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Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 4.19.18

April 19, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Impact Wrestling 41918
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Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 4.19.18  

Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 4.19.18

– Su Yung & Braxton Sutter defeated Fallah Bahh & Kiera Hogan @ 6:20 via pin [**½]
– Cage defeated KM @ 1:35 via pin [NR]
– Johnny Impact defeated Kongo Kong @ 7:20 via DQ []
From WrestleCon: Pentagon Jr. defeated Austin Aries and Fenix @ 9:50 via pin [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

THIS IS THE GO HOME SHOW FOR SUNDAY’S REDEMPTION PPV. I will have a full preview of the show this weekend.

We get clips from the Patron/Aries press conference and then the clips of him no showing the show later that night. This all leads to a much better Redemption main event, with Aries vs. Pentagon vs. Fenix Sunday night. Once again, fuck Alberto.

– Sutter arrives and introduces Yung.

Su Yung & Braxton Sutter vs. Fallah Bahh & Kiera Hogan: Sutter & Yung attack at the bell. Bahh cuts off Sutter with a belly to belly, and the steamroller follows. Hogan tags in and hits a high cross on Yung for 2. Yung tags out, Hogan hits a leg drop on Sutter and Bahh tags back in, but misses the sit down splash. Yung attacks Bahh, and covers for 1. Sutter backing and lays in ground and pound on Bahh. They brawl to the floor, and Yung hits an apron cannonball on Bahh. Sutter then grounds the action, and then takes Bahh to he corner. Bahh battles back, hitting a Samoan drop for2. Hogan tags in and runs wild on Yung. She follows with corner attacks and a dropkick, covering for 2. Hogan escapes panic switch and hits a suplex. Sutter makes the save, allowing Yung to get the kendo stick and hit Bahh. He no sells her, and Sutter tosses Bahh. Hogan takes out Sutter, but Yung hits panic switch for the win. Su Yung & Braxton Sutter defeated Fallah Bahh & Kiera Hogan @ 6:20 via pin [**½] This was a solid match, with Yung getting the win ahead of challenging for the title. It also led to a nice post match brawl between Yung & Allie.

– Post match, Allie attacks Yung and Sutter pulls her away. That allows Yung to attack and they brawl on the floor.

– We flashback to Rhyno winning the NWA title.

– At the LAX clubhouse, they talk about their PPV match against Steiner & Drake. Konnan says he knows all about Steiner, and says Steiner is not trustworthy, and may not even show up on Sunday.

– Jimmy Jacobs in interviewed about tonight’s Kong vs. Impact match. He runs down Impact for being pretty and getting everything he wants. Kong will destroy him and when he’s done, he won’t be pretty anymore.

– We get an oVe video package, claiming to be the new era icons. Sami expected more out of Eddie, so he hurt him. Sami regrets nothing. We then get a recap of the feud, setting up Sunday’s PPV match.

– We go to BFG 2011, with Angle vs. Roode. This was the match that Roode was supposed to win, but Hogan pulled the, “Roode’s not the guy, brother” card.

– KM arrives to issue an open challenge. He says he’s an innovator. Today he innovates a one of a kind match, the KM open challenge. He wants guys like Duane Gill, Barry Horowitz, D-Ray 3000, Belvis Wesley, or the Musketeer. Cage answers the challenge. KM tries to talk his way out of this, but Cage refuses to allow him to leave.

Cage vs. KM: Cage attacks and hits a dropkick. He continues to beat his ass and toss him around. Cage hits the dead lift superplex and heads up top. The elbow drop follows and hits the rolling lariat. The F5 follows for the win. Cage defeated KM @ 1:35 via pin [NR] Thanks for coming KM.

– We get a Jimmy Jacobs/Kongo Kong video package.

Johnny Impact vs. Kongo Kong: Kong dumps Impact right away. Impact back in and lays in leg kicks and elbow strikes. Kong cuts him off with a shoulder tackle, and stomps on Impact. The corner splash and belly to belly follows for Kong; the rolling splash gets 2. Kong misses a leg drop, Impact hits a knee strike and follows with rights. The standing shooting star press gets 2. Kong battles back, choking out Impact in the ropes. Impact tries to fire back, hits an enziguri but Kong cuts him off and sends him to the floor. Impact goes parkour on the floor but Kong cuts him off again. Kong hits a cannonball against the steps. Kong takes out the ref and sets the steps on the apron. They brawl up the ramp, and Kong lawn darts Impact into the steps. Impact’s nose and mouth are busted open. Johnny Impact defeated Kongo Kong @ 7:20 via DQ [*½] Of all the matches to take place today, this was one of them. It wasn’t good or al that interesting, just like this feud. Moving on please, I really hope this feud doesn’t continue.

– Johnny Impact gets medical attention.

– We get an Allie video package, hyping Sunday’s match with Su Yung.

– We get a video package, hyping Matt Sydal vs. Petey Williams.

– We get a preview video for LAX vs. Eli Drake and Scott Steiner on Sunday. Steiner arrives and says they will win the titles on Sunday. Drake cuts a promo for Sunday’s match.

From WrestleCon: Pentagon Jr. vs. Austin Aries vs. Fenix: We get “fuck del Rio” chants from the crowd. They run wild at the bell, hitting superkicks and working at a rapid-fire pace. They dump Aries, allowing lucha brothers to work some fun back and forth. Fenix dumps Pentagon, and Aries flies in with a missile dropkick for 2. Aries follows with an elbow drop for 2. Pentagon back in and he breaks things up and starts going for near falls. He cuts off Aries with a kick, but Fenix flies in and hits a cutter. Aries hits a dive into Pentagon, and Fenix hits wild fucking tornillo to wipe out Aries. Back in and Fenix works over Aries, Aries crotches Fenix up top, but back in and Fenix hits a German for 2. Pentagon back in and he powerbombs Fenix for 2. Aries cuts off the package piledriver attempt, and hits a neck breaker in the ropes. Aries now hits the 450, and last chancery until Fenix makes the save. Fenix looks for a muscle buster, Aries counters out, and Pentagon attacks. He lays in chops, and he and Fenix start double teaming Aries. That ends as they both go for pins and start trading strikes. They light each other up; Aries joins in and eats superkicks from both. Pentagon hits an insane pop up powerbomb and Penta driver for the win. Pentagon Jr. defeated Austin Aries and Fenix @ 9:50 via pin [***½] This was a very good main event, and likely a much better match without Patron. Also, credit to all three having to come up with an entirely new match late in the night. They were smart, and didn’t go long, instead, just working a very good sprint match with all three getting to shine, and setting the stage for the title match at Redemption.

-We close with a final PPV hype video.

Set For Redemption
* Drago vs. AeroStar
* Ishimori vs. Dezmond Xavier vs. El Hijo del Fantasma vs. Cage vs. DJZ vs. Trevor Lee
* House of Hardcore Match: Ohio Versus Everything (Dave Crist, Jake Crist, and Sami Callihan) vs. Tommy Dreamer, Moose, and Eddie Edwards
* Knockouts Title Match: Champion Allie vs. Su Yung
* Impact Tag Team Title Match: Champions LAX vs. Eli Drake and Scott Steiner
* X-Division Title Match: Champion Matt Sydal vs. Petey Williams
* Impact World Title Match: Champion Austin Aries vs. Pentagon vs. Fenix

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Poor
The 411
I honestly feel bad for Impact Wrestling. It seems every time they start getting some momentum (and they have been doing a lot of things right under Callis & D’AMore), something throws a wrench into the machine and tries to ruin it. In this instance, it was Patron. His no-show and following firing forced the company to have to heavily re-edit this show, leading to them showing the WrestleCon match to make up time and fill the show with a lot of filler videos and some solid PPV hype videos. I don’t mind them showing the WrestleCon match, as it was a sub-10 minute match, and they weren’t going all out. Plus, with the shows taped, it was basically the only way to hype the new main event. I sympathize with them, but unfortunately, it led to a very poor PPV go home show. This was the final attempt to talk people into paying $40 for a PPV, which admittedly looks really good on paper (and a show I am really looking forward to), so it’s a shame that they found themselves in this situation. But in my opinion, this was poor go home effort. If you haven’t seen it yet, make sure to catch the Pentagon Jr. vs. Austin Aries vs. Fenix match. Make sure to join me on Sunday night for live coverage of the PPV, and look out for my complete PPV preview as well this weekend.