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411’s WWE Raw Report 10.11.10

October 11, 2010 | Posted by Daniel Wilcox

411’s WWE Raw Report 10.11.10

Championship Roll Call:
WWE Champion: Randy Orton
World Champion: Kane
United States Champion: Daniel Bryan
Intercontinental Champion: Dolph Ziggler
WWE Tag Team Champions: Dashing Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre
Unified Divas Champions: LayCool

Set for Bragging Rights:
WWE Championship: Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett
The Miz’s Team Raw vs. Big Show’s Team SmackDown


No opening intro on Raw tonight, live from Seattle, Washing, as we open with John Cena apparently in good spirits despite still sporting the Nexus arm band. Mixed reaction for Cena as you’d expect. Cena appreciates the fans in attendance, as he needs to know that they haven’t lost hope. Last week he heard them chanting he’d never heard before, “never give up.” He has never and he will never give up. Cena wants to set the record straight. He took a risk at Hell in a Cell and the fact is that he lost. He made a deal and now he is a member of the Nexus. Now he has to take orders from Wade Barrett and if he doesn’t, he’s fired. He says there’s no option to go to SmackDown either, he’d have to leave WWE. He’s heard the fans cheer and he’s heard them boo but he gets excited to come out every week and this is what he loves. If he didn’t have this he doesn’t know what else he’d be doing. He’s between a rock and a hard place and we may have to see him do some things that he doesn’t want to do. That’s the type of guy that Wade Barrett is.

The Miz is here! Cole informs us it’s Mr. Money in the Bank’s birthday. Alex Riley is here too. Miz mocks Cena not wanting to lose support and says he’s in luck because Miz is the captain of Team Raw to face Show and co. at Bragging Rights. Miz doesn’t assemble teams based on personal assessment, which is why he is here to offer Cena a spot on the team so they can avenge last year’s lost and Big Show’s betrayal. Cena likes the idea but has a problem with Miz being captain and likens it to Betty White doing a Playboy shoot – a lot of us would look at it, but it’d be a disaster. Cena wants to captain Raw. Miz shoots him down and here comes Wade Barrett.

Barrett doesn’t care about Raw and SmackDown – he needs Cena’s undivided attention on one thing, and that’s being in Wade’s corner at Bragging Rights and he won’t let this get in the way. Cena wants to do both but Barrett won’t allow it. Riley says Cena should listen to Barrett because Miz could cash-in at Bragging Rights and leave as WWE Champion. Miz points out Riley has taken away the element of surprise but says he’s right.

Our Anonymous GM, via Michael Cole, informs us that although Cena answers to Barrett, Wade and everyone else answers to him. He wants the best Raw team possible hence a series of matches have been arranged with the winners going to Bragging Rights. There can only be one captain and he doesn’t want the potential for betrayal like last year. So The Miz will face John Cena one on one with the winner captaining Team Raw. Miz says he will be victorious tonight, and maybe he will cash in at Bragging Rights and become champion. And there’s nothing Barrett can do about it. Barrett strikes Miz only for Riley and Miz to double team Barrett. Cena initially watches on until Barrett waves for his help. Cena cleans house and hits Alex Riley with the AA! Cena stands tall before a heated exchange with Barrett that we can’t hear.


We recap the antics from last week involving Ted DiBiase, Maryse and Goldust.

Bragging Rights Qualifier: Ted DiBiase w/ Maryse vs. R-Truth w/ Eve

Eve and Truth are actually a great fit. Eve is smoking. Go behind and blows by Ted, Truth fights back, avoids a couple of attacks and hits a leg lariat for 2. DiBiase fights out of a headlock and hits a clothesline before going on the attack with rights for a 1 count. Stiff kick to the ribs. DiBiase doesn’t have his Million Dollar Championship tonight. A back breaker gets 2 for DiBiase, but he runs into a boot by Truth in the corner. Couple of clotheslines by Truth, followed up by a snap powerslam for 2. Sitout suplex gets 2 for Truth. Truth comes off the ropes into a spinebuster from DiBiase for 2. Ted sets for Dream Street but here’s Goldust and Aksana. Truth gets a roll up for 2! The Lie Detector connects and it’s over!

Winner: R Truth
Fun little match for the time that they were given. Truth is a good addition to Team Raw and the Goldust/DiBiase feud continues. It’s good to see Goldust getting some much-deserved TV time with an actual angle.


Bragging Rights: John Morrison vs. Tyson Kidd

Well this should be fun. This was meant to be a Triple Threat also involving DH Smith, but Smith is nowhere to be found. Morrison sends Kidd to the floor early and looks for a suicide dive, but Kidd blocks it with a stiff kick, which earns him a 2 count. Morrison fights out of a chinlock and hits a dropkick catching Kidd coming off the ropes. Rights by Morrison in the corner and he is amped up. A flying leg lariat gets him another 2 count. Reverse elbow by Morrison, goes for the Flying Chuck, but Kidd leaps to the second rope and hits a Russian leg sweep, nice! Sharpshooter attempt once the cover fails and it’s locked in. Morrison rolls over and kicks Kidd to the floor. Kidd slingshots over the top and they exchange roll ups for 2. Morrison catches Kidd with the C4 and that is all!

Winner: John Morrison
Again, very short but a very fun match between these two. People will complain about the break up of the Hart Dynasty but Kidd has a lot of potential as a singles guy. Hopefully Morrison adopts Paul Burchill’s old finisher as his own, but keeps Starship Pain for the bigger guys. **¼

In the back, Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty won’t clue Nexus in on their deal with Barrett. Wade shows up and tells Husky and Michael to take a walk. Barrett wants to know what’s up with Otunga’s offer to Cena next week. Otunga offers to face Randy Orton tonight, but if you really want to injure Orton before, Bragging Rights, Justin Gabriel’s your man. It’ll be Orton vs. Gabriel tonight. 450 countered into an RKO anyone?


They’re giving us matches thick and fast tonight.

Bragging Rights Qualifier: Santino Marella vs. Zack Ryder

Kozlov retreated, not wanting to accompany Santino tonight. Crowd is hot for Santino. Ryder dominates early and chokes Marella on the middle rope. King asks Cole what a tool is, because if anyone would know… A running kick gets Ryder a trio of 2 counts. Ryder misses his finishers and that sets Santino up for the Cobra! COBRA CONNECTS! SANTINO WINS!

Winner: Santino Marella
I thoroughly expected Sheamus to show up and take out both men, because neither deserve a spot on the team or the pay-per-view. The match was about a minute long and a waste of time. ¼*

Tamina shows up post match and celebrates Santino. Who knew this angle was still going on?


Justin Gabriel w/ Heath Slater and David Otunga vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton

Big pop for Orton as you’d expect. Kick to the thigh by Gabriel. One to the gut by Orton. Gabriel sent to the corner, takes a clothesline and rolls to the floor only for Orton to follow him out and throw him back in. the rest of Nexus look to get involved, so Orton boots Otunga in the gut. Nexus get sent to the back as we go to break.

Commercial. So, The Social Network, any good?

Back from the break with Gabriel running right into a dropkick for 2. Orton slingshots Gabriel into the second rope and covers for yet another 2 count. Orton whips Gabriel hard into the turnbuckles and earns another near fall. Gabriel comes back though with a series of kicks and floors Orton with a heel kick. Gabriel connects with a hilo from the apron and Orton just barely kicks out. Boots in the corner now by Gabriel, and the beatdown continues with various nefarious chokes. Orton fights back with rights an a European uppercut. Gabriel counters with a jawbreaker though and a low dropkick right to the jaw of Orton for 2. Gabriel applies a resthold, Orton fights out but Gabriel buries a knee into the gut and gets another 2 count. He goes right back to the resthold as an “Ash Him” sign pops up in the third row. Orton fights back and hits a back suplex and both men are down. Kicks by Gabriel, a big one misses and Orton hits his backbreaker, but Gabriel again kicks out. Another European uppercut connects and a big couple of clotheslines. Scoop slam by Orton! A nice throw by Orton gets another 2 count before Gabriel kicks the knee out from under Orton. Gabriel up top, 450MISSES! Well, it was supposed to, but Orton rolled the wrong way and Gabriel landed on his back. Orton’s nursing his shoulder as both men get to their feet. RKO! Done!

