wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE Raw Report 4.6.20

Welcome to Monday Night RAW! I hope you have your drinks ready, because tonight – for the first time ever – we will have a 411’s WWE RAW Report Drinking Game! It starts in about an hour, so get ready!
We start with a match. Well I’ll be…
Match 1: Liv Morgan vs Asuka
Asuka starts with a lot of yelling. Morgan fights her with some rights but eats ass from the hip attack by Asuka. Liv shoes Asuka, Asuka tries for a high kick, Morgan ducks it and rolls Asuka up for 1..2.N!O! Kick to Asuka. She hits the ropes. Head scissors, but Asuka hits a drop toe hold into the 2nd buckle. Liv with a bck elbow Liv bounces off the 2nd rope onto Asuka, forcing her to the outside. Asuka sends Liv into the apron on the outside. Asuka rolls her back in. Liv flips through the ropes and hits a head scissors then runs right into a boot.
We return to Asuka hitting a hard knee and a cover for 1..2..NO!!! Asuka kicks Liv around a bit in the face, shouting in her native tongue as she does so. Liv ducks one and rolls Asuka up for 1..2..NO!!! Liv with a right hand. Liv bounces Asuka’s face off of her knees. Enziguri from Liv. She steps on Asuka’s head, stomping her face into the mat. Pin for 1..2..NO!!! Liv goes for a quick pin, but Asuka with a sick German. Shining Wizard to Liv’s face, and a pin for 1..2…NO!!! Liv with a foot on the ropes! Asuka grabs Liv and sends her into the ropes, but Liv reverses, Asuka holds the ropes, Liv hops, Asuka sits her on the ropes. Asuka with a submission. Liv rolls back for 1..2..NO!!!!
Asuka stands, still holding the head, Liv reaches for the ropes, Asuka with an arm drag, she grabs the arm. ASUKA LOCK!!! Liv gives up.
Winner: Asuka
Look at lil Liv doin work…
Match Quality: **
Personal Enjoyment: ***
Total Rating: **1/2
After Mania, Becky had some words with Charley about her near loss. Becky says nothing she does is an accident, everything is calculated. How good was Shayna? Becky says incredible. She never underestimated her. She has been a top rate cage fighter for 10 years straight and longest champ in NXT. Her skillset is unmatched, but tonight was a test of skill over heart, and Becky has the heart. Charley asks what’s next, and Becky says that if Shayna has a problem with the finish, she knows where to find Becky.
Rules to be posted soon….
Match 2: WWE RAW Tag Team Championship Match
The Street Profits vs Angel Garza and Austin Theory
Garza and Dawkins to start. Dawkins slaps away a lockup. Tag to Theory. Side headlock into the ropes, and a shoulder tackle to follow. More rope work and Dawkins with another tackle. Tag to Ford. He flies in, hits a dropkick, then sends Garza into Theory with a flapjack. Two dropkicks, and this is exactly what happened at Mania…
Back and Theory rolls into a standing position and hits a dropkick. Theory with a front faced headlock. Dawkins backs him into the corner and Garza tags himself in. He attacks the back and works the arm. Garza switches to the leg and cinches it around his knee. Tag to Theory. He comes in and stomps Dawkins on the chest, ignoring Garza’s work on the leg. Rookie. Theory mounts and hits some rights. Kick from Theory. He works the arm and hooks the chin. Theory up to try and superkick but Dawkins drops his ass hard. Tag to Garza. Tag to Ford. Springboard crossbody. Clotheslnie to Garza. Another. Dropkick. DDT. Ford to the top rope. Zelina grabs the leg. Garza hits a high kick.
Zelina hops on the apron. He enters the ring, and we get exactly what happened last night happen again. WE get a DQ.
Winners: The Street Profits
Could have just done this without the nearly move for move match from Mania…
Match Quality: *
Personal Enjoyment: *
Total Rating: *
Belair gets some promo time then calls out Zelina for a match.
Match 3: Zelina Vega vs Bianca Belair
The girls have their respective homies chilling outside the ring. Belair starts with a shove. Lockup and she sends Zelina down face first this time. Zelina shoves her then locks herself up in the ropes. Side headlock form Belair. She gets slapped by Zelina then rfabs her hair and beats her on th back. Stomps send Zelina away into the corner. Hair toss from Belair, and another. Belair rushes the corner with a shoulder then lifts Zelina. Zelina floats down for a crucifix, but Belair back flips over her. She goes for a shoulder, but Zelina moves! Kick to the face. Zelina chokes Belair up a bit then rolls through for a pin. 1..NO!!! Stomp to the back. DDT to Belair. Pin for 1..2..NO!!
Zelina tries for a submission, but Belair stands with her strength and sends Zelina towards her front, then hits a suplex. Belair eats a kick from Zelina. She dives, Belair catches her, presses her in the air and does a few squats then drops Vega on the mat. Belair looks to hit the ropes, but Theory gets on the apron to stop her. In come Ford who beats dat ass. He sends Theor into the ring and beats Theory down.
Belair beats down Vega, and the ref calls for the bell.
Winner: No Contest
Neither of the girls touched or were touched by someone else…so that DQ was unfounded. But here comes the six-person.
Match Quality: **
Personal Enjoyment: *
Total Rating: *1/2
Match 4: The Street Profits and Bianca Belair vs
Theory and Dawkins to start. Tag to Ford and they do the move they did fifteen minutes ago. So that’s great. Ford flips out of the corner and hits a dropkick. Thoery attacks from behind, sending Ford to the outside. Theory follows and sends Ford back in, then kicks his ribs in. Thoery attacks the back. Hard chop from Theory. Stomps in the corner from Austin. Garza with a cheap shot. Theory is in afte ra tag and has Ford in a sleeper hold on the mat. Tag to Belair. Tag to Zelina. Belair misses a clothesline, gets hit with a kick, headsc—noooo Belair catches and drops a back breaker. She hits the ropes, kicking Theory, and slams down on Zelina for 1..2.NO!!! Garza grabs the leg. Ford runs, and gets kicked in the face, but dawkins is there to truck him down. He chases Garza backstage.
In the ring, Belair with the Glam Slam into the top turnbuckle. She gets Zelina on her shoulders. KOD. Pin for 1..2…3!!!!
Winners: The Street Profits and Bianca Belair
Good for Belair. She’ll get that crowd soon enough.
Match Quality: **
Personal Enjoyment: **
Total Rating: **
Lashley backstage says he needs new management…or a new wife. In comes Lana who wants to know what they’re talking about. Lashley walks away, saying nothing, then Lana asks Charley what she did to her husband.
Match 5: Apollo Crews vs Aleister Black
Lockup and Black with a side headlock. Crews escapes a chinlock and gets a side headlock of his own in. Apollo to the mat. Black covers for 1. NO! Black works the arm from behind. He grabs Apollo, works him back down to the mat, Apollo ducks under an arm, he gets behind Black Black turns into a hold, flips Apollo over and gets a cravat from behind. Black turns into the hold. He stands, steps forward and works the arm. Front face lock. Apollo grabs the leg, tries fo ra take down, takes it into a side headlock. Shoulder tackle from Apollo. He flips over Black, Black rolls over Apollo, sits, and Apollo heads to the outside, not falling for the mind games.
We return and Phillips does a horrible job in reminding us that the RAW after Mania is great, and this is not. Apollo with some rights to the face and Black responds with a kick, only to eat a dropkick. Apollo heads to the outside. Black kicks him in the chest. He rushes, and Apollo hits an overhead belly to belly! Cover in the ring for 1..2..NO!!! Apollo sends him over the top rope onto the apron face first and back. Apollo stomps the head of Black. Black grabs the leg and tries to pull Apollo outside. Apollo kicks him away. Moonsault off the apron.
Back from a break and Apollo hits a splash in the corner then a hard clothesline in the middl of the ring. Cover for 1..2.N!O!! Cravat from behind. Black is able to escape and kicks the thigh then the back fo the leg then trips up Apollo. He runs from the corner. Powerslam from Apollo! A pollo is about to go for the standing moonsault, but Black attacks the leg. Enziguri from Apollo. Apollo with a powerbomb to Black! Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Right hand from Apollo. Another. Another and another. He continues to beat down Apollo till Black kicks him, only for Apollo to hit a hard clothesline! Apollot to the top rope! Flies. MISSES! Black with a kneebar!!! Black lets it go. Apollo rolls around. Black lifts Apollo by the boot, Apollo ducks under a kick and hits one of his own. Another miss from Black. Enziguri sends Black to the outside!!
After another break, Black is stuck on the top rope .He dives, rolls through, sweeps the leg, and hits a knee to the face. Black with a moonsault. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Black grabs the leg. Crews kicks him. Black stomps him. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Black grabs the leg, double hook, Apollo sends him flying, dropkick! Crews with a bearhug. Black hits some kicks. Apollo sends him into the corner back first. Kick to the knee. Black on the top rope. High kick from Apollo. Apollo sets Black up in the corner. He climbs the top rope. Attack to the back. He locks the head. SUPERPLEX off the top rope! Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Strikes from Black, but Apollo with a surprise powerbomb! Pin for 1..2..NO!!! Standing moonsault. Shooting star! Pin for 1..2..NO!!! Apollo to the top rope. Black up, too. Apollo sends him down. Flying from the top, and Black hits him with a knee!
He lifts Apollo by the chin with his boot. Black Mas—no! Apollo dodges, ducks, BLACK MASS. Pin for 1..2..3!!
Winner: Aleister Black
On any other night that had a crowd, especially the Monday after Mania, this may very well have been amazing and something to make Apollo off of, and yet…
Match Quality: ****
Personal Enjoyment: **
Total Rating: ***
Match 6: Cedric Alexander and Ricochet vs Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan
Cedric to start, eating some uppercuts from both guys. They trade blows back and forth. Chop from Burch, sends Cedric down hard. Cedric is able to escape a submission and dropkick the leg then tag in Ricochet. He comes in, hits a right, kick to the stomach, knee to the face. Ricochet runs into a kick then hits one to the top rope. Hurricanrana from the mat. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Burch kicks Cedric out of the ring. He grabs Ricochet. Riccohet sends Burch to the outside. Lorcan is still stirring. He grabs Ricochet with a suplex attempt, but Ricochet lands on his feet. Tag form Cedric. Atomic Drop. Enziguri. Shooting Star Press. Tag to Ricochet.
Cedric with a springboard kick into a Recoil as Cedric sends Burch to the mat outside. Pin for 1..2…3!!!
Winners: Ricochet and Cedric Alexander
Match Quality: *
Personal Enjoyment: *
Total Rating: *
Earlier tonight, Owens cut himself a little promo. He says for the last 5 months, he was beaten down and nearly broken so many times that it got to the point where he asked himself if it was worth it. Then, at Mania, when he jumped off that sign and crashed into him, thn got his win. Yes, it was all worth it, to finally have a moment that he could be proud of. Now that this is done, it’s time for him to refocus and move on. He used to call himself a prized fighter. Maybe there are more people like Seth who deserve a stunner or two. Point is, no matter what he does, from here on out, his message and mentality remain the same: he is here to stay and will keep fighting, because this is the Kevin Owens Show.
Seth Rollins is here live to a sold out crowd.
Match 7: Seth Rollins vs NXT CAW 3
Rollins beats the piss out of an NXT wrestler for a while, and is angry the entire time, so you know it’s real. He tosses the kid into the barricade, then back into the ring for a stomp. Pin for 1..2…3!!!
Winner: Seth Rollins
Match Quality: NR
Personal Enjoyment: NR
Total Rating: NR
Nia Jax returns, next. Yay…
Match 8: Nia Jax vs Deonna Purrazzo
Nia is as intolerable as ever. She drags Purrazzo around the ring by her hair then kicks her away. She slaps DP a bit then short clotheslnies her down. Nia lifts her up for another short clothesline.
