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Ash By Elegance Reveals How Her WWE NXT Battleground Appearance Came Together

– During a recent interview with ComicBook.com, TNA wrestler Ash by Elegance (formerly Dana Brooke) discussed her surprise appearance at last Sunday’s WWE NXT Battleground event. Below are some highlights:
Ash by Elegance on how the appearance came together: “My gosh, it was seriously last minute. I was going about my week and I had an appearance on Saturday in Jacksonville. I get a call, I think it was late Thursday, even maybe early Friday morning, and they’re like, ‘Hey, are you available this weekend? We’d love to have you come back and do something with TNA and NXT,.’ I was like, ‘What?! Oh yeah, count me in!’ They booked my flight from Jacksonville over to Vegas.”
On how she hid in the crowd: “I kept everything on the DL. I was hiding. I had my hat, I had my hoodie, I had my sunglasses. Nobody knew who I was. I made that sneak appearance, sneak attack, and here I am. I took a red eye back to Miami this morning and am enjoying about a day and a half vacation with my family and then I’m back on the road for some TNA action in Chicago. I’m booked and busy, baby.”