wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE RAW Report 4.8.19

It’s RAW BINGO!!!! I hope everyone got their card! I was unable to print a master card, so please keep an eye out for things that happen throughout tonight’s episode. I’ll try and highlight the items I recall adding to each card as they happen! Let’s hope for a winner this time around!
Last year, I mentioned that it was the first time I disliked the RAW after Mania since doing this due to the fact that the WWE is now aware of the fact that we love it. I’m strongly hoping for a bit less of an efforted affair to try and wow us.
We start RAW proper with the NEW UNIVERSAL CHAMPION, Seth Rollins! We get a recap of last night, as if Seth wearing the belt around his waist doesn’t already tell us what happened. A YOU DESERVE IT chant breaks out and Seth disagrees. He says that WE deserve it. He’s waited a long time to stand in this ring and hold the title above his head. THANK YOU ROLLINS chants gets off the ground. Seth has some news for us. He says he heard that Brock left to Vegas after his match for some meetings. He says that Brock and Heyman can stay in Las Vegas as far as he is concerned. He is the reigning, defending, fighting, undisputed Heavyweight champion, and he will be a champion that everyone around the world can be proud of. He is interrupted by….
Big E is heard on the loud speakers to introduce themselves and the….NEWWWWW WWE CHAMPION! Loud Kofi chant, and our WWE Champ is all smiles. He heads down pointing to the fans
Kofi says he sees the look on his face, and he seems really confused. Seth says it’s Monday, not Tuesday. Woods brings up Seth defeating Brock, and Kofi doing the unthinkable. He won his first WWE Championship match in 11 years and became our WWE World Heavyweight Champion! Bib E does the splits, and a hot chick in the crowd smiles. Hey girllll.
Seth points out Big E is doing a full split.
Crowd pops for the splits.
Kofi says that after his match, he was hanging out in the locker room with his two sons watching the main event of Mania, and he thought that was a great idea for Becky Lynch….soooooooooo what Kofi is saying, how bout The New Universal Champion and the New WWE Champion have a winner take all match here tonight? No Shield, No New Day, just Kofi v Seth, Title for Title.
Crowd chants This is Awesome as Kofi and Seth go face to face. They do this weird wannabe Rock/Hogan head turn but it doesn’t pan out well and comes off as awkward.
Anyway, Seth says challenge accepted.
Match 1: The Revival vs Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder
Dawson and Ryder start. They spin over towards the heel corner. Tag to Dash. He comes in and they try to double team but Ryder is onto their game, and heads towards his partner till the ref sends Dawson out. Side headlock from Dash. Ryder pushes against the ropes, but Wilder doesn’t release the hold. Rope work and Ryder gets kicked in the chest. Ryder with a clothesline, though, sending Dash down hard. Tag to Hawkins. He’s in and we get a double team into a pin from Hawkins for 1..2…NO! Right elbow from Dash. Tag to Dawson who hiuts an uppercut. Another. Stomp to the hand. He grabs Hawkins by the hair and sends him into the corner .Chop from Dawson. Right hand to the head. Side headlock takedown. Dawson releases, we get rope work, and Hawkins hits a dropkick. Hard right in the corner .Hawkins with another right to the head. Dash is in the ring and grabs Hawkins by the hair. He swings up with. Kick to the face. Ryder gets in the ring. Ref is distracted. Knee from Dash to the back and Dawson hits an uppercut. Tag to Dash and they hit a Hart Attack. Pin for 1..2..NO!!!
Back from break, and Hawkins and Dawson are both reaching for a tag. They both get it. Ryder in and knocks Dawson down then gives knees to Wilder. Missile dropkick then a one arm flapjack to Dawson. Back body drop to Dash. Broski Boot to Dawson. Tag to Hawkins. Another Broski boot to Dawson. Hawkins in. Gets a good one of the top rope on Dash. Pin for 1..2..NO!!! Dash goes for a suplex, Hawkins lands on his feet. Sorta. Hammy gives out. He goes for a suprirse roll up for 1..2..NO!!! Tag to Ryder. Whip to Dash. Dash ducks with a clothesline. Dawson pulls Hawkins out the ring. Dash with a pin usuing the ropes. 1..2.NO!!! Clothesline to Ryder. Brainbuster to Hawkins! Tag to Dawson. Dash gets Ryder on the shoulders. Dawson flies off. Pin. It’s over! 1…2….NO!!!!!! Ryder kicks out! Ryder tries to suplex off the apron. He reveres it into a neck breaker but Dawson is able to get out. Pin fo 1..2..NO!!! Tag to Hawkins as Dawson rolls up but Hawkins is legal. SHATTER MACHINE TO RYDER! Hawkins is legal! Dawson runs to cover Ryder.
