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Cazer’s GCW Fight Club Review 10.9.21

October 10, 2021 | Posted by Andrew Cazer
Jon Moxley GCW Fight Club Image Credit: GCW
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Cazer’s GCW Fight Club Review 10.9.21  

GCW Fight Club

Date: October 9th, 2021
Location: Showboat, Atlantic City
Commentators: Kevin Gill, Dave Prazak, Mick Foley (Main Event)

Jon Moxley first appeared for GCW in April of 2021 making a shocking appearance confronting Nick Gage. Since then Moxley has made several other appearances even winning the GCW Championship from Matt Cardona at GCW’s Wargames Event in Chicago last month. Following this surprising in ring debut for Moxley in GCW he was confronted by Nick Gage, similar to how Moxley interrupted Gage’s victory in April. This set up the biggest main event in GCW history with Jon Moxley set to defend his GCW championship against Nick Gage in a deathmatch in Atlantic city.

Former GCW Champion Matt Cardona will also be appearing at this event hoping to recapture his coveted Internet Championship that he lost last month in New York City. During GCW’s Get Lost Alot event Matt Cardona put his championship on the line for an opportunity to join the Moxley/Gage championship match in Atlantic City. Unfortunately for him he came up short in seconds when Effy caught Cardona off guard and rolled him up to become The Internet Champion or as Effy calls it Effy is The Internet. Now Moxley will once again wager something he covets, his GCW career in order to get back what he feels is rightfully his.

This is GCW’s biggest show of all time, Brett Lauderdale and company look to give fans a night they won’t soon forget. Brett even promises to deliver the biggest announcement in GCW history during tonight’s show. With a jam packed roster and a highly energetic crowd this looks to be one of the top independent shows of the year. Let’s get to it!

Alex Zane vs. Ninja Mack vs. Lio Rush
This was scheduled to be a singles match between Ninja Mack and Alex Zane however Lio Rush was added at the last moment as a surprise participant.
Rush slides into the ring as the bell rings and both Mack and Zane are ready for him tossing him into the ropes. Lio regains control drops Ninja mack with a huge spinning enziguri. Zane attempts to attack Rush but is dropped with a Kick from rush as well. Lio taunts too long allowing Zane and Ninja mack to attempt to regain control but Rush drops both men with a springboard forearm. Both Zane and Mack roll out of the ring Lio hits Zane with a diving moonsault first followed by a running tope suicida for Ninja Mack as well. Lio Rush sets Ninja Mack up in a seat in the front row and drops him with a HUGE running boot.

Lio makes his way around the ring running towards Zane but is hit with a huge chop for his troubles. Zane tosses Lio back into the ring and into the corner. Zane his Lios with a forearm and tosses him into the opposite corner chasing him and hitting him with another huge forearm. Zane goes back to the corner looking for another running maneuver at Lio but Ninja Mack jumps back into the ring over Zane’s head and jails Lio with a forearm of his own. Mack tossed into the corner and Zane hits him with a headscissors from out of the ring. Zane leapfrogs over Ninja Mack and dropkicks Lio Rush into the corner.

Zane goes for a springboard out of the ring but is caught by Ninja Mack with a huge standing spanish fly out of nowhere. Mack goes for the cover but only gets as two as Zane rolls out. Lio Rush slides back into the ring as Mack is doing a moonsault and lands face to face with Lio in a ninja pose. Lio and Mack with a staredown before Rush and Lio hit the ropes doing a number of flips and Ninja Mack dropping Zane off the apron in the process leaving the crowd on their feet excited. Mack with an inverted atomic drop and follows it up with a huge spinning heel kick to Lios face. Mack goes for a cover and only gets a two count. Ninja Mack hits an abdamon chop on Lio and goes up top but is cut off by Alex Zane. Lio charges at Zane and is tossed into the turnbuckle. Zane catches Ninja mack on the top ropes with a top rope rana. Immediately after the rana Zane catches Lio for a release german suplex directly onto Ninja Mack. Zane goes for the cover on Mack but Ninja with the kickout at two.

Alex Zane and Ninja Mack take the action outside the ring. Lio is on the apron and Ninja Mack hits a handspring powerbomb onto Lio to the outside of the ring onto Alex Zane. Lio Rush and Ninja Mack get to their feet and Lio hits a springboard onto Ninja Mack laying him out. Lio tosses Ninja Mack back into the ring and nails Alex Zane with a big boot outside to keep him out of the ring. Lio follows Ninja Mack back into the ring but Ninja Mack connects with a number of chops. Rush drops Ninja mack with a huge clothesline followed by the falcon arrow but Ninja Mack kicks out at two. Lio tries for the baseball slide dropkick but Zane blocks it and Ninja Mack hits him with a senton. Ninja Mack and Lio with dueling superkicks to Zane before Zane ducks one and Mack nails Lio with a superkick of his own. All three men hit the lucha traditional triple dropkick leaving all three men down to a GCW chant.

