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Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 11.17.21

Hi everyone!!!
Hey folks! Welcome to AEW Dynamite coverage for tonight! I’m Jeremy — you know me — and I’m covering the first little bit for Tony while he makes his way home. Tonight is Dynamite, and we’re dealing with the fallout of AEW Full Gear where Hangman Page claimed his destiny and became the AEW World Champion. It’s officially Cowboy Shit Day, so that should be fun. Plus we have Sammy Guevara defending the TNT Championship against Jay Lethal and more. You all know the deal, so let’s do this!
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.
* We start off with a recap montage of AEW Full Gear, capped off with Page’s win over Kenny Omega while the Bucks looked on.
* We go backstage where the Super Elite is. Kenny Omega says he hasn’t watched the Full Gear match back yet and people are already asking when the rematch will be. He says the Elite lost at Full Gear and he’s disgusted. Not at Hangman, but there’s things he needs to take care of. He asks the others to hold down the fort while he’s gone and Cole says he will, but Omega meant the Bucks. They cut camera.
* The Dark Order is in the ring, with John Silver saying it’s time for National Cowboy Shit Day! He announces the new AEW World Champion, Hangman Page! Page comes out in a snazzy fringe jacket and opens it up to reveal the AEW World Title and a “Virginia Is For Lovers” shirt as he makes his way to the ring.
Page gets a mic and basks in the “You Deserve It” chants for a second but says he has to stop them right there: he didn’t deserve it, he effing earned it. That of course starts up a “You Earned It” chant. Page says that he’s usually a little shy, a little more reserved. He doesn’t come out and flap his gums too often, but he’s the AEW World Champion so he’ll do what he wants. But he’s still just a man and a job with a boss to answer to, and he still means the fans. So if it’s okay with the fans, he’d like to stand in the ring and celebrate National Cowboy Shit Day with them.
He says he knows the title carries a lot of weight and means a lot, has a lot of responsibility. And that responsibility means the American Dragon is next. Danielson’s music plays and out he comes. Danielson applauds Page on his way to the ring. He says he came out to essentially say one thing: congratulations Hangman Adam Page! He shakes Page’s hand and says he’s not gonna lie; he’s super-excited for their match. But to be fair, he’s a little surprised and disappointed it’s not Kenny Omega standing across from him.
Page says he’s right; it’s not Omega because he beat Omega’s ass at Full Gear and he managed to do it in less than 30 minutes. (BURN!) Danielson says he didn’t come out to start any beef, he doesn’t want any of that. Although to be fair, he’s not wrestling someone who’s going to dress as a Ghostbuster for Halloween; he’s coming to kick some ass. And apparently Cowboy Shit doesn’t involve wrestling because he’s here to wrestle. He argues that when he won the World Title at WrestleMania, he came out and wrestled the very next day. He says “Of course Virginia boos hard work!”
Page says that if he wants to wrestle for the title, he doesn’t see why they can’t do it in Virginia. Danielson asks if the fans want to see him wrestle tonight? (They do.) Well, normally he’d be up for it, but here’s the thing. He’s out here and ready, while Page is out here in cowboy boots, jeans, and a horrible leather jacket. And everyone told him when he got to AEW that Hangman has a long list of excuses for why he didn’t make it. And he doesn’t want to beat Hangman and give him an excuse as to why he’s not ready.
Page says have it your way; they won’t have the match tonight. But while Virginia is for lovers, he’s still happy to fight. They go forehard to forehead and get separated by the Dark Order. Danielson says that all Page’s little friends can stop them, but he really doesn’t want to fight. Danielson says they know he’d kick Page’s ass, they don’t want to let him know. Page attacks and Danielson slides out of the ring as we go to break.
Bryan Danielson vs. Evil Uno
Danielson goes in to start and takes Uno down into a leg submission, Uno gets the ropes and Bryan holds on until four. Danielson works the wrist, Uno gets up and sends Danielson into the ropes and shoulder tackles him down. Danielson into the ropes and goes to leapfrog, but Uno catches him into an atomic drop and rolls him up for less than one.
Danielson then gets up and decks Uno, he lays in a couple kicks and gets him in the corner for some more. Front chancery suplex in the corner and he does a single foot pin while playing to the crowd for one. Uno up and he chops Danielson, Danielson takes him down and gets him in the corner for unprotected kicks to the kidneys until Edwards backs him off. Uno slowly back up as Danielson waits, he puts his hands behind his back and stares off. Danielson shoves him away a couple of times and then finally Uno decks him. Strikes and chops on Bryan into the corner and he unleashes on him until Edwards backs him off. Uno comes in, Danielson ducks and they go into the ropes. Uno catches Danielson with a neckbreaker and a cover for two.
Uno with a shot to to the jaw but Danielson drops Uno with a rolling elbow strike and loses it, beating on Uno in the corner. He charges in with a leaping kick to the face and then a second, he goes for a third but Uno gets the boot up! Uno up top, he goes for the Senton but Danielson moves. Danielson with the leaping knee! He grabs Uno’s arms and starts in on the held stomps to the head. Triangle sleeper and Uno taps.
Winner: Bryan Danielson (6:23)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: Very solid starter that let Danielson play the heel and get the win. Can’t complain about this.
Tony is home! Traffic in LA sucks ass, y’all. I got to the show with Uno and Bryan, and although I was able to get pretty much a bulk of the match, Jeremy did a solid ass job, so I’m keepin his report up top an mine below.
Thank you, Jeremy!
Match 1: Bryan Danielson vs Evil Uno
Tony here, and I’m back just as Evil Uno gets slapped in the face! Uno stands, hands behind his back, and asks for more pain. Bryan shoves his face. Bryan does it again, but Uno fires back with some punch/chops in the corner. Crowd loves it. Uno misses a splash, Byan hits the ropes, hurricanrana, Uno misses a right, kick from Bryan. Another is blocked. Neckbreaker.Uno up first. He kicks Bryan in the face. Another kick right to the dome. Slap to the chin, Uno spins, so does Bryan, and hits him right in the face! Bryan slaps back and forth in the corner with some palm strikes. Running kick in the corner. Another. Another is thwarted as Uno drops Bryan and heads to the top rope. He flies, swanton, but Bryan with the knees up!
Running knee by Bryan! Bryan, loudly, says Uno is going to get his “fucking head” stomped in. Bryan, then, proceeds to stomp Uno’s head in, then locks in a a triangle hold. Uno taps immediately.
Winner: Bryan Danielson
While I have some reservations about just how quickly Bryan opted to “turn,” .
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 6:23
Tony in the ring with Bryan, saying the fans are letting him hear it. Bryan grabs the mic, says he came out to congratulate Hangman and because of his behavior, he ended up kicking Uno’s head in. He doesn’t know when it will be, but until he fights Page, he will take every member of The Dark Order and kick all their heads in. Next week, they’re in Chicago. He hears there’s a Dark Order member from Chicago. So how bout Colt Cabana takes Bryan on next week.
MJF had an interview from Full Gear, and he says he is wearing Darby’s shame. All he keeps hearing is every name but his own, but guess what – he made us all look like idiots. MJF can only talk on the stick. Screw that, and screw you! He points to his knee, he doesn’t know what’s going on in his knee, but he knows whats going in his head. He proved us wrong and loved all of our little mark chants. Hate his guts, but we have no choice but to admit just how good he really is. He just beat Darby with a headlock takeover. He’s excited to go to Norfolk – who knows what’s next on the horizon for one of the best in the world, for the man with the best right hand. His name is MJF and he is better than me, and now I have no choice but to admit it.
Match 2: Orange Cassidy and Tomohiro Ishii vs The Butcher and The Blade
Ishii starts with Butcher, asking for some pain. Butcher tags in Blade, not wanting the smoke. Blade with a hard forearm. Ishii no-sells, another, another, misses one of his own, Blade hits another, hits the ropes, shoulder tackle, but Ishii drops him with one hit. Orange lazily gets the tag. He whips Blade with Ishii and watches as Ishii hits him with a tackle. Orange with a lazy splash. Lol. 1…NO!!! Orange with the DEVESTATING KICKS TO THE SHIN!!!! Orange flips over, hits a dropkick, kip up! He side steps a shoulder tackle. Orange puts his shades on, turns, and Butcher trucks his ass down. He punches Ishii. Butcher with a superplex toss.
