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Ciocco’s AEW Dynamite Review 10.30.24

Hey there SICKOS! Tonight is Dynamite, but not just any Dynamite, this is FRIGHT NIGHT Dynamite! We’ll see plenty of great action tonight and hear from the one true King who can help AEW overcome Jon Moxley and his Paradigm, I speak of Orange Cassidy, of course! Looking forward to tonight!
So, how are you all on this Halloween Eve? I know some people have already looked, read, and commented, but if you want to check out the music section, where I am making an effort to bring some life into it, I would appreciate it. Reviews will come when something comes up that I want to put out, so keep an eye out!
*Tonight, we are LIVE from the Wolstein Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. Our announcers are Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Daddy Magic Matt Menard!
*Fright Night Dynamite Vignette opens the show tonight. It seems to be the one that we saw on both Rampage and Collision this past week.
*The camera pans to the back, following Jon Moxley and the Paradigm out of the arena, but we see and hear Orange Cassidy! TURN IT OFF! He makes his way down to the ring with a mic. Cassidy is wearing dark denim, so you know he’s serious. He doesn’t do this and doesn’t like this. He is no leader. But after last week, when he watched Chuck Taylor get his neck crushed, and he looked around. He was surrounded by the future of AEW, and they have no idea of the danger that they are in. They have no idea how dangerous Moxley is. But he knew what he needed to do. If Moxley has his way, there is no future in AEW. Jon’s never needed AEW, but Cassidy NEEDS AEW. He doesn’t exist with AEW, there is no us, there is none of this.
Cassidy has to cut the head off of the snake, and he will do it by himself, so he protects everyone. Jon Moxley…Cassidy challenges you! He challenges Jon for the AEW World Title! Dang, Orange, shoot that shot! He takes the AEW title out of Jon’s bag and will put in his backpack. He isn’t hard to find, he is here in this ring every single week. Because he’s “Freshly Squeezed Orange Cassidy”, and he is the next AEW World Champion. And he still doesn’t need a catchphrase!
(Well, for a guy who doesn’t like or do promos, that was damn good and right to the point.)
*We follow Mercedes Mone and Kamille in the back. Renee Paquette catches up, asks Mone if she has a prediction for the Kamille and Kris Statlander match. Cleveland! Say hello to your C-E-O! Mone hates stupid questions, Kris is strong, but she doesn’t hold a candle to Kamille. Renee says good luck, but Mone says she doesn’t NEED luck!
*To the ring, and here comes Adam Cole (BAYBAY!)
Adam Cole (BAYBAY!) vs. Buddy Matthews
As a reminder, this is the series between Cole and Roderick Strong to see which man gets to three wins first and challenges MJF at Full Gear.
The bell rings, and both men come to center. Matthews offers a handshake, aw how sweet! Opening lockup, Buddy drives Adam to the corner. Another lockup, Buddy drives Adam to the other corner. Another lockup, Buddy drives Adam to the ropes this time. ANOTHER lockup as they tango to the corner with Buddy in charge again. Cole off the ropes, tries to knock Matthews down, can’t, so Matthews takes the side headlock, shoulder tackle! Cole up, from behind, thrown off by Matthews. They keep trying to overpower one another in the middle of the ring. Cole fakes the Superkick, comes up a little bit lame. Test of strength, Buddy from behind, Cole backs him into the corner. He charges Buddy in the corner and is flipped to the outside, and he feigns reinjuring his ankle. Kyle O’Reilly watches in the back as Matthews drops Cole with a PK from the apron. PIP Break!
PIP thoughts!
-Collison, in case you forgot there is another AEW show!
-KFC is going to the Renaissance age, this will not make the Colonel happy!
-As a Pharmacy Tech, I get a kick out of commercials for medication saying, “don’t take this if you are allergic to it”. Like, how do you know?
-Gladiator II! I am looking forward to this one!
-Learn to let go! Okay, no problem, you can have that Corona!
-Still can’t believe American Dad is pushing out new episodes.
