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November 13, 2017 | Posted by Tony Acero
The Shield WWE Raw

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

RAW Bingo is next week! That means you have three more days to send me your request for a card! Just e mail: [email protected] with the subject line “I WANT TO PLAY BINGO!”

Let’s gooooo!!!

We head to RAW from three weeks ago when Smackdown Live came to RAW to cause chaos with no build or reason for a united front. Yes, it still bugs me. WE then see the attack on Bryan that knocked over a lamp and turned a poster askew. Intriguing stuff. Finally, we hit last week where New Day caused Dean and Seth to lose their titles in the main event.

Back in real time, and Stephanie McMahon is here. Yay. She says she must make decisions that some of us cannot understand. Because of this, she needs true leaders like the GM of RAW.

Angle comes out, understanding that Steph may be upset. He was well prepared last week, though. Steph says she is not upset but wonders how New Day got into the building. Angle says he doesn’t know. Was there actually a raid? Angle had the entire roster come down to the ring. But was there a raid? Or did Shane just manipulate Angle again? Steph thinks that on their 25th Anniversary, she can put a compilation of Shane’s evil-doings. Steph claims people cheer for him – sort of.

Steph then brings up the 5th member of the Survivor Series team; Angle’s son. Angle says he’s more than capable. Steph wants to know who Jordan is. Angle answers. What accolades does Jordan have that makes him a valuable member. Angle calls him talented. Steph asks who Smackdown’s 5th member is. Angle answers with Cena. Steph compares Cena to Jordan. The last time Steph saw Cena, he was on RAW, so either a) Angle chose Jordan over Cena, or b) Cena decided he’d rather be on Smackdown.

Angle says to ask John Cena. Steph wonders if we still believe in Angle. She says she’ll give him another chance. Steph wonders what the first thing Angle will do at Survivor Series.

Angle: “I’m gonna break your brother’s Ankle.”

Angle says he’ll start the match, and if Shane has any balls, he’ll start the match, too. Steph then asks Kurt what he thinks this is – the 1990s? Shane is gonna let everyone do his dirty work. Steph doesn’t think Angle is capable of breaking any ankles and she thinks Angle has gone soft. Shane is trying to ruin the show that Vince created, and they’ve put their faith in Angle. Nothing Angle has said tonight has changed her mind. She wants Shane’s head on a platter. She wants Team Smackdown gone.

Steph leaves Angle no other choice….

Steph is interrupted by The Shield.

Roman Reigns is officially back. Steph ridicules the crowd for not being clear as to who they were chanting for.

Dean tells Steph that she’s looking for a leader, and he stands by Angle. There is none better. Angle is their guy and at TLC, he proved that he still got it. Steph says he may still have “IT,” but The Shield seem to be missing something; where are the tag team titles? Oh that’s right, they lost them. Are they even competing at Survivor Series? The New Day allowed them to look like fools, just like Kurt Angle. Steph then asks Roman where the hell he has even been.

Roman looks Steph down then says she has a lot of questions; but Roman has one for her, where the hell has she been? She hasn’t been seen in 6-7 months, and really all that happened was she was put through a table at Mania. They don’t do what she tells them to do. They do what they want to do. Steph no-sells Roman. Roman says he wants to fight The New Day. If they’ve got balls, then they’ll see them at Survivor Series. Kurt’s gonna lead Team RAW to victory and they’re going to kick New Day’s ass.

So basically, everything Steph said did nothing but ridicule. There wasn’t even a match or setup for something later. This entire thing could have been done without her.

The ladies TEAM RAW girls are ringside for this match.

Match 1: Mickie James vs Bayley vs Dana Brooke

Dana wants a test of strength with both of the girls. Mickie takes both of them down then dropkicks Bayley out of the ring. Mickie hits the ropes. Bayley pulls the leg and Mickie out of the ring. She rushes in and covers Dana for 1..2..NO! Mickie back in with a kick to Dana. She is whipped into the corner and Dana cartwheels then elbows the girls in the corner. Mickie sends Bayley to the apron. Both girls send her off.

We return and Bayley hits a German on Mickie then sends Dana onto the apron. She hangs her up then runs into a flapjack by Mickie. Mickie kips up heads to the top. Bayley is up. She hits a forearm. Bayley with some right hands. Mickie knocks Bayley down with a headbutt. Thesz off the top. Pin for 1..2..NO! Dana breaks it up. Right elbow to the face of Dana. Mickie with a kick to the mid section. Another kick. Right hand off the ropes. Bayley goes for a clothesline, but Mickie ducks and hits a neckbreaker. Bayley rolls out of the ring. Mickie and Dana grab each other’s hair and drops each other. Dana rolls to the outside. Asuke checks on her for NO reason. Dana stands and shoves Asuka. Asuka is pissed. Dana is in the ring and gloats. Asuka runs into the ring, then out, following Dana. Huge kick to Dana, and she is knocked the fuck out. In the ring, Mickie and Bayley go back and forth with some pins.

Mickie goes for Mickie-DT, Bayley reverses. Bayley to Belly. Pin for 1..2….3!!!

Winner: Bayley
I feel like these writers really don’t know who their characters are. I’m not saying it’s a huge big deal, but what of Asuka shows that she would even be ewilling to check on Dana? Or stand aside the RAW team?
Match Quality: *
Personal Enjoyment: *
Total Rating: *

Back from a break, and Enzo is here with the awesome Drew Gulak. Gulak is doing great, and thanks Enzo for asking. Enzo brings up this Sunday, and says Tostito Kalisto is going to be competing for his boo, his CW title. The only competition we need to be worried about is the future of 205 Live. Enzo says it’s already great because Enzo is money. Enzo equals deep pockets. Gulak shouts NO POCKETS and that’s great.

Gulak has a lot to cover, but is interrupted by the Japanese and Mexico Trade Embargo Lift, Kalisto and Akira Tozawa.

Match 2: Drew Gulak and Enzo Amore vs Akira Tozawa and Kalisto

Drew and Akira to start. Lockup into a side headlock by Drew. He wrks the left arm, then back into the sdie headlock. Blind tag from Enzo. Akira didn’t see it. Enzo attacks from behind. Double team until Kalisto gets a tag. He dropkicks Enzo and Drew out of the ring.

Back from a break, and Drew has a front headlock on Tozawa. Tozawa escapes. Spinning kick to the gut. Stomp to Tozawa. Drew runs into a Saito Suplex while Enzo berates him on the apron. Both men down in the ring. Ref counts em down as Kalisto shouts Lucha. he gets a tag and Kalisto runs in. Kick to Drew, kicks to Enzo. He got tagged in. Whip t Kalisto who flips over the ropes. Kick to the face, springboard crosbody. Pin and Drew comes in to break it up with an eblwo. Kalisto moves and the elbow hits Enzo. Senton from a tagged Tozawa. He drops one on Drew who is not the legal man, sending him outside. Tozawa with a suicide dive. Tozawa springboard flips onto the group. All four men down. Tozawa tosses Enzo bak in the ring. Huge kick to the face. Tozawa goes up. Bout to drop on Enzo, but Drew pulls him out of the ring.

Tozawa launches himself on Drew. He heads back in the ring. Enzo with the Gail Kim Special. Pin for 1.2….3!!

Winners: Enzo Amore and Drew Gulak

Match Quality: *1/2
Personal Enjoyment: *
Total Rating: *3/4

Backstage, Team RAW is talking strategy with Kurt there. He tells Finn and Joe that they tore each other apart last week and he needs to know that they can get along, so tonight they’re going to tag against Gallows and Anderson. He tells Jordan that he pissed some people off. We need to prove Steph wrong when Jordan faces Bray Wyatt. Angle looks to Braun and before he can finish his sentence, Braun says “I want Kane.” Angle gives him up and says tonight, the main event of RAW will be Braun vs Kane.

Braun says, “It’s True….it’s damn true…”


Quiet on the set.

Miz brings up Corbin and says that he may not even be facing him this Sunday. Corbin sucks, basically, and he continues to squander opportunities. He wasn’t even good enough to be on Smackdown during a bathroom break. Miz doesn’t squander opportunities. Miz is on another level. Miz creates opportunities and capatilizes on them. Take tonight for instance. He has a chance for a monumental victory tonight. He will be facing The Shield, but he won’t be alone.

Sheamus and Cesaro head down as Miz introduces them.

miz congratulates them on their win. Sheamus says it shouldn’t be a surprise. While Seth and Dean were worried about RAW, all they were worried about was themselves. They won their titles back. Sheamus says they are the REAL tag team champions, unlike the Smackdown champions of Smackdown. They won their titles on the cute little B show, Smackdown. Sheamus says they re the A-Team. Crowd is shittin on Sheamus. He says they are the flagship show champs, the RAW CHAMPIONS, and at Survivor Series, they’re going to jailbreak The Uso Penitentary, just like tonight when they break The Shield. For the first time in 3 years. they’ll be taking on the original Shield. Was there another version aside from the Angle one-off?

Miz wants us to think of the magnitude of this moment. The odds that they have to overcome for this to happen. Setting aside betrayal and years of fighting amongst each other for a ruining with the sole purpose of facing Miz and S&C. He holds his title up and says “we are the champions.” This is their moment, their opportunity. They are the bar.

Match 3: Bray Wyatt vs Jason Jordan

Jordan with the go behind. Bray backs him up in the corner. Ref breaks it. Bray goes for a splash, Jordan moves, Bray hands upside down, and that’s scary enough to distract. Jordan hits a dropkick. Bray locks up on the ropes then hits a cheapshot and a headbutt to Jordan. Jordan sends Bray into the corner. He lifts Bray and sends him into the opposite corner. Wow. Jordan hits the corner. Rushes and hits a shoulder in the corner. Locks up. OVer the head Suplex from Jordan! Damn. Bray leaves the ring. Jordan follows suit. He rushes and dives, but Bray moves, and Jordan hits the barricade hard backfirst.

Back from a break, and we see Bray kickin the ass of Jordan. He hits a Uranage on Jordan hard, then hits the corner, ready for a Sister Abigail, perhaps. Jordan with a surprise right hand!!! Bray hits the corner, eats an elbow.

Jordan locks up, but Bray turns it into a Sister Abi-NO! Surprise roll up and a pin for 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Jason Jordan
Welcome back, Bray
Match Quality: *1/2
Personal Enjoyment: *1/2
Total Rating: *1/2

Bray isn’t too happy. He shoves Jordan out of the ring hard then waits for him to stand. Bray stares him down, runs, and hits a hard clothesline on the outside of the ring. Bray grabs Jordan and tosses him into the ring. He slams the leg of Jordan across the ring post. Jordan writhes in pain.

“Thank you, Wyatt” chant! Wow. hahaha.

Crowd starts singing the goodbye song! Ruthless. lol.

Backstage, Angle is with Jordan. Angle says he doesn’t think he can handle this coming Sunday. Jordan says he’s been watching Angle do things injured for years. He says this is his big break; he deserves this. He pulls the dad card. The crowd boos. Angle considers. The world spins.

Brock Lesnar is here!!! Well shit, I didn’t know he was scheduled.

We get a recap of AJ Styles winning the title. The crowd battles between “AJ STYLES” and “SUPLEX CITY” chants. Heyman has been authorized to dogmatize the top 5 selling points why we need to get the network. 1) This is the first time in history that a Universal Champion will be going one-on-one with a WWE Champion. First time that Brock will step into the ring against AJ Styles. Brock has faced bigger opponents, stronger opponents. He has never seen in 15 years with anyone that could claim to be better than Brock Lesnar. AJ presents an interesting dichotomy. His defensive is evasive. AJ represents Speed Kills and he has that advantage. Selling point #3 is interrupted by apparently someone saying yes to a marriage proposal in the crowd.

Heyman pauses then looks to the crowd: “Just so you know, she only said yes because she’s never been in front of a man like Brock Lesnar.” damn. haha

Heyman goes back to AJ and says he’s respected and admired. The only thing here is AJ Styles has to come from behind, has to be the ultimate underdog, because this good ol boy from Georgia is going to step into the ring with a 6’3″ 285 lb Georgia bulldog eating carnivore that will make the declarative statement this Sunday that he is the number one champion in WWE then, now, and forever. These are the odds that Styles must overcome. Selling point #4. If you wanna see a Rocky movie come to life, there’s AJ Styles. Big AJ chant. In the past 12 months alone, Styles has scored victories over Cena, Shane, Jinder, which is why this is a compelling and riveting story. This Sunday, this ain’t no freakin Rocky movie. This is Survivor Series, and AJ cannot survive. He can’t survive the F-5.

Heyman says this Sunday, the greatest underdog in the world will go face to face with The Beast, and he will lose.

You know, Rocky didn’t win in the first movie, so……

Match 4: The Shield vs Sheamus, Cesaro, and The Miz

Cesaro and Seth to start. Go behnid from Cesaro. He reaches for a tag, but gets taken down with a side headlock. Cesaro escapes. Both men stand. Cesaro with a kick. Uppercut to Seth. Side headlock. Whip to the ropes. Cesaro with a shoulder tackle. He hits the ropes. Hops over, under, Seth with a dropkick! Seth backs up and tags in Dean. Dean hits the ropes. Low clothesline and an elbow. Cover for 1..2…NO! Whip to the corner. Chops from Dean. Cesaro reverses and hits one of his own. Dean shakes it off and hits the corner. He asks for another chop. Cesaro gives him one. Dean reverses and hits a few then hops over Cesaro. Drop toe hold. Dean locks up the legs and pulls back on the face of Cesaro. Dean with a crossface. Tag to Seth. Seth on the top rope. He dives. Right hand. Chop to the chest. Tag to Dean. He hops off the top rope with an axe handle. Dean sends Cesaro in the corner. Tag to Sheamus. Sheamus and Cesaro whip Dean then hits a clothesline to Dean. Sheamus hits the ropes. Kick to the chest. Some stomps and an uppercut sends Dean into the heel corner. Sheamus distracts the ref and Miz pulls ddown on Dean against the ropes. Tag to Miz from Sheamus. Kick from Miz to Dean. He sends Dean into the corner .Stomps send Dean down in a seated position. Miz distracts the ref and pokes the bear Roman while Sheamus and Cesaro boot Dean. Tag, and Cesaro heads in. He and Sheamus charge up and get a double kick in the corner. Tag to Sheamus. Sheamus with a right hand to Dean’s head. Knee from Sheamus. Another. Another. He locks up behind Dean. Shit goes wild and Cesaro and Sheamus are sent outside. Dean and Seth with stereo suicide dives. Miz is in the ring and Reigns turns to see him. Miz freaks out and heads out of the ring. Seth and Dean go to attack, but Axel and Bo are in the way. Seth sends Bo into the barricade. They go to Curtis, who has a brace on. Dean hits a right hand anyway, and Miz runs away through the crowd. Dean and Seth stare him down but call their attention back to the match.

We’re back and The Miz has returned! He sends Seth to the outside of the ring. Dean clotheslines Cesaro on the outside. Sheamus clotheslines Dean. Miz sends Seth back in the ring. Seth hits a right han to The Miz and both men are down. Sheamus is tagged in. He tries to lock Seth up on the ropes but Seth hits an elbow. Sheamus goes to the top rope. He flies off and eats a boot from Seth. Tag to Xesaro. Tag to Reigns. Reigns with a clothesline. Again. Right hand to Miz on the apron. A third clothesline to Cesaro. Cesaro in the corner. Reigns with the clotheslines. over and over till he hits 10. Boot to Cesaro, then a Samoan Drop! Reigns wants the Superman Punch. Miz grabs his leg to distract. Ambrose with a suicide dive to Miz on the outside! Cesrao with an upercut to Reigns. Sheamsu with a cheap shot. Cesaro elevates then hits an uppercut!!! Pin for 1..2..NO!!! Cesaro wants a tag, Ambrose pulls Sheamus off the apron. Rollins attacks. Reigns hits a Superman Punch to Cesaro! Reigns wants the spear. Cesaro turns. SPE—-NO!!! UPPERCUT!!!! Cesaro wants the Neutralizer. Reigns esscapes. Blind tag from Miz. Cesaro eats a SUperman Punch. Miz goes for SKF. Seth with a knee! Sheamus is in for a Brogue, but Dean hits Dirty Deeds!!!

Miz is all alone. Seth and Dean stand on either side of him. Miz freaks out. He turns. SPEAR! Three-man powerbomb! Pin from Reigns. 1..2…3!!!!

Winners: The Shield
Kinda took a while to get going.
Match Quality: **1/2
Personal Enjoyment: **1/2
Total Rating: **1/2

Kane is backstage smiling. He remembers what he did to Braun. He can still remember the sound of the garbage truck crushing his body. Tonight, he’ll show Braun that there are worse things in life than death. That’s him.

After a break, Kurt says that Steph hired him to make the tough decisions, and he’s got a tough decision to make tonight. His son was injured tonight, so as the RAW General Manager and leader of his team, he cannot allow Jordan to compete so he will be naming a replacement.

Jordan is out at the top of the stage. He tells Angle not to do this. Don’t take this away from him. He worked his entire life to get to this point. It’s the one time that RAW and SD go head to head. This would have been the first time he got to fight side-by-side with his father. Angle says he can’t do it. Jordan says by Sunday he’ll be fine. Angle says he’s not 100%. Jordan says Angle was injured and he won a freakin gold medal. Jordan is just like Angle. He can do this. Angle says it’s not worth it. Jordan says it is worth it. He has been like Kurt his entire life. In high school, college, Kurt was his idol. Coming over to RAW and being able to compete on RAW. This has been a dream come true, but to be honest – Angle knows Jordan wasn’t chosen out of favoritism, he was chosen because he was the best option. Don’t take that away from him. He won’t get another chance like this. It’s an honor to represent RAW. Don’t take that from. This is the one time to be in a match with his father. Please. Reconsider.

Stephanie McMahon is here to interrupt. She wants Angle to make the announcement and do it now. Then leaves.

By the way, the crowd is firmly behind Angle taking Jordan out of the match. They boo every time he mentioned him wrestling with Angle.

The music of Triple H hits! Holy shit…

Triple H comes out, pissed as fuck. Triple H says if Angle won’t make the damned announcement, Triple H will. Triple H says the fifth member of Team RAW is…..HIM!

What?! How does that even….

Triple H looks to Jordan. He tells something to Angle, then turns and gives Jordan a Pedigree.

Ok, so the match is super bad ass, but it makes zero sense.

Match 5: Samoa Joe and Finn Balor vs The Club

Joe shoves Finn down hard to start the match. Anderson attacks but Finn tags in Joe. Joe stomps Anderson in the corner. Tag to Joe. JOe in, attacks, and tags Finn back in. Gallows in the ring. Joe attacks and protects Finn!

Back from the break, and Finn chops Anderson in the corner. Whip is reversed and Finn hops over the apron. High kick to the face. Finn goes to the top rope. Gallows distracts and Anderson trips Finn up on the corner. Gallows knocks Finn down hard then grabs him. Right hand. Big Boot from Gallows. Gallows with an elbow drop. Another. A third. Cover. 1…2….NO! Gallows backs Finn up in the corner. Tag to Anderson. He sends Finn into the corner. Uppercut from Anderson. Snapmare into a cravat. Anderson with a cover for 1..2..NO! Back into the cravat. Anderson adds a half chicken wing. Balor escapes. Eats an uppercut, bounces off the ropes. SPINEBUSTER! Pin for 1..2…NO!!!

After ANOTHER break, Finn and Gallows are in the ring. Big Boot from Gallows. Gallows with an uppercut. Finn with an over the head kick. Tag to Joe! Tag to Anderson! Back elbow. Another. Inverted Atomic Drop. Big Boot to the face! Senton to Anderson. Joe is on fire! Right hand to Gallows! He runs. Splash in the corner. High kick to the side of the head. Tag to Finn. Finn up top. Gallows in and Joe sends him to the outside.

Finn runs the apron and kicks Gallows! URANAGE by Joe!!! SUICIDE DIVE BY JOE!!!! COUP DE GRACE! Pin for 1..2….3!!!

Winners: Samoa Joe and Finn Balor
Man, if these commercials didn’t cut into the match, it probably would have flowed much better.
Match Quality: **1/2
Personal Enjoyment: **1/2
Total Rating: **1/2

Charley is backstage with Alexa. Alexa says she has the option between the Queen of Cats Natalya and the Queen of dysfunction Charlotte. She says that since she left SD, it’s gone to shit. TOmorrow, she’ll be watching. Who knows, maybe she’ll show up to watch it live. Come Survivor Series, though, she will reigns supreme.

Kane comes out.

We get a recap of TLC.

Braun makes his entrance.

We don’t get an official start to the match.

Kane slaps Braun. Braun beats him down. Kane rolls out of the ring. Braun follows and gives Kane a right hand. He clubs the back of Kane then beats him down. Kane crawls away. Braun kicks Kane in the gut. Braun with another uppercut. Braun drives his forearm into the back of Kane’s head. Kane whips Braun into the steps. Kane grabs a table from under the ring. He kicks Braun in the mid section then hits a right hand. Kane with a cvhair shot to the back. Kane looks for a chokeslam. Braun grabs the hand and powers out! Knee to the gut. Braun grabs the chair. Chair shot to the back! Chair shot across the back again! Braun tosses the chair away then grabs Kane by the head. Right hand from Braun. He sends Kane into the ring, on the edge of the apron. Braun stands on the apron. He heads to the 2nd rope. He pulls Kane up. Braun sets up for a Superplex. Kane hits rights to the gut. Braun with a headbutt. Kane falls down. Braun is on the corner, seated. Kane wants a chokeslam. Braun breaks it. Axe handle from the top rope. Braun has Kane up on his shoulders. Running Powerslam…and the ring breaks! Kane and Braun go through the ring.

This is how we sell Survivor Series.

End Show

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero