wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Untold Report – ‘The Champ is HeRe’

September 20, 2020 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
Edge John Cena 2006 WWE Royal Rumble Image Credit: WWE

-The Untold series returns and this one focuses on Cena/Edge. Their rivalry is one of the best in the WWE over the last 20 years and one that seems to always get pushed aside in favor of others like Edge/Orton, Cena/Orton, HHH/Orton, or Cena/Batista. Let’s get to it!

-Air Date: 09.20.20
-Run Time: 35:49

-We start with Edge and Cena doing some fun outtakes with the makeup and production team as they set them up for the talking head segments. We then get a video package on each man’s climb to the top.

-Edge says his goal was to be so hated not a single person was cheering for him and he thought Cena needed someone like that. We cut to New Year’s Revolution 2006 and in an historic moment Edge cashes in the first money in the bank contract on Cena to win his first WWE Title. Great moment and Edge kind of failed as a lot of people in that crowd were going crazy when he won. I always loved Adam Copeland shining through as tears filled his eyes when it hit him what he had just accomplished. He quickly snapped back to Edge mode, but I always love the moments like that. This is WWE Untold!

-Cena thinks the reason he and Adam meshed so well is because they are from the same mold. “Adam is a fucking wrestling fan.” Edge mentions when he first met John he was in that phase when he was wearing colored tights to match the city’s sports team. John and Rey were brought in and kind of put under Edge’s wing as the ruthless aggression group.

-John says he failed in his initial run but through hard work found his niche. John Cena Sr is a talking head for this one and he instilled the never give up attitude in his kids. Edge mentions you need to have a fleshed out character and it doesn’t matter how many moves you know how to do.

-Cena covers Edge’s run in the WWE as a lackey for Gangrel to being in a great tag team with Christian. They show TLC II and the spear spot which is always great to see. Cena talks about how Edge was so great as a tag guy that they didn’t want to give him a singles run.

-Edge says that around 2006 he started to figure out who Edge was. John and Adam are similar, but John Cena and Edge are polar opposites. Edge is the dirty, rock and roll guy that will do anything to win while Cena was a beckon of light that taught kids to never give up. Kids looked at Cena, like Edge looked at Hulk Hogan and being a wrestling fan he wanted to be Roddy Piper to Cena’s Hulk Hogan.

-Bruce Prichard next and he thinks they needed each other. Edge needed Cena to get him up to that Main Event level while Cena needed a great bad guy. Sam Roberts is next and he thinks Edge was Cena’s greatest rival.

-John loved the idea of making things more personal and always knew fans wanted to know why these two guys were fighting. They pitched the idea of Edge going to West Newbury, Mass and filming with Cena Sr. John thought that was great until it happened. Edge laughs thinking about it and we see Lita and Edge head to Cena Sr’s home. Cena Sr said he was all over it when the WWE called him. Prichard says you get ideas in your head and it works out one way, but when dealing with real people, children, and animals anything can happen.

-Edge goes through Cena’s closet and make fun of his bed on the floor. Edge says the idea was to make fun of John for a bit and then get to doing stuff with Mr. Cena. John says he hopes his father takes this with respect, but he dumps on his dad’s acting ability. Prichard mentions Mr. Cena looked at things in a different light and went into promo mode instead of speaking from the heart. “It was brutal” -Prichard.

-Mr. Cena says he called for the slap and Edge did as he asked. Edge starts laughing and Mr. Cena cuts a promo after the slap and it is so bad. Edge called Cena and told him he thinks they did okay, but was being nice because it was his dad. Vince saw the footage and told Edge it was the worst thing they’ve ever shot and Mr. Cena is more direct as he does his Vince impression: “This is the worst shit I have ever seen. The worst. What the hell am I going to do with this?” We get outtakes and see them laughing after filming. So they decided to let Edge ad-lib over the footage live on RAW to help it.

-Six days later they face off at SummerSlam in Boston, Mass. It was kind of cool how they did a home and home with these two. Cena talks about how excited he is when he walks down the ramp and no matter the reaction he feels 10 feet tall. Edge says his goal was to get John Cena cheered and they thought Boston was an easy sell, but it wasn’t. Mr. Cena brings up that 5 guys behind him were chanting “Cena Sucks” and he turned and told them that was fine, but they needed to take off the Cena t-shirts if they were going to say it.

-John says that he loves the atmosphere when he is getting booed and the atmosphere can bring you up as a performer. “It’s all so fucking wonderful.” Lita hands Edge some brass knuckles and Edge says they felt old school and it was an Arn Anderson call. He just wanted to use something that hadn’t been used in a while. Edge blasts Cena with the brass knuckles and retains his WWE Title. Mr Cena says he was disappointed for the fans that paid to see his son win, but he was happy to see the feud continue and knew they were going to Canada next.