Everybody goes for rollups but only get two counts for their troubles. Ninja Mack and Zane exchange strikes before Zane tosses him into the corner. Zane hits a kick to the back of the head of Ninja Mack dropping him. Zane hits the shooting star knees to the back of Ninja Macks head and goes for the cover. Zane picks up the victory with his Crunchwrap Supreme Manuever as Lio Rush can’t break up the pin in time.
Winner: Alex Zane def. Ninja Mack in 11:09

Review: B. This was an exciting high flying opener with a sweet GCW suprise in Lio Rush. All three men delivered and Zane winning is the smart move as he looks to be a top name to be reckoned with in GCW for the forseeable future. There were some hiccups and some stuff not for everyone like the acrobatic fest between Rush and Mack but I loved it.

Post match: Zane raises the hands of both of his opponents before dipping out to the back.

Joey Janela & Marko Stunt vs. Starboy Charlie & Chris Dickinson
This should be a sweet tag match as Starboy and Dickinson have come together as an interesting team with a true history and Marko and Joey were two big names for GCW as it rose to prominence.
Starboy and Marko start this off with some traditional chain wrestling. Starboy with the headlock on Marko before transitioning to a wrist lock Marko takes control dropping Starboy to the mat with a trip and locks in a headlock of his own.
Starboy regains control grabbing ahold of Markos arm before he transitions to a waste lock. Marko and Starboy exchange leapfrogs Starboy goes for a Kick but Marko ducks it. Marko and Charlie nail each other with boots pushing each other to the corner causing a double tag.

Dickinson drops Janela with a shoulder tackle and hits him with a forearm in the corner. Janela and Dickinson exchange strikes Dickinson drops Janela and nails him with a huge kick to the back. Dickinson tosses Joey into the corner and tags in Starboy who hits a kick to Janela. Suplex from Starboy and goes for a cover but can’t even get a win. Janela backs Starboy back into his corner and Dickinson tags himself in. Dickinson takes control dropping Janela with a stiff right. Dickinson with kicks to Janela’s head resting on the bottom rope before chocking him on the bottom rope. Dickinson tags in Starboy and Dickinson asks him to chop Starboy’s chop isn’t stiff enough and Dickinson shows him how to chop Joey properly. Starboy with another chop and this is enough for Dickinson. Starboy off the ropes and goes for a rana on Janela but Janela with a huge powerbomb.

Janela makes it to his feet and tags in Marko who drops Dickinson off the apron. Marko hits Starboy with a huge German sending him to the outside. Dickinson in and goes for a powerbomb but Marko reverses into a rana. Mark drops Dickinson with a knee strike. Marko with a dive to the floor dropping Charlie before making his way to the top rope. Marko drops Dickinson with a huge top rope dropkick sending Dickinson to the floor. Starboy slides in to capitalize but Janela attacks Starboy before dragging Marko to the corner to make the tag. Janela in the ring and hits a snapmare on Starboy and follows with a kick to the spine. Joey goes for a cover but the ref is out of position checking on Marko. Joey tosses Starboy into the corner with enough intensity to drop Starboy to the mat. Joey lifts Starboy up and sends him into the ropes. Starboy goes for the sunset flip but Janela stays on his feet and hits Starboy with a stiff right.

Joey taunts Dickinson holding starboys hand out for a tag before locking him in a modified camel clutch. Starboy fights out a couple guts shots and a forearm. Starboy dives for the tag but Joey catches him at the last second. Starboy hits the ropes and hits Janela with a huge rana that spikes Joey face first into the mat. Charlie crawls for the tag but Janela grabs Starboys leg. Starboy hits the enziguri but Marko drops Dickinson off the apron. Starboy with an inverted DDT onto Janela. Starboy with the tag to Dickinson and hits Marko with a huge fallaway slam. Dickinson hits Janela and Marko with clotheslines in both corners before tossing Marko into Janela in the corner and sandwiches him into Janela. Dickinson with a suplex onto Janela and goes for the cover but only gets two. Dickinson locks in the cross arm breaker before Marko makes the Save. Dickinson tosses Marko onto Janela and locks them in a two man singled legged crab. Janela gets to the ropes and that forces the break.

Dickinson off the ropes but Janela pulls the top rope down sending Dickinson to the outside. Starboy hits the ring and hits Marko with a standing shooting star. Starboy goes to the top but is cut off with a kick from Janela. Joey has Starboy up for the death valley driver and Marko jumps off Starboys back onto Dickinson. Janela follows that up with the death valley driver onto the apron. Janela tosses Starboy back into the ring and goes for a suplex followed by a cover but Starboy is not the legal man. Dickinson back in the ring and hits Joey with a deadlift German. Joey no sells the German suplex and stares down Dickinson. Marko and Starboy get involved before Janela and Dickinson drop both of them. Joey and Dickinson threaten to piledrive each others partner and finally deliver. Both men back to their feet Janela hits Dickinson with a superkick, Dickinson follows with a spin kick and a death valley driver onto Janela. Dickinson goes for the cover but gets a two. Dickinson locks in an STFU on Janela. Marko goes for the save but Starboy locks in a sharpshooter on Marko. Marko locks in a sleeper hold on Dickinson breaking the hold on both Janela and Marko. Janela and Dickinson get to their feet and exchange open hand strikes. Starboy and Janela start exchanging forearms. Janela has Starboy in the corner and hits him with a chop. Janela to the Apron and is his with a dropkick to the floor. Starboy goes over the top to the floor onto Janela.

