wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE Raw Report 8.9.10
-We kick things off the opening music video. And we’re live from Sacramento. Tonight we’ll see Edge and Jericho reunite to take on John Cena and Bret “Hitman” Hart in tag team action, and the Nexus will be Lumberjacks around ringside.
-Speaking of Bret Hart, here he comes (wearing a t-shirt with the Batman logo on it). Tremendous. For the past few weeks, he’s been back in Calgary training like a lunatic, reading for Summerslam, only to see things fall apart. He’s a little disappointed, that would be an understatement. Edge and Jericho decided to quit Team WWE. 3 weeks ago, he put his reputation on the line when he met his good friend John Cena. He told Cena that they’ve (Edge and Jericho) got the experience, they can see the big picture, they know that Nexus’ momentum needs to be stopped now. Well he guesses he was wrong. But it’s not too late. He wants to ask Jericho and Edge to come down to the ring and face him face to face and see if they can put this machine back together again. Loud “Y2J” chant. And here he comes to a nice crowd reaction.
Jericho can’t speak for Edge, but he’s here, so dazzle him. Tell him he’s the best in the world. Bret says that’s not what he came here for. It’s put up time. This is Jericho’s chance to be a man. It’s his time to step up to the plate and change things. Bret went to Cena and put his reputation on the line just for them to join the team. If Jericho doesn’t join Team WWE, he’s hurting himself. It’s obvious Nexus doesn’t want anything to do with him, and the Raw roster wants nothing to do with him. If Nexus walks out of Summerslam as the victors, he’s only hurting himself and will have nowhere to go. So this is his chance. Step up and join Team WWE and make things right. Do the honorable thing. Will he consider and rejoin Team WWE, or will he disappoint all of his fans around the world. Jericho says when Bret puts things that way, his answer is still no. He’s had Bret figured out years ago, he’s a phony and hypocrite. He’s not concerned about Nexus, he’s just concerned about avoiding the beating that Edge and Jericho are going to give him tonight. He’s a frightened man. Bret knows that he can’t beat Nexus at Summerslam with Edge and Jericho. Nobody can replace them. Once again, in the WWE, Bret Hart is screwed. He made it clear last week. he’s not interested in teaming with Cena or Hart, all he cares about is dismantling the mighty Bret Hart. And here comes Edge.
Edge asks what’s the matter with Chris. This is Bret “Hitman” Hart. They grew up idolizing him. He’s the reason they got into the business. Jericho trained in the Dungeon, and Edge had his poster on his wall. he shoveled driveways for money so he could hope to see Bret put those sunglasses on his head. Edge doesn’t know about Jericho, but he can count him in. Jericho leaves the ring. Edge shakes Bret’s hand. Edge goes for a kick, but Hart catches him and sweeps the leg. Sharpshooter attempt, but Jericho comes back in and pokes Bret in the eye. Edge and Jericho leave. Natalya runs in the ring to check up on Bret. We see Nexus beating up Tyson Kidd backstage. David Hart Smith is down too. Barrett says it’s not Bret’s day. There’s no chance of the Hart Dynasty being their replacements now. Bret and Natalya run to the back as we head to commercial.
-We’re back, and Bret and Natalya are checking up on Kidd and Smith. Bret says he’s going after Nexus. Cena shows up. He says this is what Nexus wants. If Hart walks out of that door, Nexus will take him out. Cena needs to find out who is and who’s not on the team. He needs to talk to Khali.
Match 1: Mr. Money in the Bank and United States Champion The Miz vs Evan Bourne
Bourne’s sporting a black eye. Cole said he got it from Superstars. Knee by Miz off the tie up. Bourne with the kicks to the leg. Miz pushes Bourne off and kills him with a boot. Clubbing blows by Miz to the chest and head. Miz now starts choking Bourne in the ropes. Running guillotine attack follows. Cover but Bourne kicks out at two. Miz punts Bourne in the gut. Snapmare by Miz and he locks in a headlock. Miz fights out and starts laying on the kicks. Miz avoids that jumping knee of Bourne. Miz sets up Bourne for the clothesline in the corner. And it connects. Pin but only two. Miz now rakes the eyes before locking in the chinlock. Bourne gets back up and fights out, but to no avail. Suplex attempt countered with knees by Bourne. Kicks by Bourne to the chest. Bourne with a jumping back hurricanrana type move. That was sick. Pin but only two. Bourne runs off the ropes but gets killed with a clothesline. Miz setting up Bourne. Skull Crushing Finale connects. Forget about it.