We are back and Orange lies off the 2nd rope over Blade. He lands on his feet and tags in Ishii. Forearm from Blade, another, Ishii takes it and hits his own, then shoulder tackles out of the corner. Chops from Ishii in the corner. A solid five of them, then a whip. Saito suplex from Ishii! Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Ishii tries fo ra suplex, but Blade lands on his feet and tags in Butcher. He and Ishii go forehead to forehead. Right hand from each other, back and forth. Butcher gets the advatange, sends him into th corner. Hard clotheslknie. Chop to Ishii. HARD CHOP! Damn! Butcher with a running start, hits another chop. Ishii just….fuckin takes it. Holy shit…that’s bad ass. Another chop and Ishii just stares with evil. He walks into the forearm, another, as the crowd chants YOU FUCKED UP! Damn HE STEPS INTO THE FOREARM!!! One from Ishii. Ishii locks the head slowly, sits him on the top rope like nothing. SUPERPLEX!!!! Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Blade breaks it up! Tag to Orange. Stundog Millionaire, Orange runs, bounces off of Butcher, DDT To Blade!!! Orange removes his elbow pad, stares down Matt Hardy, goes for an Orange Punch, but Butcher enters the ring and slams Orange down hard. Blade grabs orange, flips him into a powerbomb, neckbreaker combo!!!! Pin for 1..2..NO!!! Ishii runs in and dives to break the hold! He drags Orange over to the corner and tags himself in! Ishii misses a clothesline, ducks a clotheline ,waistlock from Blade. Elbow out, Butcher in, elbow strikes to him, chop to Butcher. Another in the corner. Beat down hard. Matt Hardy hops on the apron, yelling that Ishii stop. Bunny on the opposite side. Ishii yells at the ref. Butcher locks up from behin, SWITCH! GERMAN!!!!! Blade in! He’s got the knucks! Romero pulls Blade out! Matt Hardy sends him into the barricade,
Orange to the top rope. He dives off with a crossbody!!! He sends Blade in! HUGE LARIAT! Ishii locks up, suplex, delayed, Brainbuster!!!!! Cover for 1…..2….3!!!!!
Winners; Orange Cassidy and Tomohiro Ishii
I have NEVER seen nor have I heard of Ishii, so go ahead and take my credentials away now. But, if this was even a microcosm of who he is and what he can do, then damn…little moments were great, and of course, my boy got the duke!
Total Rating: *****
Match Time: 11:18
Backstage, Andrade and co, including FTR are questioned by Tony. Andrade has a message for Cody and Pac. He has proved that he is better than both of them. He’s beaten them clean. Now, he will show them his bad side.
Cash says they are frustrated. He wasn’t even the legal man. They were robbed. So let’s make an 8-man tag tonight; they’ll even waive the fee. This is personal.
Tully tells Arn he ain’t Jose, he’s got one more in him. Shit…
Match 3: Nyla Rose vs Hikaru Shida
Shida ducks a surprise attack and hits some rights, but Nyla lifts her and sends her into the corner. Shida ducks a right, hits some rights in the corner. Nyla reverses and splits the legs but Shida kicks Nyla away. Shida runs and hits a knee to the face. She hops to the top rope and flies with a dropkick to the knee. Cover for 1..2..N!O!!! Shida locks the head, Nyla escpaes and drops the —NO!!! Transition into a crossbody from Shida, diving elbow strike. Suplex from Nyla! High kick from Shida, one to the back of the head. Shida tries for a cover, but Nyla rolls to the outside. Shida rolls out, Nyla rolls back in.Ref starts the count. She rolls back in at 3, and Nyla drops an elbow! She kicks stomps her in the corner, then chokes her with the boot. Shida gets sent into the corner. Nyla with a shoulder. HUGE uppercut in the corner. Snapmare into a HARD kick to the back. Nyla wraps the leg around the bottom rope then chokes Shida up on the 2nd rope. Nyla chokes her up again on the bottom rope as Vickie watches on. Ref holds Nyla back so Vickie chokes Shida up on the kendo stick. Body slam from Nyla. A stomp to the inside of the knee. Nyla lifts hida by the knee and sends her into the corner, knee first.
On the outside, Shida is able to whip Nyla into the barricade. Shida grabs a chair from under the ring and sets it up! Nyla just knocks the head off of Shida from behind! Nyla sits Shida down on the chair. Nyla to the apron. Diving senton, but Shida moves! Nyla crumbles into the exploding chair! Hida rolls Nyla into the ring! Vickie with the kendo stick! Shida grabs it from her! Vickie trips and falls on her face. Shida smacks her across the back!!! Shida heads to the apron! Top rope! Nyla is up! She tosses Shida off the top rope!!!
We are back from the PTP and Deeb runs out of the crowd and clips the back of the knee of Shida!!!! Nyla brings Shida to the apron to a chorus of boos and leg drops the back of the head of Shida! Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Nyla locks the head, Shida fights back, Nyla kicks the leg, locks the head, flips her up, Shida still fighting! Nyla drops! Shida with a triangle!!!!! Center of the ring! Nyla lifts! Powerbomb!!! Nyla with a running senton ON THE KNEE! Nyla tries for a senton, Shida moves! Jackknife pin! 1….2…..NO!!!! SO CLOSE!!
Shida tries with a katana, but Nyla catches the leg! Stretch Muffler!!!! Shida taps!!!