Marko hits a swinging DDT onto Dickinson sending him to the corner to recover. Marko runs at Dickinson and is hit with a huge big boot from Dickinson. Dickinson hits a huge powerbomb off the top rope sending Marko right onto Joey Janela dropping both men. Starboy hits the twisting Press but Janela nosells again. Dickinson with a clothesline sending Janela to the outside. Starboy lifts Marko up brainbuster. Dickinson for the cover and the three count.
Winner: Dickinson pins Marko in 13:24

Review: B. This was a really solid match. All four guys are really great and GCW continues to do a wonderful job making Starboy look great regardless of his size. The story of pairing him with Dickinson is great and Janela hammered it home well in the post match.

Post match: Dickinson and Starboy are celebrating and Joey isn’t happy he calls for a mic. Janela says he’ known Dickinson for over ten years now, he says they’ve traveled the road and had their problems. He says Dickinson is the reason Janela got to where he had to be. Janela is pretty tired. Joey says Dickinson is responsible for the piece of shit we’re looking at right now. He says Dickinson is a changed man and isn’t going to raise this grade a wagu beef professional wrestling that way. He tells Dickinson he wants to shake his hand and say thank you. He says their Wagu Beef is over and their tag team is too. He says Dickinson has a new partner and he’s a stud. Janela tells Dickinson to do it the right way and get him that big contract one day. Janela then hugs Marko and we get respect from all four handshaking as Janela raises Markos hand high.

Jordan Oliver vs. Atticus Cogar
Both of these guys have been growing a name for themselves courtesy of GCW’s rise to prominence over the past few months. We start with a headlock Jordan Oliver drops Atticus with a shoulder block. Jordan then drops Atticus with an arm drag before both men get to their feet. Jordan offers a half serious handshake and is laughed off by Cogar. Both men lock up and Oliver takes the advantage early dropping Cogar to the mat with a waist lock. Oliver pushes Cogar away and has Cogar’s patented skewers in his hand pick pocketing Cogar while holding him in the waist lock. Cogar catches Jordan distracted and hits him with suplex. He has Oliver in the corner and rubs his elbow pad across his face. He runs at Oliver but is elevated over the top rope to the apron. Cogar springboards over for the rollup but Oliver blocks it.

Oliver to the apron and Cogar hits him with a dropkick off the apron to the floor. Cogar to the top as Oliver is draped across the apron. Cogar hits a double stomp onto the side of Oliver on the apron. Cogger slides Oliver back into the ring and goes for the cover but only gets a two. Cogar slides out of the ring and sets a couple chairs up outside of the ring. Cogar sets two doors on top of the chairs outside of the ring. Oliver tries to block Cogar as he gets back into the ring but Cogar bites Oliver’s face. Cogar goes to suplex Oliver out of the ring onto the doors but Oliver blocks it with a suplex of his own. Oliver hits Cogar with a northern lights suplex for the pin but only gets a two count. Oliver sets Cogar over the top near the doors and goes to big boot him off the apron into the doors but Cogar blocks it. Cogar climbs his way up the turnbuckle but is met by Oliver at the top. Oliver hits a DDT off the top back into the ring and goes for the cover but only gets a two count.

Cogar and Oliver get to their feet and exchange forearms in the center of the ring. Oliver kicks Cogar and locks in the cross arm breaker. Cogar rolls Oliver up but only gets a two forcing Oliver to release the hold. Oliver is hit with a superkick from Cogar. Cogar drops Oliver with a huge lariat and goes for a cover for a two count. Both men are down and we get a ref count to six before both men get to their knees and begin exchanging fore arms once again. Both men to their feet and begin exchanging slaps and forearms in the center of the ring. Oliver goes for a spinning kick but Cogar ducks. Cogar into the corner and Oliver goes for his Cleopatra springboard stunner. He goes for his clout cutter immediately after but Cogar blocks it and hits Oliver with a low blow as the ref is distracted. Cogar hits the headlock driver and goes for the cover but Oliver kicks out at two. Cogar is stunned that he kicked out.

Cogar remembers the doors set up outside of the ring and grabs Oliver and takes him to the corner. Both men climb up the top ropes as Cogar looks to hit the headlock driver from the top rope to the outside. Oliver drops to the mat before spring boarding up to hit Cogar with the clout cutter through the doors outside of the ring. Jordan slides Cogar into the ring and picks up the victory during a replay to a mixed reaction.
Winner: Jordan Oliver def. Atticus Cogar in 10:18

Review: C. I really like both of these guys but Oliver still has room to grow and there’s a good portion of the GCW fanbase who wants to cheer Cogar. I think the skies the limit for both but they did not click tonight.

ost match Oliver extends his hand to Cogar and Cogar pulls out a handful of skewers but drops them and shakes hands with Oliver before lifting his hand up in victory. Cogar goes to exit the ring but its all a ploy as he can attack Oliver. Cogar grabs the skewers and stabs them into the head of Jordan Oliver as the members of Young Dumb and Broke hit the ring to send Cogar running to the back. Jordan removes the skewers and slams them on the ground as Young Dumb and Broke help him to the back. Young Dumb and Broke exit to a mixed reaction.