Winner: The Miz (Solid outing here, though it looks like Bourne’s push is over as his offense in this match was pretty limited. Still, this is what Miz needed, a win over a credible opponent)
Miz – “I doesn’t care if it’s Sheamus or Randy Orton that wins the title this Sunday. When I’m ready to cash in the contract, I will be the WWE Champion. Because I’m The Miz, and I’m AWESOME!!”
-John Cena is in the back talking to Khali. What’s the point, he doesn’t speak English? Right?
-We’re back, and we get a replay of Alicia winning that Six Person tag match last week, only for Melina to return and take her out.
Match 2: Melina vs Diva’s Champion Alicia Fox
I’ve forgot how much I’ve missed that entrance. Alicia picks up Melina and drives her into the corner. Forearm show by Alicia. She then throws Melina across the ring by her hair. Shoulder block by Melina on the apron. She slides into the ring and drops Alicia down for the backbreaker. Melina with clubbing blows to the back. She brdiges out of a clotheslines. Three quarter facelock facebuster. Melina slams Alicia into the mat. Alicia bails out of the ring before Melina can do any more damage. Melina gets out of the ring on the other side. She charges but Alicia plants her with a clothesline. Alicia drags Melina back into the ring by her hair. She then lifts Melina up and drops her back to the ground. You could cleaerly just see Alicia telling Melina what to do. Tilt a whirl backbreaker follows. Pin but only two. Chinlock by Alicia. I’m actually curious if Alicia knows any other moves as she’s really seeming to stall. Melina fights out, but to no avail. Modified Gory Special by Alicia. Melina’s fighting out with forearms. Last Call by Melina to counter out. Pin and it’s over.
Winner: Melina (Meh, this was alright. Better than most of the diva’s matches we’ve been seeing lately, but not by much)
-Khali is in the back. Apparently Singh isn’t here tonight. Matthews asks where Khali’s alliance is. Khali mumbles “WWE”. He then says some other crazy shit. Matthews says he doesn’t know what he just said. Khali says “Wade Barrett, you and me tonight”.
-We’re back. Apparently during the break, Cole got an email, stating that Alicia Fox will be defending the Diva’s Championship (I’m pretty sure he said Women’s) against Melina at Summerslam. Also, Wade Barrett will indeed be facing Khali. Plus, The Bella’s will face Eve and Gail Kim and the team of Maryse and Jillian in a three way tag team match. Also, Sheamus is going to call out Orton.
-Edge and Jericho are backstage, complaining about Bret. Jericho says Nexus doesn’t want them on their team, and if Nexus takes over, they’re ostracized. Edge says Stone Cold, The Rock, The Undertaker, DX, you name any huge name, they’ve survived them all, and they’ll survive whatever Nexus throws at them. Jericho says they’re architects, generals. Tonight, they take out Cena and Hart. Then there will be no match at Summerslam, and if there’s no match, they’re in the clear.
-Morrison and Truth are saying they’ve got each others back. They need two replacements. Mark Henry shows up and says they don’t need two replacements, all they need is one. And this match he has now, consider this his audition.
-Nexus is in the back watching the moniter. They all leave the locker room, except for Wade Barrett, who stares on.
Match 3: Million Dollar Champion Ted Dibiase (w/ Maryse) vs Mark Henry
And I’m once again obligated to remind you that Maryse is looking damn fine. Henry comes out, but Slater and Gabriel are standing on the ring steps. Henry turns around and gets blindsided by Nexus. They take Henry and throw him into the ring steps. They then proceed to leave through the crowd. Refs go to check up on Henry while we get replays.
-Sheamus is walking in the back, and he’s gonna call out Orton next.
-We get a replay of Miz vs Orton from last week.
-And here comes the WWE Champion Sheamus. We see Henry being carried to the back by the officials as Sheamus walks by him. Sheamus says after Raw went off the air last week, the entire WWE Universe was convinced he was scared to get into the ring with Orton. He was scared. Scared to see what he’d do to him. Usually Orton’s talking out his ass, but not Sheamus. That’s why he’s the WWE Champion. But if there is anyone who doubts him and thinks Orton is going to take the championship away, he advises to watch the following very closely. We get a video package highlighting the dominance of Sheamus. We come back, and Sheamus asks how many of us think he’s afraid of Orton now. He’s ended careers in this ring. He’d like to call out Orton now so he can tell him face to face. But Randy…. Sheamus is cut off mid sentence by Orton’s music, and here comes the Legend Killer.
Sheamus says he’s surprised he accepted his invitation. Orton has something to say to him. He believes he is capable of hurting people. But if he’s going to stand there and tell him he was scared to get into the ring last week because he was scared of what he would do to him, then he thinks he’s full of it. He had the opportunity last week and blew it, just like he will this Sunday. Now Sheamus can make up all the excuses he wants to, but the fact remains the same, Sheamus has never beaten him, and he never will. Sheamus says he’s wrong. The funny thing is, Triple H and John Cena looked him in the eye, and lost. Orton says he’s not Cena or Triple H. Sheamus says he’s not the WWE Champion either. Just like John Cena, he’ll go back to the end of the line. And as long as he’s champion, he’ll never get another title opportunity. Orton is gonna beat him. You hear what he’s saying. Sheamus has never beaten him, and he’s not going to beat him this Sunday. If he wants to redeem himself for last week for what he didn’t do, then do something about it. Orton and Sheamus stare down. Cole’s got another email. Sheamus, his title matches in the past have been marred with outside interference, therefor, if anyone interfers with their match this Sunday, they will be suspended indefinitely. The GM agrees with Sheamus, if Orton loses, there will be no rematch and he’ll go to the back of the line. However, he also agrees with Orton. If Sheamus is not scared, then he encourages him to do something about it right now. Uh, and what if he doesn’t. There’s apparently an earthquake going on, because the camera is shaking. God, that special effect just killed this segment. Sheamus goes for a right to psych Orton out, but Orton doesn’t flinch. Sheamus turns around and Orton goes on the attack. Irish Hammer by Sheamus. He wants the Brogue Kick. Orton ducks it. Vintage backbreaker by Orton. Orton wants the Punt Kick. He goes for it, but then stops. Sheamus backs into the corner. Orton says something to Sheamus and leaves the ring. He grabs the title and holds it up. Orton throws it back to Sheamus and walks back up the ramp.
-Jet’s “Rip It Up” is the official Summerslam theme song from their new album Shine On.
Match 3: Percy Watson, Lucky Cannon and Kaval vs Michael McGillicutty, Husky Harris and Alex Riley
Watson and McGillicutty start off. Shoulder block by Michael. Watson with a spinning back elbow. Pin but only two. Arm drag by Michael. He ducks a clothesline, jumps over a backdrop attempt and hits a running dropkick. Pin but only two. Riley gets the tag and starts working on Watson in the corner. Sheamus is sstill at ringside. Half nelson choke by Riley. Watson fights out, but to no avail. Watson ducks a right and hits an enzuigiri. here comes Kaval. Forearms by Kaval. Spin kick to the gut and then that delayed hanging kick to the back of the head. Dragon Sleeper on the apron by Kaval. Springboard gamengiri follows. Pin but McGillicutty breaks it up. Lucky runs in and takes him out. Plancha by Cannon, taking out Michael. Husky tags him self in as Kaval hits the Warriors Way. He attacks Kaval from behind. Senton hits (I use the term “hits” losely) for the win.
Winners: Husky Harris, Alex Riley and Michael McGillicutty (Pretty quick and really random match, but it was watchable. Everyone got in a small amount of offense and looked alright)
Sheamus drills Luck from behind. He then throws McGillicutty into the barricade. He runs into the ring and the rookies bail. Sheamus grabs the prone Kaval. High Cross connects. Sheamus grabs a mic. He says that was a message to the GM. To all of us and especially Randy Orton, he guarantees that this time next week, he will still be WWE Champion. Sheamus walks off without his belt in a rage of fury.
-Tomorrow night on a live edition of NXT, another rookie will be eliminated.
Match 4: William Regal and Zack Ryder vs R-Truth and John Morrison
Morrison’s still growing out that facial hair, which means he’s turning heel sooner rather than later. Truth and Regal start things off. Regal attacks Truth from behind and lays down the stomps. Ryder gets the tag and hits a neckbreaker. Knee drop to the back. Pin but only one. Snapmare by Ryder and he hits a dropkick to the back of the head. Sleeper locked in by Ryder. Truth fights out, but to no avail. Ryder throws Truth in the corner and starts stomping a mudhole. Running face wash misses. Eathquake effect again. Morrison gets the tag. Dropkick, clotheslines, jumping high kick all follow. Flipping rock bottom slam that would make Paul Burchill proud. Speaking of Burchill, Regal runs in, and Truth takes him out. Flying Chuck by Morrison to Ryder. Starship Pain connects.
Winners: John Morrison and R-Truth (Average match that was mainly just a squash, but Ryder still got some offense in, so, uh, yeah. But that earthquake effect has to go)
Truth and Morrison high five after the match to show us all that they’re still good friends.
-Cole and Lawler hype up Summerslam.
-We see the Bella’s making their way to the ring, and looking damn hot while doing so.
Match 5: The Bella’s vs Gail Kim and Eve vs Maryse and Jillian
Kozlov and Marella are in the ring, and they’re going to be the special guest referees. Eve and Gail Kim come down on a giant slide. And so do the Bella’s. Maryse and Eve start things off. Maryse throws her hat into Eve’s face, but Eve just throws it away. Lou Thesz press by Eve. Knee by Maryse and random Bella #1 gets the tag. Forearms to Maryse. Maryse slaps random Bella #1. Jillian holds random Bella #1 back and Maryse goes back on the attack. Jillian gets the tag and throws random Bella #1 across the ring. Apparently it’s Brie. Brie fights out of the submission with butt attacks. Nikki gets the tag. Dropkick connects. Head scissors follows. And then a basement dropkick. Pin but Eve breaks it up. Swinging neckbreaker by Eve. Maryse geos for the DDT, but Gail stops her. Eat Defeat by Gail. Jillian lifts Gail onto her shoulders and boots Eve out of the ring, then dumping Gail to the outside onto Eve. Nikki off the top with the crossbody onto Jillian for the win.
Winners: The Bella’s (Yeah, there were, surprisingly, some actual wrestling moves used during this match. But it still sucked)
Tamina is out in the ring and gets in Santino’s face. This is awkward. She’s refusing to let Santino leave. She presses up against him and then allows him to leave. She spanks him on the way out. Santino looks dumbfounded.
-We see Khali walking backstage. Sheffield runs in out of nowhere and chop blocks the leg. The rest of the rookies go on the attack, with one of them shouting “break his leg”. I wonder if that’s enough to get you fired. The rookies walk off as an official checks up on Khali.
-WWE is advertising the Nexus vs Team WWE match as 7 on 5. Take it for what you will.
-And here comes The Nexus. We get a recap of Nexus taking out Khali. Barrett says that he’s been informed that the match against Khali has been canceled. Oh no. Now this Sunday, a new chapter in the history of the WWE is about to be written by Nexus. The powers of WWE on Raw are about to shift. They will defeat Team WWE, and they will achieve more than anybody around here than anyone could ever imagine. Sheffield says that Raw has become their show. Bret Hart can join Ricky Steamboat and Vince McMahon as their victims. They will never see the Hitman again. Morrison, Truth and Cena will not only be damaged physically, but they will break them mentally to the point that they never recover. Otunga says if anybody in the locker room is considering joining Team WWE, he wants them to think what they did to the Hart Dynasty, Mark Henry and Great Khali. And now he wants them to think about whether they want to be next, because you’re either Nexus, or you’re against us.
-Cena and Hart are walking in the back when they walk into Miz. Miz says he wants to adress the inevitable. Two members of WWE have quit, and two have been injured. He needs help, and he figured it would be a matter of time before Cena came looking for him. He wants to hear them ask him to be on his team and help save Raw. Hart says fine, and asks Miz if he’s in or out. Miz says he wants to hear it from both of them. Cena asks. Miz says times have changed in just one year, but he says he’ll let us know Sunday. Cena says it’s a shame that they may actually need him. They’ve got Jericho and Edge next, and the Nexus are lumberjacks.
-Next week Justin Long is the guest host, pimping up his new movie Going the Distance.
Match 6: – Chris Jericho and Edge vs Bret Hart and John Cena – Lumberjack match
Hart’s wrestling in jhorts and a batman t-shirt. Cena and Edge start things off. Edge with a kick to the gut and starts reigning down the clubbing blows. Bulldog by Cena. Headlock takeover by Cena. Edge gets back up and starts working Cena down. He then throws him to the outside, and Nexus goes on the attack. They eventually throw Cena back into the ring. Jericho gets the tag and throws Cena back to the outside. Nexus starts beating down Cena again before throwing him back in the ring. Jericho then again throws Cena to the outside, and I’ll let you guess what happens. Jericho goes to throw Cena back out, but Cena counters and throws Jericho out. Nexus doesn’t attack though. Jericho rolls back in the ring, but Cena lifts him up for the FU, but Jericho counters into a Walls attempt, but Cena counters out of that. Jericho ducks a shoulderblock and goes to the outside. He takes out Barrett and gets back in. Jericho knocks Barrett down by accident. Cena clotheslines Jericho over the top. Jericho argues with Barrett. Nexus attacks Jericho. Edge joins in on the fray. Bret Hart brings Gabriel into the ring and hits him with a right. They pull Gabriel to the outside though. Cena and Hart stand tall in the ring, and I’m smelling an earthquake effect. Ah, but they didn’t do it. Nexus gets on the apron. Morrison and Truth run out to help even the odds. Nexus gets in the ring as Jericho and Edge walk back up the ramp. They stop and look back at the ring though. They look at each other and decide to keep walking to the back. But they turn around and run to the ring. It’s now 6 on 7.
And here we go. Massive brawl in the ring ensues. Barrett bails out along with the rest of the Nexus through the crowd. Team WWE stands tall.