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Csonka’s MLW Fury Road 2019 Review

June 2, 2019 | Posted by Larry Csonka
MLW Alexander Hammerstone Image Credit: MLW
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Csonka’s MLW Fury Road 2019 Review  

Csonka’s MLW Fury Road 2019 Review

– Gringo Loco defeated Myron Reed @ 8:30 via pin [**¾]
Vacant National Openweight Title Match: Alexander Hammerstone defeated Brian Pillman Jr @ 8:15 via pin to become the first champion [***]
National Middleweight Title Match: Champion Teddy Hart defeated Jimmy Havoc @ 10:05 via pin [***]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– Jim Cornette & Rich Bocchini announce that due to severe weather conditions some travel for certain talents have been affected.

Gringo Loco vs. Myron Reed: They talk trash and shove each other and then Loco slides to the floor and Reed follows with the tope con HELLO. Back in and Reed covers for 2. Loco fires back with kicks and picks up the pace and dances. He takes out Reed’s knee and follows with a standing moonsault. Loco counters the RANA and Reed catches him with an enziguri. Loco fires back, and covers him for 2. Reed cuts him off and follows with a slingshot leg drop for 2. Reed then grounds the action. Loco escapes, hits the Finlay roll but the moonsault eats feet. Loco quickly fights back and hits the Liger bomb for 2. Loco heads up top and Reed cuts him off and follows him up. The sunset bomb is countered, and Loco does the deal with the super falcon arrow for 2. Reed now hits the springboard cutter and 450 for 2. Reed argues with the ref and Loco superkicks him but Reed hits the stunner and gets the cradle with the ropes but the ref breaks it up. He argues with the ref again, allowing Loco to hit a tombstone for the win. Gringo Loco defeated Myron Reed @ 8:30 via pin [**¾] This was pretty good, a bit disjointed at times, but with Reed doing some solid heel work and Loco picking up a big win.

– Post match, Reed lays out Loco with brass knux.

– Salina de la Renta puts herself over, and announces that on June 15th she’ll be producing another episode of MLW Fusion.

– Kaci Lennox is backstage and can’t find Tom Lawlor.

Alexander Hammerstone vs. Brian Pillman Jr.: Pillman is sporting a beautiful and freshly bleached MU-LAY. They lock up and Pillman looks to ground things, attacking the arm. Hammerstone powers to his feet and makes the ropes but Pillman lays in chops in the corner. He follows with clotheslines and a corner dropkick. The cradle follows for 2. Hammerstone levels him with a bicycle kick and shoulder tackles. Hammerstone lays in uppercuts, and teases a suplex to the floor, but Pillman cuts him off and dropkicks him to the floor. The high cross sorta connects as he overshot Hammerstone. He lays in uppercuts and whips Hammerstone to the barricade. Hammerstone cuts him off and slams him to the barricade with ease. The apron bomb follows. Back in and Hammerstone covers for 2. Knee strikes follow and Pillman is down. Hammerstone follows with elbow strikes, locks on the abdominal stretch and follows with a lariat. The cover gets 2. Hammerstone then whips him to the buckles and then again. Pillman fires back, hits a superkick and the cover gets 2. Pillman then follows with the springboard high cross for 2. He heads up top and misses the senton as Hammerstone shoves the ref into the ropes; the nightmare pendulum finishes it. Alexander Hammerstone defeated Brian Pillman Jr @ 8:15 via pin to become the first champion [***] Hammerstone winning was the right call, as it gives the Dynasty something to brag about and also could possibly lead to the group breaking up as they have teased a few times that Hammerstone isn’t always in line with MJF & Holiday’s shenanigans. Plus it advances the Dynasty vs. Hart Foundation feud, which has been fun. As for the match, it was good with Hammerstone coming off like a star in the making and Pillman showing great babyface fire.

– Post match, Hammerstone says he put in the work while Pillman was living off of his daddy’s name.

– Austin Aries returns in two-weeks.

– In a video. CONTRA Unit attacks Tom Lawlor at his hotel and cuts his hair.

Champion Teddy Hart vs. Jimmy Havoc: Both men arrive with chairs. They brawl at the bell with Hart laying in strikes and chair shots. He follows with uppercuts and an Arabian press for 2. Hart follows with rights, and then works the arm and grounds Havoc. He traps the other arm as well. Post break and Hart lays the boots to Havoc. The lung blower follows and then a lumbar check and a moonsault for 2. They work to the apron; Havoc posts Hart and hits a cutter onto a chair on the apron. Havoc follows with a hair shot and Hart is busted open. Havoc then follows with the paper cut spots. The suplex on the guardrail follows, back in and Havoc follows with a chair shot and covers for 2. Hart sends Havoc into the chair wedged in the corner, takes him up top and follows, but Havoc rolls through on the RANA and gets the sharp shooter. Hart fights and makes the ropes. Havoc then heads up top, Hart tosses a chair into his face, but Havoc hits a destroyer, but Hart counters the acid rainmaker into a destroyer. The hammerlock DDT on the chair finishes Havoc. Champion Teddy Hart defeated Jimmy Havoc @ 10:05 via pin [***] This was a good and fun main event, with a nice mix of styles and the hardcore element.

– Post match, the Dynasty attacks Hart but the Hart Foundation makes the save and they all brawl to close the show.

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 24. On the show, the good brother, Jeremy Lambert, joins 411’s Larry Csonka; the guys will preview NXT Takeover 25, discuss Jon Moxley’s appearance on Talk is Jericho & the problems within WWE, Moxley’s upcoming debut with NJPW, and then play catch up with NJPW BOSJ reviews. The show is approximately 115-minutes long.

* Intro
* NXT Takeover 25 Preview: 5:15
* Jon Moxley on Talk is Jericho: 37:45
* Jon Moxley Heading to NJPW: 115:55
* NJPW BOSJ Day 10 Review: 129:05
* NJPW BOSJ Day 11 Review: 146:20

You can subscribe and listen to the 411 on Wrestling Podcast via the above player on Transistor, or on the following platforms:

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The final score: review Good
The 411
MLW Fury Road 2019 was a good show, with quality in ring action, and good attention paid to the CONTRA vs. Lawlor & Dynasty vs. Hart Foundation feuds.