[-] It’s time for Brett Lauderdale’s major GCW announcement but he’s interrupted. Matt Carona’s themesong hits and Cardona makes his way out to the ring. Carona is met with a huge negative reception from the crowdas he casually walks out before the announcement can be made. This crowd is very anti Matt Cardona if you couldn’t have guessed. The fans are chanting we want Effy as Cardona makes his way to the ring. Cardona takes the mic from Brett and says “All Hail the Deathmatch King!”. He’s met with an unsavory response. Cardona asks who is here to Jon Moxley, Who is here to Mick Foley, then says F*** Mick Foley. He is the hardcore icon. Cardona tells Brett you’re welcome for the record breaking house. Cardona tells Lauderdale to get out of his ring because he is GCW. This prompted Effy’s theme to hit so they could have their match.

Internet Championship vs. Matt Cardona’s GCW Career

Effy w/ Allie Katch vs. Matt Cardona
Carona hits the Rough Rider almost immediately but Effy hits the ropes so there’s no pin. Effy on the apron and Cardona runs at him but gets tied up in the ropes by Effy. Both mene back in the ring and Effy hits a suplex onto Cardona followed by a senton for the cover. Cardona kicks out at too and goes to the corner. Effy runs at Cardona and his hit with some big knees from Cardona. Cardona sends Effy into the corner and hits him with some forearms. Cardona calls for the broski boot but is tossed to the floor by Effy. Effy with a suicide dive onto Cardona outside the ring. Effy brings out a chair as we get a who’s your daddy chant. Effy drops the chair across the back of Cardona multiple times before setting the chair up outside of the ring. Effy sets Cardona on the chair and climbs the apron. Effy goes for the flipping senton onto Carona on the chair but Cardona moves and Effy lays himself out.

Cardona drops Effy with a DDT outside of the ring and Allie Katch comes to the aide of Effy. Cardona gets to his feet and flips off the GCW crowd before tossing Effy into the ring. Cardona goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Cardona with a neckbreaker and follows it with another cover but Effy kicks out yet again. Cardona grabs the steel chair and drops it right across the head of Effy followed by a chairshot to the back. Cardona uses the chair to choke Effy before climbing the ropes with the chair in his hands. Cardona tosses the chair to Effy who catches it and a dropkick from Cardona immediaately after. Cardona poses with his internet chapionship perhaps preemtively. Cardona goes back to the chair and smashes it over the head of Effy. Effy calls for another one and is hit with a huge chair shot. Cardona with the cover but Effy kicks out. Effy is leaking following that chair shot.

Cardona reaches into his tights and pulls out a Broski Bandana to choke Effy but Effy likes it and fights back. Effy with a northern lights to Cardona with a bridge and gets a two count. Cardona tosses the chair at Effy in the corner and calls for the Broski boot. Cardona misses it and goes crotch first into the bottom rope. Effy with a TKO right into a submission. Effy has it locked in but Cardona rakes at the cut on Effy’s head to escape. Effy hits a bicycle kick to Cardona in the corner then hits him with under the rainbow. Effy goes for the cover but Cardona kicks out at two. The crowd is firmly behind Effy as he lifts Cardona to his feet but Cardona hits a codebreak on Effy. Cardona hits a tigerdriver on Effy but Effy kicks out at two. Cardona goes for a suplex but Effy reverses it into a roll up for a two count. Cardona hits effy with a huge running clothesline and follows it up with punches right at the cut on Effy’s head.

Cardona onces again poses with the belt and goes to use it as a weapon but Effy ducks Cardona dropping the ref. Cardona goes to hit Allie Katch with the belt but she ducks. Effy goes to hit Cardona with the chair but nails Allie Katch instead. Cardona goes for the Rough Ryder but it gets a bit messeed up. Both men get to their feet Effy hits Cardona with the Sack Rider. Effy with the cover but we have no ref. One finally hits the ring and counts but a masked individual pulls the ref out at two. Effy grabs the person and pulls them onto the apron. Cardona hits the distracted Effy with a lowblow as the masked person enters the ring and hits Effy with a lowblow as well. Cardona hits Effy with the Rough Ryder and picks up the victory.
Winner: Matt Cardona def. Effy with the Rough Ryder in 13:40

Review: B. This match had some pretty stiff chairshots but I really enjoy Cardona’s work in GCW. Involving Chelsea just makes it that much better for me and hammers home the idea that Cardona is a level above the general GCW viewing audience. I love that this should lead to Cardona/Chelsea vs. Bussy and hope we get more Internet Championship matches GCW benefits from an additional non ultraviolent championship.

