
Complete WWE Smackdown Taping Results (SPOILERS)

March 4, 2009 | Posted by Larry Csonka

Credit: Chris Busk and Wrestlingobserver.com

Dark match:
– Alex Escobar pins Kizarny. Before the match Escobar cut a promo in Spanish then English about being the best kept secret in WWE. Not sure who he was, but he seemed to be pretty talented

SMACKDOWN 03.06.09
– Opens with an Undertaker promo talking about his match with Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania. He accepts Shawn’s challenge. He has his promo interrupted by a video package showing Michaels’ Wrestlemaina highlights. Undertaker says this is very clever but adds “Sometimes you gotta go through hell to go through heaven.”

– Backstage Vickie Guerrero is asking Jeff Hardy to fight his brother, but Jeff refuses to. He says instead he’ll win a money in the back qualifying match and win back the title.

– MVP pins matt hardy to qualify for money in the bank. Before the match Matt Hardy says he too is going to win his mitb qualifying match and face Jeff there, MVP wins with a roil up

– R-Truth defeats Chavo

– Contract signing between Edge and Big Show for title shot at Wrestlemania. Edge comes out angry at Vickie, then show comes out saying he’s a weak champion. Edge says he’s better than Show, then John Cena comes out and clears house, throwing Show out the ring and throwing a table at Edge. Ends with Cena up close to Vickie whispering something in Vickie’s ear. I couldn’t hear it but later in the show they had a backstage promo with Vickie saying there will be another contract signing next week on raw

– Maryse beats Eve. After match Melina attacks Maryse, and Michelle Mccool (who was doing commentary) attacks Melina

– Shelton Benjamin beats Jeff Hardy via Dq to qualify for mItb…. matt Hardy comes out and hits Shelton so Shelton wins

– HHH vs. Umaga is a no contest. Randy Orton and Legacy come out and jump HHH. The show ends with HHH beaten, staring up at the ramp at Randy.

– Edge beats Kofi Kingston via Sharpshooter

– Miz and Morrison beats the Colons. Morrison hits the moonlight drive on Carlito. Afterwards the Bella twins leave with Miz and Morrison.

– Shelton Benjamin and Chavo beats R-Truth and MVP. Benjamin pins MVP

– Really strong Matt hardy promo…. says that last Wrestlemania both Hardys were out of action…. Jeff was suspended and Matt had an injury… but even though matt had the legit reason all everyone was concerned with was Jeff… and that he’s tired of picking up the pieces…. then talks about the accidents like the pyro incident… basically saying that he was the man responsible (although he never outright says this)….also brings up Jeff’s house burning down and his dog dying, and how Matt went to the wreck and grabbed what looks like part of a belt or something, he says he wants to give this to Jeff as a “token of love”. Jeff then comes out without music and says he can’t believe that Matt was the person behind the attacks …. eventually ends with Jeff “saying you’re twisted, and so am I” with Jeff attacking Matt… then Jeff holding the piece of the belt looking upset. I though it was a pretty good promo…. not sure but it almost seemed like they were implying Matt burned Jeff’s house down (they never said that, but just the way the promo was delivered…pretty interesting to me)

– Maria and Melina beat Maryse and Michelle McCool. Melina pins Maryse after Michelle McCool refuses to tag in. Afterwards Michelle and Maryse fight.

– Finlay beats THE Brian Kendrick to qualify for mitb.

– Undertaker beats Koslov via tombstone to end the show

Post show dark match:
Edge beats Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy in a triple threat to retain after pinning Matt after Jeff hits a swanton. After the match, Jeff lays out edge and celebrates to end the show.

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Larry Csonka