Winner: Randy Orton
Replays show Gabriel landed right on the shoulder at the end there. I think Orton was just selling, but expect conspiracy theorists to suggest Orton is going to try and get Gabriel released first thing in the morning. Anyway, this was a really good TV match with Gabriel again looking a threat against one of the top stars on Raw. **¾

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan in a rematch from next week is up next.


We get a trailer for Knucklehead starring Big Show. It looks shit, but Big Show’s always had a great comedic side so who knows, it might not totally blow.

Bragging Rights Qualifier: Sheamus vs. United States Champion Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan gets a standing ovation in his home state. Cole says this guy is a tool. His nameplate isn’t hanging off this week, so who knows he may fair better against then Celtic Warrior than he did last week. If he doesn’t, at least you’ll all have something to complain about for the next seven days.

Bryan attacks on the bell with a big knee and a flurry of strikes. Goes for the LeBell lock quickly and Sheamus bails. Plancha over the top but Bryan gets caught. Bryan slips out the back door and hits a dropkick sending Sheamus into the ring post. Inside for 2. Big “Daniel Bryan” chant. Bryan runs into the Irish Curse to kill his momentum dead. Big clothesline connects for Sheamus and gets a 2 count. Sheamus sends Bryan flying with a beale and now goes on the attack with clubbing blows to the chest. Sheamus slows Bryan’s comeback from a resthold, but gets clocked with a running forearm. Kicks to the chest from Bryan, and they’re stiff, and one right to the head! One, two, thr-NO! Sheamus sends Bryan to the apron, up top, MISSILE DROPKICK! 2 count only for Bryan. Sheamus kicks out of another submission hold and the Irish hammer floors Bryan. Those vicious knees from last week almost provoke another disqualification. Bryan is out cold, it seems. He rolls through a High Cross attempt and nearly gets three! Brogue Kick connects! Sheamus qualifies!

Winner: Sheamus
Awesome little match here and a great follow up to last week. The crowd was hot for Daniel Bryan and that helped a lot, but they also played it perfectly with Bryan getting some really close near falls. Sheamus gets the win, Bryan comes out looking strong and everyone’s forgotten about the “burial” of last week. Perfect booking here. ***¼

R Truth asks Cena what’s up in the back. Cena joining Nexus isn’t sitting well with the rest of the locker. If Cena was told to take one of the boys out, he’d have to do it and Cena agrees. Truth understands but says there is another way out of this; just quit.


“Not Broken” by Goo Goo Dolls is the Bragging Rights theme.

We get a video package highlighting all the WWE does for the troops. Vote for Linda!

Bragging Rights Qualifier: Evan Bourne vs. CM Punk

So Punk is traded to Raw for Edge. Quick start by both men, it goes to the floor early, Punk blocks a rana off the apron and LAUNCHES Bourne into the barricade. He’s dead. Punk rolls him inside for 2. Vicious elbows get another 2 count. Front face lock applied now by Punk. Bourne comes back and avoids a charge in the corner. Kicks by Bourne and a spinning heel kick. Front kick misses, leaping heel kick does not! Bourne up top, but Punk is up quickly and crotches Bourne on the top. Go2Sleep and Bourne is done!

Winner: CM Punk
Another good but short match and there’s obvious disappointment because this could’ve been so much more if given even just a few extra minutes. Still, fun for what it was and the post-match stuff was great. **

After the match, Punk continues the assault, dumping Bourne to the floor and tossing him into the barricade. He then takes Bourne shoulder-first into the ring post. ANACONDA VICE! It’s back. Referee can’t get Punk off as Punk says it’s nothing personal. Punk is mad, and the crowd is split.

Commercial break.

We see replays off what just went down. Apparently Mark Henry is attending to a personal issue and wasn’t here to help.

