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Csonka’s NXT UK Review 6.19.19 (Ep. 48)

June 19, 2019 | Posted by Larry Csonka
NXT UK Imperium
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Csonka’s NXT UK Review 6.19.19 (Ep. 48)  

Csonka’s NXT UK Review 6.19.19 (Ep. 48)

– Kassius Ohno defeated Kenny Williams @ 7:45 via pin [***]
– Gallus defeated The Hunt @ 6:30 via pin [**½]
#1 Contender’s UK Women’s Title Battle Royal: Kay Lee Ray won @ 8:50 [**½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– We open with highlights from last week.

– Matches are from Downloadfest.

Kassius Ohno vs. Kenny Williams: They lock up and Ohno grounds things and looks to work the arm. He does and takes control, and keeps things grounded. Williams works him to the ropes for an escape. Williams picks up the pace, working into counters, but Ohno cuts off the sunset flip, traps him in the ropes and just stomps on his face. Ohno follows with strikes and chops, and takes things back to the ground. Ohno then hits the Finlay roll, lays the boots to Williams and looks for the senton but Williams gets the knees up. They work into counters, and Williams gets an O’Connor roll for 2, and the PK follows. He then hits a suicide dive. Back in and Williams hits a flying elbow onto a standing Ohno for 2. Ohno cuts off the springboard, hits the rolling elbow and picks up the win. Kassius Ohno defeated Kenny Williams @ 7:45 via pin [***] This was good, especially when Williams stayed in his lane and did his style instead of trying to out grapple Ohno.

– As Ohno leaves, Imperium (in some sweet track suits) arrive. Barthel says that the fans think that Imperium is here to entertain them, and they aren’t. They stand on this sacred mat to restore the honor of their sport. Aichner says last week, their numbers grew, and are now complete. The fans will respect and obey them. As they chant for Dunne, Wolfe says that he had no doubts in joining Imperium as the fans chant “Sanity” at him. He joined because Imperium treats wrestling with respect, and will protect its legacy. WALTER says Banks may have a title shot, but things will be done Imperium’s way, and that title match will be next week. Banks is a fool if he thinks he stands a chance. Banks arrives and says for WALTER to bring everything he has.

– Noam Dar comments on his recent actions and making an injury. He meets with Kenny Williams and suggests he can take him under his wing and be Dar’s support act.

The Hunt (Wild Boar & Primate) vs. Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark Coffey: Joe is at ringside. They brawl at the bell with the Hunt looking for revenge. They take control and follow with suicide dives. Primate controls, tags in Boar and the sentons follow. He lays in rights, but Mark rakes the eyes and hits a full nelson slam. Wolfgang gets the tag, lays in strikes on Primate and grounds Boar. Mark tags back in and he lays the boots to Boar, covering for 2. quick tags by Gallus follow, and they keep Boar grounded. Mark tags back in and follows with strikes and kicks. Wolfgang tags back in and works a full nelson. Mark tags in and Boar runs Gallus together and Primate tags in and runs wild. He backdrops Mark, but gets dumped. Mark takes out Boar on the floor, back in and the powerslam/kick combo finishes Primate; that was a shit finish. Gallus defeated The Hunt @ 6:30 via pin [**½] This was solid at best, but never really felt locked in or had any real energy to it.

– Post match Gallus lays out the Hunt until the real Big Dawg of the World Wrestling Federation Dave Mastiff arrives and makes the save.

– Mustache Mountain will get a tag title shot in two weeks. They admit that they have been distracted as of late, but can now focus on the tag titles.

#1 Contender’s UK Women’s Title Battle Royal (Participants: Xia Brookside, Jazzy Gabert, Jinny, Kay Lee Ray, Piper Niven, Isla Dawn. Nina Samuels, Killer Kelly, Candy Floss, Rhea Ripley, & two others): They brawl at the bell as Gabert watches on. Some foolish ladies attack and Gabert dumps two unidentified ladies. Dominator to Floss, and Jinny gets to toss her. Gabert now beats down Brookside, and Niven and Brookside eliminate Gabert. Dawn and Broookside try to toss Jinny but Gabert saves her but Brookside then eliminated her. The rest brawl, Niven fights off elimination and Ripley dumps Kelly. Niven tries to toss Nina. Dawn and Brookside work over Ripley but Ripley cuts them off and dumps Dawn. Niven dumps Nina. We’re down to Ripley & Niven. They trade strikes, Niven hits the cannonball, and Brookside is still in this as Niven and Ripley brawl on the apron. Brookside dropkicks them to the floor and Ray sneaks back in and tosses her for the win. Kay Lee Ray won @ 8:50 [**½] This was a solid and well laid out battle royal that played well off of established rivalries, and gave us a quality winner. I loved that Ray won, but hated the cliché “come out of nowhere when she wasn’t eliminated” finish.

NEXT WEEK: WALTER vs. Travis Banks

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 29. On the show, the good brother, Jeremy Lambert, joins 411’s Larry Csonka; the guys will preview the WWE Stomping Grounds 2019 PPV, and then dive into the great matches that the NJPW G1 Climax 29 has to offer. The show is approximately 89-minutes long.

* Intro
* WWE Stomping Grounds 2019 Preview: 1:50
* NJPW G1 29 Thoughts: 43:55

You can subscribe and listen to the 411 on Wrestling Podcast via the above player on Transistor, or on the following platforms:

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The final score: review Average
The 411
This week’s episode of NXT UK was a solid show, continuing the rise of Imperium, setting a title match for next week, and giving us a new #1 contender for the women’s title.