wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Table for 3 Report: ‘SmackDown Legends’

November 11, 2022 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WWE Table for 3 Image Credit: WWE

-Rest in Peace Mr. Kevin Conroy! I was born in 1981 and growing up I knew of Batman through reruns of Adam West and my parents took me to the movies to see Michael Keaton’s Batman, but it was Batman The Animated Series that made Batman mythical. I grew up on BTAS and that voice will always be the voice of Batman. One of the best Christmas gifts I got from my wife was the complete BTAS on DVD. It made me feel like that child coming home from school again and turning on FOX Kids. Then the video games happened and I grabbed up every Arkham Game in the series and have played through Arkham Knight with 100% completion about 10 times now. Ironically, I spent the last weekend burning through Arkham City again because it had been a few years since I played it through completion. Now I will spend this weekend visiting Arkham Asylum and watching BTAS to remember an Icon. Batman is my favorite superhero of all time and Mr. Conroy is a massive reason for that. Again, rest easy good sir! You will be missed!

-On The Menu: Booker T, Rey Mysterio, and John “Bradshaw” Layfield
-Run time: 23:56

-JBL starts and brings up that Booker T just stood like a statue in that Bad Bunny video. Booker jokes that is what the business is: “the art of doing nothing.” JBL is shocked Booker was paid for that video and Booker assures him he was paid a lot. JBL brings up that he and Booker had a dance off one time and beat Booker. They show the video as it looks like it was after SmackDown where they entertain the fans.

-Rey brings up the time they tried to get Taker to do the spin-a-roni. We see the video and it didn’t happen, but Vince did one of the worst ones ever. Taker told Booker he was going to kill him and he actually smiles at the absurdity of what is happening around him.

-Rey talks about Dom and how he is hard on him because of how different it is breaking into the business now compared to what they all went through. Booker and JBL talk about starting at The Sportatorium together and then going to Japan and Korea. They got their ass kicked by the booker and stacked them for the pin. He apparently also had Booker show him the spin-a-roni and used it against him. It’s good to be the booker I guess.

-JBL brings up that they learned so many different ways coming up. JBL mentions Baron Corbin came up to him one day and asked him a lot of intelligent questions. That leads to video of JBL bringing Corbin out on RAW this past October. He asked JBL about the psychology behind working with a smaller guy. Booker notes that only a few guys come to him and he appreciates it. He notes the talent today is a lot more athletic than they ever were. Booker brings up John Cena and how he would takes notes and take in all the advice from everyone he worked with. He was able to make the transition to a Superstar.

-JBL talks about Cena going from 8-10 minute matches to 30 minute matches and it was easy for him. Some people drown in the deep waters and Cena took to it so much that JBL told Vince that Cena was “awesome.” Rey brings up John working 6 man tags with him and Dom and how he helped Dom when he had questions. Rey mentions Bron Breakker has come up and started asking him for advice.

-JBL doesn’t want to sound like an old man because he is in awe of the current generation and how they are selling out back to back nights of WrestleMania in a Stadium, but he will rant a little. He talks about Bruno and Hogan and how they had this charisma to suck people in by just standing there and guys who don’t have that feel they need to do something. He tells a story of Taker stealing the show at a live event and he had to follow it with Eddie. He didn’t know what he was going to do and they just sat in a headlock. It was uncomfortably long and they were able to bring the crowd back up and knew it was a masterpiece.

-JBL brings up how Booker came over from WCW and everything was left on him and to an extent, DDP as they were the only big names to accept the buy-out. They didn’t get nWo, Goldberg, etc. Booker talks about his first house show loop and Lanza told him he rushed out and missed a moment. Booker was confused and Lanza told him to do the same match tomorrow and take time to sell the loss and beating and walk through the curtain like he lost his best friend. He got a monster reaction and was annoyed he never knew that. He credits Lanza and the guys as teachers and that is a lesson he has remembered since. Rey shoots in that you try it and if it doesn’t work then nothing lost and you move to the next thing.

-JBL brings up how Scotty 2 Hotty tried The Worm on a house show and Ron thought he was messing around, so he kicked the crap out of him. Backstage he told Ron he was trying The Worm and Ron asked, “what the hell is the worm?” They agreed to let him try it the next how and it got a massive reaction. It just showed you can’t be afraid to try something and it helped Scotty make a lot of money.

-JBL talks about doing the honors when you leave and brings up Vader. He mentions Vader considered himself a mentor to JBL. Booker tells a story of a photo shoot they did and how Vader always made sure to stand in front of him and told Booker “it’s business brother.” Vader was traveling with JBL and Vader was working with Taker. He asked JBL if he thought Taker could catch him during a moonsault and hit a Tombstone. JBL said of course as Taker was strong and it would be the greatest spot ever. He should just call it in the ring. They get to the show and Vader is excited he has to check with Taker. Taker takes in the idea and just pats Vader on the leg and walks away. JBL tells Vader that means Taker loved it. Taker catches up with JBL lated and asks, “have you been riding with Leon?” Awesome!

-JBL continues that Vader had his last PPV match with him and Vader was going to put him over. Vader promised JBL that he was going to get the Vader of old. JBL knows he can never pay a debt like that as Vader gave him everything he had. JBL says that when he got his back injury he picked Rey to let him go over in what he knew would be his last match. He knew he didn’t have much to give physically so tried to get as much heat as possible to help. They show the end of the match from WrestleMania 25 and I was there! Rey appreciates that and is still honored JBL did that for him. Booker talks about how you have to be so selfish and unselfish at the same time in this business.

-Booker laughs that of all the great things he has done, he is most remembered for getting his ass beat in a grocery store. He laughs that people tell him that is their favorite Booker T match and he has to laugh as it wasn’t a match. JBL breaks out laughing thinking of Austin coming out of the cooler with a gallon of milk. Booker wonders what a fight like that would look like know with 20 different cameras and lighting. They had one camera and were told to just go and do what they wanted.

-JBL tells Rey he has never seen anyone get over with a mask as well as Rey has. He puts over Rey for his legacy and how he has connected with people without using facial expressions. Rey talks about asking veterans and how his emotion had to be shown with his mouth and eyes and his body.

-JBL tells Booker he was as excited watching him have success as he was for his own success. Booker says they grew up together and it was all about putting the work in and embracing how they are. They all appreciate the time they had to spend together on the road as a family.

-JBL wraps up by saying they will sign the bill to Michael Hayes and Rey asks for shots first before that happens.

-I enjoyed this! Again, I am sucker for guys sitting around and telling stories. JBL kind of controlled this one which is fine as he is the talker of this group. There was nothing super noteworthy, but a few good stories makes for an easy watch. Thanks for reading!

article topics :

Table For 3, Robert Leighty Jr.