wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s Ultima Lucha Tres (Part I) Review

Csonka’s Ultima Lucha Tres (Part I) Review 9.27.17
– Texano’s Contract on The Line: Famous B & Dr. Wagner Jr defeated @ 4:30 via pin [**]
– Hell of War (Three Stages of Hell) Match: Killshot defeated Dante Fox @ 34:54 via 2-1 [****½]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– You can read a review of last week’s show at this link.
– We get the usual high-quality video package, hyping tonight’s matches (Texano’s Contract on The Line: Texano vs. Famous B & Hell of War (Three Stages of Hell) Match: Dante Fox vs. Killshot).
– Tonight is night one of four of Ultima Lucha.
Texano’s Contract on The Line: Texano vs. Famous B & Dr. Wagner Jr.: Famous B has been trying to sign Texano as his client, but Tenxano has continually refused. It all came to a head last week, when Dario Cueto booked the match, and put Texano’s contract on the line. All Famous B has to do is win a match (something he’s not particularly good at) and do so with a broken arm. Famous B says he talked to Dario, and since his arm is broken, he gets to have a partner, and its Dr. Wagner Jr (still masked because this was taped ages ago). Wagner and Texano start things off, Texano hits a monkey flip and then tosses Wagner to the floor and wipes him out with a tope. Famous B gets in a cheap shot with the cast, Texano chases him and rips the castoff and tosses him off the steps and to the floor. Wagner attacks, takes Texano back in the ring and hits a senton. Famous B tags in, and Texano kicks his and hits a powerslam, but Wagner makes the save. Texano hits him with a sitout powerbomb, but Wagner isn’t he legal man. Texano now kisses Brenda, and Famous B rolls him up with the ropes and wins. Famous B & Dr. Wagner Jr defeated @ 4:30 via pin [**] This was fine, and ended in shady fashion, which was pretty predictable once Wagner was introduced. Famous B now hold Texano’s contract, and apparently sold it to Anthem Entertainment.
– More Ultima Lucha Tres matches to come over the next three shows…
* Steel Cage Match: Dragon Azteca Jr. vs. The Monster Matanza Cueto
* Catrina vs. Ivelisse
* Luchas de Apuestas (Hair vs. Mask Match: Fenix vs. Marty The Moth Martinez
* Last Luchadora Standing Match: Taya vs. Sexy Star
* Gauntlet Match: Cage vs. Mil Muertes vs. Jeremiah Crane
* Gift of The Gods Title Ladder Match: Pentagon vs. Son of Havoc
* Lucha Underground Title Match: Champion Johnny Mundo vs. Prince Puma
* For a Unique Opportunity: Paul London vs. Saltador vs. Mala Suerte vs. Argenis vs. Cortez Castro vs. Son of madness vs. Vinnie Massaro vs. The Mack vs. Joey Ryan vs. Ricky Mundo vs. PJ Black vs. Mascarita Sagrada vs. Pimpernella Escarlata
Hell of War (Three Stages of Hell) Match: Dante Fox vs. Killshot: Killshot came to Lucha Underground as a former special ops soldier with no identity. He thought his whole unit was left for dead, until his former brother in arms Dante Fox appeared in the temple like a ghost from the past. The two teased a reunion, but Fox wants revenge because he thinks Killshot left him for dead. The three stips are First Blood, No DQ, and “medical evac.”
Fall One – First Blood: They work some fast paced counters to begin and work to the floor. Killshot hits a dive, and slams Fox into the wall and makes a ladder bridge. Killshot grabs a chair, but misses and Fox hits a smash mouth chair shot and places Killshot on the ladder. Fox hits a run off the post moonsault onto Killshot. Fox then lays in strikes, but Killshot cuts him off by slamming him to the apron. They trade kicks, and Fox hits another chair shot to the face. Back in the ring they go, wedges a chair in the corner and Killshot ends up dropkicking him into the chair. Killshot follows with strikes, they battle over a suplex, Fox looks for a sunset bomb, Killshot escapes but Fox hits a jumping superkick. Fox lays a chair on his face and hits a LEG DROP FROM THE CROWD onto Killshot. Fox goes to the back, and gets a piece of glass. He sets it up and makes the ref help him setup chairs and he sets the glass on the chairs. They battle to the apron and Fox hits an enziguri. Killshot hits a uranage on the apron, heads in the ring and Fox follows. They work up top and Lo mein pain connects for Fox. Fox brings the glass and chairs into the ring, sets the glass up and they work up top again. Killshot fights, but Fox backdrops him off the top AND THROUGH THE GLASS and Fox wins fall one @ 10:45 as Killshot is bleeding from the back.
Fall Two– No DQ: Blood is pouring down Killshot’s back right now, the ring is filled with glass. Fox leaves and grabs a new ladder. He sets it up in the corner and then sets up a chair and hits LO MEIN PAIN on the chair for a near fall. Fox lays Killshot on the ladder and hits a 450 but Killshot survives. Killshot fires back, hits a superkick and spikes Fox with a sick looking DDT for 2. Killshot tosses the ladder to the floor, and then gets a barbed wire board. He places it in the corner, they battle for position and Killshot hits a superkick and then a series of running kicks in the corner. Killshot hits the double stomp and Fox kicks out at 1! They are both fired the fuck up, and Killshot POWERBOMBS FOX INTO THE BARBED WIRE BOARD! Fucks sake lads. Killshot now hits the storm cradle driver into the glass to win fall two @ 21:15.
Fall Three – Medical Evac: Soldiers arrive with the stretcher, the loser will be put into a military ambulance. Fox spikes Killshot with an apron DDT as they brawl on the floor, covered in blood. Killshot hits a shotgun dropkick; Fox crawls away as Killshot follows him with the stretcher. Killshot works him over with strikes and kicks, they work up top and trade strikes as glass flies off of their backs. Killshot hits a DVD off the top into the stretcher. Killshot straps Fox to the stretcher, and looks to win. He drags the stretcher towards the ambulance, but Fox keeps fighting and tries to kick his way out. Killshot now heads into the crowd, and hits a DOUBLE STOMP onto Fox onto the stretcher. That freed Fox from the stretcher, allowing him to fight back. Fox heads back into the ring and hits a great looking tope. There is a structure of chairs and glass set up in the entranceway. They now brawl up into the bandstand, and Fox chokes out Killshot with a cable. Killshot grabs a bottle and breaks it over Fox’s head and he falls through the glass set up below! HE’S FUCKING DEAD! Killshot now stalks Fox, picks him up and carries him into the ambulance and puts him in and wins @ 34:54.
Killshot defeated Dante Fox @ 34:54 via 2-1 [****½] There is absolutely no other way to describe this match, other than absolutely fucking insane. This was an excellent main event, taking up the majority of the show, and allowing an angle that has been a featured part of the season, get a proper feature. There was absolutely no holding back from either man, they gave it their all, went well beyond what they needed to do to steal night one of Ultima Lucha Tres, setting the bad insanely high. The crowd was electric the entire time, only adding to the insanity in the ring. There are times where I am not a big fan of this style of match, but much respect and credit to these two, they pulled me in, made me care and may have stolen Ultima Lucha Tres on night one. This is not only a must see match, it was likely the best match of season three and I’d safely put it in Lucha Underground’s all time top 5.
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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