Post Match: The masked person unmasks and reveals themselves to be none other than Chelsea Green. Chelesea and Cardona makeout and celebrate as the crowd boos. Cardona and Chelsea make their way through a sea of angry fans to the back of the venue as we go to intermission.

Jimmy Lloyd vs. Dante Leon vs. Gringo Loco vs. ASF vs. Brayden Lee vs. Calvin Tankman vs. Thunder Rosa
Thunder Rosa is a surprise participant and the crowd is ecstatic for this one. All seven circle the ring and ASF tries his attack first running at Tankman and dropping himself to the mat. Rosa follows up and tries to dropkick Tankman but he’s too big. ASF tries yet again from the top rope but is powerbombed into Jimmy Lloyd and Gringo Loco who toss ASF back into Tankman for a hurricanrana and finish it with a double superkick to tankman.

Loco and ASF are the only two in the ring Loco runs into a boot from ASF in the corner. ASF drops Loco with an armdrag. ASF grabs onto Locos hand and hits a springboard armdrag to Gringo Loco who cartwheels out of it. ASF goes for a moonsault but is caught by Gringo Loco but takes him down with a headscissors anyways. ASF with a top rope armdrag to Loco tossing him out of the ring. Thunder Rosa slides into the ring and stares down ASF. Rosa with a tilt a whirl arm drag to ASF. Rosa with some chops followed by a dropkick to ASF. ASF and Gringo to their feet and Rosa has both men locked up with knuckle locks. Rosa with a springboard armdrag to both men tossing them both out of the ring.

Brayden Lee slides into the ring but takes a couple shots from Rosa before she hits him with a drop toe hold into the second rope. Rosa follows that with a dropkick to the back then a running dropkick to the chest. Rosa lifts Braden and goes for a suplex but he reverses out and hits Rosa with a dropkick. Rosa rolls out but Calvin Tankman rolls in. Tankman hits Brayden with a pounce. Loco comes in and takes a huge elbow from Tankman. ASF enters the ring and takes a lifting backfist from Tankman. Dante Leon and Jimmy Lloyd reenter the fray. Dante hits Tankman with a tornado DDT sending him out of the ring. Dante goes for a springboard cutter on Jimmy but he catches him sending Dante back into the corner who hits his flipping cutter on Jimmy Lloyd.

Dante dives out of the ring taking out Lee and Tankman. Thunder Rosa climbs the top rope and tosses herself onto the crowd. Brayden Lee to the top and hits a huge flipping moonsault onto the wrestlers outside of the ring. Tankman teases a dive but ASF hits the ring and is tossed by Tankman over the top onto the crowd. Tankman goes for ASF but ASF hits the shoulder block onto Tankman. ASF with a huge spiked DDT onto Tankman sending him out of the ring. Brayden Lee in the ring and sets ASF on the top rope. ASF fights Lee off but Lee goes to the apron and climbs to the top again. ASF and Lee on the top and Lee hits a top rope rana into Gringo Loco inside the ring. ASF now sets Gringo loco on the top rope but Tankman catches ASF and drops him with a clothesline. Lee goes after Tankman with a flurry of strikes followed by a superkick. Lee goes for a poinsonrana on Tankman that hits but not clean.

ASF with a top rope dropkick to Tankman. Gringo Loco off the top rope onto ASF but Tankman breaks it up. Tankman tosses Loco into the ropes but Loco counters with a canadian piledriver. Loco goes for the cover but Thunder Rosa hits the double stomp onto Loco. ASF hits a german suplex on Thunder Rosa. Jimmy Lloyd goes for a styles clash on ASF but Dante Leon hits Jimmy Lloyd with a flipping Cutter at the same time. Dante covers ASF but Brayden Lee breaks it up with a 630 splash. Lee goes to the top and goes for a shootstaring press to the floor but Tankman catches him and tosses him into the front row seats. Gringo Loco dives onto Tankman on the outside. Thunder Rosa to the top and hits a top rope huricanarana to Gringo Loco on the floor. ASF dives onto Rosa outside the ring. ASF into the ring and goes for Jimmy Lloyd but Jimmy locks ASF up in airplane spin backbreaker into a piledriver. Jimmy goes for the cover and picks up the victory.
Winner: Jimmy Lloyd def. ASF in 11:48

Review: B-. This was a great scramble match but it had a fair amount of hiccups which will happen when everyone is trying high risk moves. Some stuff will look great but other stuff will look questionable at best. This match had a lot of that but it also did well enough to give everyone time to shine and the right guy won.

Akira, G-Raver & Alex Colon vs. Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner, Matthew Justice & AJ Gray)
Akira starts this off showing no fear hitting all of the SGC with overhand chops. He hits AJ Gray with a northern lights suplex. Mance Warner steps up and hits Akira with a spinebuster. None of SGC have left the ring yet. Aj Gray hits Akira with a leg lariat as Mancer and Justice exit the ring. Aj with a chop dropping Akira to the mat. Aj sends Akira to the SGC corner and hits him with a chop before tagging in Matthew Justice. Justice hits Akira with a huge chop in the corner and tags in Mance Warner who hits a chop of his own on Akira. AJ tags in and hits a chop on Akira who fights back but Matthew Justice grabbed his head and pulled him back into the corner. Aj Gray with a huge spinebuster onto Akira before tagging Mancer in.

