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Bobby Lashley on the Differences Between the Nation of Domination and The Hurt Business, Possibly Bringing in a Female Member

September 9, 2020 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Bobby Lashley Hurt Business WWE Payback US TItle Image Credit: WWE

– In an interview with Graham Matthews for Daily DDT, WWE Superstar and US champion Bobby Lashley spoke about his Hurt Business stable and more. During the interview, he addressed fans comparing the group to the Nation of Domination, potentially bringing in a female member, and more. Below are some highlights.

Bobby Lashley on the comparisons between The Hurt Business and the Nation of Domination: “The pairing started to naturally occur and we started talking about all kinds of stuff like how we wanted to be represented. Everybody said, ‘Of course, you’re black guys, so you’re the Nation!’ We said, ‘Hold on a second. We are three black guys, but we’re businessmen.’ That’s why we’re The Hurt Business, not The Hurt Gang or The Hurt Mob or anything like that. We come in, and I’ve been doing this since I came into the wrestling business and I learned this when I originally started in 2003, you put on a suit and you walk in there because it’s a business. You conduct yourself like a star because you are a star, so we come in every day like that anyway. If I need to pull my jacket off and beat someone up in Raw Underground, that’s what I do. If I need to take everything off and put on my wrestling gear and beat somebody up in the ring, that’s what I do. That’s where the commonalities come with us in that we both have the same frame of mind: we’re going to look good and do big things.”

Bobby Lashley possibly bringing in a female member: “First off, we really have to define what The Hurt Business is to people because right now it’s a cool name with a cool t-shirt that’s on WWE Shop that you can pick up at any time. We also have to take into consideration what The Hurt Business is. We are guys that have a different frame of mind. Yes, we can have great matches, but we’re really at the point in our career where we’re going to take what we want and take what we need and we’re going to fight for it. If we do find a female to put in the group or a 205 guy or anybody else,” he continued, “they have to have that same frame of mind. I really don’t know. There’s several people right now that we kind of have our eye on a little bit, but we’re seeing what they can do and how they can evolve or if they do fit in our group. The last thing we want to do is put someone in our group that doesn’t really fit the mold of what we’re trying to accomplish. That would be moving in the wrong direction.”

On his relationship with Brock Lesnar: “The crazy thing about Brock and I is that we really don’t know each other. I think I may have said three words to Brock ever. When I just met Brock two years ago when I first got back and it was in Saudi [Arabia], that was the first time we had ever crossed paths. Before that, I had never met him. The minute I started in WWE 17 years ago, I was always compared to Brock and never once had any kind of discussion.