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Angelina Love Recalls Her WWE Debuts Being Canceled Due to Injury & Rewrites

June 20, 2023 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Angelina Love Velvet Sky Image Credit: ROH

Angelina Love is known for her time in TNA, but she was originally signed to WWE and she recently discussed how she nearly debuted on the main roster. Love appeared on Steve Fall’s The Ten Count and talked about how her initial tryout led to an option to wait for the launch of Deep South Wrestling or debut in OVW, her cancelled WWE debut and more. You can check out highlights below, per Wrestling Inc:

On deciding wait for DSW instead of going to OVW: “I guess this decided to be the wrong choice, but I decided to wait because I felt like OVW was so full. Mickie [James] was still there, Jillian [Hall], Melina and Michelle McCool … there were so many people. I feared I would get lost in the shuffle.”

On an injury delaying her WWE debut: “I tore my ACL training, 10 days before I was supposed to debut [on Raw]. So that put me out, actually before I was even medically cleared, so that was in January ’06, I tore it. I had surgery on March 1. August 2006, I was brought to SmackDown to possibly do something. I was placed in the crowd, and it was the first segment of the show. So, they were doing dark match Velocity. That’s when Booker was doing his King Booker thing and he knighted Finlay and Regal in the ring. My segment was supposed to be next.

“Then I got pulled from the floor by the guy who sat next to me. He said Vince rewrote the entire show as soon as it started, and my segment and the match that my segment was coming from were cut. He rewrote the whole show. Then it was like, ‘Well, we’ll probably have you back next week,’ and then that never happened… I was supposed to go on a Tuesday to SmackDown because they were doing ECW before Smackdown, but then the Thursday prior, I got released.”

article topics :

Angelina Love, WWE, Jeremy Thomas