Nia with a Samoan Drop. Nia hooks the leg and hits a DDT. Pin for 1..2..3!!!
Winner: Nia Jax
Bish need to fix her wig
Match Quality: NR
Personal Enjoyment: NR
Total Rating: NR
I did not miss that…
Match 1: Humberto Carrillo vs Brendan Vink
Humberto does his flashy stuff but Vink uses his strength to kick some ass, including a big boot and a hard toss out of the corner. Vink uses roughly four generic moves in a row before Humberto beats him with ease.
Winner: Humberto Carrillo
Match Quality: NR
Personal Enjoyment: NR
Total Rating: NR
After mania, Charlotte told a story about custom cars and her dad. It’s the man that makes the suit, says Ric Flair. The superstars assume it’s the title that makes the wrestler, but it’s the woman that does this. She stands here the two-time NXT Women’s Champion, and Rhea…she was alright. She does what every other woman in this company does…bow down to The Queen.
So, after Mania, Drew put his title on and came back out to the ring to….
Have an interview?
The magnitude of his win hasn’t hit him yet. He hasn’t had a chance to sit or do one thing. He doesn’t believe this is real. But he HAS had the time to get the plates changed. He will talk about the match. He wants to say thank you to Paul Heyman. During the match, he was ready. Physically and emotionally ready. He saw war in Brock’s eyes, and he was ready for it. There was a point when Heyman said, “Keep giving him the F5, Brock. Drew can’t keep getting back up; he’s going to stay down.” Drew’s life flashed before his eyes in that moment. Every time he has been knocked down, he has never surrended and fought all the way to the main event. Every time he said that and every time Brock hit one, he stopped being hurt and started getting angry. Angrier with no surrender, and he didn’t care who was at the top of the mountain, he was going to Claymore him as many times as it took, and as of 20 minutes ago, he is the new champion.
The music of The Big Show hits, and he comes out with a referee. Show is proud of him for beating Brock. He’s hyped about it. He brings up everyone wanting that title, but this is a a big man’s world, and he knows Drew thinks he’s a big man, but he’s no giant. Drew says that he knows where this is going.
Big Show says he doesn’t know shit. Show doesn’t want the title now or at money in the bank. What he is saying is that there’s a ref here, and to ring the bell, bitch, let’s go.
Drew says he just fought Brock and doesn’t know why Show is dressed to compete. He’s not fighting right now. Show says that all this talk before is untrue, and Drew is just some kind of punk. Big Show sees fear in Drew’s eyes. He’s afraid of Show. Drew says this isn’t his first day. He knows the buttons are trying to be pushed. Drew will put it simply and slowly so that Show can understand – there is nothing show can say that will convince him to fight him tonight.
Show slaps Drew hard across the face.
Drew takes the bait.
Match from Wrestlemania:
Big Show vs Drew McIntyre
So the bell rings and Drew attacks in the corner. He whips, reversed, reversed again, kick to Show, and he eats a tackle. Kick from Drew. Show clubs the back. Again. Body slam to Drew. Show steps on the back of Drew and stomps him a bit. Show chokes Drew up on the ropes. Another body slam to Drew. Drew beats on Show as he talks about being old. Show with a headbutt. Show clubs the chest hard. Show to the 2nd rope. He dives off with an elbow. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Chop from Show. Another chop in the corner. Another chop to the chest. Show clubs the back. Body slam to Drew. Show admonishes Drew over and over again, asking him what he’s made of. Show with a chop, but he misses! Drew with a right hand. Chop to Show. Whip to the ropers is reversed, Show goes for a Chokeslam, Drew escapes. BODY SLAM TO SHOW!! Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Drew to the top rope. He waits for Show. He dives off. Show catches him.
Chokeslam! Pin for 1..2…NO!!!! CLAYMORE KICK TO BIG SHOW! Pin for 1..2…3!!!
Winner: Dre McIntyre
Match Quality: *
Personal Enjoyment: NR
Total Rating: ½*
End Show
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