And we’re back, as both men are on the top rope. SUPERPLEX by Matthews, but Cole rolls through and hits the neckbreaker! NOICE! Both men on the apron now and trade shots. BOO! YAY! BOO! YAY! DDT by Cole, and both men fall to the floor! Referee Bryce Remsburg (if that is his real name) is at a count of seven, Buddy breaks the count, goes back out, but Cole kicks him into the guardrail! HEATSEEKER BY COLE, but that’s just a two! Cole goes up top, looking for the Panama Sunrise, but Matthews catches him. Sunset flip attempts by Cole, but Matthews rolls through and snaps the ankle. Again! AGAIN! Now to the outside! Matthews STOMPS on the left ankle of Cole! And again! And again! Yikes! Doctor Samson checks on Cole as Matthews waits inside the ring. The fans, hilariously, count Adam Cole out, like it matters lol. Oh, Cleveland! They’re going to take Cole up the ramp! Matthews on the mic! This new Adam is fragile! The old Adam wouldn’t walk away, but the new Adam is a little bitch!
Oh, those fighting words, MR. RIPLEY! Cole walks back to the ring, and we have a hockey fight! Matthews with the combination, a stomp on the ankle as Cole shoves Buddy away. But Cole lures Buddy in, he drops him down, tries the low superkick, but he stalls out. Buddy sweeps the leg, off the ropes, CURBSTOMP! But that’s just a two! Cole rolls to the apron; he takes a towel and throws it over the head of Matthews. SUPERKICK! LOW KICK! THRUEST KICK! TWO COUNT! Cole looking for the Sunrise again, Matthews intercepts! BUCKLE BOMB! ANOTHER STOMP! The pin! JUST A ONE COUNT! COLE WON’T DIE! We see MJF watching on. Cole with ANOTHER Superkick, Panama Sunrise connects! Matthews gets out of the ring, but he’s not safe, ANOTHER PANAMA SUNRISE FROM THE APRON TO THE FLOOR! Back in the ring, Cole LOWERS THE BOOM! AND THAT IS THE THREE!
TIME: 15:29
THOUGHTS: Obvious early trepidation aside, this one built up and got really good. It didn’t feel like it was a 15-minute match, and that’s a good thing!
RATING: *** 3/4
Cole on the mic post-match. He knows what Buddy did and he appreciates it. He reminded him who the old Adam Cole is, and for that, he thanks him. Handshake. Aw, friends!
THE LIGHTS GO OUT! Malakai Black is in the middle of the ring shaking Cole’s hand! Holy Shit chants! Cole backs away and leaves the ring.
*To the back with Renee, Private Party, and Christopher Daniels. He speaks about him and Frankie Kazarian putting their team on the line three years ago, they lost, and things fell apart for them. Private Party promises that history won’t repeat itself, and they will walk out of Cleveland tag team champions!
A word from our sponsors is…commercials instead? LOL, okay.
*We return, as Cole and the rest of the Undisputed Kingdom are checking on Cole. Let’s address the elephant in the room, he doesen’t blame MJF for his ankle hurting. But he blames MJF for trying to be his friend. Look what MJF did to Wardlow, to Sammy Guevara, and Daniel Garcia. This isn’t his first rodeo, and he needs to be taught a lesson. But it needed to happen, and he gives a damn about AEW, he cares about the locker room and the fans. Max, you have never been a part of the team. With every fiber of his being, he will get his hands on Max. No wait, they all will, and when they do, they will teach him another lesson. One down, two to go.
*Back to the ring, and here come Don Callis and Kyle Fletcher. Ladies and Gentlemen (BOO), Kyle has something important to say. Kyle is a man of his word, so he is calling out Will Ospreay! Twice he introduces Will, but he doesn’t come out. But wait, the Aussie Open theme plays, and here comes Mark Davis! Wow, not the man Kyle was expecting, but good to see you! He goes to hug Kyle, but Mark stops him. He is out here calling out Will when he knows he is calling out Will when he knows he is hung up. He doesn’t even know who he is looking at. Kyle says you think he has changed. Don Callis has helped him see Will for who he is. Will never cared for Davis or Fletcher, but you can forget about Will because he has forgotten about him. But Kyle remembered Mark, and he has a spot in the family! Family? Mate! We had a United Empire, and you destroyed it! Kyle stops him, says there will be a day that he has to make a tough decision, and he has proven that he has no problem cutting the past out. Good way to bring back Davis, even if he didn’t say too much.
*Renee in the back with Hangman Page. The match is official for Full Gear. Page beat White in the second round of the AEW Title tourney. When White comes back, he looks for Page, not the World Title. He will give White beating him at WrestleDream. There is no such thing as redemption, not for you, not for Hangman. There are only wins and losses, and the consequences that come with it. Page knows what White’s strategy will be, but does he know what Page will do? Will he light his house on fire? Break his ankle. One thing is for sure, at Full Gear, he will stand over him, and he will leave him with less than he had before. Jay White, he will leave you behind.