Mance Warner with a kick to the chest of Akira before tossing him into the corner. Mance with a couple shoulder blocks to Akira in the corner before locking in a headlock. Mance drags Akira to his corner and tags in Matthew Justice. Justice hits a suplex and goes for the cover but Akira kicks out right away. Justice shoves Akira out of the ring and tags in Aj Gray who goes outside the ring and beats down on Akira. Justice grabs a chair outside the ring and hits it across Akiras back. Mance Warner and Aj Gray take their turns hitting chair shots on Akira before Colon and G Raver come to the aide of Akira. All six men star brawling outside of the ring. Justice hits Alex Colon with a couple of Chairshots. Akira has AJ Gray on the defensive on the opposite side of the ring nailing him with some kicks up against the ring post.

Justice is in the ring as Aj Gray hits a suplex to Akira on the floor. Justice is on the top rope and calls for the chair. Mance Warner and Aj Gray lift Akira up and Justice comes down with a huge chairshot across his head dropping him onto Colon and G Raver who could’ve helped but chose to catch him instead. Matthew Justice begins setting up a door/chair table contraption. Mance Warner and Colon brawl on the ground as Matthew Justice rolls Akira back into the ring. Justice tags in Mance Warner and Aj Gray also joins in. They lift Akira up and go to powerbomb him out of the ring but Akira escapes. Akira drops Justice and Mance and finally manages to tag in G Raver. Colon and Raver attack Gray as Akira gets involved. Akira dumps Aj to the outside as he Colon and Raver get on the same page.

Justice gets in the ring and is hit with a huge german suplex kick combination from Akira and G Raver. Akira goes for the cover but Justice kicks out at one. Colon hits a baseball slide to Mance warner keeping him from entering the ring. Colon follows that up with a dive outside the ring and nails Mance with a DDT on the fllor. Akira hits a choking codebreaker on AJ Gray setting up for G Raver to hit a swanton bomb onto AJ Gray. Colon hits the missile dropkick on Gray before tossing Matthew Justice out of the ring. Akira with a bearhug on AJ Gray before hitting an assisted spinebuster on Gray. Akira locks AJ in the Muta Lock but Justice and Warner try to break up the submission. Justice and Warner are cut off by Raver and Colon. Justice and Mance escape and toss Raver onto Akira but Akira re locks the submission back into Aj. Justice and Mance then toss Colon onto Akira breaking up the submission.

All six men are laid out and they get to their feet. We get a forearm war in the center of the ring. Akira has the advantage on Justice in the corner. Raver on Warner as well. Colon hits the ropes but is nailed with a huge lariat from AJ Gray. Matthew Justice and Mance warner hit their version of total elimination on Akira. Mance and Aj Gray hit G Raver with a double team chokeslam. AJ Gray and Mance Warner set up a chair and door style table in the ring. They set G Raver up on the top rope and Mance hits a suplex onto Raver through the door. Colon drops AJ Gray to the outside of the ring through the table set up outside. Matthew Justice goes for the splash on G Raver but he rolls out of the way. Akira goes for a senton on Justice but Justice moves. Mance hits a running knee strike onto Akira. Justice and Warner both cover Akira and pick up the three count for the victory.
Winner: Matthew Justice def. Akira in 15:14

Review: C. This was a ruthless beatdown for Akira and at times there were some things that took me out of it. Most notably the chairshot where Colon and Raver easily could’ve made the save but were instead were waiting to catch Akira. The finish didn’t come off so well and the post match stuff was what was truly exciting here.

Post match: Mance Warner calls for a microphone. He says he’s got to preach and SGC has been running things all over independent wrestling. He says right now they have the gold there’s not any other tag team that can compete with them, not a team in AEW, not working for Vinny Mac, not any other team can mess with SGC. As he says that The Briscoe Brothers theme song hits and the Briscoes make their way to the ring. The Briscoes come out and stare down SGC getting face to face with the GCW tag team champions. Jay Briscoe grabs a mic and says if SGC are the champs around here then they want a shot!

Yoya vs. Shane Mercer
Yoya stands face to face with Mercer to emphasize the size difference between the two. Yoya goes for a slap but Mercer catches him. Mercer goes to lift Yoya up and toss him out of the ring but Yoya struggles free. Mercer goes for a clothesline but Yoya ducks under. Yoya calls for Mercer to come at him and nails Mercer with a flurry of strikes. Mercer catches him and lifts him up but Yoya fights out with a strike to Mercer. Yoya in the corner and shoves Yoya off. Mercer lifts Yoya up and tosses him over the corner turnbuckle into a crowd. Mercer goes outside the ring and drags Yoya from the crowd near the ring and chops him up against the ring post. He takes him to the other side of the ring and drags him to the back. Mercer lifts Yoya up by the throat and tosses him backstage.

