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Acero’s WWE Raw Review 9.12.22

September 12, 2022 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE Raw 9-12-22 Judgment Day Edge Image Credit: WWE
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Acero’s WWE Raw Review 9.12.22  

Football season is in full swing, and 15 hours behind the bar has not deterred me from joining you tonight for a fun-filled festival of fighting! Let’s Fuckin GO!!!!

It’s Monday…you know what that means.

Let’s start with some fire and BURN IT DOWN!!!

Rollins is here donning a wonderful purple to introduce us to RAW. He claims he is the face of RAW as he introduces himself. He asks us if we believe in Karma. He didn’t until last week. He then brings up Riddle, and his request for a rematch, but Rollins isn’t too interested in that. So what’s next?

Crowd starts a REMATCH CLAPCLAP chant

Rollins screams he isn’t interested, and tells the crowd to zip it. He says it has been far too long since he has held gold.


Riddle ain’t havin it. He comes out, lifts the mic, says, “Bro,” then rushes the ring and attacks Rollins!!! He corners Riddle, then lifts him and sends him over the top rope to the outside. Riddle follows and beats down on Seth but Seth sends his face into the announce table and heads through the crowd. Riddle follows. Rollins sends him into the steps and up the ramp, then the lights go out and Judgment Day comes out to stand at the top of the ramp, staring Riddle down.

Finn tells Bro to Chill, that they are friends. Priest tells Riddle he and Rhea and him go way back. Kinky.

Priest say they’re the same: superstars on the rise, but someone holding them back. Judgment Day is here to change that for Riddle. Finn brings up Dom, saying how much he has grown. He’s finally stepped out of his dad’s shadow. Priest calls him Matthew as the crowd chants NO. Priest tells Riddle to rise with them, or fall against them.

Riddle says they do go back, dude. But right now, his focus is on Seth, so the answer is no.

Finn then tells Riddle, Bro, that maybe his brain is a lil cloudy due to the lax laws in Portland, so he wants to be clear. Riddle either stands with them or stand in their way.

Riddle hits a high knee then sends Priest over the top rope with a clothesline.

Match 1: Matt Riddle vs Finn Balor

We come to the match already goin down. Riddle hits a gutwrench suplex, hold on and hits another one, then a Broton and a cover for 1…2..NO!!! Finn is up and kicks he leg out from under Riddle. Riddle stands and Finn does it again. Finn stomps the ankle then wraps Riddle’s leg up around the ropes. Riddle punches the back of the head and climbs up the corner, but Finn pulls the leg out frm under him. Finn puts a boot to the neck and steps on it. Finn elbows the shoulder and locks in a side headlock. Riddle escapes, hits the ropes, tries for another Broton, but Finn moves then hits some hard rights to Riddle’s face. Snap suplex from Finn into a cover for 1..2…NO!!! Finn with a chin lock from behind until Riddle stands out of it. Finn hits a quick neckbreaker, then a cover for 1..2..NO!!! Finn stomps Riddle on the chest then steps on the neck. Finn tries some more stomps, Finn tries for a right against the ropes, but Riddle body scissors him over the top. Riddle goes for a huge punt kick, but Priest stands in the way! Finn uses the distraction and sends Riddle into the apron hard. Finn with rights. He hops to the apron, steps on Riddle’s neck again. Stomp is missed and Riddle hits kicks to the chest. Firemans on the apron. Finn drops to his feet, then hits 1916 as we go to break!

We are BACK and Riddle hits a Fisherman’s outta nowhere! Riddle with a flurry, Finn hits the ropes, Riddle ducks under, pele kick to Finn. Riddle kips up, hits the corner with a forearms, the ropes, another forearm, suplex sends Finn rolling to the outside. Riddle hits the corner, flies off the aporn with the kick, this time hitting it. PRIEST checks on Finn, so Riddle hits a springbaord into a floating Bro. Riddle rolls into the ring, Finn shoots the legs, right hands, runs for a slingblade, but Riddle rip chords into a knee. Riddle to the top rope. Priest on the apron, Riddle swings, misses, Finn with a rollup!!! 1..2…..NO!!!! Riddle high kicks, misses, 1916 from Finn!

REY MYSTERIO SHOOTS FROM OUT THE CROWD ONTO PRIEST!!! He sends him over the barricade and chases Priest up into the crowd.

Finn grabs Riddle. Riddle with a Go 2 Sleep!!! GERMAN!!!! 1……2….NO!!!!! Riddle to the corner! He flies with a Floating Bro! KNEES UP!!!!!! Finn in the corner! SHOTGUN DROPKICK INTO THE CORNER!! Finn to the top rope!!! COUP DE-NNOO!!!!! Riddle moves! Finn lands on his feet! Riddle sends him to the apron! DDT ala Orton! Riddle calls for the crowd! He hears voices!

SETH ROLLINS RUNS OUT to the apron!! Riddle attacks, wants the DDT, but Finn is up! He hits a reverse DT! COUP DE GRACE! COVER! 1..2….3!!!

Winner: Finn Balor
A bulk of the math had me uninterested because Finn’s stock is so damned low, but it picked up in the second half, a finish was teased, Priest was eliminated, and Seth’s presence was felt! Some can say overbooked, but everything made sense (well, wrestling sense), and the melding of stories felt right, not forced. AND Finn got a win!
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 13:39

Finn leaves the ring. Riddle tries to stand. Seth runs in. STOMP TO RIDDLE!!!!!

Seth screams that it’s over between them! It’s OVER! MOVE ON, BITCH!

Backstage, Damage Control is with Sarah to talk about their rematch. Bayley says there is shouldn’t even be a rematch, because Aliyah pinned the illegal person. Dakota says tonight, they make things right, they are in control. Iyo says this is their division.

Bayley doesn’t want to speak any further, not even about pinning Bianca.

Dominik gets a pre-recorded promo against a black backdrop. He talks about disrespect, bottling it up inside, and how Edge got what he deserved. We get a recap of Clash. He directs his attention to his dad. He knows Rey is disappointed, but too bad, this is his life, not Rey’s. He should ask himself why he never bothered to get to know him or ask him what he wanted in his career. For such a tiny tiny man, you cast a large shadow, and he is done living under it. He’s not Rey’s Baby boy anymore. He’s a man.

Rha is in the shadows, and she smirks as Dom leaves.

Theory is backstage, and informs us that Gargano’s first opponent is Chad Gable.

Match 2: WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match
Aliyah and Raquel Rodriguez vs Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky

Kai and Rodriguez to start. Raquel with a delayed suplex, Aliyah with a blind tag. Runs in with a clothesline and a cover for 1….NO!!! Whip to Dakota into the corner, splash, and a tag from Raquel. Splash from her, cover for 1…nO!!! Raquel grabs the arm,locks the fingers and holds kai up by her arm. Slam down an d a cover for 1..2.NO!!!! Raquel grabs the head, gains wrist control, and again pushes Kai up on it, but Kai tries for a Sunset Flip, Raquel is too strong, Kai slips under, then leaves the ring. Raquel with a back body drop, Sky lands on the apron, falls off and to the outside. Raquel presses Aliyah over her head then tosses her onto her opponents to the outside.

We are BACK and Dakota has a rest hold on Aliyah from behind. The sleeper tires her out. Aliyah turns into the hold. Tag to Iyo. She comes in. She puls the arm back of Aliyah, hurts her some more, tags in Kai, they tries for a suplex, Aliyah lands on her feet and hits a double neckbreaker. Tag to Raquel, she comes in and just shoots Iyo into Kai, then trucks Kay down with a clothesline, antoher, she lfits for a Fallaway Slam. Raquel with a splash in th coner. Aliyah tags herself in. Big Boot from Rauel, Aliyah flip up Raquel, and she drops Aliyah onto Kai. Pin for 1..NO! Iyo in to stop the pin. She sits atop Raquel, tries for a head scissors, but Raquel pulls her up. Iyo sends her over the top, and goes with her. Aliyah rolls up Dakota for 1..2..NO!!!! Jawbreaker from Aliyah, into an X-factor! Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Foot on the ropes with the assist from Bayley.

Aliyah dropkicks Bayley, Raquel rolls out to attack Bayley, but Iyo with a moonsault OFF THE TOP ROPE!! Dakota flips over the head of Aliyah, grabs on, and hits a sort of inverted Code Breaker and a pin for 1..2…3!!!

Winners: Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky
Well, this probably should have been the original win, because if this match was any indication of the skillset of Raquel and Aliyah, they both need some work.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 12:09

Dominik is backstage, in comes Rey to tell him he had no idea he was holding all of that inside. He is sorry. Dom doesn’t have to go through with the match with Edge. They can still fix all of this. Rey is begging Dom not to fight Edge. He’s a brother to Rey and an Uncle to Dom. This side of Edge is dangerous. Rey tells him that if he fights Edge, things will never go back to how they were.

In comes a giggling Rhea. Edge isn’t the ony one that is dangerous. Dom is all man now. She tells Dom to come with her. They leave.

Match 3: Chad Gable vs Johnny Gargano

LOCKUP! Side headlock takedown from Gable, escape and an arm drag from Gargano. Gargano picks the ankle, Gable tries to kick out of it, but Gargano turns it into a side headlock, Gable wrestles him down, Gargano covers him but Gable stands out of it. Lockup! Side headlock from Gable, he drops down and drop toe holds Gargano! Arm lock from behind, workin the shoulder. Gargano to his knees. He pushes back on the knee of gable, tries for a cradle, turns it into a side headlock. Gable shoots him into the corner, Gargano rolls out of the corner, hits the ropes, dives up with a rana, arm drag, dropkick from Gargano! Nice. Wheelbarrow into an arm drag, into a cover for 1..2.NO!!! Damn, Gargano lookin crisp. Gable up, Gargano up. HARD RIGHT FROM GABLE! He lifts Gargaon, opens up his chest, and hits a hard chop. Waist lock from Gable. Gargaon reverses, they take turn switching until Gargano hits a knee, and sends Gable to the outside. Gable to the apron, but Gargano hits a dropkick sending him back outside. Johnny to the apron, he dives over Otis with a front flip onto Gable.

Back, and Gable sends Gargano into the corner, who then flips onto the apron. He slingshots himself INTO a spear to Gable!!! Waist lock from Gable, Gargano elbows out, roll up but Gable rolls through for an ankle lock!!! Gargano grabs the ropes and kicks Gable away. Gable lifts him up ont ohis back for a Razor’s Edge, but flips him over into a DDT instead! Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Gable to the top rope! Moonsault! Gable lands on his feet, spins Johnny, hits a German! Gable flies off the top rope and Gargano locks in a crossface!!! Gable turns this into an ankle lock! Roll through, Gargano into the corner, Gable locks from behind, tries for a German, but Gable rolls him up 1..2..NO!! Gable reverses for 1..2..NO!!! Gargano with. Kick to the face! Forearm from Gable! Clothesline from Gargano! These MUFUCKAS IS KILLIN IT!

Crowd chants for the awesomeness. Gable runs, Gargano sends him over the top rope, Otis catches him! Gargano hits the ropes! SUICIDE DIVE! Gargano sends Gable into the ring, Otis tries to swipe, Johnny kicks him, right hand to Gable.

Springboard into the ring, he catches the head. DDT TO GABLE!! Cover for 1..2…3!!!!

Winner: Johnny Gargano
GOOD GOLLY. Gable was the right first opponent and this was Takeover levels of good. A banger for sure.
Total Rating: ****
Match Time: 13:44

Otis tries to attack, Gargano kicks him, Superkick! Again! Otis still standing! Gargano tells him to SUCK IT and rolls out of the ring.

Gargano walk up the ramp backwards, and here comes Theory to attack with the briefcase. Theory takes a selfie as the crowd tells him that he sucks.

We are back, and Theory is now in the ring with a microphone. He is sorry Gargano disappointed all of us. He says Johnny is at the bottom of the food chain. Did he ruin Johnny’s moment?

Here comes KO. He is about to talk, but Theory tells him to shut up. He is sick and tired of this shit. He is tired of all the idiots. He is the future. Look at him. He is going to take over this entire industry.

Owens says ok, we heard it all. Clearly his jaw is fixed, but we have heard all of this. That’s great for Theory to think. Last week, he looked Theory in the eyes, and told him that he WAS the hand-picked future. It’s no longer the case. It’s not how it works anymore.

Theory knows why they’re jealous. He’s done more in five months than Owens and Gargano has done in 5 years.

Owens says statements like that show how big of a delusional jackass Theory is. Let’s see what he’s done with opportunities that were handed to him. The US Title, the Ladder match he wasn’t supposed to be in. He cant blame Theory, he was once handed the Universal Title, but beyond that, they are different people. How many guys in the last two decades that have come by just like Theory? Young, chiseled, ton of potential? How many of them fizzled out and went nowhere? Hundreds. How many like Owens, Gargano? Come around WWE and made it to the level they’re at. They can count on one hand, because people like Theory are a dime a dozen, while he and Gargano are one in a million. These people need people like Owens and Gargano, because they are the heart and soul, and people like Theory are the appendix – completely disposable. Owens says this doesn’t need to be the case for Theory, he hopes he is the future, but he has been watching and owens doesn think Theory has what it takes.

Owens wants him to prove him wrong! Prove us all wrong. How? Ya stop thinking about the moments that were handed to you, and start making your own. Check your ego, check the mirror, realize youre not as good as you think you are, then take your passion and make sure you prove Owens wrong. That’s how you do it, how you become the future, how you become the face of the WWE.

Theory grabs the mic, tells Owens, “You’ll never be like me, Kevin.”

Owens realizes talking sense wont work, so he slaps Austin in the face. Theory attacks, but Owens fihts back, shoots the legs, mounts and punches down. Theory swings from below, stands up, attacks the head, they are goin at it! Owens kicks him into the corner. Refs come to stop, but Theory corners Owens. They spill to the outside, Owens sends Theory into the barricade. Hard riht to the dome. He spins Theory back into the ring, Theory tries to attack with the briefcase, Owens kicks, tries for a Stunner, but Theory slips under the ropes to the outside and walks up the ramp as security holds Owens back. Theory is shown to have a bloodied nose, looking menacing.

Owens: “That broken nose is just the beginning bitch.”

WE ARE BACK, and Bianca is in the ring for some Bianca-isms before offering the open challenge.

Out comes Sonya Deville.

Sonya wonders why Bianca looks so confused. She has not forgotten what Bianca did to her. She made a mockery out of her position, but cost Sonya her job as well.

Bianca cuts her off, tells her to shut up, says this is an open challenge, not an open mic. So we doin this or nah?

Match 4: WWW RAW Women’s Championship Match
Bianca Belair vs Sonya Deville

Sonya tries to attack the waist, but Bianca gets behind and ocks up then slams her down. Sonya reverses the waistlock, Bianca does the same, whip into the corner, Bianca lifts and hits a gut buster. She pulls Sonya to the center, covers for 1..2.NO!!! Bianca tries to body slam, but Sonya slips behind, pulls her down, hits the ropes, and hits a dropkick. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Kicks in the corner from Sonya. Sonya chokes Bianca up in the corner. Ref breaks it up. Sonya with a sleeper from behind. Snapmare form Bianca then she crawls away. Elbow to Sonya. Kick to Sonya. She leaves the rin, to the apron, right hand to SOyna, back into the ring with a clothesline, another, dropkick to Sonya. Bianca locks the head and hits a suplex. Springboard moonsault and a cover for 1..2..N!O!!! Bianca tries for a moonsault to the outside, but lands on her feet and Sonya hits a clothesline.