-The producer asks Cena about the spinner belt and calls it fun. “So you’re the guy that thought it was cool?” -John Cena. John says he was heavily involved in the design of the Title and we cut to Edge who says he hated the spinner belt. He was told they would do a Rated R belt and Edge designed one which they show his drawing and it looks like a redesigned IC Title. He was told they were just going to put his logo on the spinner and Edge told them Edge wouldn’t want a spinner belt. They show Lita throwing the spinner belt in the Long Island Sound and I sometimes forget how great the Lita/Edge pairing was. Cena loved the story of the title being tossed in the Long Island Sound. It gave more stakes to the feud and made it personal.

-They brawl to where the title got pitched and Cena tosses Edge into the Long Island Sound. Edge says it was interesting as he didn’t know the LIS was the most polluted body of water in the US. He started to get an inkling when the divers were fully covered. He went home and he was sick for a week. Fantastic!

-Next match in the feud is in Edge’s hometown of Toronto, CN and in Edge’s match: TLC. Cena Sr drove from Rochester to Toronto as John Cena’s brother was coming as well. Mr Cena was wondering what the crowd would do if Edge had lost.

-Unforgiven 2006: Edge knew that when he first came out it would be special, but the reaction hit him. He was in the Main Event for the WWE Title in his hometown against that generation’s Hulk Hogan. He admits he wasn’t able to control his pride and happiness as he wonders if he would have been able to turn that crowd. If he could go back he would try for that and yeah, Edge is great, but he wasn’t turning that crowd.

-Cena talks about the daunting task being what to paint today, but when you walk into a TLC match with Edge it is a day off because he invented it. Edge says that Cena is a guy you want to go to battle with and that is what a TLC match is. The hope is you come out relatively unscathed. Cena’s philosophy with wrestling is you are in control and if you feel you can’t do something, you shouldn’t do it. Edge mentions John is a very physical performer and it was a hard match, but you knew that going in. Cena calls it great as he laughs.

-Mr Cena sat near Edge’s mom and she was just hoping they would be okay. Edge brings up the spot where Cena puts him in the STF in the ladder and because the ladder created a bit space, Cena legit choked him out. A great story as he says you can see him going out and he remembers thinking he heard an alarm and was missing an Air Canada flight. As he came too he realized he was making the noise and he was staring up at the Air Canada logo on the bottom of the scoreboard above the ring. He laughs as he had never been choked out before. Amazing story! Cena never knew Adam was in any sort of danger and says it was too creative guys using TLC weapons and probably could have gotten to the point without some of the weapons.

-Cena tells us he is afraid of heights and Mr. Cena says that comes from him. Prichard just laughs as he says “John Cena is afraid of heights…well, have a good match.” Ha! Edge puts over Cena for getting through a lot of the spots. “Oh, this one is going to more than hurt.” -John Cena. Edge puts Cena over for trusting him as any idea he pitched he knew Edge would do it if needed. Edge talks about the moment he fell off the ladders and over shot the table a bit and says it was a bad landing. Yep, ask Matt Hardy about overshooting tables.

-Edge says the match needed to finish on an exclamation point and not a period. Cena asked Edge over and over if this is necessary and Edge was adamant that it had to end this way. Cena mentions he wouldn’t have taken the spot, but Edge wanted it. Edge puts over creating moments that live long after you do and he trusted John with his body. John says he would not have done it had he not thought he could get Edge to the target. It’s still brutal and you can see why Cena was nervous because that was all on Cena if Edge takes that correctly. Mr. Cena had a lump in his throat the entire time and just wanted to see Edge get up.

-Edge says this was the storyline that put him in the Main Event and to the level that John Cena was already at. The best stories are where both guys come out longer stronger and to him that happened. Cena hopes everyone watching knows how gifted and caring Adam is. He is a great human being and loves this business. He has given so much to the fans and is aware of what the fans have given to him. Cena loved that match and the only one he could celebrate with was his dad because he was the only one in the building cheering him. That was his way of telling his dad that he loved him. Mr Cena tells John he loves him and always will. “I love you kid!”

-AWESOME and easily my favorite episode in this series. Edge and Cena were great and I want more from them as talking heads. This is one of favorite rivalries of all time and I loved hearing some inside stories about their run in 2006. Sadly they didn’t touch on the times they faced after, but perhaps they save that for a timeline down the road. This was great and really Edge, Cena and Cena Sr were the only ones needed though Prichard tossed in a couple good lines. No clue why Sam Roberts was used for one line, but perhaps that was the most he had to offer. No matter as this was great and definitely take the time to check it out. Thanks for reading!

article topics :

WWE Untold, Robert Leighty Jr.