Hawkins shoves Dash out. Rollup from Hawkins on Dawson for 1..2…3!!!
Winners: Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder
Good stuff but can’t help but to feel bad for Dash and Dawson.
Match Quality: **
Personal Enjoyment: **
Total Rating: **
Len Enjoyment Level: 7/10
My boy Lenny is at Mania and he’s sharin some stuff with me! Look for the Len Enjoyment level after each match!
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are introduced to….Baron Corbin.
Corbin comes out after the intro, applauding himself, as Cole says Corbin did something so wrong and humiliating.
Corbin says “boo hoo, boo hoo,” then the crowd starts an ASSHOLE chant, but Corbin takes this as a compliment. For weeks, he’s listen to all of us whine and cry about Angle’s choice, and Corbin showed all of us that Angle doesn’t deserve to be in the same ring as him.
He calls the crowd real classy, and would expect nothing less from a bunch of dirty New Yorkers. Look, even with his long list of accomplishments, he is used to people doubting him. As usual, he proved them wrong. He is better than an Olympic gold medalist, and after that dominating victory, he feels like he deserves a gold medal of his own.
Kurt Angle’s music hits. Crowd pops. Angle is all smiles, and comes out clapping. Crowd thanks Angle.
Angle calls Corbin the better man. His career is officially over. Corbin’s is just getting started. So Angle wishes him all the luck in the world. He extends his hand out to Len…..Angle then says, “Bad luck” and Angle hits an ANGLE SLAM!!! ANKLE LOCK TO CORBIN!! Corbin crawls out of the ring, breaking the hold, and that’s that.
Angle celebrates with the crowd for a bit until…
LARS SULLIVAN’s music hits!!! He comes out! Lars enters the ring and stares down Kurt. Kurt is open-mouthed, but steps up to Lars. Lars seethes. He stares Angle dow, lifts him, then slams Angle down hard. Lars gets the boos from the crowd. He pounds his chest then looks over to the corner. He heads to the top rope as the crowd chants Asshole. Lars flies off the top rope with a headbutt to Angle’s chest.
Len’s View:
Len’s Enjoyment Level: Shut the Fuck Up
Overall Segment: 6/10
We get a commercial that says starting next Monday, the WWE will have a shakeup. So look forward to that.
Alexa is announced as someone in a match, so looks like the Sasha banks match may be happening.
Ah shit, maybe not. Bayley is out first. Her wacky wavy inflatable arm flailing tube men do a much better job tonight as opposed to their horrible flailing last night. Like, honestly, get it together, guys…
Match 2: Bayley vs Alexa Bliss
Alexa mocks the loss from last night and Bayley ain’t having it. She gets Alexa in the corner then looks to attack on the apron, buyt Alexa drops down and pulls Bayley to the outside then gives her a right hand to the face. Back in the ring, Alexa locks in a cravat from behind as the crowd cheers for Bayley. Alexa with a right, hits a clothesline, then waits for Bayley to stand. She rushes the corner, stops, and slaps the SHIT out of Bayley. Holy shit that was a harsh one. Alexa shoves Bayley then kicks her a couple of times in the face. Bayley shoves her into the corner and hits some shoulders. Bliss goes for a sunset flip, but Bayley drops her weight and nearly gets ap in, only she’s holding the ropes. Bayley rushes the corner and jumps over Alexa, holds onto her and sends Alexa’s head into the post. Pin for 1..2…NO!! Alexa rolls to the outside. Bayley grabs her on the outside and sends her in and Alexa kicks her.
Bayley in. DDT to Bayley! Pin for 1…..2….3!!!
Winner: Alexa Bliss
Looks like they’re building Ms. Bliss up again. Cool.
Match Quality: *
Personal Enjoyment: *
Total Rating: *
Len’s Enjoyment Level: 7/10
Becky says about 9 years ago, she was working in a bar not far from here .She gives herself a nice little moniker of Becky Two Belt and the crowd starts it up. She says that for months, Ronnie and Ric’s daughter went on about how they were better. Olympics this and 8 time that and UFC this and longest reigning that, but at Mania, when all was said and done, this woman walked in with nothing and left with everything. She knows she’s not the strongest, fastest, most athletic, but she does have a good theme song – as the crowd starts singing it and doing a cute job of it.
She will say one thing; leaving home at 15 looking to fight around the world taught her how to survive. She will always overcome and win in the end. She calls Ronnie a Lil Weirdo, and tells Ronda that whenever she’s done sulking and wants to come back for a little more, she’s game. As for Charlotte, she’s sure the McMahon family will just hand her the tag team titles or something to help her cope from losing to her again.
As for now, she knows the women in both divisions are after her, but just remeber, she is ready to slap the heads off of all of them.
She holds a title in the air while the other dons her shoulders, and she is all smiles as the crowd chants her name.
Just as Becky leaves the ring, Lacey Evans heads down the ramp. She meets Becky at the bottom and looks her and the titles up and down. Becky grins. Lacey looks to leave, then hits a right hand straight to the face.
Lacey pats herself down and heads up the ramp, but Becky rushes and attacks! She beats her down until Lacey gets the upperhand a bit. Becky hits a knee then a few uppercuts, and some hard swings to her head until Lacey drops some elbows to the back of the head. Lacey grabs the hair, but Becky fights back and lands an elbow to her head. Lacey tries to send Becky into the stage, but Becky stops it with a boot then looks to lock in the arm bar. Lacey escapes and runs down the stage as refs hold Becky back.
Len’s Enjoyment Level: 9/10
Backstage, Seth is wrapping his wrist. Charley comes in wondering why he accepted tonight’s challenge. Seth says this is what he loves, what he lives for, and while he admires New Day and the fact that New Day and Kofi gave him the challenge man to man, he’s also a little insulted. This is RAW, not Smackdown, and it’s his show. If Kofi wants to get in his face, then there are consequences. Kofi and Seth had the biggest wins of their careers. He’s capable, but if he wants to step up to Seth and try and take what he has earned, then Kofi better nbring his A game because B+ is not going to get the job done.
We get a small square promo assuring us that Roode and Gable are heels.
Match 3: Aleister Black and Ricochet v Bobby Roode and Chad Gable
Black and Gable to start. Gable with a go behind. Balck turns out of it. Wrist lock and Black reverses to get one of his own. Gable spins out of it, clips the hand, tips Black up and covers for 1..2..NO!!! Black tries to take over but Gable presses him down for a pni. Gets 1…NO! Black tries to kick but Gable ducks, Black spins, and drops onto his cross-legged taunt. Gable punches him in the throat then rides the top of Black then hits some cross-faces. Tag to Roode. He stomps the chest as Gable holds the leg scissors and arm hooks. Roode sends Black into the corner. He cohps Black hard. Stomps from Roode. He goes to attack Ricochet but Ric drops and Roode turns into some punches. Rope work and Ricochet gets a tag. Knee from Black. Dropkick from Ricochet. Gable runs in. Black with a kick. Black runs off the ropes with some knees then Ricochet with a beautiful fucking moonsault off the bottom corner onto Roode. He sends Roode inot the ring and pins for 1..2…NO!!! Ricochet works the left arm. Roode stands up. Knee to the gut. Tag to Gable. Gable in and gets kicked. Ricochet back elbows to Roode. Again. He grabs a kick from Gable. Kick to Gable in the face. Ricochet hits the ropes, but Roode ohlds them and Ricochet tumbles down hard.
Back from a break and Ricochet hits a hard elbow to Gable. He goes for a back body drop but Ricochet lands on his feet, hits the ropes, then gets belly to belly tossed into the ropes. Gable knocks Black off the apron. Tag to Roode after tossing Ricochet into the corner chest first. Whip and Gable hits a right hand. Roode with a running knee. Clothesline to Ricochet. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Gable locks the head. Tag to Gable. Kick to Ricochet. Kick out of the corner. Elbow to Roode. Dropkick out of the corner to Gable. Tag to Black. Tag to Roode. Knockdown .Again. hits, leg sweep, hits the ropes, kick to the face. Kip up. Moonsault off the ropes onto both men. Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Roode sends Black into the corner. Elbow out of the corner. Black to the midle rope, launches off, lands on his feet, Roode turns this into a pin for 1..2..NO!!! Knee to Roode, kick to the hammy, kick to the head. Cover for 1…2..NO!!!Black locks up behin. Elbow form Roode. Ricochet in, Roode locks the head. Kick from Black, twisting suplex from Ricochet. Pin for 1…2..NO!!! Black sends Gable to the outside. Gable pulls Black out of the ring. Ricochet hits the corner. Crowd is busy doin the wave. Roode lcimbs up. Ricochet with a right elbow, sending Roode off. Gable shoves Ricochet off the top. Spinebuster from Roode. Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Gable comes off the top with a moonsault into a pin for 1..2….NO!! Black stops it. Black sends Roode to the outside, and goes out with him. Gable up and waiting. He locks up from behind, roll through, goes for a German, Ricochet lands on his feet, single knee to the face! Pin for 1..2…..3!!!!
Winners: Ricochet and Aleister Black
Good stuff
Match Quality: **1/2
Personal Enjoyment: ***
Total Rating: **3/4
Len’s Enjoyment Level: 7/10
Len would like to note that he gave a 0/10 for the idiots doing the wave.
Roode attacks immediately after the match from behind! He gets a single blow in then takes Gable out of the ring as Black enters to check on his team member.
Backstage, Elias is playin a lil guitar on a couch. He turns to us and says his performance last night was ruined by John Cena and his rap music, if you even want to call it that. He can do it in his sleep. Tonight, the McMahons have decided to give him plenty of time toi perform his rock opera, and he will show no mercy to any poor soul who interrupts him. If anyone interrupts him tonight, there will be hell to pay.
Weird ass video of a box that opens up and a dinosaur/bird hybrid pops up and out cackling. Maybe it’s the rebirth of the Gobbledygooker?
In case you were wondering:
Apparently, this is Dean’s last match, and Lio seems a bit bothered. He hesitates to say a word. Lashley grabs the mic and says that when Dean is gone, he’ll make sure to take care of his wife for him.
Dean attacks!!! He They rumble on the outside. Dean hits a bunch of right hands and beats down Lashley then throws a chair at his face. He sends Lashley into the ringpost. Lio rushes him so Dean sends him into the barricade then chases Lashley up the ramp. He hits a bunch of right hands and Dean gets kicked. Lashley sends Dean NO! Dean sends Lashley into the LED board. DDT at the top of the stage! Ambrose heads to the announce table. He removes the tvs. Lio rushes up to him, hits the chest, and Dean no sells it. Dean looks to attack, turns to Lashley, and Lashley hits a spear! Lashley slams Dean into the announce table as the crowd chants LASHLEY SUCKS!
YOU STILL SUCK as Lashley and Lio walk away. Renee goes to help her husband before Lashley can take care of her.
THANK YOU AMBROSE chant starts.
Backstage, Sami Zayn is shown…walking.
We get to the back of a head on othe big screen. It’s Mojo Rawley yelling at himself. He’s added a bit of face paint that a twelve year old probably did.
Sami is here! The crowd sings along to his theme as he heads down to the ring. He’s got a mic and a cool hat. Welcome back, says the crowd.
Sami says hello. He says he’s been gone a little wild, so he’d like to reintroduce himself. His name is Sami, and if you’re gonna miss Mania, ya may as well come back the night after. This may be hard to believe, but his schedule is wide open, and he could really go for a match right around now. Anyone down?
It takes a while for a response until…..
FINN BALOR comes out!
Match 4: Intercontinental Championship Match
Finn Balor vs Sami Zayn
Lockup to start, and Finn backs Sami into the ropes. Finn gets him in the center with a wrist lock. Sami spins into the hold, reverses, and flips Balor down to the mat. Sami works the wrist this time, but Balor is able to escape with a roll out then leg lock, only for Sami to cinch the hold a little harder Finn flips up and out and hits an arm drag but Samigets a head scissors, and we get a stalemate.
Finn with a go behind. Sami rolls into it, dropping to the mat. Finn holds on, stands, Sami with the switch, Finn with the switch, arm drag by Sami, one by Finn. Finn sends Sami to the outside. Finn hits the ropes, Sami heads into the ring and sends Finn to the outside. Sami hits the ropes. He dives, flips off the ropes, and lands on his feet as Finn moves! Finn is not impressed as Sami smiles. Finn enters the ring. Sami with the go behind. Side headlock by Sami. Rope work but Sami holds onto the headlock hard. Rope work and Balor is able to stop Sami with a hard dropkick. Pin for 1..2..NO!!! They lock up again, but Sami forces Finn into the ropes causing a break. Sami with some hard punches and a chop in the corner. Sami with another chop to Finn in the corner. Hard right to the nose. Whip to the ropes and Sami with a Sunset flip, but Finn rolls through and hits a dropkick to the face. Finn shoots the legs and gets a stomp to the chest. Chop to Sami. Whip from Finn. Sami blocks a chop. Sami locks the fingers, chops the chest, walks the ropes, Finn escapes, and hits a right, but Sami hits an elbow, Finn hits one in return, Sami hits a right, and Finn flips it with a kick. Both men down!
Back, and Finn is waiting for Sami to stand, nearly hits a slingblade, but Sami stops it, grabs the trunks, BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Pin for 1…2…NO!!! Sami is up first. He rushes the corner. SLINGBLADE! Dropkick to Sami. Finn heads to the top rope. Sami moves. Rollup! 1…2…..NO!!!! Finn with a ri—NO! Exploder into the turnbuckle! Sami in the corner. He waits. Runs. Goes for the kick, but Finn moves!
Finn to the top rope! COUP DE GRACE! Pin for 1…2…..3!!!
Winner: Finn Balor
Match Quality: ***
Personal Enjoyment: ***
Total Rating: ***
Finn stands tall then leaves the ring with his title. Sami seems frustrated. He grabs a mic. Finn heads to the back. Sami, on his knees, looks to the crowd, seemingly upset. He says that he really thought coming out here tonight would cure what ails him, but all it did was reinforce what he’s realized over the past nine months, and it genuinely seems like we miss him. Sami stands up. He can honestly say from the bottom of his heart, he honestly did not miss any of this, or any one of us. Turns out the WWE is a super toxic environment. It’s not because of the McMahons, and it ain’t because of the other wrestlers, it’s because of this audience, and our ugliness. He lives a very meaningful and fulfilled life, but ours seem so empty and devoid of any meaning that the only joy we get is from being critics. Wanna know why? Moron? It’s cuz it’s the only thing that gives us any sort of sense of self-importance. We judge everyone and everything except ourselves. Wanna know why? Because none of us have the balls to look inside ourselves, because we know the ugliness and cynicism. It’s so delusional that it’s hilarious. We think we are the voices that should be heard, the voices of reason. Seemingly overnight, we have become the evil overlords of the WWE. Sami has been on one thing his entire career and life and that’s doing what is right. Now, the right thing to do isn’t to come back and save the WWE, it’s not to come in and takeover. The right thing to do is to come out here every single week and hold us accountable because no one else will. See us in hell.
Sami gets in the face of a fan then heads to the back.
Len’s Enjoyment Level: 8/10 (7/10 match, 10/10 Sami promo)
Backstage, some cute blonde chick is all smiles. She’s interrupted by some other blonde I don’t know. Oh, it’s Dana. She congratulates Becky Lynch. She calls Becky “The Champ Champ.” She says there is a line forming of women looking to challenge Becky Lynch, and although she’s not in the front, she is no longer in the back of the line.
Elias is in the middle of the ring, upset that Cena has interrupted him for the second year in a row, but he promises that next year will be a different story. He says that as a man who is infinitely talented, John Cena is no musician. He is no artist. He is a selfish, insecure, fake-humble piece of garbage riding the coattails of Elias’ popularity. (Renee sneaks in a “preach”) lol.
Elias decides to drop a few bars that include flipping John off, and saying everyone wants to make their name on Elias, he gets it, Cena’s a fan, but mark his words, the next one to interrupt him….
The lights go out and the gong hits, and Elias’ eyes go wide AS FUCK!
The Undertaker is here! He heads down the ramp, Donald Trump is impeached, Madagascar is now a part of the United States, I am 47 and still doing the report, and The Undertaker makes it into the ring.
The straps already dropped to show that time has passed. Elias stares at The Undertaker, then thinks twice and looks to head out of the ring. He nearly makes it all the way out, but stops, freezes, considers his options, and gets back in the ring. Elias removes his robe, drops his guitar, and turns around. He stares at The Undertaker. Taker takes a few steps forward. So, too, does Elias. Taker takes a few more. Elias apprehensively takes one step forward. Elias then turns, turns again for the attack!
BIG BOOT! Taker calls for it! CHOKESLAM to Elias! The Undertaker drops his hat and removes his jacket. He calls for The Tombstone. The Undertaker hits it! Arms across the chest. The crowd counts a pin. Corey hilariously calls this a ceremonial burial.
