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Csonka’s NJPW New Beginning USA in Atlanta 2020 Review

April 19, 2020 | Posted by Larry Csonka
ROH NJPW Guerrillas of Destiny Bullet CLub Tama Tonga
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Csonka’s NJPW New Beginning USA in Atlanta 2020 Review  

Csonka’s NJPW New Beginning USA in Atlanta 2020 Review

– YOSHI-HASHI defeats Misterioso Jr. @ 10:57 via submission [**¾]
– Colt Cabana & Toru Yano defeated Jado & Yujiro Takahashi @ 9:40 via pin []
– Chase Owens defeats Rocky Romero @ 17:37 via pin [***¼]
– Rock & Roll Express & Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Alex Zayne, Clark Connors & TJP @ 13:19 via pin [***]
– Jeff Cobb defeated Lance Archer @ 17:55 via pin [***¼]
IWGP Tag Team Title Match: Guerrillas Of Destiny defeated Champions FinJuice @ 18:52 via pin [**½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– This is available on New Japan World in one file or mostly via Youtube; the videos are included for your viewing pleasure.

– The show actually has some commentary.

YOSHI-HASHI vs. Misterioso: HASHI grounds things early, but Misterioso makes the ropes. They work into counters on the ground and break in the ropes again. Misterioso picks up the pace, and takes control until HASHI cuts him off on the floor. Back in and HASHI works the heat, delivering chops and controlling with ease as the draping dropkick follows. Misterioso battles back and hits the rolling dropkick. The double knees follow in the corner for 2. The Finlay roll follows, but HASHI counters the moonsault. He attacks the knee, hits the superkick and blockbuster for 2. Misterioso counters back, dumps HASHI and back in, follows with superkicks for 2. Misterioso follows with the moonsault for 2. He heads up top and misses the senton, they trade and the lariat by HASHI gets 2. The butterfly lock finishes it. YOSHI-HASHI defeats Misterioso Jr. @ 10:57 via submission [**¾] This was a pretty good, but low energy opening match.

Colt Cabana & Yano vs. Yujio Takahashi & Jado: Colt and Yujiro begin, with Colt out wrestling him with ease. Yujiro bites him and then Yano. Colt then sunset flips him for 2. Yujiro backs off and tags in Jado as Yano joins him. Jado gets the kendo and Yano the buckle pad. Yano attacks and Colt dumps Yujiro. Comedy ensues as Jado rolls to the floor. Yujiro to the floor, and more comedy follows. They dump Yujiro, but Jado attacks as Yujiro joins in. They fight to the floor for a bit, back in and Jado controls. Yujiro in and whips Yano to the exposed buckle. He controls, grounding Yano until Yano cuts him off. Colt tags in, runs wild and follows with the flip flop and fly. The flying asshole follows and then hits the splash for 2. It breaks down, with all four in and Yujiro is ran into Jado as Colt misses the flying asshole. Yujiro takes over and gets a near fall. Yano counters pimp juice and the low blow and cradle finishes it. Colt Cabana & Toru Yano defeated Jado & Yujiro Takahashi @ 9:40 via pin [*½] Previously to this one, the Colt Cabana & Toru Yano had been good and fun, due to a combination of their act being fun, and them having some quality opponents to play off of, which they just didn’t have here tonight. This was not good at all.

Chase Owens vs. Rocky Romero: They lockup, working to the ropes and we get a clean break. Chase quickly grounds things, Rocky counters out until Chase grounds him. Rocky counters out, hits a head scissors and follows with chops. Rocky takes control, working some Nakamura tribute spots and ground things until Chase dumps him and they brawl on the floor. Back in and Chase works some Randy Savage tribute spots. He slaps him around, Rocky fires back and looks to steal some Ibushi moves until Rocky stops that. Chase has been heckling Ibushi, since he had to miss the tour and their singles match, wearing an Ibushi fears Owens shirt, with 1-0 on the back. Rocky counters the forever clotheslines, hits a RANA and he hits forever clotheslines to take control. Rocky starts attacking the arm, and hits the draping dropkick for 2. Chase counters the DDT, but Rocky counters into the Diablo arm bar, until Chase makes the ropes. Chase counters sliced bread into snake eyes and the jewel heist gets 2. To the floor and Chase peels up the mats, but Rocky counters the piledriver and they trade until Chase misses and chops the post. DDT by Rocky and back in, he heads up top and the RANA follows, and sliced bread gets 2. Chase counters the second try, hits the knee strike but Rocky counters into a RANA and cradle for 2. They trade chops, slaps and strikes. Rewind kick by Rocky and the Diablo arm bar follows, Chase fights and counters into the Styles clash! Rocky counters V trigger, but Chase hits the running knee strike for 2. Kamigoye and the package piledriver finishes it. Chase Owens defeats Rocky Romero @ 17:37 via pin [***¼] This was a good and entertaining match, as I liked Chase’s odes to the Bullet Club past while continuing to tease the Ibushi match. But I think it would have been better at about 12-minutes.

Rock & Roll Express & Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Alex Zayne, Clark Connors, & TJP: Connors and Gibson begin, locking up and working into a basic beginning and breaking in the ropes. Gibson takes early control, Morton tags in for double teams and works into a stalemate with Zayne. TJP in with Tanahashi, they lockup and work into counters as Tanahashi takes control. They work into counters, until TJP hits the basement dropkick. Tanahashi quickly battles back, tags in Morton and the R&Rs follow with double teams. Zayne cuts off Morton and TJP takes the heat. Ricky Morton plays Ricky Morton, as Connors controls. Zayne tags in, continuing the heat and grounding Morton. TJP takes over, working the arm and maintaining control. Morton battles back, but the ace and Gibson are taken out to stop the tag. Zayne heads up top and misses the spiral tap. Destroyer by Morton, Ricky to Robert and he’s cut off, it breaks down and Tanahashi tags in. The ace runs wild, playing the hits until Connors cuts him off and locks on the crab. TJP gets the octopus on Morton, and Zayne moonsaults to the floor to take out Gibson. Tanahashi escapes the crab, they trade and Connors hits the spear for 2. Twist and shout by Tanahashi, sling blade follows and the high fly flow finishes it. Rock & Roll Express & Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Alex Zayne, Clark Connors & TJP @ 13:19 via pin [***] This was a good, basic and entertaining tag with the legends playing the hits against fun opponents. It was exactly what it needed to be.

– Post match, the Rock & Roll Express & Hiroshi Tanahashi air guitar.

Jeff Cobb vs. Lance Archer: They immediately start colliding and hossing around. Archer attacks with strikes, Cobb counters and hits the dropkick. He dumps Archer and they brawl on the floor. Cobb controls with strikes until Archer posts him, kills a young lion and throws him into Cobb. Archer takes him into the crowd, slams him onto chairs and they brawl back to the bar. They fight by commentary, back to ringside and into the ring. Archer controls with clotheslines, chops but Cobb fires back and is quickly cut off. Archer starts yelling at a kid that’s harassing him, but the kid no sells him and stress him down. Archer takes his anger out on Cobb, beating him down and hits the twisting splash for 2. He lays the boots to Cobb, and drops him with strikes. The release suplex follows, but Archer misses the running splash. Cobb fires up and lays into Archer with strikes, the running uppercut and the sidewinder suplex for 2. The standing moonsault also gets 2. The Hawaiian stampede follows, again for 2. Archer counters tour of the islands into the claw, Cobb makes the ropes and follows with the superkick. Archer cuts him off and the ropewalk follows into a moonsault for 2. The chokeslam also gets 2. Cobb fights of the claw, and the tour of the islands gets 2. They trade strikes, laughing and then light each other up, Cobb escapes the claw, they work up top and Cobb counters blackout into a German and another tour of the islands finishes it. Jeff Cobb defeated Lance Archer @ 17:55 via pin [***¼] This was a good strongly worked match that was unfortunately missing that real intensity to take it into a higher quality hoss fight. Like Owens vs. Romero, this would have been better at about 12-minutes long.

– Post match, they share a fist bump in respect as Archer was going to be making his NJPW exit.

Champions Fin-Juice vs. The Guerrillas of Destiny: Jado is at ringside. Juice and Tama to begin, locking up and working to the ropes. They lock back up and work into counters and end in a stalemate. Juice picks up the pace with arm drags, taking control. Finlay tags in and the champions follow with quick tags and double teams. They follow with stereo plancha, and back in Finlay continues to control and pick up near falls. Loa trips him up and floor brawling follows. Back in and the challengers isolate Finlay with double teams, taking the heat. Loa follow with the running power slam and Tama tags back in. He keeps Finlay grounded, working the half crab. Tama follows with strikes and kicks in the corner, as Loa takes over, grounding things. Finlay fires up and gets quickly cut off. Tama tags back in and hits the corner splash. Finlay again fires back and counters into a suplex. Wholesale changes to Loa & Juice, Juice runs wild and also takes out Loa. The clothesline and cannonball follows as the full nelson slam gets 2. Pulp friction is countered, Loa cuts him off and follows with a German. Tama tags in and the corner splash follows. Juice counters gun stun and runs them together tagging in Finlay. They follow with double teams, kendo shot by Jado and Loa hits the powerbomb for 2. Guerrilla warfare follows that for 2. Juice makes the save, hits juice box and that gets 2. Double teams follow ad Tama kicks out at 2. Finlay takes him up top and the power and glory follows for 2 as Loa makes the save. Loa takes out Juice on the floor. ref bump and the Tongan twist follows. Jado is cut off by Juice, he takes out Loa, kendo shot by Jado, and Tama is ran into Jado as Finlay dumps Loa. Ushigoroshi by Finlay and that gets 2. Belt shot by Tama and we have new champions. Guerrillas Of Destiny defeated Champions FinJuice @ 18:52 via pin [**½] This was solid, but flat as it broke down into everything I hate about wrestling. The good news is that the Guerrillas didn’t hold the belts for long.

 photo The411onWrestling-KHC15_1A_zps84kblpqb.jpg

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 107. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Steve Cook hit a quick news roundup as things continue to get crazy, and then review the weekly AEW vs. NXT Battle. Kevin Pantoja joins to review WWF Backlash 2002. The show is approximately 163-minutes long.

* Intro
* News Roundup (WWE Cuts): 2:45
* AEW Dynamite (4.15.20) Review: 1:07:55
* NXT (4.15.20) Review: 1:25:10
* The Head to Head: 1:39:19
* Retro WWF Backlash 2002 Review w/Kevin Pantoja: 1:44:11

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– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Average
The 411
NJPW New Beginning USA in Atlanta 2020 is here to close out the early 2020 US tour to give you a NJPW fix during this time of canceled shows, and has a two-hour run time. Overall, it was a solid but flat show.