Winner: Nyla Rose
A hyped crowd, practically zero rest spots, and a good story took this match to new heights. Good shit.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time:11:04
Black is in his own church, defining nightmare. He says in Chicago, the four of his team will haunt the four of the faces. He will make it so that the very air will turn toxic and corrupt your lungs, and when Cody lays on the ground, gasping for air, they’ll realize the small part they play in the massive story in front of them.
MJF is here with his Chairman and Wardlow. He wants the music to be cut and is ready to talk in his green corduroy suit. MJF can’t do it; he hands the mic to Spears.
YOU SUCK chant.
Spears tells us all that MJF, who – by the way – could defeat any one of our heroes with a simple headlock takeover, would appreciate absolute silence.
MJF takes the mic, tells Spears he tried, and that’s why he is a good friend. He wants to explain something to the bumpkins in the crowd. He checks all the boxes. He is easily the most complete pro wrestler on the planet. He is the past, the present, and the future. If he wanted to, he could take their hometown horse and send him straight to the glu factory. He could take a cowboy shit on his title reign, but the rankings don’t tell that story. They don’t tell the truth. Even though people hate him, they know deep down that he deserves to be the next AEW World Champion.
He says no one in the locker room is as good as him or on his level.
It’s the BEST IN THE WORLD!!!!!!
CM Punk walks out slowly as the crowd sings his tune. MJF giving the best, “Dafuq is this guy” look.
Punk enters the ring. HOLY SHIT chant.
MJF stops them, says nope. SHUT THE FUCK UP chant. Lol.
MJF settles everyone down, introduces himself to Punk as Maxwell, and extends his hand out. Punk looks down at it. He smirks and walks away from MJF. He laughs his way down out of the ring and down the steps, then up the ramp. Punk leaves to the back, and MJF is pissed.
TONY backstage, talking to Darby. He says MJF did not break him mentally. There will be a rematch. Darby will not take any time off. He wants the biggest and baddest.
Here comes Billy Gunn and his two twink sons. He tlls Darby to say when.
Darby says F it; let’s do it.
Billy Gunn’s kids say something; but it’s asinine.
OK, ok, one of them references this video, which is kind of funny:
Bucks and Cole are back, and Matt takes some umbrage to Jungle Boy trying to end his life. Cole says neither of them are cleared to wrestle, but in two nights, it’ll be JB and Lucha vs Cole and one of his best friends – Bobby Fish.
Fish says one guy comes out lookin like Tarzan, and the other is a grown man dressing like a dinosaur. They are putting an end to this, and that is….
Fish is cut off by Matt, saying he can’t say that, and tells Cutler to cut it right there.
Match 4: Lio Rush and Dante Martin vs The Acclaimed
Dante and Bowen to start. Dante corners Anthony, tag to Lio, they go buck wild with rope work and end with a drop to hold and a dropkick from Lio. Lio works the arm, Dante gets a tag, fleis from the top rope, and stomps the hand. Dante grabs the head, hits some right forearms. Bowens reverses and chops the nipples off of Dante. Another. A third. Max is not on the apron, so Antohny can’t get the tag. Dante gets a chop, hits the ropes, and there’s Max, pulling on the leg. He sends Dante into the barricade, then out comes Bowens to hit a suplex to Dante with th help of Max. Bowens rolls Dante in and locks he leg, then tags in Max. Stomp to the chest of Dante’s chest. Dante fights back, but Max hits a knee. Whip to the ropes, back elbow sends Dante down hard. Max with a kick. Mount and some punches. Max pulls the leg, locks the leg, tags in Bowens. Bowens blocks a right hand, tags in Max, and double team him real quick. Forearm from Max. Lock of the head, Max spins Dante for a neckbreaker. Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Max with a running kick.
We are back from PTP and Dante is kickin a whole lotta ass. He runs across the back of BOTH of The Acclaimed, tags in Lio, who launches him self off of Max, hurricanrana to Bowens! He hits the ropes, high kick to Bowens, handspring send Max off the apron, right left, right, left, high kick, axe kick to Bowens. Cover for 1..2…NO!!!Yeeesh! Lio t othe top, jumps off fo r a stomp, Bowens rolls out of the way, Max hits a throat thrust, dante with a kick off the apron, he goes for the moonsault off the springboard, Max moves, Lio kicks, Bowens there to chop, slap, kick! Dante off the TOP ROPE WITH A DROPKICK!!!
Holy shit…
Lio barks orders, tells Dante to get up on the apron. Bowens sends Lio flying into the heel corner, Lio sends Bowens into the corner, tag from max, Max comes in, sends Dante down, hits Lio, hits a huge clothesline. Tag to Bowens. He locks up and slams Liop down hard. Mic Drop from Castor. Cover for 1….NO!!!!! Dante stops the pin from Bowens! Dropkick from Martin sends Castor out of th eeing. Bowens sends him seated onto the ropes and kicks hard, then locks the head, Dante turns, high kick to the face, he goes for that sexy ass moonsault and hits it!!!
