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Csonka’s EVOLVE 96 iPPV Review

Csonka’s EVOLVE 96 iPPV Review
– Dominic Garrini defeated Joey Lynch @ 4:07 via submission [***]
– Kyle The Beast & Shane Mercer defeated Matt Knicks & Stevie Fierce @ 4:30 via pin [**½]
– Jarek 1-20 defeated Stephen Wolf @ 7:30 via pin [**]
– Non-Title Match: Zack Sabre Jr. defeated DJ Z @ 15:10 via pin [****¼]
– AR Fox defeated Jason Kincaid @ 9:00 via pin [***½]
– Darby Allin defeated Austin Theory (w/Priscilla Kelly) @ 12:08 via pin [***½]
– EVOLVE Tag Team Title Match: Champions Catch Point (Jaka & Tracy Williams) (w/Stokely Hathaway) vs. Anthony Henry & James Drake went to a no contest @ 10:35 [*]
– No Rope Breaks Match: Matt Riddle defeated Fred Yehi @ 14:00 via submission [***½]
– WWN Title Match: Champion Keith Lee defeated WALTER @ 19:13 via pin [****¼]
This is the new format of EVOLVE, which will feature three “prelim bouts,” (with 10-minute time limits) testing out new talent that hope to make it to the main cards down the line; similar to UFC prelims and main show structure. Going forward, the shows will be structured with three prelims, three main bouts, an intermission, and then the three headlining bouts.
Joey Lynch vs. Dominic Garrini: Garrini is working an MMA inspired gimmick. Garrini attacks with a bicycle kick and follows with and Germans. Lynch battles back, hits a plancha, but back in Garrini cuts him off with a backbreaker. Lynch battles back with elbows and clotheslines, the knee strike and PELE follows, but Garrini fires up and they trade clotheslines, Lynch hits a tornado DDT and does the deal with a falcon arrow for 2. Lynch heads up top, but Garrini cuts him off and follows him up. Lynch fights him off and follows with a moonsault for 2, as Garrini counters into a rear naked choke but Lynch makes the ropes. Lynch hits a head kick, but then misses a moonsault, Garrini hits a German into an arm bar and Lynch taps right away. Dominic Garrini defeated Joey Lynch @ 4:07 via submission [***] That was a good and high quality little sprint right there, no dead time, and with both men focused on winning. The first prelim is a success.
KTB & Shane Mercer vs. Matt Knicks & Stevie Pierce: Shane Mercer recently did some NXT enhancement work. KTB & Shane Mercer control early, working double teams and working well together. They no sell Knicks, and then start tossing him around. This is the Mercer show, clearing the ring but Knicks battles back, and he and Pierce work quick tags and double teams. Mercer cut them off, KTB tags in and runs wild. Pierce tags in, sends KTB to the floor but Mercer takes control back and Mercer climbs the ropes with Knicks and finishes things with a moonsault slam for the win. Kyle The Beast & Shane Mercer defeated Matt Knicks & Stevie Fierce @ 4:30 via pin [**½] This was a solid second match, with Shane Mercer looking like a potential star.
Stephen Wolf vs. Jarek 1:20: They work some back and forth, Wolf looks to ground things, but Jarek back to his feet. They break, and lock up again. Jarek works the arm, but Wolf escapes. Wolf hits a RANA and strikes, followed by a corner dropkick. Jarek powders to the floor, and Wolf follows. Jarek posts Wolf, and hits a splash to the floor. Back in and Jarek covers for 2. Wolf escapes the doctor bomb, and hits an enziguri. Wolf works leg kicks, Jarek misses a charge and Wolf hits a jumping knee for 2. Wolf heads up top, gets cut off and Jarek hits a cutter. Jarek hits a big right covering for 2. Wolf counters the superkick into a blue thunder bomb for 2. Wolf up top, but the shooting star press eats knees. Jarek hits the big doctor bomb variation for the win. Jarek 1-20 defeated Stephen Wolf @ 7:30 via pin [**] This was an ok back and forth match, but it lacked the sense of urgency and aggression of the previous two matches.
– Sabre cuts a promo, noting that there are no new stars until they prove themselves against him.
