wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE NXT Report 09.07.10

September 7, 2010 | Posted by Steve Cook

Hi, hello and welcome to 411’s NXT Report! I’m Steve Cook, filling in for Michael Bauer. He’ll be back next week, but tonight we’ve got the premiere of Season 3. Let’s get it started…

Hey, it’s a new theme song. No more WILD & YOUNG! Instead…..YOU MAKE THE RAIN FALL! We do get pyro. Michael Cole & Josh Mathews welcome us to Baltimore, Maryland. Cole is excited, and Josh gets to learn how to be a diva.

Matt Striker introduces the WWE Pros, who introduce their rookies.

Kelly Kelly introduces Naomi. Nikki & Brie Bella introduce Jamie. Primo introduces the favorite of Cook Nation & Michael Cole (oh no), A.J.. Alicia Fox introduces Maxine. Cole says that Maxine is “defined”. Haw! Goldust introduces Aksana. EXCUSE ME! Vickie Guerrero talks about how she fired Aloisia, who had to learn the hard way that she may be taller than Vickie, but she will never ever be bigger than her. She introduces her new Rookie Diva, almost as pretty as Vickie, Kaitlyn. Cute blonde with the typical WWE Diva look, which is a good thing. No idea who she is. I’ll have to do some research on this one.

Matt gives us the talk about how Divas are smart, sexy, and powerful. They will be tested on those requirements as the competition goes on. 50% of the vote comes from the pros, 50% from the WWE Universe. Time to meet the Rookie Divas!

Kaitlyn kisses up to Striker. She’s not just the girl next door. She exploded mailboxes. She’s the girl that gave us our first kiss and a wedgie two seconds later. She won homecoming queen and class clown in the same night. There’s something different about her.

Aksana is about to talk, but Vickie interrupts her. She’s not impressed with Kaitlyn and tells her to do it again. Well, this has already broken down. Kaitlyn is so excited to have Vickie as her pro. Vickie likes that. She will give us all wedgies. Fantastic.

Now Aksana may talk. She calls herself a billion dollar baby from Lithuania. She follows her dreams and her heart. I kind of lost her after that, but she talks about her favorite colors being black & gold like Goldust. Let her entertainment you.

Maxine steps forward. She doesn’t know what Aksana said either. She has three senses. A business sense, street sense & common sense. The average person is lucky to have any of those qualities. She’s not average. She is a triple threat…in a skirt. The only position for her in WWE is at the top.

AJ says Maxine needs a hug. Being on NXT is a dream come true for her. She’s done nothing her whole life but want to be a Diva and she has worked her butt off to get there. She has all sorts of goals and there isn’t one thing that will stop AJ.

Jaime is a Florida girl and is ready to be part of the greatest entertainment in the whole world. It’s her honor to compete in front of us. She never puts less than 110% into everything she does. Look at her! If you say so. She looks forward to earning that right.

Naomi thinks that the WWE Universe has been missing something, her. She’s a fighter. She doesn’t back down and won’t be intimidated. Talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words. Her actions will prove why she’ll be the NXT breakout star.

Matt says that the first NXT Rookie Challenge is coming up next! The group dances as we head to commercial. Sadly, Goldust & Primo don’t dance.

We’re back and it’s time for the Rookie Diva Challenge. The first elimination will be in four weeks…whichever rookie wins the most challenges will be immune from elimination then. Tonight: a Diva Dance Challenge! The Baltimore audience will judge this one. Matt thinks that they need somebody to dance with, so he volunteers Michael Cole for the gig! Cole’s got his big red socks on for the occasion, and a pimp hat! Matt drops a Big Bully Busick reference and I wonder how much people are going to laugh at me when they read my news column tomorrow.

Naomi dances first. Naomi shows some impressive splits while Cole does Cole type things. Jamie shakes her groove thing. Matt mercifully gives Cole a break. AJ is next, and she gets to dance with Tony Chimel! He gets the pimp hat. AJ wraps Tony’s tie around him and wears his hat. Now that‘s the kind of dancer I can work with. Naomi‘s out of my class. Maxine does a little dance. It seems the girls are more willing to get close to Tony. Don’t ask me why. He gets a break & Aksana gets Josh Mathews as a partner. Josh gets in the ring in quite the hurry. He’s a sentimental dancer! I think he’s proposing to her! Good God. Kaitlyn does the robot. Wow. This has completely broken down.

Cook’s NXT Diva Dance Rankings:

1. Naomi
2. AJ
3. Jamie
4. Maxine
5. Kaitlyn
6. Aksana

Cook’s NXT Staff Dance Rankings:

1. Michael
2. Tony
3. Josh

Poor Aksana & Kaitlyn were hampered by Mathews’ lame performance. And if we’re being honest, Naomi should have won this hands down anyway because she has more dancing experience than the others. Let’s see what the audience thinks!

Naomi gets a good pop. Jamie gets boos. AJ gets a nice pop. Maxine gets boos. Aksana gets boos. Kaitlyn gets a mix. Naomi sounds like the winner to me. Striker punks out Cole, and announces Naomi as the winner. No dispute here.

Next: Kelly Kelly & Naomi vs. Alicia Fox & Maxine!

Match 1: Divas Tag Team Match
Alicia Fox & Maxine vs. Kelly Kelly & Naomi

I was impressed with what I saw from Naomi in FCW. Her wardrobe needs work though. Neon green pants? What is this, 1990? Maxine has a nice white outfit on. Alicia & Kelly start. Alicia whips Kelly, Kelly with the screaming flying head scissors, then a rana gets a 1 count. Wristlock, tag to Naomi, headlock, Naomi with a nice roll up for two. Alicia takes over. Naomi dodges her, hit’s a nice dropkick and a butt butt for two. Alicia with a tiltawhil backbreaker for two. Tag to Maxine, she rams Naomi into the corner. Shoulderblocks, Maxine works her over in the corner. Vertical suplex gets two. Tag to Alicia. Snap mare into a rear chinlock. Naomi jaw jacks her, but Alicia prevents the tag. She tags in Maxine, who snap mares her, Naomi with a quick small package, and she steals one!

Winners: Kelly Kelly & Naomi

Afterwards, Kelly & Alicia continue fighting on the outside, and Naomi & Maxine continue the match in the ring. Naomi suplexes Maxine and covers her. Huh.

Well, I’m going to guess that what happened was that the referee wasn’t supposed to count to three on the small package. No idea why Kelly & Alicia didn’t break that up and instead went outside to do their own thing. They heard the bell and they’re the senior members in the match, so it’s on them to make sure that the rookies know what’s going on. They screwed up. The match itself was decent, but the complete breakdown at the end was inexcusable. I have no idea how to rate this debacle.

Up Next: A Capture The Flag Race!

We’re back, and it’s time for a Capture The Flag race. There are stations at various parts of the arena, each with one less flag than the one before it. The Divas run away before Striker yells go. Jamie is eliminated when she doesn’t get one of the five flags at Station 1. That first flag collection resembled a Chinese fire drill. AJ is eliminated at Station 2. Well, she’s short and those flags are high. Aksana is eliminated at Station 3. Kaitlyn is eliminated at Station 4. It’s down to Maxine & Naomi, and Naomi takes it! She won the two competitions and her first match…a pretty big night for Naomi! I think Maxine would have had a better chance if she didn’t whack herself on the barricade before getting to Station 4.

Naomi is so excited. The crowd does appreciate her excitement. She’s got a long way to go. Kelly is happy. Seems like we have a standout in the athletic department.

Tonight: A Mixed Tag Team Match!

But now: A Special Look at Legendary.

We get an in-depth look at Jamie. She was big into cheerleading, and went into weightlifting from there. She was in nursing school, but didn’t have an aptitude for it. She loves WWE. She’s ready to get in the ring, compete & win. She’s looked up to Trish Stratus and wants to be a role model for women. She’s sexy, strong & unstoppable.

Match 2: Mixed Tag Team Match
Goldust & Aksana vs. Primo & AJ

I don’t know what to expect from this. AJ was the best in-ring Diva in FCW, while Aksana was probably the worst. At least Goldust & Primo can be counted on to keep things under control. Josh wants AJ. so one can assume that Aksana turned him down. Primo & Goldust start. Dust with an arm drag. Primo pushes him and gets rolled up for two while the other Pros look on. Goldust with the uppercut. Tags to AJ & Aksana. Shoulder block, clothesline and a slam by Aksana. Legdrop by Aksana gets two. Nice selling by AJ. Whip reversed, Aksana with a backbreaker gets two. Forearm by Aksana, AJ kicks Aksana, whip reversed, AJ with a counter into a bulldog gets a three count!

Winners: Primo & AJ

Not long enough to go more than *½ or so, but AJ looked good in putting over Aksana’s somewhat awkward looking offense over.

Vickie yells EXCUSE ME and takes Kaitlyn down to the ring. Kaitlyn looks excited. Vickie wants her to introduce herself one more time to the WWE Universe. Primo says it’s AJ’s moment and wonders why they’re out there. I guess Primo’s a good guy again, at least on this show. AJ tells Vickie to go away. Kaitlyn tries to sic her, but then AJ pushes her into Vickie! Vickie goes completely insane. Well, more so than usual. Kaitlyn calls after her, but Vickie storms off as Primo & AJ celebrate in the ring. Michael Cole has turned on AJ, so now I feel good about supporting her.

So long and good night, everybody!


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Steve Cook

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