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Cazer’s AEW Dark Review 2.21.23

Thirteen matches tonight, with Trent, Jeff Jarrett, Julia Hart, Satnam, Emi and more on tap. Huge card with so many notable names should be a great episode.
Slim J vs. Matt Sydal
Back and forth early, neither taking control , Slim J avoiding Sydal and then goes for a couple of pinfall attempts to no avail. Sydal in control and works over Slim J. Sydal pulled to the outside as Slim J distracts the referee. Slim J in control locking in a submission and transitioning to a headlock and lifting Sydal up. Sydal with a sunset flip counter and covers for two. Slim J back in control and he sends Sydal outside of the ring to get assaulted by the Trust Busters. Slim J locks in a headlock but Sydal fights free and nails Slim J with a kick to the head to take control. A series of kicks from Sydal, he chops away at Slim J and hits him with a slam. Sydal runs into a boot, Slim J tries to lift him up top but Sydal counters and hits Slim J with a leaping rana and covers for two. Daivari distracts Bryce but Slim J drops Jeeves instead. Sydal drops Slim J with his finish and covers for the victory. Post match the Trust Busters attack until AR Fox and Top Flight make the save.
Rating: ***
Review: Likely the best match of the night, i’m glad we have this storyline building but I see now why I hated the Dark Order and Wingmen stories, it just drug on forever and was the same thing every week.
Devlyn Macabre vs. Julia Hart
Julia in control early and laughs off Devlyns brief moments of offense. Julia stomps away at Devlyn before sending her into the corner and laying into her with a series of strikes. Hart with a back elbow and covers for two before laying into Devlyn with a series of strikes. Hart misses a standing moonsault on purpose and then Devlyn looks like she misses a superkick on accident. Julia back in control, submission and picks up the win.
Rating: N/A
Review: The Julia Hart stuff took too long for me to ever care and she still isn’t good enough in the ring to do this gimmick in my opinion. I wonder if they ever wish Abadon took that spot. She’s not a favorite of mine but would’ve fit the role much better.
The Workhorsemen vs. Oliver Sawyer & Jay Malachi
Sawyer works over Henry until Drake tags in and they hit the double team to take control. Drake isolates Oliver in the corner and tags in Henry. Henry taunts Oliver but prevents the tag locking in an octopus hold. Sawyer locked in a submission and fights for the rope. Drake tags in and has control but Sawyer escapes and Malachi with a burst of offense, he waits for Henry to get up and assaults Drake, Drake catches him with a cool suplex. Drake is bleeding. Enziguri flatliner combo from the workhorsemen for the win.
Rating: **1/2
Review: It was short and didn’t get a chance to get going but when it got a burst of offense down the stretch it was pretty entertaining.
Lizzy & Payton Blair vs. The Renegades
The Renegades isolate Payton in the corner working her over as a team. Consistent tags to continue the double teaming. Lizzy tags in and has a short moment of offense but then she’s dropped with a spinebuster combo for the victory.
Rating: N/A
Review: Squash. The Renegades have grown a great bit since their debut though.
– Rohit and Jora Johl cut a promo about how great they will be this year. Somehow I doubt it.
Preston Vance vs. Blanco Loco
Preston left the Dark Order to return right to their stomping grounds. The Mask collector is here, I really feel like that should be reserved for a more established talent. Preston dominates Blanco Loco sending him into the corner and chopping him before laying in with the shoulder tackles. Spinebuster from Preston and discus lariat from Preston as he covers Blanco for the win. Preston rips the mask off this completely unknown jobber after his win.
Rating: N/A
Review: Squash. Preston dominates and steals the mask of another nameless character.
Tony Deppen vs. Caleb Konley
This was actually a fun back and forth match between two guys who have been showcased semi frequently but haven’t really been pushed much. Deppen picks up the win with a lariat to the back of the head and a cover. Post match gloating like the heel he is.
Rating: **1/2
Review: This was solid, not really sold on either guy but this felt like something we might see on new ROH.
Iron Savages vs. Chris Sandson & Terry Kid
Iron Savages completely dominate a nameless duo on their way to another victory. This was fine but nothing special and we’ve seen many matches like this from the Savages. At least i’m used to them having a new name. The Savages win with a splash from the top and the crowd pops for them even though their heels. Loved in Florida.
Rating: N/A
Review: Squash that we’ve seen plenty of times but it was fine.
Jora Johl & Rohit Raju vs. Dale Springs & Bryce Cannon
The Golf gimmick is great, everything else in this match is washed. Johl and Raju get a chance to beat up some jobbers and claim a victory and finally gain some type of momentum. The Horn haired guy really irritates me for some reason. Golfer dude with a burst of offense but it’s not enough as he’s laid out by a combination of strikes and a big cook from Johl covering for the victory.
