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Csonka’s AEW Dynamite Review 1.15.20

Csonka’s AEW Dynamite Review (Bash at the Beach) 1.15.20
– AEW Tag Team Title #1 Contender’s Match: Kenny Omega & Adam Page defeated The Young Bucks, Santana & Ortiz, & Best Friends @ 16:50 via pin [****]
– Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander defeated Brandi Rhodes and Mel @ 9:45 via pin [**]
– AEW Title #1 Contender’s Mini-Tournament Match: Jon Moxley defeated Sammy Guevara @ 9:45 via submission [***½]
– MJF, The Butcher, and The Blade defeated Diamond Dallas Page, Dustin Rhodes, and QT Marshall @ 10:40 via pin [***]
– AEW Title #1 Contender’s Mini-Tournament Match: Pac defeated Darby Allin @ 11:45 via pin [***¾]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– This is the Bash at the Beach edition.
– They open with a Rocky Johnson memorial image.
AEW Tag Team Title #1 Contender’s Match: The Young Bucks vs. Santana & Ortiz vs. Kenny Omega & Adam Page vs. Best Friends: Orange Cassidy is at ringside. Trent and Nick begin, they trade shoulder tackles and Trent takes him down. They work into counters, Nick takes control and they work into a standoff. Page and Chuck tag in, Page hits shoulder tackles, the fall away slam and Kenny and Matt tag in. They lockup and Santana & Ortiz attack, bodies spill to the floor as Santana trades with Kenny, Nick blind tags in and he and Kenny double team Santana. Ortiz attacks, gets cut off and Kenny and the Bucks work him over. Trent and matt are legal until Nick tags in for double teams. The Bucks work quick tags, isolating Trent Matt hits rolling northern lights suplexes until Trent counters into a tornado DDT. Chuck tags in with suplexes, a sliced bread and powerbomb for 2 as Ortiz makes the save. Best Friends follow with double teams, until Santana & Ortiz attack. They dump the rest and cut of Matt with a rolling cutter, double teams and a suicide cannonball by Ortiz and a dive by Santana. Back in and Ortiz works over Matt, follows with back rakes and Santana hits a senton atomico. He then hits rolling suplexes, he and Ortiz trade of with a stalling suplex and Matt dumps Ortiz and spears Santana. Ortiz cuts off the tag, hits a springboard stunner and Matt tags in Kenny, ignoring Page. Kenny runs wild, hits a snapdragon and another. Trent in, he eats a snapdragon and Page joins in for double teams and Page then flies to the floor with a moonsault. Ortiz takes out Kenny, Santana follows with the step up dive and Nick and Chuck follow with dives. Trent and Matt work up top, and Trent superplexes him to the floor onto the pile. This crowd loves this. Trent attacks Kenny, hits a running knee strike and Chuck joins in until Page makes the save and the ref gets bumped and we get an eight man suplex spot. Orange hits the ring, and helps with the suplex. He kips up and hugs with the best Friends. They hit double Gotch piledrivers on Kenny & Page; strong zero follows for 2 as the Bucks make the save. Matt and Chuck tag in, they trade and Page lariats Chuck. Trent lariats Page, Ortiz pokes Trent’s eyes and Santana joins in, double teams follow until Nick cuts off Santana until Ortiz powerbombs him until Matt runs wild with superkicks. It breaks down, and the Meltzer driver is countered, and Page tags in the buckshot lariat/V trigger combo finishes it. Kenny Omega & Adam Page defeated The Young Bucks, Santana & Ortiz, & Best Friends @ 16:50 via pin [****] This was a great, all action tag with a hot and invested crowd to kick off the show. Everyone delivered, got to look good, and they also did a good job advancing the tensions between Page and the rest of the Elite.
Cody Responds to MJF: Cody is out in some proper Miami Vice clothes. He says that Arn was right when he said the people want this match. Cody admits that he was a bit full of himself and MJF has named his price. They show MJF’s demands on the screen and talks about the steel cage match with Wardlow, he’s a bit surprised and thinks MJF is afraid that Wardlow will actually outshine MJF. As for the 10 lashes on live TV, he accepts. He can’t touch MJF until the PPV and that’s fine because he lives rent free in his head, MJF is stalling. He’s looking for stardom, thinking he’s an old school heel, but Cody says less isn’t more with MJF, MJF is lazy. He accepts it all. The match means he failed as a mentor, this is not MJF’s story and at the PPV he will give MJF his own goddamn scar. Cody was great here.
– Joey Janela cuts a promo on Kip & Penelope, and dares Kip to come after him. He knows his record wasn’t good and next week faces Fenix. Things will change for him and will show every one why he’s a bad, bad, boy.
Brandi Rhodes and Mel vs. Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander: Luther is at ringside. Mel & Brandi attack Statlander as Shida takes out Luther with kendo shots. Shida hits the ring and Mel take control, tossing her around and delivering strikes. Shida counters back, hits a RANA and Statlander attacks on the floor. Shida runs off a chair and hits a running knee strike. Back in and they double dropkick Mel and cover for 2. Shida follows with kicks, Brandi distracts Shida and Mel hits a big boot. The leg drop follows, Brandi tags in and covers for 2. She and Mel work double teams, Mel chokes Shida out and then works her over in the ropes. Post break and Mel covers for 2 after a final cut. Shida fights back, hits a knee strike and Statlander tags in, Brandi begs off and Statlander follows wit a head kick, clothesline and Michinoku drive for 2 as Mel makes the save. Shida takes out Mel with a missile dropkick that comes up short. Brandi hits a spear for 2. Mel tags in and hits catatonic for 2. To the ropes and Shida cuts her off, follows her up and the superplex follows, Statlander hits a knee strike for 2. Brandi makes the save, is dumped and Mel makes her own comeback. Statlander counters into big bang theory for the win. Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander defeated Brandi Rhodes and Mel @ 9:45 via pin [**] The show was really hot and had great momentum until Brandi’s nightmare collective bullshit arrived to no reaction. Brandi is bad, the other three worked hard and it was ok at best as Shida & Statlander were actually able to get the crowd into it. Branndi’s stuff overall continues to be bad.
– We get a Dark Order video package, talking about the various names they are after, specifically Adam Page.
AEW Title #1 Contender’s Mini-Tournament Match: Jon Moxley vs. Sammy Guevara: Sammy attacks at the bell, delivering strikes until Moxley lights him up with chops. Sammy picks up the pace, but runs into a lariat. Moxley delivers grounded kicks, and covers for 2. He chokes out Sammy in the ropes; Sammy fires back and hit a springboard cutter. The tope con hello follows and back in, Sammy teases something from the top, drops down and Moxley attacks, hits the knee trembler and dump suplex for 2. To the apron and Sammy counters and hits meteora off the ropes to the apron as they spill to the floor. He whips Moxley to the barricade, the steps and poses in the ring. Moxley back in and Sammy covers for 2. He grounds things, follows with kicks and follows with a squatting Samoan drop for 2 and then dumps Moxley. He throws popcorn at him, and then posts Moxley. Back in and Sammy heads up top, Moxley cuts him off and follows with a superplex. Moxley lights him up with strikes, Sammy counters a German and the running shooting star press gets 2. Moxley counters, hits the OG dirty heeds (headlock driver/climax) for 2. They work up top, Sammy counters and hits the Spanish fly of the top. They work into counters. GTS variation by Sammy and that gets 2. Sammy up top, moonsaults in and Moxley traps him with a rear naked choke for the win. Jon Moxley defeated Sammy Guevara @ 9:45 via submission [***½] This was very good, Sammy got to shine and Moxley rightfully wins and uses an alternate finish to do so.
– Lights out and back on as the Inner Circle jumps Moxley. Jericho whips him with the AEW title belt and Hager low blows him with a knee strike. Sammy slaps him a few times and Jericho then gets a spike from his jacket and nails Moxley with it. Officials arrive and check on Moxley. Really good angle here.
– Post break, Mox is helped to the back. Commentary resets as we get replays.
– Backstage, Jericho says this was all Mox’ fault for what he did last week. He disrespected them and signed his death warrant. Pac & Darby can thank him for this because they can kick the shit out of Mox next week. Next week he will Destroy Jurassic Express and takeout Jungle Boy. Sammy also hit on Jen Decker.