Yoya comes back and hits a sliced bread number two off a post in the crowd. Yoya nails Mercer with a number of chops towards the ring. Mercer tosses Yoya up onto the ring apron but Yoya springboards back into a tornado DDT. Yoya dives out of the ring onto Mercer with a headscissors. Yoya slides Mercer into the ring and goes for the cover but Mercer kicks out immediately. Yoya continues to hammer on Mercers back with strikes but Mercer shoves him into the ropes and pops him up looking for something but Yoya catches him in a submission but Mercer powers out. Yoya holds onto the submission but Mercer gets back to his feet and slams Yoya into the corner. Mercer launches Yoya over the top of his head right onto his knee. Mercer goes for the cover and Yoya kicks out. Mercer tosses Yoya into the corner and hits him with a chop. Mercer calls for a powerslam onto Yoya and follows it with a cover. Yoya kicks out at two. Yoya tries to get Mercer with a quick roll up but Mercer blocks it and lifts Yoya to his feet. Mercer goes for a suplex but Yoya reverses out. Mercer locks Yoya into a torture rack before spinning Yoya who reverses into an armdrag. Mercer slides outside the ring and Yoya chases him out with a dive but Mercer catches him. Mercer sets Yoya on the apron and clubs him with a huge clothesline.

Mercer and Yoya make their way up to the top rope and Mercer has Yoya on his shoulders looking for a top rope piledriver. Yoya tries to fight out but Mercer lifts him up and drops him with a piledriver from the top. Mercer is favoring his knee unable to go for an immediate cover. Yoya kicks out and lock Mercer in a leg bar bring him to the mat. Yoya clutches on the legbar but Mercer finally fights out. Mercer stomps Yoya right in the face. Mercer has Yoya in his arms and hits a running moonsault & battery on Yoya. Mercer goes for the cover but Yoya gets the ropebreak at two. Yoya has to use the referee to get to his feet. Mercer grabs Yoya by the neck and Yoya slaps Mercer directly in the face before falling to the mat. Mercer calls for the crowd to move and lifts Yoya high above his head. Yoya reverses out and hits a poisonrana onto Mercer. Yoya hits a destroyer on Mercer and goes for the cover but Mercer kicks out at two. Yoya attempts to suplex Mercer but is simply too worn down to do so.

Yoya goes for it a second time and nails a brainbuster on Mercer and follows it with a pinfall. Mercer kicks out at two and Yoya is stunned. Yoya charges at Mercer in thee corner and is dumbed to the apron. Yoya hits Mercer with a kick and climbs to the top but Mercer catches him with a kick himself. Mercer looks for another moonsault & battery but Yoya reverses into a choke on Mercer Yoya locks in a sleeper hold and brings Mercer to his knees as the referee checks on him. Mercer gets back to his feet and climbs up the top rop. He smashes Yoya face first on the turnbuckle. Mercer nails Yoya with a moonsault piledriver, and goes for the cover immediately picking up the victory.
Winner: Shane Mercer defeats Yoya in 14:59

Review: B+. These two have done some tremendous stuff together in scrambles so it is no surprise that they also delivered a fantastic match here. This was exciting and at points I was wondering if Yoya might steal one here. This was probably the best overall match of the night. Mercer is tremendous but is truly a madman and that finish was wild.

Post match: Mercer lifts Yoya’s hand high above his head and shows respect for his opponent. Yoya manages to make his way to the back as the weapons are being brought to ringside for the main event.

[-] Brett Lauderdale comes out again to give his major GCW announcement now that Matt Cardona has left. Brett says the announcement will come by way of a video and it’s important we listen to the words of the video. We get quotes from a number of notable members on the GCW roster. Colon, Lloyd, Effy, Katch, SGC, Oliver, Janela, Cardona, Gray, Gage and more. All of these superstars are standing in the center of the Hammerstein Ballroom announcing a show for January 23rd 2022 in the Hammerstein Ballroom. Brett calls out all of the haters of GCW and tells them they can come buy a ticket to see GCW at the Hammerstein ballroom.

[-] Mick Foley comes out ahead of the main event and has a mic. He thanks the crowd as they give a chant for Cactus Jack, Dude Love, and Mankind. Foley is taken back by the response from the crowd and says he wishes his children could be here to see it and feel it. Foley says he points to his final match with ECW as one of his favorite moments and he says the response he received tonight reminds him of that. Foley brags about meeting Thunder Rosa. He says the deathmatch stuff isn’t for everyone and when he was doing that stuff in japan and ecw people reffered to it as garbage wrestling. He says one mans garbage is another mans art and he believes in the art of hardcore wrestling. He believes in the soul of deathmatch wrestling. He says now that he doesn’t wrestle he has to save the special words for his special moments. He asks them to be quiet and says from the bottom of his heart “F*** Matt Cardona”. Foley says he’s gonna go call this match on commentary and thanks everyone for being here.