Len’s Enjoyment Level 20/10 (10 for Elias, 10 for The Undertaker)
Match 5: Winner Take All Title Match
Kofi Kingston vs Seth Rollins
Lockup to start. Kofi works the left arm. Seth spins out of it, kips up, reverses, side headlock takedown. They do some rope work and Kofi hits a spinning elbow, then goes for an early SOS. Seth goes for a knee, Kofi moves, kick to the gut, stomp attempt, and Kofi moves!
Back from a braek, and Kofi is chopping away at Seth. Seth retaliates. They go back and forth. Whip to Kofi. Seth eats some boots. Kofi with a springboard, but Seth catches him with a dropkick! Crowd loves it. Seth is up. Kofi rushes the corner and eats boots. Kofi runs under, Rollins hops over. Enziguri from Rollins. Pin for 1..2..NO! Seth calls for the Stomp early. Kofi stirs on the mat. He gets on hands and knees. Seth goes, Kofi rolls him up for a pin. 1..2…NO!!! Seth misses a kick. Kofi with a kick of his own. DDT and a cover for 1..2.NO!!! Kofi with a kick on the apron to the face of Seth. Kofi goes to the top rope. Seth runs up locks the head, Kofi shoves him off the top rope and Seth crashes into the barricade. Kofi on the top rope.
Winner: Nobody, not even us
Match Quality: NR
Personal Enjoyment: NR
Total Rating: NR
Rollins runs into the ring and attacks, vut Sheamus and Cesaro attack him. Kofi back in the ring and stomps Sheamus out in the corner. Seth sends Cesaro to the outside. Sheamus heads to the outside. Rollins grabs a mic and doesn’t know what’s wrong with The Bar, but he’s got an idea. They’ll finish this some other time, but right now he wants The Bar if Kofi’s down.
How spectacularly meh.
Match 6: Seth Rollins and Kofi Kingston vs Sheamus and Cesaro
Cesaro and Seth lock up as the crowd chants BULLSHIT. Seth attacks Sheamus, ducks a clothesline, hits a slingblade on Cesaro, then sends him over the top rope. Seth with a springboard, but Cesaro catches him and drops Seth on the apron. Kofi flies of the steps, Cesaro moves, Sheamus catches him and drops him on the barricade hard.
Back after a break, and Seth hits a back body drop. Tag to Sheamus. Sheamus rushes in and knocks Kofi off the apron. Sheamus gets a tag. Cesaro with an uppercut. Double team back breaker to Seth as the commentary team tries to make this seem like the crowd is mad at The Bar. Kick from Sheamus to Seth and Cesaro, the legal man, covers for 1..2…NO!!! Tag to Sheamus. Sheamus goes for a right, but Seth blocks. Blocks again. Chop to Sheamus. Another. More. Over and over. WE WANT REFUNDS chant. Cesaro holds Seth. Seheamus rushes the corner. Seth moves and Sheamus hits the corner. Seth gets the tag. He flies of the top rope. Right hand. Chop to Sheamus. Another. A dropkick to Sheamus. Clothesline from Kofi. Boom Drop. Kofi goes for Trouble in Paradise, Sheamus dodges, SOS to Sheamus. Cover for 1..2…NO!! Cesaro in to break it up. Seth in, Cesaro sends him to the outsidd.e Kofi sends Ceasro to the outside. Kofi to the top rope. He flies off with a trust fall, but The Bar catches him, only for Seth to hit a suicide dive to all of them. Kofi sends Sheamus to the insude. He heads to the top rope. Flies with a crossbody. Pin for 1..2..NO!!! Shemaus shoves Kofi into the corner. Ref is distracted, Cesaro hits Kofi, big knee from Sheamus and a pin for 1..2..NO!!! Tag to Cesaro. White Noise combo and Cesaro covers for 1..2..NO!!! Seth in to spear Sheamus into the pin. Seth and Sheamus roll to the outside. Sheamus with a rollin—nooo Seth with a superkick to Shemaus. Seth sends Sheamus into the ringpost. Cesaro calls for The Nuetralizer, but Kofi escapes, only for Cesaro to grab the legs and go for the wing, but Kofi lifts himself up and rolls into a pin for 1..2..NO!!!
Seth with a blind tag. Trouble in Paradise to Cesaro. Stomp! Pin fo 1…2….3!!!
Winners: Kofi Kingston and Seth Rollins
I think we all expected something more shocking to the system, and it just didn’t pan out.
Match Quality: **
Personal Enjoyment: **
Total Rating: **
Seth holds Kofi’s hand up in the air as we get a replay of what just happened.
And that’s…..
Photo Credit to our very own Len Archibald!!!
End Show
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