In the ring, Natalya runs down LayCool. Bret Hart taught her to always stand up for herself. The only thing they’ll be throwing in two weeks at Bragging Rights is a temper tantrum when she takes their title. LayCool interrupt, which they’re sorry to do, but all they were hearing was “bla bla bla.” But seriously, they totally respect her courage because day after day she comes out on national television, knowing we’re in HD, meaning the whole world can see all her flaws including the fact she inherited her dad’s facial hair. She has to shave before every show, and they show a photoshop of the Anvil’s beard on Natalya. Natalya congratulates them on proving that they’re the most annoying divas in the WWE. And after tonight, they’re only confirming that their IQ is lower than their combined non-existent waist size. They take it as a compliment. They’re the best there is, was and ever will be. All the Divas respect them and love them. In two weeks, Natalya will love them too. Real talk!

They leave but all the Divas show up on the ramp and force LayCool back to ringside. Natalya gets Layla in the ring and applies the sharpshooter! McCool pulls her out of the ring and the Divas chase the champs off through the crowd.


Bragging Rights:
WWE Championship:
Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett w/ John Cena
Team Raw vs. Team SmackDown
Unified Diva’s Championship: Michelle McCool or Layla vs. Natalya

Bragging Rights Captain Qualifier, No Disqualification: The Miz w/ Alex Riley vs. John Cena

This is now No DQ, apparently. Michael Cole calls Justin Bieber a rap singer. Cole also says Undertaker is returning to SmackDown this week after the betrayal at Hell in a Cell. Crowd is hot at the get go as they lock up. Side headlock by the Miz, followed up by a shoulder block. Cena leap frogs a charge and gets a hip toss. Cena chases Miz around ringside but takes a clothesline from Alex Riley as we go to commercial.


Back live and Cena reverses a whip; and hits a bulldog for a 2 count. Crowd is hot! Cena runs straight into a back elbow in the corner and Mr. Money in the Bank is on top with rights. Cena gets thrown to the outside and Riley moves in again, drilling Cena with a right hand. Miz bounces Cena’s head off of the announce table. On the table, Skull Crushing Finale attempt, Cena blocks it, gets Miz up for the AA, but Miz slips out and shoves Cena off of the table and into the barricade! That barricade is taking a pounding tonight. Miz tries to take Cena into the ringsteps but Cena fights back. Miz hits the steel now. Cena takes out Riley with a right, charges at Miz, but Miz moves the padding off the barricade and Cena runs ribs-first into the exposed steel. Nice. Back inside and Miz covers for 2. The corner clothesline misses however, and Cena scores with a couple of shoulder tackles. Protobomb! 5 Knuckle Shuffle! AA countered again and a boot to the face of Cena gets a 2 count. Miz fights out of an STF attempt and hits a backbreaker, neckbreaker combination! One, two, thr-NO! Riley hands Miz the Money in the Bank briefcase, swings and misses! STF! Miz crawls toward the ropes but Cena pulls him back. Riley in, but he gets taken out at the knee. STF to Riley and he taps. AA attempt on Miz, but here comes Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty. Swinging neckbreaker by McGillicutty. Splash by Harris. Miz covers and gets 3!

Winner: The Miz
Another good match. The crowd was hot, the false finishes were well done and all in all it was a very good TV main event. ***

Team Raw: The Miz (captain), John Morrison, R Truth, Sheamus, Santino Marella, CM Punk and a seventh TBA

Harris and McGillicutty are back in the ring and Cena is on the assault! Wade Barrett is out and pulls Cena off. Cena swings at Barrett but stops. They go nose to nose and our Anonymous GM has an announcement. If Husky Harris and Mike McGillicutty, they get involved officially. Next week, they will compete in a tag team match against John Cena and Randy Orton!

Barrett calls it interesting. He’s decided he wants to add his spin to it. If Cena loses, Harris and McGillicutty are to be inducted into the Nexus. Barrett is sure Cena will do the right thing next week. Cena squares up to him again and Barrett thinks Cena would love to drop him right here, for the WWE Universe and CeNation. But he won’t do a thing. It’s got nothing to do with the GM, it’s because he’s scared. Cena’s a carried, yellow-bellied, spineless. Barrett would embarrass him just like he did at Hell in a Cell. Barrett was wrong in thinking Cena was a real man. Barrett turns his back on Cena and says Cena doesn’t have the guts. Barrett calls Cena a disgrace and says he’s let everybody down. Cena goes to leave, stops, reconsiders and then leaves. Barrett tells him to wait. Barrett tells Cena he can’t see him.


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Daniel Wilcox

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