GCW Heavyweight Championship Death Match

Nick Gage vs. Jon Moxley
Mox is blasted with a bundle of light tubes before Emil can even announce Moxley’s name. Moxley is bleeding seconds into the match and grabs a bundle of tubes himself and smashes them over Gage’s head. Mox and Gage exchange forearms before Mox dumbs Gage outside of the ring through the table and glass set up outside of the ring. Moxley tosses Gage into the ring and brought the pizza cutter out himself. Mox starts slicing away at Nick Gage’s forehead. Mox carries gage to opposite sides of the ring and starts cutting away at Gage’s head yet again. Moxley kisses the pizza cutter and makes snow angels in the broken glass in the center of the ring. Moxley punches Gage with a stiff right sending Gage into the corner. Mox goes for Gage but is dumped over the ropes onto the apron and is smashed into the turnbuckle. Moxley drops outside of the ring and is hit with a baseball slide assisted by light tubes from Nick Gage.

Gage tosses Mox into ring post and then hands a fan a chair to hold. Gage slams Moxley head first into the chair and they brawl through the crowd. Gage takes control of the match and hits Moxley with a running strike and stands tall with the crowd behind him. Moxley takes a swig of water as Mick Foley informs us dry mouth is a big issue during death matches. Gage follows Mox back to the ring and tosses him in. Gage hits Moxley with a spinebuster in the glass in the center of the ring and calls for a barbwire board. Moxley hits Gage with a release suplex tossing him into the barbwire board. Moxley takes the barbwire clippers from the referee and cuts a piece of barbwire to use as a weapon. Moxley wraps barbwire around his fist and starts nailing Gage with multiple barbwire covered right hands. Moxley continues to wail away with rights before using the barbwire and dragging it across gages forehead.

Gage fights back but Moxley wraps the barbwire around Gages face and uses it to pull Gage to the mat in an inverted neck breaker. Moxley goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Moxley points out the glass pane in the corner and stares it down. Moxley lifts Nick Gage up on his shoulders but Gage fights off and spears Moxley through the glass pane in the corner of the ring. Gage sets a chair on Moxley and drops an elbow drop onto the chair on Moxley. Gage grabs a light tube and breaks it using the broken edge to cut away at Moxley’s forehead. Gage gets a pizza cutter of his own and shoves Moxley to the ropes cutting away at Moxley’s forehead. Gage takes Moxley to the other side of the ring and puts the pizza cutter into his mouth and starts cutting away. Gage grabs a bundle of light tubes and sets it on the mat going for a piledriver but Moxley reverses out. Moxley hits a DDT on Gage and goes for the cover but Nick Gage kicks out at one. Moxley hits a cutter on the light tubes going for a cover on Gage but Gage kicks out at two. Moxley and Gage get to their knees and exchange forearm shots. The forearms turn to headbutts and both men get to their feet. Moxley goes for a clothesline and is hit with a DDT from Gage. Gage grabs a chair and smashes it into Moxley’s head in the corner.

Dewey Donovan hands Nick Gage another bundle of tubes and he sets it in the face of Moxley. Gage runs and smashes the tubes in Moxley’s face. Nick Gage goes for the cover but Moxley kicks out at two. Gage sets up two chairs and sets a pane of glass on the chairs. Gage climbs to the top rope and brings Moxley up with him. Gage looking for a piledriver but Moxley fights it off. Gage and Moxley exchange strikes on the top rope before Moxley bites Gage’s face. Moxley hits a DDT from the top rope through the glass table set up. Moxley goes for the cover and gets the three count.
Winner: Jon Moxley def. Nick Gage in 19:22

Review: C. This was a bloody brawl and if you don’t enjoy that kind of stuff this won’t be for you just because Moxley is in it. That said, this was far from my favorite death match i’ve seen in GCW and it left something to be desired. I believe Gage is an amazing piece of GCW but his matches have faltered in places but the love between him and the fans has not whatsoever. Moxley winning is great for GCW but I am curious where they go next. Death matches have their hiccups and this did but they overcame many of them. One of my biggest gripes was commentary being more focused on talking to Mick Foley rather than telling this story. Near the end Foley had to tell them to let the action speak for itself. KG is typically great but this felt like a weaker outing.

Post match Moxley leaves through the crowd and Gage slowly brings himself to his feet as the crowd chants MDK. Gage drops to a knee before asking for a microphone. Gage apologizes for coming up short, he says he has nothing to say but he loves his fans. He says their energy is what keeps making him get back up. He says either is body will give up on him or he’s gonna die because he’s gonna do this as long as the fans will chant MDK. Gage promises he’s going to bring the GCW title back to the company because it’s MDK all day!

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
GCW Shows are a combination of a variety of things including energy, crowd reaction, match quality, surprises and more. This show had all of that and truly delivered a fantastic GCW event. From the Lio Rush, Thunder Rosa and Briscoe Brothers surprises (though Lio was announced) to the insane main event this show gave GCW fans exactly what they want. Wrestling purists on the other hand will disagree and will find a number of things to pick apart. I don't watch GCW for five star work rate matches though you will get them from time to time, it's more about the overall event itself and i'm inclined to say they delivered another stellar show.

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GCW, Andrew Cazer