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Acero’s WWE Raw Review 10.14.24

October 14, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE Raw Tiffany Stratton Nia Jax 10-14-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Acero’s WWE Raw Review 10.14.24  


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It always astounds me when I realize Michael Ornelas has legit taken his at once only on his couch podcast, The Fine Dining Podcast to several different states all for the sake of food. This week is the review of Cook Out, a North Carolina staple. Check out what Ornelas thinks! !

Rhea Bloody Ripley is here to start the show. We follow her through backstage pass Gorilla, and into the ring.

Rhea keeps it short, saying she wants her revenge and her title back now. But here comes Tiffany Stratton to tell Rhea she has a message from Nia Jax, and that’s to stay out of Nia’s business.

Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez attack Tiffany and Rhea from behind (the side?) and leave both of them laid out as Liv stands tall with the briefcase.

We switch gears to the Women’s Tag Titles. The title match is tonight!

Rhea is backstage with Pearce, says she wants Liv and Raquel tonight. Pearce says she has them tonight, but she will have to find a tag team partner. Rhea yells that she doesn’t want a partner, doesn’t need one, and…

In comes Tiffany to interrupt, pissed, and Pearce’s lightbulb goes off. He asks Rhea, “What about her?” Rhea says fine.

In the ring are the beautiful Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill. We see Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson in the crowd.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match
Damage CTRL vs Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill

Iyo and Jade to start. Jade shoves Iyo with ease. Iyo tries for a headlock takedown but jade stuffs her. Iyo flips away, Jade grabs her hair, tags in Bianca, then they double team Iyo and drop her hard. Cover for 1.2..NO!!! Bianca with hard shoulders in the corner. She lifts Iyo onto her shoulders, Iyo tries for a rollup, Bianca captures her head, deadlifts her up, Iyo lands on her feet, backs into a tag by Kairi, they double team Bianca. Kairi with a snapmare after a kick from Iyo, then they double dropkick Bianca. Right hand to Jade. Iyo tries for a baseball slide buy Jade side steps then superkicks her. Kairi from the top rope dives off with a crossbody!

We are BACK and Iyo has Bianca on the ground! She stomps Bianca’s stomach in then double underhooks but Bianca with a back body drop. Iyo lands on her feet, they run the ropes. SPEAR FROM BIANCA!!! Nice. HOT TAG TO JADE! TO SANE! Jade misses a pump kick, back frist from Sane, chop to the chest, again, again, whip is stopped, Jade with a lift, but Sane lands on her back and locks in a sleeper. Jade wit a snapmare off the back then she runs into a boot. Sane to the t2nd rope, dives, crossbody is caught and Jade hits a huge backbreaker! Jade lifts up, POWERBOMB! Cover! 1..2…NO!!! Iyo breaks it up, in comes Bianca! She sends Iyo outside hten hops to th apron. Tag. They double team but Sane rolls out the way and Jade slams Bianca on the floor hard. Sane holds the ropes, Jade tumples outside. Tag to Iyo, she springboard dropkicks Bianca! Sane hits the ropes and Iyo launches her in the air! Sane lands with an elbow! Iyo hesitates to cover, but gets it. 1..2..NO!!! Iyo steps on the stomach then hits the top rope. Iyo stands, moonsault! BUT JADE PULLS BIANCA OUT THE RING!!!! Sane to the apron! She dives! Jade catches her! They swing Sane into the barricade!

Jade and Bianca talk shit to Lash and Jacara, and here comes Iyo Sky with a beautiful moonsault!!! Iyo talks shit to Lash and Jacara! CHEAP SHOT TO IYO!! Iyo to the apron, Bianca grabs her by the head, Bianca with a vertical, into a KOD!!!!! COVER! 1..2…..3!!!

Winners: Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair
FINALLY a women’s tag team title match worthy of the name! This was beautiful. These girls got some chemistry.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 9:44

We head backstage where JD McDonagh and Finn Balor are walking. They find Pearce and Finn wants to know when his rematch with Priest is. Pearce says don’t worry about that, they need to worry about the tag team titles. He was giving them time to deal with Priest, but now it’s time for a tournament for the tag team titles.

Here comes Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio to introduce Raquel Rodriguez to the group, making Carlito drop his apple.

Chad Gable and American Made give us a Websters Dictionary definition lesson then go super patriotic. It is now that I learn Julius has a lisp.

Gable says this country needs a hero, and its his pleasure that they will be this for us.

Bron Breakker has a video package as well, saying Jey Uso walked into the biggest lottery win of his career. So he went down and shook his hands out of respect, then Jey disrespected him and threw it into his face as soon as Bron walked away. They are not the same. They aren’t multiple generation superstars doing this with their family. Bron doesn’t need his family, the name, or them here. One day, when he passes them in success, they’ll give him the stamp of approval. Not like Jey.

He’s been sucking off his family’s legacy for fourteen years. The day Roman gets to the top, Jey wants to do this on his own? Bron will give him this ass-kicking on his own, too. He’s coming back for the IC Title, and Jey’s family cannot save him from Bron.

