wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE Table for 5 Report: Bone Street Krew

-Run Time: 38:34
-Guests: The Undertaker, The Godfather, Rikishi, Mideon, Henry Godwin
-Taker is happy to see his boys again and this is a celebration. They make sure to mention that Yoko is in the house as well in spirit. Taker says he misses Yoko and they credit the group starting with Taker and Yoko. It was all about traveling shows, playing dominoes, and drinking Jack Daniel. They talk JD and how they all learned to love it when it first started flowing.
-They all have shot glasses in front of them and Taker breaks out a bottle of Jack. Godfather makes sure to note there are better liquors than Jack, but it is tradition. They all agree that if it is good enough for Sinatra it’s good enough for them.
-They tell more Yoko stories as he would always ask for a bottle when they yelled for last call and if no bottle then 35 shots and a bunch of Coors. Apparently, Henry was always the first to get wasted and Taker would always try to get him to bed before Vince could see him. Taker would get back to the bar and Tex (Mideon) was the next one wasted and Taker had to do the whole thing over again. Taker would carry Mideon back and see that Hank had puked between the beds with his partial teeth in the middle of it. Taker was nice enough to clean the teeth and put them on the night stand. Through all this Taker admits he was sober and thanks those two for saving his liver a little bit.
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-Taker says they were keeping things going business wise as it was getting kind of tough. They flash the famous photo of the group on the bus with HHH, Austin, and others. You know the one!
-Taker has a story from Jack Lanza and prefaces by saying that he wasn’t there. They take a shot for Jack Lanza while telling people to follow The Godfather on Instagram. To make sure it’s noted Mideon still isn’t at the table yet, but is mentioned he was part of this. The story is about Godfather and Brian Lee getting torn up and getting to a show in Wheeling, WV late. Brian Lee had a story explaining why they were late to Lanza, who was smoking a cigar. Lanza tells Brian he is fined $500 for being later. Godfater came in even later and told Lanza that he was out drinking all night and didn’t get to sleep. Jack tells him not to worry about it, and Lee learned a lesson that it’s best to tell the truth. “We’re grown men, tell the truth.”
-Taker talks about working with Warrior in 1990-91 and when they were on the West Coast, Jack would book that match early so Taker could catch a plan to hang out with Godfather in Vegas. Jack just wanted to hear the stories and he was seldom disappointed.
-Hank has a story about him, Taker and Tex in Florida. Tex and Hank were going to test Taker in the room. Hank says he had a bum ankle, but Taker left them both laying as they tore the room apart. Taker says their room was across from him and they jumped him the second he opened his door. They were proud that they got Taker to the ground. They let up too early as Taker tackled both of them as they got to their door across the hallway.
-They talk about staying in dive motels and bust Taker’s balls about never being in that kind of hotel when he was in WWE. Taker wants them to know he paid his dues and Godfather says not since Memphis. They were making money in WWE and still staying in these hotels.
-Next they move to topless clubs and Taker mentions he has never been in a topless club. Ha! Apparently a dancer spent hours with Rikishi and he informed her it was on the job training. That’s cold! Godfather makes sure to work in that they went to these places because there was no social media and they didn’t have video games to play. Man, this group really doesn’t like video games.
-They discuss country bars and Godfather hated being taken to them, and they all bust on him for being the most country out of all of them. Taker calls out Godfather for only listening to Hank Jr. Yoko apparently threw Godfather’s country cassette out of the car when they were driving down the road. Yoko: “Hey mofo, anyone ever tell you that you’re black?” Awesome! Taker was into heavy metal in his early days.
-Taker talks being annoyed with Paul Bearer on a road trip, so he asked Hank to join the 200 mile trip. Bearer no sold it for 200 miles and would not talk to him for days. The trip was to Pittsburgh and Taker mentions they always had a Chinese place they went to in Pittsburgh. Paul was looking forward to the Chinese place the entire trip and Taker asks the car what they want and Hank wants KFC. Taker is cool with that and Paul lost his mind as his face turned beat red. Hank was oblivious to it and Paul didn’t speak to Taker for a week.
-Another story where everyone is laughing even before the story is told. Hank is in tears as this is another road story on the way to Pittsburgh. Shout-out to Taker for calling the arena, “The Igloo.” They came up to a deer that was already hit, but was laying in the middle of the lane. Taker was flying and ran it over. A mile down the road they realize the deer ripped out the fuel line. They are a good half mile away from the tunnels and The Marriot. Taker stays with the car to wait for someone to pick him up and get back to the airport while Hank and Paul are walking to The Marriot to take a taxi to The Igloo. They take a shot for Paul Bearer.
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-Next they talk Dominoes and Taker breaks out some bones as Godfather asks if he brought a BSK starter kit. Godfather jokes they need one more thing if this is his starter kit which would of course be weed. “Puff, puff pass.” They discuss who was the best dominoes player and they caught Big Show trying to cheat by palming a double five. “He almost got beat up for it. It would have taken all of us.”
-They discussed who came up with the BSK name and Taker says he came up with Bone Street and they were a crew, but Yoko had the idea to make it Krew. They discuss Crush and how he was a good dude. They call him a big sweetheart. Hank says they went to Crush’s house and heard gun shots that night. It freaked him out, but Godfather and Rikishi told them “welcome to the hood. That’s not a shotgun.”
-Taker talks about living in Nashville and how they all came out to his place. Yoko brought a cooler full of turkey tails and they would eat them after dipping them in mayo. Rikishi calls them Samoan Steroids. They bust on Hank for being slow with his domino playing. Still no Mideon even with this being promoted as Table for 5.
-The stories stop as we watch them play dominoes as you can tell they take this seriously. Taker mentions if Yoko hit domino you likely needed a new table. Apparently Godfather is a domino counter. For those keeping track it’s Taker/Hank vs. Rikishi/Godfather. They all love each other and take another shot. Seems they also finished the bottle of Jack.
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-Mideon finally shows up and says he isn’t late, but showed up when they told him too. He is wearing a mask and Taker notes they don’t wear those in Florida. Mideon brings gifts as he gives everyone a pair of Yoko socks and he gets the final shot from the bottle of Jack.
-Godfather wants to know why Mideon always wants to slap Taker when he gets drunk. He says it is out of love and waking up to Taker staring him down is a familiar sight.
-Taker talks about living in Texas and Mideon was off and thinking about a comeback. Taker invites him to train at his house for a week. They do the work for seven days straight and just finished their last in ring work out. Mideon likes Taker’s bike collection and Taker gives him the okay to ride one of them. He put Mideon on his first bike that he bought when he got out of debt and mentions the bike was going on sale on Ebay later that day. Mideon takes off and goes off the road, but stops. Taker tells him to take it easy and head to the main road and turn around. Mideon goes off the road again and turns to get back on the asphalt, but the back wheel hits. Mideon basically takes a backdrop over the bike and bounces right up to his feet: “I’m okay.” The bike is is trashed, but Mideon just keeps telling Taker that he is okay. Taker is only looking at the bike and when he looks up at Mideon, he tells Taker “I’ll just go pack my bags.” Awesome!
-Apparently they had a song they made called “Hillbilly Lover,” and they try to sing it here. Taker breaks trying to sing it and it brings back memories for Godfather. One “BSK for life” and another shout-out to Yoko and Master Fuji and that wraps up this one.
-Yeah, this was a lot of fun. This had to be easy to shoot as you just turn on a camera and let them go. I kind of want to know what hit the cutting room floor and I want an uncensored version at some point. Definitely check this one out as it’s a group of life long friends talking about their younger days and having a good time. Thanks for reading!
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