MJF, The Butcher, and The Blade vs. Diamond Dallas Page, Dustin Rhodes, and QT Marshall: Wardlow & the Bunny are at ringside. MJF is wearing an “I banged Dallas’ daughter” shirt. Page and MJF begin, until MJF tags in Butcher. MJF powders to the floor and then pops back in. Marshal and MJF lockup and MJF attacks with strikes, a shoulder tackle and they work into counters as MJF mocks Marshall and eye pokes him. Blade tags in and delivers chops, Marshall hits a springboard high cross and tags in Dustin, he controls and works over Blade. MJF cheap shots him with the diamond ring as Dustin gets dumped. Bunny slaps him an Wardlow attacks. Back in and the butcher and Blade follow with double teams and cover for 2. Butcher maintains control, Blade tags in and cuts off the tag. He chokes out Dustin in the ropes; MJF joins in for double teams and grounds Dustin. He mocks Dustin like a perfectly smug asshole, and then keeps him grounded until Dustin fight back, cuts him off and dumps MJF. Butcher takes out Marshall, Dustin powerslams Blade and Page tags in. He runs wild on the heels, MJF sells like a million bucks for him and the diamond cutter follows on Butcher. He targets MJF. But MJF low blows him and Dustin tags in, hits a destroyer and page diamond cuts MJF but Blade makes the save. It breaks down, Marshall hits the QT special and Page heads up top and dives onto the pile on the floor. Back in and MJF cradles Marshall for the win. MJF, The Butcher, and The Blade defeated Diamond Dallas Page, Dustin Rhodes, and QT Marshall @ 10:40 via pin [***] This was good & fun, the right man won, Page did way more than expected at 63 and looked really good and like he was having a blast. It was also his first match on US television since he and Sean Waltman lost to Billy Gunn and Monty Brown on the April 15, 2004 episode of Impact.
– Drunk Adam Page interrupts an SCU interview and Kenny makes the peace and they agree to a gentleman’s match next week.
– On February 19th, Cody faces Wardlow in a steel cage match.
AEW Title #1 Contender’s Mini-Tournament Match: Pac vs. Darby Allin: Thy lockup and Pac follows with shoulder tackles, Darby picks up the pace and after counters hits a dropkick. Pac fights back, hits a backbreaker and tosses Darby across the ring. Darby cuts him off, hits another dropkick and follows with a suicide dive. He follows with another. He looks for a RANA, Pac catches him and whips him to the steps. They work onto the steps and Pac powerbombs him onto them. Back in and Pac grounds the action. Darby fights and makes the ropes. Pac follows with grounded offense, dumps Darby and whips him to the barricades. Pac rolls him back in and heads up top; the missile dropkick connects and Pac covers for 2. Pac takes him up top on his shoulders, and Darby counters into a crucifix bomb! Darby up top and the coffin drop to the floor follows. Back in and Darby hits a stunner and code red for a good near fall. Pac traps him in the ring skirt, works him over and back in, hits a lariat for 2. Darby battles back and counters into a cradle for 2. Darby locks on the last supper for 2. Pac counters the coffin drop into a German and follows with a wicked powerbomb for 2. Pac up top, Darby follows and they trade, head butts by Pac and black arrow connects and that gets the win. Pac defeated Darby Allin @ 11:45 via pin [***¾] This was really good, Pac continues to be great, Darby is a tremendous babyface they put together some great stuff here and now we get Mox vs. Pac next week, which is big.
– Tony interviews Pac who declares himself the #1 contender. Mox won’t be able to compete next week so he’s the top contender by forfeit. He’s coming for Jericho and his championship. Backstage, Mox is loaded in an ambulance and then fights his way out and with his pirate eye makes his way into the arena. He will be there next week and will kick Pac’s ass as the title shot belongs to him.
– Next week: Champions SCU vs. Omega & Page, and Moxley vs. Pac in a #1 contender’s match.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 82. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka is joined by Backbodydrop.com’s Ian Hamilton to breakdown NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool II. From there, Larry reviews Impact Hard to Kill 2020 and shares some thoughts on ROH & Marty Scurll. The show is approximately 105–minutes long.
* Intro
* NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool II Review: 2:05
* Impact Hard to Kill Review: 1:13:33
* ROH & Marty Scurll Thoughts: 1:35:20
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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