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Csonka’s ROH TV Review 3.18.20

March 19, 2020 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Csonka’s ROH TV Review 3.18.20  

Csonka’s ROH TV Review 3.18.20

Battle Royal For an ROH Title Shot: Flip Gordon won @ 17:45 [**]
– Session Moth Martina defeated Sumie Sakai @ 11:00 via pin [DUD]
Proving Ground Match: Jeff Cobb& Dan Maff defeated Champions Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham @ 13:10 via pin [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– Quinn welcomes us to the show, which will feature matches from Free Enterprise.

Battle Royal For an ROH Title Shot: This is basically everyone not on the card, including Delirious &he Blue Meanie, unfortunately now bWo music. Gangrel is also in this. Maria Manic, dressed like a Dudley, is also in the match. Someone dressed as Dragon Lee attacks King (Lee is in Japan). They all brawl at the bell, Gangrel is gone. LSG is gone. Isom & Crowbar are gone. Cheeseburger eliminates Draper. The Bouncers run wild and dance with Meanie. Brian Johnson dumps Meanie. The Bouncers kick his ass and PJ Black makes the save. Johnson then tosses his partner, Black. Manic groin claws Johnson and tosses him. Titus has a pose down with Manic, and she dumps him. The Bouncers are dumped by Manic. Danhausen is in love with her, he wants a hug gets it and Silas attacks Manic. They trade chops, Silas cuts her off and tries to dump her and Bully Ray arrives and pulls Manic to the floor for the elimination. He follows with chair shots and powerbombs her through a table at ringside. Danhausen and Delirious come face to face and Danhausen apparently understands him. Danhausen offers him his jar of teeth, Delirious takes them and Danhausen dumps him. Silas attacks, but Danhausen hits a German and then gets tossed. Silas cuts off Burger and tries to dump him, Woods joins in and tosses Burger. Williams, “Dragon Lee,” Silas, & Woods are left. They brawl, Williams cuts of Silas, Woods attacks and gets leveled with a lariat. Silas makes the save and it breaks down as “Dragon Lee” hangs out in a corner. Woods & Silas double team Williams and toss him. Lee fires p and they beat him down. Double teams follow and Woods accidentally dumps Silas. Woods is gone, King is back and Lee unmasks as Flip Gordon and he wins! Flip Gordon won @ 17:45 [**] This was a perfectly ok battle royal with cool Flip Gordon angle.

– Flip Gordon comments on his battle royal win and how it will lead to him becoming ROH World Champion.

Session Moth Martina vs. Sumie Sakai: Love & Leon are on commentary. Sakai tries to attack, Martina cuts her off and dances, They trade shoulder tackles and Sakai slams her down. Martina fires back, hits strikes and follows with a broncobuster. The northern lights follows for 2. Sakai powders, Martina runs and blows herself up Sakai pulls her to the floor and traps her in the apron to spank her. The dropkick follows and Sakai lays the boots to her. She rakes the eyes, hits across body and fisherman’s neck breaker for 2. Sakai chokes her out, follows with double knees and follows with the crab. Martina fights, but Sakai cuts her off. The Saito suplex follows and Sakai heads up top. The missile dropkick gets 2. Martina fires back, they trade and Martina whiffs on an enziguri. Martina drinks a beer, fires up and follows with clotheslines and covers for 2. The twister suplex follows for 2. Sakai battles back, and the German follows for 2. Martina counters into a knee strike, kick and covers for 2. Martina drinks more beer, REF BUMP and Sakai has a chair, they fight over it and Sakai nails her. The DDT on the chair follows and Sakai gets the ref back in. Martina head butts Sakai and hits the Yager bomb for the win. Session Moth Martina defeated Sumie Sakai @ 11:00 via pin [DUD] This was fucking trash and it went way too long. Women of Honor everyone.

Proving Ground Match: Champions Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham vs. Jeff Cobb & Dan Maff: If Cobb & Maff win or take the champions to a time limit draw, they earn a tag title shot. Cobb and Gresham begin, with Gresham using his peed to avoid Cobb. Cobb is not amused and tosses Gresham around. Jay tags in and he wants Maff. Maff tags in and no sells jay’s chops. He fires back, Jay slaps him and Maff slaps him back. Jay fires up but gets pounced! Jay powders, Gresham tags in and tries to use his speed, fails at a shoulder tackle and jay joins in, but Maff suplexes them both. Cobb in and he works over Jay, follows with the dropkick and covers for 2. The standing moonsault follows for 2. Cobb delivers strikes, chops, and pummels Jay in the corner. Gresham tries to make the save, and the champions take over, dumping Maff and attacking Cobb’s knee. Jay grounds the action, Gresham lay the boots to him but Cobb fights them off, tags in Maff but the ref didn’t see it. Cobb suplexes Gresham and tags in Maff. Maff runs wild, follows with chops and a senton until Gresham makes the save. The big boys follow with double teams, as the assisted senton by Maff gets 2. Jay fires back, hits an enziguri, Gresham attacks Cobb’s knee and Maff makes the save. They dump Maff, follow with dives but Maff shakes them off as Jay figure fours Cobb, Maff climbs in with Gresham on his back but Gresham choke shim out until Maff fights to his feet and DVDS Gresham onto Jay. Cobb follows with chops, Gresham takes out his knee, and the Cornett cutter is countered, spear by Maff and Jay fights them off, Maff counters lethal injection, but Gresham cuts him off and hits s dive. Maff counters lethal injection into the burning hammer for the win. Jeff Cobb& Dan Maff defeated Champions Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham @ 13:10 via pin [***½] This was a really good and fun tag, setting up the big lads for a tag title shot down the line.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 99. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka is joined by Steve Cook. Jerome Cusson, & Kevin Pantoja to talk the big news of the week, review the latest episodes of NXT & AEW TV, & do a retro review of WCW Uncensored 2000. The show is approximately 201-minutes long.

* Intro
* News Roundup (Coronavirus based cancellations, Mania to the PC, Gronk to WWE, Alberto Returning or Just Bullshitting?, More): 6:45
* AEW & NXT Reviews (3.18.20): 39:35
* Jerome Cusson talks ROH looking to rebound in 2020, the possible damaging effect on Mania week event cancellations due to Coronovirus, & more: 1:23:07
* Retro WCW Uncensored 2000 Review with Kevin Pantoja: 2:17:06

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* Spotify
* Stitcher
* Google Play

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
This week’s episode of ROH TV was an overall poor effort, now we find out what they do when they have seemingly run out of 2020 footage to run…

article topics :

ROH, Tremendous Tirades, Larry Csonka