Lio to the top! FROG SPLSH TO Bowens! Lio sells it like death! Cover for 1…2…3!!!!
Winner: Dante Martin and Lio Rush
Y’all…what the hell. Amazing.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 10:24
Team Taz is here!!!
Taz congrats Lio and Dante on the win. Taz tells lio it’s great to see him back working, on condolences to his family. Folks are uncomfortable that they offered a contract to Dante while Lio was gone, but he knows business. Taz is one, too. These en at Team Taz are business men. It’s nothing personal, it’s business. Taz says they will be patient.
Ricky say they waited very long for Hobbs, and tomorrow is the one year anny for them. Thanks for the applause, says Ricky, they don’t appreciate it. Hobbs has accomplished a lot – look at him. Here’s the deal, Dante. Ricky says if he chooses Team Taz, it will be the start of a HOF worthy career, or he can choose a real mediocre one. Choice is his.
Cage, Lucha, and JB are backstage. Cage tells them to never bring a fish to a fist fight. JB says they both had chances to end last week, and they couldn’t. JB says the change in his heart is here to stay. He’ll eat thumbtacks for breakfast. They are better now than they’ve ever been.
Match 5: TNT Championship Match
Sammy Guevara vs Jay Lethal
Lockup to start, but it’s short lived as Sammy launches himself off the top rope for a kick, Jay side steps hits the ropes, bounces off, Sammy nearly hits the GTH, Jay shoots for a Figure Four! They go back and forth with some wrestling and pins but both stand out of it face to face to the pleasure of the crowd. Lockup again, with a side headlock from Sammy. Boot from Jay, cover for 1..NO! Jay drops the wrapped ribs onto his knee! Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Jay locks the head, whips to the ropes, holds onto the wrist, and hits a knee to Sammy. Sammy escapes a hold, but Jay drops him down with a trip, then another one face first. Sammy rolls outside. Jay hits the ropes, Sammy runs into the ring, hits a knee, then runs back into the ring and flies with a flip over the top rope to the outside. Crowd is HOTTTT!!
Sammy sends Jay into the ring, top rope. SHOOTING STAR PRESS but Jay has the knees up!!!!
We are back, and Jay shoots Sammy high as fuck in the air! Jesus. Jay goes for Lethal Injection, but Sammy escapes and hits a Spanish Fly. Jay rolls to the outside. Sammy hits the opres, Jay back in, msises a kick, sends Sammy outside hard, Jay hits the ropes, SUICID—NO!! Sammy stops him. BRAINBUSTER!!! Sammy hits a huge knee in the face on the outside. Jay is laid out on a table. Sammy to the top rope. Sammy dives off the top rope with a swanton, but Jay moves and Sammy crashes through the table!!! Jay sends Sammy into the ring. Jay to the top rope, goes for an Elbow Drop! Sammy rolls this forward! Cover for 1..2.NO!!!!! Jay locks the hips, flips Sammy up, Sammy lands on his feet, Jay hits a clothesline, Sammy lands on his fucknig feet! Kick! Jay punches the knee! He hooks the leg of Sammy, flips him into the air, and drops him flat on his face. Pin for 1..2..NO!!! FIGURE FOUR!!!! Sammy reaches for the ropes, but Jay pulls him back into the center of the ring. Pin as Sammy falls flat on his back for 1..2..NO!!!! Sammy reaches for the ropes, gets them. FIGHT FOREVER chant. Jay lifts Sammy by the head. Sammy tries for an abdominal stretch, Jay tries to escape, does so, Sammy gets him in a torture rack – well, he tries. Can’t get him up.
HIGH RUNNING Knee from Sammy! ANOTHER KNEE STRIKE! Sammy turns Lethal, torture rack, gets him up!! GTH!!! FUCK THAT LANDED FLUSH! Cover for 1..2…..3!!!
Winner: Sammy Guevara
I feel like the table spot wasn’t really needed, unless it was Jay that was going through it, but that doesn’t detract much from the fact that this was a solid match, a solid main, and a solid showing for Jay Lethal.
Total Rating: ***3/4
Match Time: 12:55
Tony Nese is shown watching in the crowd yet again.
The Inner Circle come out to celebrate with Sammy. Sammy then extends his hand to Jay, who shakes it as everyone celebrates. Jay damn near looks like hes bout to cry. Wow.
This company just built different.
End Show
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