Rating: N/A
Review: Squash. They gotta set these guys up to make it mean something when a good team wins but I just don’t thing a single person in this world will care about this match by the end of the week.
Billie Starkz vs. Emi Sakura
This was a fun showcase match for Billie Starkz she got a real chance to shine despite getting beat up by a dominant opponent. Emi is a great opponent for someone like Billie who actually has a bit of momentum going for her. Kind of a weird spot when Emi starts spanking away at Billie as she’s on the ground. Otherwise this was great fun, Billie even getting a burst of offense dropping Emi with a series of strikes and a pump kick. The crowd is big behind Billie and she’s improving quickly. At some point Emi started bleeding from the nose and it looked like Billie could steal it as she looked for an electric chair but Emi countered into a submission nearly taking Billie out until she got the rope. Not a huge fan of Billie using a tombstone as a transitional move on an episode of Dark but I guess that is the future of wrestling. Billie with a swanton and then tries for another on the apron, c’mon kid. Emi drops Billie and covers for two surprised she kicked out, the finish comes off a top rope moonsault from Emi for the victory.
Rating: ***1/2
Review: This was the match of the night so far, Billie’s gotta stop making her opponents bleed or maybe now they all gotta bleed. First Britt now Emi. Either way this was a great match.
Dak Draper vs. Brady Booker
I was so confused at first I thought Booker was Griff Garrison which is ironic given the fact we all thought he was Jungle Boy at first right. This match was a good back and forth I’m not sure Booker got quite enough offense in given the fact he won but they apparently have plans for him. Brady with some weird running leg strikes and some ‘football guy’ offense. Brady with a torture rack forcing Dak to submit for the victory.
Rating: N/A
Review: Squash, and it really wasn’t that great, love Excalibur pointing out that’s Hobbs move as Hobbs does it way better.
The Wingmen vs. Jay Marte, Jarett Diaz, & Rich Adonis
Just another Wingmen showcase to get these guys a victory. The Jobbers were all ok but didn’t do a lot for me. Why not toss Griff on this jobber team just to give them an ounce of credibility. The Wingmen literally tease these guys just working them over and showing their stuff. Diaz with a burst of offense but he’s caught by The Wingmen who apparently have unlimited time available in the ring. Avalon with a diving splash for the victory.
Rating: N/A
Review: Again who could possibly care about this match at the end of this week. With all the wrestling there is Tony Khan felt this match had to happen amongst 13 other matches.
The Boys vs. Jeff Jarrett & Satnam Singh
Nice to see The Boys here, some relevant Jobbers for once. This was a good squash match, only had to sit through about 7 mid squash matches to get there. Satnam really looks good for a big guy against guys who can actually work. Of course being alongside Jarrett goes a long way for him. The Boys didn’t get much offense in but were great faces in peril. They need Castle. The Boys jump into a double chokeslam and Satnam steps onto them both as he covers for the victory.
Rating: N/A
Review: Another squash but this was easily the best one of the night Jarrett is a great heel however old he is. Satnam is growing a lot and improving as a giant heel.
– We get a promo for Tony Nese vs. Trent, maybe they should’ve aired this at the top of the show. Glad they’re pretending this match means something though.
Tony Nese vs. Trent Beretta
Can’t pretend i’m not bitter we didn’t get another Takeshita main event. This was a solid back and forth main even with two guys who know eachother really well. Nice back and forth to kick it off until Trent took control and kept on Nese working him over on the outside. It wasn’t until Sterling got involved outside that Nese finally had a shot at control. Nese used this to his advantage and began working over the knee of Trent dropping him off the middle rope right onto his face. Nese’s heel work is solid as he continued to work over the arms and knee of Trent while talking trash throughout. Nese slams Trent gut first into the top rope and then covers for two. Big spot as Trent nails Nese with a huge superplex but he’s too hurt to capitalize. We get a strike exchange in the center of the ring. Nese nearly dropped on his skull as Trent hits him with a half and half suplex then a tornado DDT and covers for two. There was an awesome spot when Trent went for a suplex but Nese lands on his feet and hits a double stomp. Nese gives Trent everything he’s got with two nearfalls but Trent fights through. Trent with a roll up for two, Nese drops Trent with a kick to the face sending Trent to the corner, Nese attempts his running knee and connects, Sterling says to cover him but Nese wants to do more and heads up top. Nese misses a 450, Trent to his feet and drops Nese with a running knee and his finish for the victory.
Rating: ***3/4
Review: This was a super fun main event match between two guys who know eachother well. The build wasn’t out of this world but I damn sure appreciate the attempt and wish every main event of Dark had that very little effort to build a backstory. None the less another solid main event to close the show.
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