him.
WWE US Title Match
John Cena (c) vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Booker T. vs. Rene Dupree
Tornado rules, which means two in the ring at once, and elimination rules until there is one winner.. Booker T and RVD are on the floor. Match starts with Dupree and Cena. RVD and Dupree now going at it. Cole references a past Great American Bash where Booker T pinned Fit Finlay for the TV Title. Split legged moonsault by RVD on Dupree for 2. RVD sends Dupree to the floor and RVD gloats. Cena grabs Dupree and RVD does a somersault plancha on the floor on to both guys. RVD has Cena in trouble, Booker T in against Cena and some hot back and forth action. Dupree replaces Cena, goes for the dance, but Booker T is up and hits Rene with a spine buster. RVD to the top and he hits a frogsplash on Dupree. Cena into the ring and goes up top, RVD tosses him down. RVD goes up and hits a frogsplash on Booker T. Cena comes into the ring, rolls up RVD and RVD is the first eliminated. Booker T and Rene work together for a bit, until Dupree rolls up Booker T and they brawl. Booker T pins Dupree and its down to Cena and Booker. Booker T goes right to work after trying to cover Cena twice in a row. Booker T with a headlock for a LONG time, and Cena mounts a comeback. Booker T rebounds, sizes up Cena and goes for the ax kick, but Cena dodges, hits the F-U and retains. Good match and having Cena go through all three in one match makes him look stronger than before the match.
Winner and STILL champ: Cena
Charlie Haas and Miss Jackie congratulate Cena on his win, and he flirts with Jackie, telling her to hit him up on the 2way. Charlie does some weak flirting before Kurt Angle rolls over and rips on his former protйgй. He says his new protйgй is better and makes a match between Haas and Luther.
Sable with some inane hottub scene.
Charlie Haas w/Miss Jackie vs. Luther w/Kurt Angle
Luther uses power moves and Haas is attempting to wrestle with holds and takedowns. Haas gets beaten down and makes a comeback before tossing Haas to the floor. Luther follows and pounds on Haas on the floor. Back into the ring. Luther locks in a half crab. Haas mounts a comeback at the end, but Luther hits his finisher (a reverse Roll the Dice/Test finisher). Almost s squash.
Winner: Luther
WWE Cruiserweight Title
Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero
Some bursts of high speed action, then a pause for taunting. Repeat. Nice start and chavo goes back to work. Rey goes for a springboard, Chavo catches him but Rey reverses the reversal into a head scissors takeover. Match continues. Rey climbs the corner, but Chavo does a dropkick to Rey sending Rey tumbling to the floor. Rey selling a knee injury from the fall, and Chavo works on the knee in the ring. Chavo continues to work on Rey’s knee. Chavo is really working the knee for a while, lots of submission holds. Rey does an arm drag out of no where and Rey’s knee gives out and Chavo regains control. Rey hits a hurricanrana off the middle rope, dodges Chavo and jumps out of the corner, but his knee gives out and Chavo hangs Rey in the tree of woe. Chavo charges, and Rey sits up and Chavo hits the steel post with his shoulder. Rey goes top the top and does a senton onto Chavo on the floor! Both brawl and go up to the top rope, they are grappling for position and both pull themselves down and head first onto the mat. Both down for a bit. Rey up first and goes on offense with a dropkick and then a tilt a whirl. West Coast Pop butt plancha by Rey and gets a 2 count. Chavo reverses Rey into a Gory bomb from behind and pins Rey, but Rey kicks out. Chavo up and goes to work on the knee again. Chavo is favoring the arm. Enziguri by Rey and Chavo falls onto the middle rope. 619! Goes onto the apron, Rey goes for a huricanrana, but Chavo catches him and turns it into a half crab. Rey pokes at the bottom rope but cant get it, and Chavo pulls him into the center of the ring. Rey is fighting. Crawls to the bottom rope and crowd pops huge. Chavo goes for another Gory Bomb and it results in a couple sunset flips and Rey tosses Chavo down with the sunset flip for the pin.
Winner and STILL champ: Rey
Torrie in the hot tub with Kidman Funkai and Spike, and they argue about the Cruiserweight title until Torrie gets up and has a hot bikini on. Funaki says God Bless America.
Billy Gunn vs. Kenzo Suzuki w/Hiroko
Gunn teases a crotch chop early. Kenzo takes control early. Gunn gets a roll up but Kenzo chops him down and resumes his offense. Which is mostly punches and knees and holds. USA chants and Gunn breaks one of Kenzo’s rest holds for some chops. Gunn with some clotheslines and then a splash to the corner. Knee to the face and Kenzo covers. Tazz tried to call it a Shining Wizard but it was no where near that. Gunn with some kind of desperation slam and covers for 2. Gunn up and calls for the Fameasser, but Kenzo with a low blow and some chops. Inverse DDT position and Kenzo drops him onto his knee. That’s apparently his finisher.
Winner: Kenzo
Heyman paces backstage. Looks at Paul Bearer, who is tied up, and cuts a promo on him. Long creepy promo about how everyone thinks he’s bluffing but if the Undertaker doesn’t do the right thing, he will really kill Paul with cement.
Sable vs. Torrie Wilson
Sable with a black and red outfit with built in wedgie. Torrie has an American influenced bikini out fit. Match is about what you’d expect. Sable has a headlock of some kind. They are trying to do a real match it seems. Tazz: slapped right across the hammers, I mean, the pecks. They collide somehow and are both down. Both girls are down. Torrie up first and pulls Sable into the ring, she is “not moving” and the ref stops Torrie from attacking. Torrie is looking around looking cute and doe-eyed, and Sable SHOCKINGLY comes up from behind and rolls up Torrie for the win. The replay shows that neither of Torrie’s shoulders were down. Really awful.
Winner: Sable
The Undertaker WALKS backstage.
Dawn Marie interviews Rene Dupree backstage. He is pissed about being cheated out of the US Title. French people get even. Rene asks her to see her French Tickler and he dances. Nunzio and Johnny the Bull come by and Nunzio shows Dawn his boot. Says you know what they say about guys with big feet. She gets it after a while. Stamboli mocks Dupree, “what are you, a size 6? Stunad!”
Mordecai vs. Hardcore Holly
Holly goes on offense at first, but Mordecai quickly takes control with some slow offense. Match is fairly short and slow. Finish has Holly going for the Alabama Slam but Mordecai reversing it into the crucific powerbomb (Razor’s Edge) for the pin. These “new guy squashes” have no place on PPV.
Winner: Moredcai
WWE Title
Eddie Guerrero (c) vs. John Bradshaw Layfield
They are tied together and the bell begins. Rope on left wrist on each guy. The cowbell rings a lot as the guys go at each other. Both guys have lights on each corner (red for Eddie, green for JBL) and must hit all 4 in succession for the win. I remember Vader/Sting was a pretty decent bullrope match. I digress. Eddie with a backdrop and he has earlier control. Eddie gets 2 corners and JBL tries to stop him. JBL uses the cowbell and takes control. They brawl to the floor and the announce tables have been tossed aside. Eddie some kind of table move by tying the rope around Bradshaw’s leg and tripping him up. Eddie goes into the ring and out, putting himself and JBL on opposite sides of the ringpost. Eddie pulls JBL towards him and JBL rams into the ringpost. Eddie continues to pound on JBL. Brawling continues around the announce position and Eddie whacks JBL with a chair. Eddie has a chair and brings JBL into the ring and hits him in the head again. Bradshaw is a bloody mess. Eddie gets a quick 3 corners, reaches for the 4th but Bradshaw pulls him away. Eddie with a dropkick to the face and an elbow, but cant pull the rope close enough to the final corner. Ref waves off the three others for taking too long. Eddie takes Bradshaw and goes again for the corners. Brawling. DDT by Bradshaw. JBL gets up and gets a couple corners. Eddie uses the rope for a low blow, and goes for a couple corners. Gets only 3 corners and gets waved off. Eddie goes up top and gets a frog splash. Eddie gets three corners, but JBL rolls to the floor before Eddie can get to the 4th. JBL uses the cowbell on Eddie in the corner from the apron. JBL tosses Eddie from the ring onto the announce table but it doesn’t break and he bounces to the floor. JBL follows and hits a powerbomb, sending Eddie through the table. JBL brings Eddie back into the ring and goes around the corners. Bradshaw very close to a 4th corner, and Eddie is pulling with all his might. Bradshaw moves towards Eddie and Eddie uses the bell for a low blow and the ref waves off the lights. Eddie whips JBL with the bullrope. Both now go for corners together. Both have hit 2. And now three. Bradshaw closer to four, but Eddie stops it. Eddie jumps over Bradshaw and hits the fourth corner for the win. Kurt Angle comes out. Shows a replay of the end, and when Eddie pushes JBL into the corner, JBL hit the corner with his shoulder before Eddie hits it with his hand, and reverses the decision. Bradshaw, totally bloody, looks thrilled. Crowd is not happy. I guess a JBL guarantee is worth a hell of a lot now.
Winner and NEW champ: John Bradshaw Layfield
The Undertaker vs. The Dudley Boyz w/Paul Heyman
Paul Bearer is in a dunk tank near a cement mixer. Undertaker’s entrance is like 10 minutes. Heyman and the Dudleyz ask Taker to join then as the cement begins to pour. Bubba Ray says the right thing is to lie down. Taker stares at Heyman near the cement mixer. Taker is in really good shape. Bubba Ray continues to taunt Taker on the mic. Taker lays down after a couple mins. Bubba stands over taker and says he’s been waiting for this moment his whole life. Taker grabs Bubba by the throat, and then D’Von too, Heyman distracts Taker and the Dudleyz attack. Taker goes to work on the Dudleyz on the floor and near the announce tables. Back into the ring, and UT goes up top for old school, and Heyman says “bad dog” a lot of times at Taker and then releases tons more concrete onto Bearer as Bearer says “the Undertaker will save me” over and over. Undertaker continues the match and Heyman is not pleased. Taker takes them out and goes after Heyman down the aisle and pulls the handle again as the Dudleyz attack. The cement is chest high on Paul Bearer. Bubba Ray begs Heyman to let them take out Taker. Dvon with a headlock on Taker in the ring. Taker gets beaten for an extended stretch, then goes on the offensive. Match continues. Taker goes old school and then for a tombstone but D’von low blows him. Heyman is at ringside with the urn. Chokeslam on Bubba Ray. Tombstone on D’Von. Crosses the arms and gets the pin. Pretty decent in-ring work.
Winner: Taker
Heyman on the mic, says that since Taker wont do the right thing, he will have to do the right thing. The lights go out and lightnigh strikes Heyman in the arena, with the implication that Taker summoned the lightning. Taker follows Heyman as Heyman crawls away screaming. Crowd chants for Taker. Taker puts his hands on his hips and stares at Paul Bearer and gets on his knee and bows to Paul Bearer as his music begins. Taker goes up to the lever near the cement mixer and his music suddenly stops. Taker looks over at Paul Bearer and has a mic! He says “Paul, I have no other choice. Rest. In. Peace” Then pulls the lever and the cement covers the rest of Paul Bearer, apparently murdering him. Yikes.
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