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Csonka’s Smackdown Review 12.20.16

December 20, 2016 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Csonka’s Smackdown Review 12.20.16  

Csonka’s WWE Smackdown Review 12.20.16

WWE Title Match: Champion AJ Styles defeated James Ellsworth @ 0:47 via pin [NR]
WWE IC Title Match: Champion The Miz defeated Apollo Crews @ 8:50 via pin [**¾]
– Dean Ambrose defeated Luke Harper @ 7:50 via pin [**½]
Non-Title Match: Masked Becky Lynch defeated Alexa Bliss @ 3:10 via submission []
– Mojo Rawley defeated Curt Hawkins @ 5:50 via pin [DUD]
– Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler went to a double count out @ 15:45 [***½]

WWE Champion AJ Styles vs. James Ellsworth: AJ blocked the superkick, laid in a series of strikes, and pinned Ellsworth to retain. Champion AJ Styles defeated James Ellsworth @ 0:47 via pin [NR] It was exactly what I wanted it to be.

– Post match, AJ beat down Ellsworth, slamming him top the announce table and steps as the fans cheered him on. He then catapulted him into the ring supports and left. NOPE, Styles then suplexed him into the barricade, which looked as if it sucked for Ellsworth. Styles apologized mockingly, and said this built for six weeks, and now he can move on to more important things. He’s ready to move onto 2017, he has it all and doesn’t have to ask Santa for anything. Ziggler then arrived, and congratulated Styles, but reminded Styles that he has a title match next week. Styles says it will be a cakewalk, considering Ziggler is a loser. Styles says he will only need one try to beat Ziggler. He is willing to do anything to win the WWE Title. Baron Corbin then arrived, telling Ziggler that he deserves a title shot, because Ziggler steals opportunities and wastes them. Ziggler claims he earned his chance, and Corbin says he will lose next week, because that’s what he does. We get a brawl, end of days to Ziggler. The crowd chants, “one more time” at Corbin.

– Bryan tries to calm down Ziggler, but he wants a match with Corbin. Bryan says if he loses, Corbin gets the title shot next week.

IC Champion The Miz vs. Apollo Crews: Crews beat Miz at Tribute to The Troops to earn this title shot. Maryse distracted Crews, but he looked for several pinning combos, but Miz survived. Used his speed to avoid the Miz and hit the dropkick. Another cradle by Crews and then sends Miz to the floor, where they brawled and Crews hit the moonsault. Crews up top, high cross connects, but Miz kicks out, We go to the break as Miz takes a powder. Post break, Crews hit the running boot and Angle slam for a near fall. The enziguri followed for another near fall. The crowd is actually getting behind Crews here, back elbow to Miz and Maryse gets tossed for trying to get involved. Roll up for 2 by Crews. A German suplex followed and Crews got 2 again. Miz rakes the eyes, skull-crushing finale, and that is all. Champion The Miz defeated Apollo Crews @ 8:50 via pin [**¾] This was a really pretty good match, but the ending was really flat. Crews did well and felt more like himself, and put in one of his best main roster singles performances.

– Renee interviewed Miz, and asked about Dean Ambrose, so Miz said she was sleeping with him, so she slapped him. TOTAL DIVAS TIE IN!

– We see highlights of Ryder suffering an injury last week; he had knee surgery and is out 4 to 9 months. Next week, the Wyatts defend against the Usos, American Alpha and Slater and Rhyno.


– Natalya makes her way out. Natalya is tired of all the rumors and wants to talk with Nikki Bella. Carmella joins them. Carmella says If she took out Nikki, she would have bragged about it. She calls Natalya a liar, and then asks if the silicone has gone to Nikki’s head. Carmella claims that Natalya said that Nikki needed to be taught a lesson. Carmella plays mind games to try and turn Nikki on Natalya. Natalya calls her a snitch, and Nikki realizes that Natalya attacked her. Natalya then chased Carmella away and they brawled into the Christmas set up as Nikki looked sad. Looked at Nikki and said, “Ok, I did it you bitch.” Natalya claimed to be wrestling royalty, and Nikki worked hard, but Nikki and Brie got everything, because they were beautiful. They took everything that should have been hers. “My cat has more charisma than you, bitch.” You are nothing, and that is why John will never marry you.”

– John Cena returns next week.

– Daniel Bryan informs Alexa Bliss that she will defend her title next week, against Becky Lynch. Bliss was not pleased. Bryan says she has to compete tonight, but I she doesn’t, she won’t be the champion anymore.

Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper: Orton & Wyatt are with Harper. They go back and forth at the bell, with Ambrose sending Harper to the floor. Back in and they go to the break, post break, they brawled up top and Ambrose then ran into the bossman slam. Harper then worked the crossface. Side back breaker by Harper, and then the torture rack followed. Ambrose escaped, hit a running clothesline and then corner clotheslines. Harper hits the superkick and Ambrose fell to the floor. Ambrose fired back, stunning Harper off the ropes. He ten wiped out Orton and Wyatt with the elbow off the top and to the floor. Sitout powerbomb by Harper followed, Ambrose survived, and Ambrose then countered with the roll up for the win. Dean Ambrose defeated Luke Harper @ 7:50 via pin [**½] With Ambrose moving on as Miz’s next challenger, the right guy won. The match was rock solid, but never even teased hitting the higher gear, and it needed to.

– Post match, the Wyatts beat down Ambrose, with Orton laying him out with an RKO. The Miz then arrived, and hit the skull-crushing finale on Ambrose.

Non-Title Match: Champion Alexa Bliss vs. Masked Becky Lynch: Bliss is facing a “masked luchadora,” in full body suit. Masked Becky Lynch controlled with ease, did some wacky “lucha like’ things, Bliss finally fired back and got a near fall. Bliss took control, choked out Masked Becky Lynch in the ropes, but Masked Becky Lynch fought back and got the rolling arm bar off the ropes into the disarmher, and Bliss tapped. Post match, Lynch unmasked as Bliss threw a fit. Masked Becky Lynch defeated Alexa Bliss @ 3:10 via submission [* ½] They did well with the short time frame given, I always like the masked face to trick the heel gimmick.

– Ryan Phillippe arrives, looking for Randy Orton, and meets with Mojo and Hawkins.

Mojo Rawley vs. Curt Hawkins: Hawkins took control early, yelled at Mojo a lot until Mojo pounced Hawkins to the floor. Hawkins fought back, took control and scored a near fall. Hawkins worked a completely bland heat; Mojo fired up and made his comeback. The corner splash hit and then another followed. Another pounce by Mojo, the running forearm followed and Mojo won. Mojo Rawley defeated Curt Hawkins @ 5:50 via pin [DUD] This was not good in any way, and easily the worst thing on the show; only here for the celebrity placement. It was just bad.

– We see Ellsworth, bandaged up like a mummy, as he is on his way to a local medical facility. Carmella comes to check on Ellsworth, calling him “baby.” Please book Carmella and Ellsworth vs. Nikki and Cena.

– AJ Styles is out to do commentary.

Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler: If Ziggler loses, Corbin gets his title shot next week. Ziggler attacked at the bell, looking for the early advantage. Corbin cut him off and took control, beating down Ziggler. Ziggler fired up with body shots. But Corbin whipped him to the corner and Ziggler took the Bret Hart bump. Corbin took the heat, working with good aggression. Ziggler fired back with the dropkick, sent Corbin to the corner and then hit the back elbow. Corbin cut that off with a clothesline to the back of the head and then posted Ziggler. We then went to the commercial break. Post break, Ziggler avoided a charge, Corbin posted himself and Ziggler hit the fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler escaped the powerbomb, but Corbin came back and hit the STO for 2. Corbin talked some shit to Styles, laid in rights to Ziggler and celebrated, but Ziggler rolled him up for 2. Corbin decapitated Ziggler with the lariat. Ziggler then hit a neck breaker in the rope, and followed with the zigzag for 2. Ziggler fired up, worked over Corbin in the corner with strikes. They battled up top; Corbin fought Ziggler off with elbows. Deep six by Corbin connects, and that got a near fall. They brawled to the floor, Corbin slammed Ziggler to the barricade, and then slammed him into AJ, and we got a double countout. Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler went to a double count out @ 15:45 [***½] Good match here, both guys worked hard and Ziggler worked to Corbin’s strengths. Testing Corbin out on a end of the year show in a triple threat like this isn’t the worst idea. They obviously see a lot in him, so this will be his big chance to step up. He’s on a good run following the Kalisto matches and this one, so why not try and see what he has.

– AJ beat both men down with chair shots; Bryan arrived and booked the triple threat for next week.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
I felt that this week’s show was a great effort as they had Styled end Ellsworth, played off the established feuds well and did some excellent set up for nest week’s show. Next week feels like a must see show, and not the skippable end of year stuff we usually get. The show feels well laid out and it just flows really well and remains really easy to watch.