wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s Impact Xplosion Review 4.11.20

Csonka’s Impact Xplosion Review 3.28.20
– Moose defeated Fallah Bahh @ 6:10 via pin [**½]
– From TNA Lockdown 2013: Champions Austin Aries and Bobby Roode defeated Bad Influence & Chavo and Hernandez @ 17:09 via pin [***½]
– From Impact 4.07.20: Champions The North defeated Tessa Blanchard & Eddie Edwards @ 17:35 via pin [***¾]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
Moose vs. Fallah Bahh: My world is rocked, Bahh is wearing boots. They collide at the bell, continue to trade tackles and Moose follows with chops until Bahh mows him down. Moose fires back, cross body by Bahh and he follows with chops and strikes. Bahh bites him and follows with the corner splash, but dropkicks by Moose follow and he takes control. He grounds Bahh, follows with strikes and rakes the eyes. Bahh starts to Bahh up, NO, NO, NO, eye poke by Moose and Bahh counters into the pop up powerbomb. The corner splash and ass attack connect, and the Samoan drop gets 2. The banzai drop is stopped as Moose rolls away, Moose counters and the spear finishes it.Moose defeated Fallah Bahh @ 6:10 via pin [**½] A solid outing overall as Fallah Bahh remains a national treasure.
– We go around the ring with Josh interviewing Eddie Edwards. They go rapid fire: Moose, dummy, Sami, ugly, Swann, cool, Alicia, sexy, Elgin, strong, Tessa, historic. He’s looking forward to his match with Elgin & Tessa, loves the fans and says he will win the world title.
Champions Austin Aries and Bobby Roode vs. Bad Influence vs. Chavo and Hernandez: I felt that the match was laid out well to allow all three teams to shine at different times. They got about 17-minutes, and with the three way formula were able to keep the action at a high level through out. The local crowd was into this more than anything, largely due to Chavo and Hernandez (which is why they were in there). They didn’t do much between Aries & Roode vs. Daniels & Kazarian; which I figure was by design as that should be the next program for the titles. The end saw Roode get the sneaky tag as Chavo was going for the frog splash. He then allowed him to hit it on Daniels, Aries tossed Chavo and Roode got the pin. This was very good overall. Champions Austin Aries and Bobby Roode defeated Bad Influence & Chavo and Hernandez @ 17:09 via pin [***½]
Champions The North vs. Tessa Blanchard & Eddie Edwards: Page and Edwards start us off. They lockup, working into counters as Josh tags in, Edwards controls, Tessa in and Josh easily grounds her. Tessa counters into a head scissors but Josh counters the DDT and shoves her down. Tessa finally dumps him and Page cuts off the dive, Josh attacks and dumps Edwards. Tessa counters, tags in Edwards as he runs wild. Edwards follows with chops on the champions, and continues to control. He dumps Josh and follows with the suicide dive, Tessa then hits a high cross to the floor. Post break and the challengers are in control, with Edwards taking over until Page helps cut off an avalanche RANA and Josh hits the knee strike for 2. The champions follow with quick tags, double teaming Edwards and isolating him in their corner. They continue with double teams as Page takes control. Josh quickly tags back in and Edwards counters the double teams, hits the double RANA and tags in Tessa. Tessa flies in with the high cross, a RANA, and suicide dives. The cutter to Page follows for 2. Page counters the buzzsaw DDT, it beaks down and Tessa is double teamed and the cover gets 2. Edwards makes the save, but the challengers get run together until Tessa hits a desperation cutter. Edwards is back, Page cuts him off. Tessa dumps him and Edwards hits the tiger driver and Tessa follows with the destroyer for 2. The magnum is countered and the champions run wild, and the double crucifix bomb gets 2 as Edwards makes the save. He’s dumped and Tessa counters the double Gotch, hits Samoan drops and the tornado DDT. Tessa refuses to tag in Edwards, she’s run into Edwards and her dumb ass gets pinned with the Northern exposure. Champions The North defeated Tessa Blanchard & Eddie Edwards @ 17:35 via pin [***¾] This was very good, easily the best thing on the show. The North continue to deliver as the built some drama for the upcoming title match.
– Edwards & Tessa argue post match, Edwards leaves and Elgin arrives and levels Tessa with a lariat. Edwards bounces as Tessa is planted with the Elgin bomb. Elgin poses with the world title.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 106. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka &, Jerome Cusson, & Ian Hamilton break down the uncertain state of NXT UK, how the brand will continue through the current pandemic & then talk Dark Side of The Ring: Brawl For All. The show is approximately 121-minutes long.
* Intro
* Looking at the Uncertain State of NXT UK w/Ian Hamilton: 2:00
* >Dark Side of the Ring: Brawl For All Review w/Jerome Cusson: 1:12:03
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– End Scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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