*IN the back, we see Jon and the Paradigm walking down the hallway.
*And we’re back, as Jon’s gnarly theme song hits, and we see the entire Paradigm arrive through the crowd. In the ring now, and Jon has the mic. He doesn’t expect Orange Cassidy or anyone else to understand what they are doing, but they will appreciate it in time. You think he challenged Jon for the Title? No, Jon challenged Orange, when he had Chuck Taylor’s neck in a chair. They walked into the room and asked who is in charge, and everyone pointed to Cassidy. That’s not the Cassidy that he knows, and he doesn’t want him to catch the fat and lazy spell. No, he has pushed Cassidy and he hasn’t even begun to walk in the valley yet. You want him any time? Fine. When that happens, you will fight Jon in the valley. You better be ready to die in that valley, and this is the valley that he is willing to die in. Cassidy things he is pulling the strings, let’s see about this.
WAIT, WHAT? They have trapped Wheeler Yuta and they are going to put his neck in a chair!! But without fail, Cassidy hits the ring, going after Moxley. Obviously, the numbers game catches up and, yes, it was a ruse, as Yuta attacks Cassidy. Here comes the Dark Order, but that goes about as well as you would expect. Jon tries to break the arm of John Silver, and PAC and Claudio look to give Orange the Chuck treatment. But here comes STINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG!
Wait, no, it’s Darby Allin coming down on a harness ala Sting! The fight is on! Top Flight and Lio Rush is here! So are Private Party and Daniel Garcia! The Paradigm exit the ring, and here come The Young Bucks on the corporate elevator. We see Cassidy and Garcia fight Claudio and PAC up the arena steps and into the concourse. Well, it looks like its tag team title time, Cotton!
AEW World Tag Team Title Match: The Young Bucks (C) vs. Private Party
Remember, if Private Party lose, they must break up. We’ll see what happens, although I have the feeling that the looming Stokley Hathaway presence will prove to be otherwise.
The bell rings, and we are off! Early exchange between Zay and Nicholas Jackson. Off the ropes, blind tag by Matthews Jackson, assisted dropkick by the Brothers Buck to Zay. Closed fist punch drops Zay in the Bucks corner, as they bend the rules a bit. Bucks tag. Double team thwarted, Zay off the top, tiaras arm drag combination, Quen in the ring now. Off the back of Quen, Zay takes flight and takes out both Bucks on the floor. The fight continues on the floor, as Matthews gets thrown into the timekeepers area. Double team attempt in the ring, but Matthew returns with the ring bell. Zay intercepts, goes to hit Matthew with it, but he misses and nails Quen in the face! Risky business on the floor by the Bucks, and they are complete control. Nicholas works over Quen in the ring, while Matthew smashes the head of Zay on the ring steps. Both Bucks back in the ring, Matthew kicks Nicholas in the corner by accident. Zay tries to get back in the ring, but he’s cut off, and the Bucks drop Quen. Double team mov in the corner, Falcon Arrow by Nicholas to the floor and a Superplex from Matthew in the ring! Matthew pins Quen, but it’s a two count! PIP Break!
PIP thoughts:
-Amercian Dad…SMH.
-Advil is good, but Excedrin is better!
-Oh, hi, Danica Patrick!
-Same KFC commercial. Come on, step up that game!
And we’re back, as Zay has made a return! It’s a miracle! Zay cleans house with a double dropkick, and he hammers away on Matthew. Everyone in the ring as Rick Knox has no control over anything as usual! Private Party do the Dosey-do and two Superkicks for the Bucks! Stereo 450 splashes from the top, but that’s a two count! Nicholas uses the back of Zay to take out Quen. Bucks hit the Pendulum Powerbomb, cover, Quen with the save! He’s sent to the floor for his trouble. Nicholas is hungry, so he bites the forehead of Zay. Risky Business from the Bucks, but Quen is back again to make the save! Tag Team Wrestling chants! Quen drops Nicholas, springboard moonsault to the floor on Matthew! Quen tries to get back in, but Matthew holds Quen in place. The Bucks drag Queen up the ramp, but here comes Kazuchika Okada! He hits the tombstone on Quen, while the Bucks distract Knox. Combination in the corner by the Bucks. Hurricanana into the Cutter, cover, but Zay won’t die! The Bucks pump up the shoes as the fans chant for Private Party. Superkick Party, the cover, Zay kicks out again at two! EVP Trigger, but Zay collapses to the mat. They try again, but Zay moves! Zay rolls up Matthew, but that’s a two count! Zay with a roll up on Nicholas, a two count! The Bucks are back in, EVP trigger! ZAY WILL NOT DIE! IT’S HALLOWEEN EVE, AND HE’S A ZOMBIE! THRILLER! V-Trigger by Nicholas, Matthew hits the one-winged angel, but QUEN IS BACK TO MAKE THE SAVE!!!! The Bucks throw him out of the ring, Matthew with a suicide dive. THIS IS AWESOME CHANTS! TK Driver attempted, Poisonrana by Quen! GIN AND JUICE!!!! THAT’S THREE! NEW CHAMPIONS!!!!
WINNER: Private Party
TIME: 18:10
THOUGHTS: Holy Shit was that a blast. Finally, after five years, Private Party have realized that potential. What a thriller, a lot of suspense, and great action. Finally, Quen and Zay are champions.
RATING: ****1/2
Post match, the Bucks grabs the titles, but they give the titles to Private Party, pat them on the shoulder, and leave, as the new champions celebrate with the fans!
*Excalibur with breaking news, it’s official, as Jon Moxley will defend the AEW World Title against Orange Cassidy at Full Gear!
*In the back, Penelope Ford and Jamie Hayter are with Renee. Ford says that everyone forgets that she has been here since day one. After two years, Ford will take everything from Jamie. Two years ago? Jamie says she should be lucky that Tony Khan agreed to no physicality. Next week, Jamie wipes the floor with Penelope!
*We get the tale of the tape for the main event between Swerve Strickland and Shelton Benjamin. That takes us to a video package to hype up the match.
*We are back, as we see the footage from last week’s ROH Title Ladder Wars Match between Chris Jericho and Mark Briscoe. Back in the arena, and the entire Learning Tree is here! Teamwork makes the dream work, says Big Bill! Jericho says that Dave Meltzer gave four stars to his ladder match! LOL! That makes Jericho a nine time champion, fulfilling his prophecy. But he couldn’t do it without Big Bill and The Bad Apple, and tonight in Cincinnti…wait, Cleveland. LOL! Much like Terrifier III, which Jericho was in and quarterbacked, just like AEW became a powerhouse because of him (with all due respect to Moxley), he is going to make ROH a worldwide name. Because he can! If you underestimate Chris, you are overestimating the power of TV.
Jericho is going to take ROH to new heights. THANKS, GUYS!
*Anna Jay promo. Say what you want about her, but she’s gotten a lot better since she came back from the STARDOM excursion.
*Alex “Scoops” Marvez tries to get a word with the Young Bucks, but Jack Perry tells him to beat it. Daniel Garcia shows up to taunt Perry and pushes him against the wall. We look inside the Bucks lockerrom, and the former champions are shreading documents with Brandon Cutler, while Okada looks on.
*Back in the arena, it is time for the big, bad ladies to lock it up!
Kris Statlander vs. Kamille
Both women lock up and struggle, going back in forth. Kamille with a shoulder tackle, but Kris kips up. Kamille with clothesline after clothesline as we go to PIP! (BOO!)
-Sorry, no PIP thoughts, as I am trying to follow this match for, as I8MyPants would say, for “scientific research!”
And we’re back, as both women attempt to overpower one another, but it’s Kris with the powerslam! Kamille back up, misses the Pump Kick, Kris gets her up, DVD variation for a two count! Statlander goes to the top, 450 splash, but Kamille out the way, Kamille hits Kris with the leg lariat guillotine. Torture Rack powerbomb by Kamille and Kris kicks out at 2.99999999999999999999999999999! Kamille thinking tombstone piledriver, Kris reverses into STATURDAY NIGHT FEVER! That’s it! The undefeated streak of Kamille ends!
WINNER: Kris Statlander
TIME: 6:40
THOUGHTS: Good, power match between two powerful girls. Surprised Kris won so quickly, but good for her, and I’m sure they can rebuild Kamille quickly.
RATING: **3/4
Posat match, Mone attacks from behind. She gets on the mic, tells Kamille to get to the back! When you want something done right, you do it yourself. She shoves her TBS title in the face of Kris.
*We review the whole Patriarchy, Kip Sabian, and Hook drama. To the back, as Christian Cage has Nick Wayne, Mama Wayne, and Sabian. He wants to extend an olive branch to HOOK so he can explain himself.
*We’re back, with Renee and the Conglomeration. The ROH Title means a lot to Briscoe, but he wants to know when Jericho bumped his head too much. He let the name of his brother out of his mouth too many times. Three of them, three of the Learning Tree, let’s do this next Wednesday! Batten down the hatches!
*Elsewhere, we see the Young Bucks leaving. Marvez and Daniels try to cut them off, but Matthew says he is going to work from home now. lol. Cutler shows up with the Bucks shoes, but the Paradigm is here to take him out. Daniels tries to stop them from attacking Cutler, but Moxley holds him in place. Marina and PAC hold Cutler in place as Claudio hits his hand with a hammer. Damn, that’s cold.
*Peewee Justin Roberts is in the middle of the ring, as Swerve and Prince Nana come out for the main event!
Swerve Strickland (W/Prince Nana vs. Shelton Benjamin (W/MVP)
The bell rings, and both men come to the center of the ring. WHOSE HOUSE? Shelton powers Strickland to the corner, Strickland chops Benjmain, but he no sells it. Strickland with some forearms, whip is reversed, mat return by Shelton, but Swerve fights out. Not a second time, as Shelton has a waist lock. Swerve to the ropes, but Shelton brings him back in. Swerve whipped into the ropes, comes back with a tiaras. Benjamin back in the ring, Benjamin with a belly-to-belly throw OVER THE TOP ROPE and to the floor! Shelton tries to drive Swerve into the ring post, but Strickland counters with a shoulder lock around the ring post, as he exhausts the five count. Benjmain is pissed, as he throws Strickland off the ring apron and into the guardrail. Back into the ring, and Benjmain with a HUGE overhead toss of Strickland! Benjmain charges, misses, Strickland with a kick to the gut, but Benjamin knees Strickland off the apron and to the floor! PIP Break!
PIP Thoughts!
-Collision, where we Collide!
-DoN’t TaKe ThIs If YoU aRe AlLeRgIc To It!!!!!1111111
-Well, if Tony Hawk takes Qunal, then I should, too!
-Throwback? Why yes, I do!
-There’s a Nightmare State Farm commercial? That’s cool.
-Total Wireless is still not as cheap as Mint! And they don’t have Deadpool!
And we’re back, as Shelton is stalking Swerve. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX! One more time chant from the crowd. Shelton tries again, but Strickland holds on, looking for a half crab. Strickland rolls through, hits a rolling kick to the head (think Trouble in Paradise). Uppercut by Swerve, snapmare, and kick to the back of the head. Swerve shows off, to the outside, kicks Shelton in the face. Strickland rolls Benjamin into the ring. Strickland up top, missile dropkick! Cover for a two count! Strickland looking for a go behind, hits a modified backbreaker, but Benjamin fights Swerve to the mat. Strickland counters for a pin for a two count. Both men up, and Shelton with another big throw. Shelton looking for a move, Strickland rolls in, but Shelton catches him and plants him with a DDT for a two count! Shelton from behind, but Swerve punches Shelton away. Both men staredown, punch and double chop from Strickland. House call by Swerve, goes up top, SWERVE STOMP! Shelton kicks out at two and has a lock on Benjamin. Swerve fights out, rolls towards Benjmain, FLATLINER! But Strickland can’t get the pin! Strickland up top, but here comes Benjamin as he flies to the top to meet him! LIGER BOMB BY SWERVE! SWERVE STOMP FROM THE TOP AND THAT’S THE THREE!
WINNER: Swerve Strickland
TIME: 14:45
THOUGHTS: A fantastic match between two awesome athletes that delivered. Kind of surprised that Shelton took the loss, but here we are!
RATING: ****
Post match, MVP is on the phone with someone, gee, I wonder who it could be? The lights go out and here comes, as expected, Bobby Lashley! The Final Boss is here! Bobby hugs MVP at ringside, as both men enter the ring. Lashley comes face-to-face with Strickland as the fans chant HOLY SHIT. Shelton distracts Swerve as Lashley attacks! MVP chokes out Nana with his caned! Benjmain sends Strickland into Lashley, who hits him with one arm slam. Lashley puts in the Hurt Lock, as Benjmain picks off Security. Lashley takes out some, as MVP grabs the mic. Guess who’s back in business? Um, the Hurt Locker?
And that’s it for the show!
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