EVOLVE Champion Zack Sabre Jr. vs. DJZ: Zabre looks to ground things to begin, but DJZ keeps it on the feet. DJZ then takes things to the ground, looking to work the arm, but Sabre quickly escapes. They lock up and DJZ goes back to the grappling, but Sabre escapes and we’re back to the feet. Sabre now grounds the action, and works the leg and then also traps the arm. Sabre’s transitions are so smooth here. DJZ escapes, they work into the knuckle lock, and into a series of counters. DJZ is keeping up with the grappling early on, and follows with a lucha arm drag and dropkick. DJZ trips up Sabre and cradles him for 2. The jawbreaker follows, but Sabre then catches the back handspring into an arm bar. This allows Sabre to take control, working the arm. Sabre slows things down as he breaks down DJZ, punishing the arm. Sabre not only maintains control, but keeps strong focus, torturing the arm of DJZ. Sabre is basically trying to rip off the arm of DJZ, but DJZ fires up and hits chops and a flying forearm. DJZ heads up top but gets cut off as Sabre attacks the arm. They trade strikes up top, and DJZ hits a high cross. The neck breaker follows, Sabre stunned off the ropes and DJZ hits a slingshot splash and lionsault for 2.Sabre counters the rolling DDT into an octopus hold. Sabre then cradles him for 2, but DJZ then counters into the arm bar, but Sabre makes the ropes. DJZ follows with chops, but Sabre fires back with uppercuts and they trade strikes center ring. Sabre hits an up kick, but DJZ hits a superkick and springboard cutter. Sabre fights back, hits an uppercut and PK. Both men are down. Sabre then counters a sunset flip into the triangle and transitions into the double arm bar. DJZ somehow manages to make the ropes. DJZ counters into a cradle, hits a super kick and sets Sabre up top. DJZ follows him up, and hits the RANA. They work into a series of counters, and Sabre gets the European clutch for the hard fought victory. Zack Sabre Jr. defeated DJZ @ 15:10 via pin [****¼] This was an absolutely great match, with Sabre giving DJZ a lot, and also DJZ keeping up with Sabre’s grappling game throughout. The transition work here was almost as flawless as can be, they kept a great pace, kept the crowd interested and while Sabre picked up the win, DJZ looked absolutely great and made me want to see a rematch down the line. It amazes me that Impact has done so little with DJZ, he should be an asset for them, not sitting on the sidelines and putting on great matches for other companies.
Jason Kincaid vs. A.R. Fox: Fox is accompanied by a group of folks, his hype train Lenny Leonard says. Kincaid tries to be friendly early, but Fox wants no part of it. Kincaid then avoids attacks, and they work into a series of counters, and Kincaid finally hits a double stomp. Kincaid then dumps Fox off the ropes, and then hits double knees, covering for 2. Fox powders to the floor, and Kincaid hits a suicide dive. Fox battles back and hits a kick flip into a moonsault on the floor. Back in they go, and Fox covers for 2. Fox follows with a clothesline and corner dropkick. Kincaid gets a roll up for 2. Fox escapes and hits a short cutter, and then heads up top and the swanton eats knees. Kincaid now hits a face buster, trips up Fox and pulls him to the apron. Kincaid hits the double stomp, heads up top as Fox rolls back into the ring. Fox shoves him to the floor and Fox then hits a big tope. Back in and Fox rolls through on the 450, hits an enziguri and follows with a slingshot cutter for 2. To the corner they go, Kincaid set up top and lo mein pain is cut off, Kincaid hits a stunner in the ropes and m Kincaid then hits a cutter on Fox, off the apron and onto the pile of minions on the floor. Back in and Kincaid hits a tornado DDT, does the deal with the falcon arrow and that gets 2. Fox battles back, Kincaid to the ropes and Fox hit lo mein pain and the 450 for the win. AR Fox defeated Jason Kincaid @ 9:00 via pin [***½] This was a very good back and forth match, and just a lot of fun.
Austin Theory (w/Pricilla Kelly) vs. Darby Allin: Theory is cocky, and dismissive of Allin to begin. Allin then slaps Theory, picks up the pace and hits a dropkick and lucha arm drag. Theory bails to the floor. Kelly tries to calm him down, and Allin wipe shim out with a suicide dive. Strikes follow and Allin takes control and just beats down Theory on the floor. Allin looks for a coffin drop, but Theory catches him and posts Allin. Back in and Theory takes control, whipping Allin to the buckles. Theory talks trash and continues his assault, hitting a gut wrench toss. Allin looks for a springboard, but gets caught and Theory hits the back breaker for 2. Allin avoids a charge, trips up Theory and works for an arm bar. Theory escapes, the corkscrew splash follows and Allin covers for 2. Theory cuts off Allin, going back to the lower back, and covers for 2. Theory follows with strikes and clotheslines. The suplex follows, but Allin fights back and he gets a suplex for 2 and transitions into the arm bar. Theory makes the ropes. Allin fires up with strikes, and hits a code red for a good near fall. Allin up top and Kelly distracts him, and the coffin drop eats knees. Theory hits the Theory KO but Allin kicks out at 2. Theory takes Allin up top for the Theory KO off the ropes, but Allin counters with a crucifix bomb for 2. They trade strikes and Allin then scores the win with a wacky roll up for the win. Darby Allin defeated Austin Theory (w/Priscilla Kelly) @ 12:08 via pin [***½] This was a very good match, with the two younger talents fighting withal they had in an effort to move up the card. They worked well together, the match had a good pace, and the win is getting Allin an EVOLVE title shot in January
– Kincaid arrives and tries to ‘save Theory’s soul,’ and wants Theory to stop Theory up things. They’re trying to tell a story here, but with the mic distortion it made it difficult to make out Kincaid’s promo and to become invested. Kelly got involved and superkicked Kincaid, Kincaid got angry and almost hit Kelly, and then left the ring.
EVOLVE Tag Team Champions Tracy Williams & Jaka vs. Anthony Henry & James Drake: Tracy Williams is replacing Chris Dickinson, as he was “suspended” for this show. Anthony Henry & James Drake are the former champions, looking to get the gold back. They worked an ok back and forth match, Drake would miss a moonsault and the end came for them all when “The End” arrived and kicked the shit out of everyone. Dickinson arrived through the crowd with a chair and made the save, hitting suplexes and pazzuzu bomb. Everyone continued to brawl around the ringside area Champions Catch Point (Jaka & Tracy Williams) vs. Anthony Henry & James Drake went to a no contest @ 10:35 [*] This was the first thing I didn’t like on the show. The “match” was ok, but you could tell that they were dialing things back for either a dirty finish or for what we got. With Dickinson “being suspended,” it keeps the champs the champs, and allows Anthony Henry & James Drake to not take a loss, while adding The End to the tag title fray. The post match was way better than the actual match.
Fred Yehi vs. Matt Riddle: Yehi leads the series 2-1. This is a no rope breaks match. Both guys are really great, but for this to be a high quality match, it will come down to how well they play the stipulation here. Both guys talk some shit pre-match, and here we go. They lock up and go to the grappling game right away. Thy both work for chokes, but Riddle uses the ropes to walk pout and counter back to his feet. Back to the ground they go, with Riddle looking to work the arm. They are working some nice grappling here, it’s kind of dirty, which I like as it feels like a fight and not a choreographed grappling session in a dojo. The fans chant for Yehi to lose his shoes, and he does, both men are barefoot now. Yehi then attacks, hitting Germans and they trade strikes and kicks. Yehi grounds things, but Riddle starts throwing elbows. He works for an arm bar, and transitions an ankle lock. Yehi rolls and lays in bicycle kicks from his back to escape. Yehi stomps on the arm and starts targeting it. Yehi looks for an arm bar, but Riddle escapes and follows with knee strikes to the ribs. The gut wrench suplex follows and another follows, and Riddle covers for 2. The senton follows, and Riddle covers for 2. Yehi fights back with a back stabber, and again looks for an arm bar. Riddle escapes, and looks for an ankle lock, but opts for a forearm and sends Yehi to the floor. They trade chops, and work to the apron, where Riddle lays in kicks. Yehi catches the kick, fires back and hits a double stomp and back in, he hits another and covers for 2. He locks in the koji clutch, Riddle rolls, works off the ropes and Yehi transitions to an arm bar. Riddle escapes, hits a knee strike and covers for 2. Riddle follows with a fisherman’s buster, and that gets 2. The leaping tombstone gets 2. Riddle lays in elbows, but Yehi rolls into a reverse suplex and then an XPLODER for 2. Yehi lays in chops, sets Riddle up top and lays in kicks. He heads up top with Riddle and Riddle hits a fisherman’s buster off of the ropes, but Yehi kicks out. Elbows by Riddle and the bromission is applied, Yehi is in the ropes, but it won’t help as he has to tap. Matt Riddle defeated Fred Yehi @ 14:00 via submission [***½] This was an overall very good match, with the stipulation playing into the finish. The last time they faced, Yehi was saved by the ropes, but that wasn’t in play here and he had to submit. The action was all good, hard-hitting and a nice mix of submission work. These two work well together, and delivered here, adding to an already strong card.
WWN Champion Keith Lee vs. WALTER: This will be big lads doing big lad things, I am hyped. The crowd loves Lee here. They lock up, work to the ropes and we get a clean break. WALTER takes things to the ground, grounding Lee. Lee makes the ropes and powders to the floor. Back in and they lock up, off the ropes and they collide with shoulder blocks. WALTER then takes Lee down, and then lays in clubbing strikes. They trade shoulder blocks, into the international and Lee hits the dropkick and sends WALTER to the floor. WALTER back in and they trade strikes, just beating on each other. WALTER cuts off Lee with chops, and hits a slam, covering for 1. WALTER starts tossing Lee around a bit and then grounds the action. Lays the boots to Lee, but Lee fights to his feet and thy trade big time chops and strikes. WALTER hits the seated splash, covering for 2. lee fires up with strikes and head butts, but WALTER cuts him off with uppercuts and works into an arm bar. WALTER has isolated the arm here, and follows with a butterfly suplex. WALTER goes right back to the arm, keeping Lee grounded. Lee tries to fire up with strikes, and a head butt but WALTER drops Lee with a running big boot. They trade chops, and WALTER takes Lee down and then talks some shit. The only thing worse than a big lad beating on you is him doing so while also talking shit to you. WALTER lays in chops and uppercuts, WALTER now dares Lee to fight back, WALTER hits clotheslines but Lee counters and hits the POUNCE. PERIOD! Lee then hits a pop up elbow, covering for 2. WALTER hits the backdrop, and then looks for a piledriver, Lee fights, escapes the sleeper, Shotgun dropkick and powerbomb by WALTER follows and that gets 2. WALTER stands over Lee and locks in the sleeper, but Lee fights, only to eat a series of clubbing strikes. WALTER now wants the ref to count Lee out. Lee catches WALTER waiting on him and hits the spirit bomb for a great near fall. WALTER blocks strikes and hits a German and follows with a lariat for 2. WALTER locks in the sleeper center ring, Lee fights out, but WALTER locks it back in. Lee fades, but manages to slam WALTER to the buckles, and rolls out into a cover for 2. WALTER hits a series of kicks to the face; Lee hits the rolling elbow and follows with ground zero for the win. Champion Keith Lee defeated WALTER @ 19:13 via pin [****¼] This was a great hoss fight, with WALTER giving the champion all he wanted and more than he expected. This was a very different match for both, and most times they are the bigger and more dominant performer, but here they had to go power for power. Lee had to fight from the bottom, and did so well as the crowd believed in him, and more importantly believed that WALTER was a legit threat to him and the title. This had great work, great pacing and delivered a hard-hitting hoss fight, with Lee surviving and proving to be not only the deserving champion, but THE big man in WWN Live. This certainly delivered in the main event spot, and both guys continue to have a great 2017.
– Post match, AR Fox and his crew arrive. Fox says that he is cutting the celebration short, and runs down his accomplishments, and he wants a title shot. Fox and his crew get in the ring, Lee fights off the scrubs and Fox hides behind his woman. They bail and leave Lee standing tall in the ring.
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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