We are back, and the girls are still outside. Sonya rolls Bianca into the ring, covers for 1..NO!!! Cravat from behind. Bianca tries to stop it, she turns ot her knees, into the hold, rolsl up Sonya, Sonya kicks out. Bianca spins her down, then lifts up for a Fallaway Slam. Bianca hits the ropes for another springboard, misses a moonsault, and Sonya hits aknee! Cover for 1…2.NO!!!! Sonya kicks, misses, Bianca lifts her up and slams her down on her back. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Bianca, showing annoyance, gets kicked from Sonya. Bianca lcks up behind, tries for a Glam Slam, Sonya counters, Bianca shoots her off the pin at 2. Bianca sits Sonya on th top rope then climbs. Sonya shoves, dives off with another knee. Bianca is out. Cover for 1..2….NO!!! Bianca locks the head. Suplex! Bianca holds on! Another sup—NO!!! Sonya with a choke from behind!

Bianca backs Sonya into the corner! Knee from Bianca! She climbs the corner, sets up for KOD. HITS IT! COVER! 1…2…3!!!

Winner: Bianca Belair
Shoot, I was conditioned for open challenges to result in a debut of some sort, but there is truly nothing wrong with Sonya challenging here, as the closed a boring, albeit still open chapter.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 11:44

DING DONG! Here comes Bayley to congratulate Bianca. Was she inspired by her partners? They did exactly what they said they were going to do, and Bayley said she was going to control the whole division. Tonight was just the beginning. But since she is out, she’s going to talk about Bianca’s victory. Did that feel good? Does she feel better? Bayley thinks it made her feel better. She thinks it fed just a little bit of Bianca’s big fat ego. She wants Bianca to be truthful to the fans. Bianca wont be able to sleep til she gets a match with Bayley. Is she sure that’s what she wants to do? Bayley hadn’t wrestled in over a year, and she pinned that ass. Is that what she wants?

Bayley tells her to relax, and she’ll have her match when the time is right.

WE zoom out to see Iyo and Dakota on the apron. Bianca finally realizes it and just readies for the attack. BIANCA HITS IYO FIRST! But she is overcome quickly. They beat her down in the middle of the ring, with Bayley locking the arms.

HERE COMES ASUKA AND ALEXA!!! Alexa with a DDT to Iyo! Asuka hits a knee to Dakota! Bayley turns away from stomping Bianca and tries to leave. Now Bayley is outnumbered. Bianca is up. She waits for Bayley to turn, SPINEBUSTER!!!

If you were wondering if Omos was still employeed, well he is and he’s in action next.

Match 4: Omos vs The Young Bux

Omos kills two people and gets away with it.

Winner: Omos
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: One Braden Walker

Backstage, Rey walks up to Edge to continue this novela of the evening. He wants edge to understand how effected he is by this. Edge gets it, he’s a dad, he understands, but you heard Dom. He’s a man now, so he will pay for what he did. Rey knows this needs to happen, but Edge understands Rey cant be the one to do it. Sometimes someone needs they ass kicked, and this match is going to happen. Edge apologizes now.

Kevin stops Rollins, but Rollins says he doesn’t wanna talk to anyone. How many times must he stomp Riddle’s head into the mat before he figures out that Seth does not miss.

Lashley is here, taking offense of Seth calling himself the face of RAW. Lashley says Seth wears all these colors, but he doesn’t have gold. He who has the gold is the face of Monday Night RAW.

Seth says all these MMA guys think the same way; just fight, fight, fight. They don’t think. They have no brain cells. Rollins wants a US Title shot next week.

Lashley says let’s fight about it.

We get some rare footage of The Miz in his home. His daughters come by to play the piano, and here comes Maryse to tell him thy gotta go. Miz is unsure about leaving the house. Maryse comforts him by saying they have a dog, they have security, they don’t have to worry about Lumis. He then gets bck to the “interview,” where he tells the interviewer not to say his name. lol. Miz says last week, he had to hve a police escort. WWE ordered double security. Yet that lunatic was still able to get in and do what he did. He is unsure how to clear it up for us; he doesn’t want to talk about it. He is busy, he has a premiere to go to.

We see a QUICK shot of Lumis staring through a window. Lol.

Miz escorts the camera man out, opesn the door for Maryse, then says the gaurds will let the cameramen out, and they better not be here when he gets back. They drive away complaining about people wearing shoes in the house, then we see Lumis, now inside the home, writing a letter with a sharpie. He holds it up and it’s actually a drawing. Promoting Miz and Mrs. lol. Wow.

Match 5: Edge vs Dominik Mysterio (w/ Rhea Ripley)

Edge corners Dom immediately, telling him he wanted this . Edge beats down on him with right hands. Forearms to Dom in the corner, whip to Dom, and a clothesline. Edge sends him rolling away. More rights in the corner. Headbutt from Edge. Big boot from Edge. Edge with a right. Another. Body slam to Dom. He rolls to the outside to get some love from Daddy Rhea. Edge shoots Dom off of him, waist lock from Dom, he rolls away, rolls back into a kip up, and Edge hits a clothesline. Edge sends Dom to the outside with ease.

On the outside, Edge sends Dom into the barricade, then the announce table. Edge clears the table, Dom with a right, another. Whip to Edge but it’s reversed, and Dom hits the steps knees first. Edge rolls near the ring, and here comes Rhea to clip the leg. Dom breaks the count and heads outside, then sends Edge knee first into the steps.

We back, and Dom has the knee in a lock in the middle of te ring. He stands up and mocks Eddie, then tries for the Three Amigos, and nah that just don’t sit right. He hits all three, making sure to shimmy again, then heads to the top rope possibly for a Frog Splash. Edge is up, though, and stops him. He grabs the head and hits a headbutt. Another, another. Dom tries to fight back but Edge hits more headbutts. He locks the head, but Dom kicks him down. Big Frog Splash from Dom! He grabs the leg of Edge, spins for a Figure Four, but Edge kicks him in the ass, and Dom hits the ring post! Dom turns, Edge with a flapjack! Clothesline, Edge-O-Matic, cover for 1.2..NO!!! Dom attacks the knee with a flurry of punches! Edge is up, drops Dom with a right. Edge readies for a Spear. He rushes, Dom slips underneath, picks the ankle and locks in a Half Boston Crab! Dom drags Edge in the center of the ring. He pulls back on te knee. Ede presses up out of the move, rolls through into a cradle for 1..2..NO!!! Edge up, he shoots Dom onto the top rope. Edge then locks the arms of Dom in the ropes! Edge tells Dom he wanted this! Right hand to the face. Again. Another. He gets to 5 and the ref pushes him back. Edge walks back up to Dom, slaps him, hits another right, another, another, ref starts the count, holds Edge back at 4. Edge hngs on the ropes, looking to spear, is about to, but here is Rey to stand in between Edge and Dom. Edge shoves Rey away, rey holds onto the arm, Edge shoves again, Priest is there to pull Rey away, Balor is in the ring to attack Edge.

I will admit that Dom did look a bit better than he’s ever looked here, but there are some minor plot holes in the logic behind the group that I think they’re TRYING to fix, they just don’t have the right players. Dom is still not fully believable, and the whole Eddie thing didn’t come off well, but I’ve said it before – if you’re gonna back a horse, better back it all the way, and that’s what they seem to be doin with Judgment Day.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 15:28

Finn stomps Edge’s knee over and over again as Priest sends Rey into the announcers.

Edge fights back against Edge, but Rhea is there with a chair to clock Edge. She hands a chair over to Dom. Dom smacks Edge’s knee with the chair. Again! A third. Another chair shot to the knee. Preist drags Edge near the corner. They put Edge’s leg on the chair, Finn to the top rope. STOMP TO THE LEG!!!!

Judgment Day stands proud as we

End Show

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
And RAW keeps truckin along in fabulous fashion. What a great time to be had.Tonight, we got a bit of everything, even stuff I have absolutely no interest in yet am fully aware of the fact that the show isn’t for me. Omos killing jobbers, or anyone doing that isn’t really, nor will it ever, be my thing. The Miz and Maryse promo was a bit too on the nose for my liking, and I still can’t buy Dom in his current position – the whole Eddie thing just doesn’t make sense, as he can be upset with his father, yet there isn’t a discernable reason as to disrespect Eddie kayfabe wise. And yet! We had a solid ass opener, a banger of a match with Gable and Gargano, a lit ass promo from Owens, new women tag team champs, and weekly episodic television that finally feels like weekly episodic television. What a time to be alive.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero