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Csonka’s ROH Saturday Night at Center Stage 2020 Review

January 11, 2020 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Csonka’s ROH Saturday Night at Center Stage 2020 Review  

Csonka’s ROH Saturday Night at Center Stage 2020

ROH TV Title Match: TV Champion Dragon Lee defeated Andrew Everett @ 14:35 via pin [***¾]
– The Allure defeated Sumie Sakai & Nicole Savoy @ 8:50 via pin [**]
– Dak Draper defeated Jason Cade @ 7:55 via pin [**¾]
– Jonathan Gresham defeated Josh Woods @ 16:30 via countout [***¼]
– The Briscoes defeated The Briscoes & Lifeblood @ 12:30 via pin [***½]
ROH Trios Title Match: Flamita, Bandido, & Rey Horus defeated Champions Marty Scurll, Brody King, & Flip Gordon @ 16:30 via pin [****]
ROH Title Match: Champion PCO vs. Rush went to a no contest @ 11:25 [**½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

TV Champion Dragon Lee vs. Andrew Everett: They lockup and work into counters and end in a standoff. They trade arm drags, counters and end in another standoff. Lee attacks with knee strikes, but Everett counters into a dropkick and follows with a tope to the floor. Back in and Everett hits a missile dropkick and covers for 2. He follows with head butts, grounds Lee and then follows with clotheslines. Lee cuts him off, hits combination cabrone and a running boot. Lee lights him up with strikes, kicks and the dragon’s breath for 2. The half crab follows, Everett counters back but Lee counters the RANA and Everett counters the RANA to the floor and follows with an enziguri. Back in and Everett follows with the tornado DDT and tuck moonsault for 2. He delivers strikes, they trade and Everett hits a springboard moonsault, but he lionsault eats knees. Everett counters desnucadora into a stunner, hits an enziguri and Everett hits a spiked poison RANA. Lee hits a knee strike, snap German, poison RANA and they work into a double down. They trade strikes, working into counters and work up top. Lee traps him in the tree of WHOA, and hits the double stomp. The running knee strike gets 1. Lee is pissed, Everett fires back and hits a PELE kick. He heads up top and Lee cuts him off, follows him up and Everett stuns him off the ropes. The springboard is countered with a knee strike and desnucadora gets 2. Lee drops the knee pad and the incinerator knee finishes it. TV Champion Dragon Lee defeated Andrew Everett @ 14:35 via pin [***¾] This was very good and was a great choice as an opener with Everett looking fully recovered from his past knee injury. It had good intensity, great pacing and they delivered. Bring Everett back.

– Bully Ray arrives to kill the momentum of the show. Bully harasses Caprice Coleman, and shoves down ring announcer Bobby Cruise. He dares someone to come in the ring and stop him. All he’s heard on social media and in the dirt sheets is how Maria Manic will cal him out. No one calls him out, he calls her out. She arrives in the crowd Bully says it’s funny that the fans want her to kick his ass but she knows she can’t do it. She heads to the ring and Bully keeps egging her on. She gets on the apron and Bully says he wants to see how tough she is and wants her in the ring. She gets in the ring and spears Bully and follows with ground and pound. She gets a chair and lays into Bully with chair shots. Maria gets a table, slides it in and Bully attacks. He sets up the table, and Maria attacks until the Allure attack. They beat Maria down lays her on the table. Bully puts her through it with a splash.

Sumie Sakai & Nicole Savoy vs. The Allure: The Allure attacks and they all brawl on the floor. In the ring and the faces take control, dumping Leon, and grounding Love. Savoy in control, working submissions and the rings of Savoy. Love fights her off, slow motion Leon tags in and Savoy grounds her with ease cradles her for 2. She follows with a rear naked choke, transitions to a hammerlock but Leon fights to her feet until Savoy arm bars her. Leon escapes, tags in Love and Savoy follows with a Saito suplex. Sakai in and follows with a knee strike. Leon and Love cut her off, and double teams follow. Leon hits double knees, covering for 2. Love in and chokes out Sakai, but Sakai counters back into a neck breaker. Savoy tags in, runs wild with suplexes and covers for 2. It breaks down, double submissions by the faces and Love makes the ropes. Sakai hits a missile dropkick for 2. Leon counters back, Savoy in and accidentally kicks Sakai and Leon cradles Sakai for the win. The Allure defeated Sumie Sakai & Nicole Savoy @ 8:50 via pin [**] Savoy was the best person in this match by a mile, actually working with purpose and showing skill as she worked around a pair of broom sticks. The Allure are still horrible.

– Post match, Sakai turns on Savoy and lays her out.

– We get a video package on PJ Black looking to mentor Brian Johnson and their reluctant relationship.

Dak Draper vs. Jason Cade: They work power vs. speed to begin, with Draper controlling. Cade picks up the pace, hits a RANA and dumps Draper. He looks for a slingshot RANA but Draper powerbombs him to the floor and then the apron. Back in and Draper covers for 2. Draper follows with a high cross for 2. Cade hits a jawbreaker, but Draper cuts him off with a powerslam for 2. Cad keeps firing back, and the cradle follows for 2. The tornado DDT connects, Draper to the floor and Cade follows with the tope. back in and Cade hits the frog splash for 2. They work into counters, Draper cuts him off and the doctor bomb gets 2. Cade fights off Magnum KO, hits code breaker and covers for 2. Draper counters into Magnum KO for the win. Dak Draper defeated Jason Cade @ 7:55 via pin [**¾] Draper picks up the win ahead of his TV Title match he earned winning the top prospect tournament. Draper has a good look, size and potential, but just needs reps to become smoother in the ring. The match had the opposite of the desired effect as Cade was more impressive and when it was over, I wanted to see more of him instead of Draper. The match was pretty good.

– Draper offers Cade a participation ribbon post match.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Josh Woods: Lethal & Young are at ringside. Woods grounds things, they grapple and Woods looks to work the leg and then covers for 2. They scramble on the mat, and end in a standoff. Back to the mat, as they work into counters, back to the feet and right back to the mat. Gresham takes control until Woods escapes to his feet. Gresham picks up the pace, and grounds Woods. Woods kips out and Lethal distracts Woods, Gresham attacks and Young trips up Gresham. Gresham slaps Woods and Woods lays in kicks as they trade. Gresham gets pissed, and bag tags Woods. He takes out the knee and starts focusing on that leg, grounding Woods with an Indian deathlock. Woods tries to fight out, does but Gresham goes back to the knee until Woods cuts him off. Woods hits a suplex, German but can’t bridge as his knee gives out. The knee strike follows for 2. Gresham counters the go to sleep and takes out the knee, but Woods hits go to sleep on the second try for 2. he follows with gut wrench suplexes, Gresham goes for the knee and the figure four follows. Woods fights it, but Gresham keeps it locked in. Woods rolls it and they make the ropes. They work into a rolling cradle and Gresham hits the springboard moonsault, suicide dive and flies off the top into a knee strike for 2. Woods picks him up, Gresham fires away at the knee and they trade. They work into the Dynamite Kid/Tiger Mask suplex spot to the floor. Lethal & Young roll them in and get booted to the back. Lethal takes out Woods’ knee, Gresham attacks and figure fours him on the floor. We works the count, back in and Woods is counted out, Jonathan Gresham defeated Josh Woods @ 16:30 via countout [***¼] This was a good change of pace match, based heavily on grappling and mat work.

– Slex is coming to ROH.

Jeff Cobb & Dan Maff vs. The Briscoes vs. Lifeblood: The Bouncers join commentary. Haskins and Cobb begin with Haskins working kicks until Cobb tosses him away. Mark tags in and follows with strikes on Cobb. Cobb picks up the pace, hits a dropkick and Williams tags in. He trades with Cobb, Haskins tags in and they double team Cobb and dumps the Briscoes, covering for 2. Haskins grounds things, attacking the arm and Jay tags in. He follows with kick and strikes, Mark in as double teams follow. Williams tags in and lays the boots to Cobb. Haskins joins in and hits a basement dropkick for 2. The Briscoes work quick tags, isolating Cobb and chops Haskins to tag him in. Haskins does the same, he and Mark brawl and Cobb lariats them both. Maff tag in, runs wild on everyone until Lifeblood cuts him off, it breaks down, Lifeblood hit dives and Mark hits the blockbuster to the floor as the Briscoes take control. Back in and the Briscoes double team Maff until Maff hits a spar on Jay. Maff then follows with a suicide dive. Back in and Cobb & Maff isolate Williams with double teams, sidewinder suplex by Cobb and Maff hits the senton for 2. Cobb is dumped, PK by Haskins and Lifeblood takes control and covers for 2. Maff fires up and shakes off the double teams, Williams counters the burning hammer and the ankle lock and double stomp follows from Lifeblood. Mark flies in with froggy bow for the save, superkick by Cobb and it completely breaks down. Mark clears out some bodies, and redneck boogie gets 2 on Williams. Williams fights back, hits a DVD and the STF follows on Mark. He transitions to a crossface, Jay powerbombs Haskins onto Williams and the Jay driller finishes it. The Briscoes defeated The Briscoes & Lifeblood @ 12:30 via pin [***½] Cobb & Maff have a tag title shot coming up, and while they didn’t take the pin, they surprisingly didn’t win here. The match was very good with a hot closing stretch and was one of the best things on the show.

– We get a VINCENT video package.

– Danhausen joins commentary and leaves. He’s a weird little dude.

– Shane Taylor arrives with his entourage. Taylor says that he loves when things come full circle. He came to this place a few years ago with a buddy as they laid out the Briscoes. Everyone wants to know what he has to say and won’t handle this on social media. He calls out ROH COO Joe Koff and he arrives. Taylor thanks him for taking a chance on him, and he had the best run of his career in 2019. He was the baddest TV champion in history, and got Koff’s offers, and wants to handle this on public. His counter offer is this. He’s been the best ROH talent in years, the best homegrown ROH talent in a decade, but if Koff wants him to stay, he wants a trios title shot for his boys, a world title shot of his choosing, his face and name on every poster, and the biggest paying contraction ROH history. Koff has until tomorrow to answer. Taylor mocks the crowd, and leaves.

– Marty cuts a promo and says they are the trios champions, and since PCO is world champion, Gordon will replace him tonight an they will defend the titles here.

Champions Marty Scurll, Brody King, & Flip Gordon vs. Flamita, Bandido, & Rey Horus: King and Flamita begin as King overpowers him. King misses chops, Flamita fires back, King mows him down and Flamita delivers chops. King takes him down with one chop, and Flamita battles back with a RANA but King levels him with a clothesline. Bandido tags in and Marty joins him. He follows with chops, strikes and Bandido hits a dropkick, they work into counters and a standoff. Gordon and Horus tag inn, Gordon attacks with kicks and Horus hits a dropkick. He follows with clotheslines, a running back kick and covers for 2. Gordon trips him up, Marty in and double teams follow on Horus. Back in and Gordon delivers chops, King in and he lights up Horus with chops. He chokes out Horus in the ropes, Marty back in and double teams follow for 2. Horus battles back, Bandido gets the tag, hits a pop up cutter and tornillo press on King. Flamita joins in for double teams, and the luchas hit a trio of dives onto the champions. Back in, Horus up top and the 450 connects for 2 on Gordon. They triple team Gordon with some cool and innovative shit, running wild here. Gordon fires back, hits the springboard spear and tags in King. King takes control, hits corner clotheslines and a splash. Marty in and double teams follow for 2. King accidentally takes out Marty and Horus hits a tornado DDT for 2. Horus up top and has to roll through, it breaks down into the big move buffet and everyone is down. The crowd loves this, Marty Bandido trade center ring and Bandido hits X knee and double teams follow for 2. Horus takes out King, Marty fights for his life and eats superkicks and the moonsault slam for 2. The champions clear bodies out, isolate Bandido and King chops him down. I-95 connects on Bandido and King hits a KO shot and senton for 2. They keep Bandido alone in the ring, a double 619 connects and King & Gordon hit dives as Marty covers for 2. The chicken wing is countered and Bandido cradles Marty as we get new champions. Flamita, Bandido, & Rey Horus defeated Champions Marty Scurll, Brody King, & Flip Gordon @ 16:30 via pin [****] This was a great match with a hot and appreciative crowd that even tossed money in the ring post match. Villain Enterprises are always really good in trios matches, they had great dance partners here and I loved the title change.

ROH Champion PCO vs. Rush: They brawl at the bell, trading strikes and chops. Rush hits a pump knee strike, and snap German. The running knee strike gets 2. Rush delivers chops, PCO cuts him off and hits a pop up powerbomb for 2. He follows with a sidewinder slam, to the ropes and the Vader bomb gets 2. Rush fights back, hits a powerslam and that gets 2. He follows with kicks, strikes and PCO then dumps him and hits a suicide dive. PCO whips Rush to the barricades, chokeslams him on the apron and heads up top. The swanton misses as Rush rolls into the ring. Rush slams him onto a barricade, hits him with another and back in, Rush works the hanging arm bar in the ropes, and then follows with running forearms and kicks him in the face; tranquillo. He follows with an overhead suplex to the buckles, delivers strikes and PCO cuts him of with a chokeslam. The PCO-sault takes out the ref as Rush pulled him in the way. Dragon Lee & Kenny King arrive, attack PCO and they get a table. Villain Enterprises arrives and we get the big brawl. Rush has a chair and nails PCO. He sets up a table, and then heads up top and the senton follows and a new ref is in and that gets 2. Rush KOs the ref and hits bull’s horns on him. That’s a no contest. Champion PCO vs. Rush went to a no contest @ 11:25 [**½] This was better than the PPV match, and had the big angle to boot as it appear that the NWA & ROH are back in bed with each other.

– Post match, Flip makes the save as Nick Aldis arrives takes out Flip. Marty runs him off and La Faction Ingobernoble then lay out Villain Enterprises, and put PCO through a table.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 81. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Jeremy Lambert review NJPW New Year’s Dash, break down this good and horrible of the AWE vs. NXT battle, and preview Impact Hard to Kill. The show is approximately 128–minutes long.

* Intro
* Jeremy’s NJPW WrestleKingdom 14 Thoughts: 1:50
* NJPW New Year’s Dash Review: 13:10
* Impact Hard to Kill Preview: 37:55
* AEW Dynamite (1.08.20) Review: 1:02:00
* NXT TV (1.08.20) Review: 1:31:00
* The Head to Head Comparison: 1:54:50
* Important Closing Notes: 2:00:50

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– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Good
The 411
The first thing I want to say is that this was the most lively ROH crowd in forever, which was a pleasant change of pace. Overall, ROH Saturday Night at Center Stage 2020 was a good and newsworthy show, with a lot to like in the ring, some angle advancement, new trios champions and what appears to be the rebirth of the NWA/ROH working relationship. This was a good first step for the company in 2020.