I suppose they did a good enough retcon job.

Last Saturday, we had a meeting with Pearce and Bronson Reed. Reed cuts Pearce off and says let’s just talk business.

Pearce says he gives the wreslers a lot of leeway to handle their business, but Bron continues to cross the line.

Bron says in a match like last time, there is no rules. He is sorry but if it wasn’t for Seth, it would have gone worse. He says all he’s done, every Tsunami was all to get him to the main event. Isn’t that what Pearce wants? Ambition? He wants the match with Seth, so he can prove that he is the top guy in the WWE.

Pearce says if they are on the same page now, and he hopes they are, then he will talk to Seth.

Bron calls him smarter than he thinks and Pearce tells him they will talk soon.

The tournament for the tag title starts today, apparently, because here come The Alpha Academy for their seed position.

Tag Team Title Tournament, Tony
The Alpha Academy vs The War Raiders

Otis and Ivar to start, but a quick tag to Akira is met with a body slam from Ivar, then a tag from Erik who slams Ivar down onto Akira. Erik sends Akira into a knee, then Icar does the same. Tag to erik who tags Ivar back in then sensd Otis off the apron. Splash from Ivar, into a clothline from Erik. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Otis is in to stop the pin. He smashes Erik down then rips his shirt. He goes for a Caterpillar but Ivar with a speening heel kick! Akira with a dropkick to Ivar! He hits the ropes, gets launched up into a powerslam from Ivar. BRONCO BUSTER from Ivar to Otis! Lol. Erik with a knee. Tag to Ivar.

Erik dead lifts Akira into a carry, then launches him into the air as Ivar flies off the top rope with a splash. Cover for 1.2…3!!!

Winner: The Minnesota Vikings of Las Vegas Raiders
Welcome back, fellas
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: 2:27

Backstage, and live, Perace is with Seth Rollins. Seth brings up Bronson. Is the match made? Pearce says Seth has had only 6 matches this year, and he was injured during each one. Seth says injuries are part of the game. You fight through them to get to the top. To run the jungle. When you get to that point, young guys will come in and try and make a name off your name. He did it. Reed is doing it now. He’s being honest though. There is a reason Seth is at the top right now. He has slayed beasts, conquered kings, and hunting a monster sounds nice. He needs this fight if pearce wants the best version of Seth Rollins on his show.

Speakin of lisps! Cody Rhodes is here, and there is adrenaline in his soul.

Cody starts off by showing love to the city they’re in, saying it has such rich roots in the world of pro-wrestling.

There has been some more recent history. Something special happened here not too long ago. Something genuinely changed his life for the better. IT was here in St. Louis the first time they heard, “We Want Cody.” He is sure someone will call him a politician, but it’s quite simple – he thanks everyone very x’s 4 much.

With that in mind, what do they wanna talk about?

Gunther is here to shut that shit down.

Gunther starts by hyping Cody up, calling him the quarterback of the promotion. There are not many people he respects, but he has sa lot for Cody. There may be one thing, though. Cody loves to be everybody’s darling. Because of that, he is in that mess with his old friend Kevin. Kevin has realized that everyone’s friend is no one’s real friend. Gunther expects Cody to sort out that emotional mess, because he expects the best version of Cody Rhodes.

Rhodes says what Gunther thinks is his greatest weakness, he probably thinks is his greatest strength. He is certainly not surrpunded by friends but he has an observation one champ to another. He has seen what happens when The Ring General throws everything in his arsenal, and they keep coming back. What happens is Gunther gets uncomfortable. He saw it at Mania. Gunther breaks. Gunther is not swimming in the deep waters, but his feet are still touching the bottom of the pool. Gunther has never been I nthe ring one and one with Cody.

Fair assessment, says Gunther, spoken like a true secondary champion.

Cody says there it is, he was waitin for it. This is indeed Gunther’s house now. He really has become frightening. A frightening beast. Cody is secondary? Let us not forget that he defeated the most dominating champion in company history. He has already slain a frightening beast.

Cody drops the mic and extends hi hand for a shake.

Gunther walks up to him and shakes the hand of Cody. He wishes Cody good luck to being the champ, then leaves the ring.

Kofi Kingston is out for a match with Bron Breakker, with Xavier Woods noticeably absent. Apparently, Kofi has asked to come out by himself.

Kofi Kingston vs Bron Breakker

I smell a squash…

Bron drops Kofi with ease. A hard whip sends Kofi chest-first into the top buckle. Another whip, this time back first. A third whip and this time Kofi hops to the 2nd ropen then flies off with a dropkick. Some rope work ends with a POUNCE!!! Bron stands tall as we go to break.

We are back and Kofi is sending Bron into the corner hard. Bron hurts his shoulder, stands slowly, Kofi with a double chop to the face, another, dropkick. Hits the ropes. Dives, Bron ducks and sends Kofi to the corner, Kofi with a crossbody off the top. Cover for 1..2..NO!! Running kick to Bron. Kofi hits the ropes, BOOM DROP! Kofi tries for Trouble, but Bron ducks under, locks up, tries for. German, Kofi lands on his feet. SOS. Pin! 1..2..NO!!!

Bron corners Kofi with shoulders. Kofi high kicks then climbs to the top. He dives, Bron catches him! HUGE SUPLEX! Bron hits the ropes, again. SPEAR! COVER! 1..2….3!!!

Winner: Bron Breakker
The end was never in question, but Kofi gave him a hell of a match.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 8:08

Bron looks to attack, but Xavier Woods runs down to stop the beatdown and send Bron out of the ring. Woods checks on Kofi, and here comes Bron to attack Woods this time! He looks to hit a spear, but Jey Uso is here!!! He runs down the ramp ready to mak the save. Bron hits, Jey ducks, SUPERKICK TO BRON!!! He goes face to face, hits the ropes, SPEAR TO BRON! SUPERKICK TO BRON OFF THE APRON! Kofi and Woods stand as Jey shows some love. Woods is hesitant, doesn’t exactly show love. Kof and Woods lock hands.

Rhea Ripley is getting ready backstage. Damien Priest is here to ask her if she wants him out there tonight. Rhea says no it’s ok, but has he thought about what she said? He says yes. Rhea tells him that he finally got revenge. It’s time to get back what he was robbed of.

Priest says that’s fair but as long as Rhea has beef, he does too. So if she needs him, he’s there. But she is right, it’s time for Priest to onbce again be champion.

Backstage, Jey is walking. He gets to his locker room. He opens the door.

Jimmy Uso is sitting there. Jey stares at him. Jimmy says, “Got a second?” Jey seethes, turns around, and walks away, leaving Jimmy to double-think his decision.

The Miz vs R-Truth

Truth starts by offering a handshake. Miz is stoic, staring at the hand. He shakes it, Truth brings Miz in and Truth tries to do the pose, but Miz doesn’t. They are about to link up but the screen flickers for The Wyatts.

Here is The Final Testament to distract. R-Truth rolls Miz up and gets a 1..2…3!!!


Total Rating:
Match Time:

After the match, Cross sends Truth back into the ring, and The Miz hits a Skull Crushing Finale to boos.

Backstage, Jimmy is walking around looking for Jey. He finds him behind a closed door and asks for Jey to just listen to him, but jey cuts him off and exclaims, “I said no. Now get up out my face.”

Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez vs Rhea Ripley and Tiffany Stratton

Rhea and Liv to start. Rhea beats that ass for a bit until Liv tags in Raquel, and in she comes. They do the circle of the ring as if this is epic, but it’s not. Rhea yells that this is her bloody ring. She gets near her corner and Tiffany tags herself in. haha. Nic3. RR misses a clothesline, Tiffany flips over RR then ducks under a clothesline and poses, but RR grabs her by the head, sends her into the ropes, rushes her. And Tiff sends RR to the outside. Rhea looks to attack RR, but Tiffany slides out of the ring to tell Rhea that she isn’t legal. They then argue back and forth all while RR grabs Liv and powerbombs her onto the girls outside.

We are BACK and RR whips Liv into Tiffany in the corner. RR hits a splash then lifts Tiffany up for a suplex. Cover from RR gets a 1.2…NO! Right hand from RR. RR stretches Tiffany across her knee then flips her off the knee and hits an uppercut. Running kick to the face. Cover from RR. 1..2..NO!! RR with another lift, Tiff falls behind her, reaches for a tag, doesn’t get it. RR laughs it off. Tiffany kicks her away, then gets a tag to Rhea. Tag to Liv. Clothesline, another, kick, stomp, knee to the face, and a bit lariat. Dropkick to Raquel. Liv with a jawbreaker, tries to finish it, but Rhea catches her and launches her off. Hits the ropes, knee to Liv. She grabs he for a Rip Tide, HITS IT!! COVER!!! 1..2…..NO!!!! RR stops it! She sends Rhea, no Rhea sends HER outside. Tag to Tiffany.

Rhea leaves the ring to attack RR. Tiff goes up top, moonsault, Liv rolls out of the way! Rhea with a Rip Tide but NIA JAX IS HERE TO CAUSE THE DQ!!

Winners: Rhea Ripley and Tiffany Stratton via DQ
Raquel is moving at half-speed while Rhea is dominating and ready to kick ass. An ok main that was marred by Nia, even though I understand why.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 8:33

Nia tries to attack. Rhea attempts a Rip Tide. Nia sends her outside. Then Nia attacks Liv Morgan! She hits her with an Annihilator! Nia tells Tiff to CASH IN! Tiff is about to, but here comes Dom to pull Liv out of the ring and we are done here.

End Show

The final score: review Good
The 411
This week was much more focused as a show. Maybe it's because it was taped, but there was very little fluff, and everything seemed to matter. This, plus some slightly above average matches made this an easy watch. The two-hour time also helped.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero