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Complete ROH Take No Prisoners PPV Taping Results (SPOILERS)

April 4, 2009 | Posted by Larry Csonka

Credit: Mike Johnson and Pwinsider.com

After several pre-show bouts, ring announcer Bobby Cruise announced there would be some changes due to injury and further updates would be coming.

Ace Steel vs. Colt Cabana.
There was lots of silliness early in the bout as both played to the crowd. They did a lot of counter wrestling. Cabana called for the flying a**hole. Cabana then caught Steel out of nowhere with a submission to get the win. Short but OK.

Your winner, Colt Cabana!

Both shook hands after the bout.

Rhett Titus vs. Bushwhacker Luke Williams
Yes, Bushwhacker of Honor has come to PPV. Titus was none too pleased and the crowd got all over him. Titus whipped Luke into the corner but was clotheslined. Titus begged off. They went back and forth with some silliness before Titus schoolboyed Williams and hooked the tights.

Your winner, Rhett Titus!

The crowd clapped to Luke’s music as he left.

Chris Hero & Incognito & The American Wolves vs. ROH Tag Team champions Kevin Steen & El Generico & Magno & Jay Briscoe.
The babyfaces stormed the ring before the bell. Magno and Incognito went into a nice Lucha exchange, which the crowd liked. Magno nailed a rana and then reversed a backbreaker attempt into a Lucha armdrag. Incognito nailed a dive. Kevin Steen and Eddie Edwards then officially started the bout. They began exchanging chops in the center of the ring. Generico tagged in and hit several kicks on Edwards, who tagged out to Davey Richards. Generico maintained control, pummeling him in the corner with punches. Hero tagged in but Generico retained control. Hero came back with a forward roll and tagged in Richards. The Wolves began tagging in and out as they worked over Generico.

Hero tagged in and kicked Generico in the face. The crowd tried to rally Generico. His partners led them in an Ole Ole chant. Generico fired back with a DDT and made the hot tag to Steen. The Tag champions cleaned house and then hit stereo flip dives over the top to the floor. Generico then hit an awesome springboard moonsault to the floor. Magno hit a twisting moonsaulty to the floor. Steen and Generico double teamed Edwards. Briscoe went to the top and nailed a splash for a two count on Edwards.

The crowd chanted, “This is awesome.” Hero went to the top but was cut off by Steen. Generico grabbed him and teased a brainbuster off the top but was fought off. Hero put on his loaded forearm pad and drilled Generico with it, but Generico evaded the shot. He went again for the brainbuster but this time, Hero nailed him. Generico fell backwards into the ring but kicked up at two.

Jay Briscoe grabbed Hero and pulled him into the ring. He nailed the Jay-Driller on Hero and scored the pin.

Your winners, Steen & Generico & Magno & Briscoe!

A fun eight man tag with some cool dives to the floor. Best thing on the show thus far.

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Necro Butcher
They began brawling and went right to the floor immediately. They went over the guard rails into the crowd. Necro slammed a trash can over Jacobs’ head. They brawled up the bleachers. Jacobs nailed Necro but Necro came back with another trash can shot, sending Jacobs down the bleachers. They returned to the ring, where Necro was busted open and bleeding heavily. Jacobs went for a chair shot but Necro stopped him, then slammed Jacobs on the chair. They brawled onto the floor again. Jacobs went to the top but Necro threw a chair at him. He grabbed Jacobs to bodyslam him off the ropes to the floor but Jacobs battled back. Necro and Jacobs battled atop the top rope. Necro tried to suplex Jacobs to the floor but Jacobs reversed it and Necro took a suplex straight off the ropes to the floor. That was insane.

They returned to the ring, where Jacobs tried to pin Necro. Necro kicked up at two. Necro caught Jacobs with a bulldog for a two count. Necro nailed Jacobs hard with the edge of a chair, creating a sickening clanging noise. They battled on the apron and Necro hit a death valley driver through a table at ringside.

Butcher brought him back into the ring and hit a top rope cross bodyblock for a two count. This is a fun match. Gotta love the plunder.

Jacobs nailed Necro with a low kick. He locked the choke submission on Necro as the fans chanted for Butcher not to tap. Butcher’s arm was dropped twice by the referee but he fought his way to his feet. Butcher nailed a sitdown tiger driver and scored the pin.

Your winner, Necro Butcher!

Now, THIS is how you use Necro Butcher. A fun, fun brawl.

They announced the next match was now going to be a Three-Way match.

Bobby Cruise introduced former ROH champion Nigel McGuinness. McGuinness was openly favoring his injured arms. The crowd chanted his name and then “Thank you Nigel.” He said it’s really difficult to stand in the ring and say what he has to say tonight. He noted he wasn’t dressed to wrestle tonight. He said he wanted to apologize that he couldn’t wrestle tonight. He said the last 17 months, he’s abused his body and soul to preserve the integrity of the ROH championship. He said that sometimes, that means he has the type of matches he has last night. He said that if anyone has something to say about that, they can meet him after the show for a little chat…and it will be the last chat they ever have.

Claudio Castagnoli made his way to the ring. He took the ring mic. Claudio shook Nigel’s hand after Nigel wished him luck in the three-way bout. Castagnoli then attacked him from behind. As he was beating on Nigel, Bret Albright’s music hit and he came to the ring. Blue Demon Jr. then came to the ring.

NWA champ Blue Demon Jr. vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Brent Albright
Castagnoli and Demon went back and forth as Albright watched from the apron, so I guess they will tag in and out. Claudio nailed a tiltowhirl backbreaker on Demon, then antagonized Albright. Claudio slammed Demon into the turnbuckle. Claudio turned his attention to Albright, which gave Demon the chance to nail him from behind. Demon tagged in Brent, who nailed a twisting neckbreaker. He drilled Claudio with an uppercut, then ducked when Claudio went for a dive. Claudio went over the top to the floor. Albright followed and as they battled on the floor, Demon nailed a tope.

Albright went to the top and dove into the ring but was nailed with an uppercut. He set up the Ricola Bomb but Demon distracted him. Brent hit a German suplex from behind on Claudio and scored the pin.

Your winner, Brent Albright!

OK match but again like last night, I would have wanted to see Demon work more in his element and see what he had to offer. This really felt like just as it started to get going, it was done, sadly.

Alex Kozlov vs. Roderick Strong.
They started out fast with some good back and forth wrestling. String caught Kozlov with a Fall Away Slam. They battled to the outside, where Strong nailed a flying forearm off the apron. Kozlov took control on the floor and began kicking at Strong when they returned to the ring. They began battering each other with chops. They battled on the top rope and Kozlov superplexed Strong into the ring.

They continued to assault the hell out of each other with chops. Strong came back with a gutbuster and a superkick for a two count. Strong hit a running leg lariat. He then locked on the Stronghold Boston Crab variation for the submission.

Your winner, Roderick Strong!

Short but fun match. They packed a lot into the bout.

ROH champ Jerry Lynn vs. Erick Stevens vs. D’Lo Brown vs. Bryan Danielson
Brown and Danielson went face to face, nose to nose when Stevens and Lynn got involved. It settled down into Danielson and Stevens. Danielson went for a leapfrog but was caught in a Fireman’s Carry. Brown and Lynn had a quick exchange. Danielson got involved and they teased a confrontation with Brown. Brown got tossed outside. Lynn and Danielson faced off, then opted to hit stereo dives outside on their opponents instead.

Danielson and Stevens returned to the ring and went back and forth. Lynn nailed a tornado DDT on Brown. Lynn nailed a German suplex on Danielson. Lynn and Danielson went back and forth on the mat and Lynn cinched in an armbar. Brown came off the top with a frog splash for a two count. Stevens lifted Brown into the air, then nailed a lariat. He placed Stevens on the top rope. Lynn came from behind and powerbombed Brown into the ring. Stevens went for a splash but missed. They ended up on the outside, where Danielson hit a springboard splash into the crowd.

Lynn surprised Stevens and scored the pin.

Your winner and still ROH champ, Jerry Lynn!

Tyler Black & KENTA vs. Austin Aries & Katsuhiko Nakajima
Black and Aries faced off but Aries tagged out to Nakajima before anything major went down. Black evaded a kick and slapped Nakajima. He rebounded off the ropes but caught a dropkick to the legs. KENTA tagged in and the place went nuts. KENTA kicked Nakajima in the face and it was on as they started striking and kicking each other in the chest. Awesome! When they finished, the place erupted and chanted for ROH.

ENTA ducked under a kick and hit a running leaping leg lariat to the face. Aries tagged in and tried to dissuade KENTA from kicking him. They went to the mat for a nice exchange. Black and KENTA worked over Aries. Black went to hit a springboard but was shoved off the ropes to the floor. Nakajima nailed an elbow off the top on KENTA. They continued to go back and forth with lots of great wrestling.

KENTA hit a series of kicks in the corner. Nakajima nailed a flying forearm into the corner. KENTA went for a tornado DDT but Nakajima escaped and hit a spinning kick to the face in the corner. Nakajima went for a superplex but was slapped down and hit with a double stomp.

They continued going back and forth. Black caught Aries with a package piledriver variation for the pin.

Your winner Is Tyler Black


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Larry Csonka

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