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Csonka’s WCPW World Cup Japanese Qualifier Review

July 31, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Csonka’s WCPW World Cup Japanese Qualifier Review  

Csonka’s WCPW World Cup Japanese Qualifier Review

WCPW World Cup Japanese Qualifier: Ryusuke Taguchi defeated Jushin Thunder Liger @ 7:27 via pin [***]
WCPW World Cup Japanese Qualifier: Hiromu Takahashi defeated Yohei Komatsu @ 9:45 via pin [***½]
WCPW World Cup Japanese Qualifier: BUSHI defeated Tiger Mask IV @ 8:13 via pin [**½]
WCPW World Cup Japanese Qualifier: KUSHIDA defeated Sho Tanaka @ 10:28 via pin [***½]
WCPW World Cup Japanese Qualifier: Hiromu Takahashi defeated Ryusuke Taguchi @ 12:18 via pin [**¾]
WCPW World Cup Japanese Qualifier: KUSHIDA defeated BUSHI @ 13:08 via submission [*]
Non-Tournament Match: Tomohiro Ishii defeated Rampage Brown @ 16:52 via pin [***½]

– I don’t get around to watching WCPW much, mainly due to a lack of time. But I saw that they were posting their World Cup qualifying shows on Youtube, and thought I’d try to fit some of them in. They are using a ton of familiar names and ones I enjoy. Today I’m starting with Japan…

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Jushin Thunder Liger: They work a clean, sportsmanlike beginning with lock ups and clean breaks. Liger quickly grounds Taguchi, but Taguchi counters into a roll up for 2. Taguchi takes Liger down, and transitions into the bow and arrow, but Liger escapes and they stand off. Lifer then takes Taguchi back down, working the legs and then tying up Taguchi in a wacky stretched hammerlock hold. They work into some back and forth with Liger sending Taguchi to the floor and following with the apron cannonball. Taguchi makes it back in an Liger attacks, takes him up top and hits the RANA, covering for 2. The crowd likes Taguchi, but they love Liger here. Taguchi fights off the powerbomb, but misses as ass attack, but cuts of the shotei with the second ass attack, He hits a series of ass attacks, covering for 2. Taguchi looks for the bum a ye, but runs into a tilt a whirl back breaker; Liger locks in the Romero special, transitions into a pinning combo but Taguchi kicks out. Liger follows with a powerbomb for a near fall. Taguchi counters Liger, hits the basement dropkick and cradles Liger for the win. Ryusuke Taguchi defeated Jushin Thunder Liger @ 7:27 via pin [***] While a bit short, this was a good back and forth match, with an invested crowd. The crowd loved Liger, and were not pleased with the result however, they wanted to see the legend win here.

Hiromu Takahashi vs. Yohei Komatsu: Komatsu is one of the young lions on excursion, working CMLL and ROH with Tanaka. I ‘m a big Komatsu fan and love that he’s getting a chance to work with Takahashi here. This is unfortunately hard to watch, as this was filmed when Daryl was still with us. They work a fast paced opening stretch, Takahashi rakes the eyes, but Komatsu hits a RANA but gets cut off with chops. Komatsu fires up and dares Takahashi to continue his attack. Komatsu lays in some chops, they trade center ring just lighting each other up and Komatsu’s chest is already red. Komatsu hits a flying forearm, and then slaps the hell out of Takahashi. The elbow drop follows for 2. Komatsu misses the corner charge, Takahashi lays in chops but unfortunately they flub the sunset bomb to the floor. Komatsu didn’t really look as if he wanted to take that flush, and I don’t blame him. We get some floor brawling, and back in Takahashi covers for 2. Takahashi continues to lay in brutal chops, kicks at the face of Komatsu and avoids the dropkick but Komatsu hits forearms and a flatliner. The shining wizard follows, and hits the double knees in the corner, covering for 2. Takahashi fights of the pump handle slam, lays in forearms but eats a superkick and German from Komatsu. Komatsu charges but gets suplexed into the buckles. Komatsu gets an O’Connor roll for 2, and then the la magistral cradle for another 2. Komatsu hits a twisting neck breaker for a near fall. The crowd is really getting into this, as Takahashi hits the German, Komatsu fires up but gets decapitated with a lariat. The time bomb finishes young Komatsu. Hiromu Takahashi defeated Yohei Komatsu @ 9:45 via pin [***½] Outside of the one small flub, this was a very good match with the crowd remaining invested. Komatsu more than held his own and continued to grow as a performer, and matches against top tier talent like Takahashi will only help his evolution.

BUSHI vs. Tiger Mask IV: BUSHI attacks Tiger Mask before the bell, taking him to the floor and taking the fight to the junior New Japan dad. The crowd is not a fan of BUSHI’s antics thus far as they work back into the ring. BUSHI does his trademark shirt choke spot, controlling early and setting Tiger Mask up top, where he tries to remove his mask. BUSHI then takes Tiger Mask to the mat, but runs into a spin kick and powders to the floor. Cuts off Tiger Mask, hitting an enziguri, and covering for 2. BUSHI then locks in the STF, but Tiger Mask fights and makes the ropes. BUSHI again goes after the mask, heads to the ropes and misses the dropkick. Tiger mask follows with leg kicks, hits the tiger driver and that gets 2. Tiger Mask then hits the tombstone, heads up top and MISSES the head butt. BUSHI attacks the mask again, they work up top and they trade strikes and Tiger Mask hits the SUPER butterfly suplex for 2 as BUSHI grabs the ref’s hand to stop the count. Tiger Mask looks for the tiger suplex, BUSHI counters and hits a bridging backslide for 2. BUSHI shoves the ref, BUSHI grabs at the mask, low blows Tiger Mask and hits the MX for the win. BUSHI defeated Tiger Mask IV @ 8:13 via pin [**½] This had its moments and the homestretch was going well until the unneeded shenanigans by BUSHI. It was fine.

KUSHIDA vs. Sho Tanaka: Tanaka is one of the young lions on excursion, working CMLL and ROH with Komatsu. He’s a great young performer, one of my favorite young lions in recent years; KUSHIDA is the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champion & ROH TV Champion, as well as the 2017 BOTSJ winner, he is also awesome. NJPW’s Tiger Hatori is the referee for the match. Tanaka, who has been putting on some mass as of late, looks to overpower KUSHIDA early. Tanaka rakes the eyes, but eats the rolling kick and gets sent to the floor. KUSHIDA hits the seated senton off of the apron, and then takes Tanaka back into the ring, and starts to work the arm; Tanaka does the Bob Backlund single arm lift to escape, slamming KUSHIDA down and then lays the boots to KUSHIDA. Tanaka is being a little dick here, not breaking clean and then hitting a fisherman buster and then immediately transitions to an arm bar. KUSHIDA then hits the flatliner to the buckles, follows with forearms and elbows, the hip toss onto the dropkick follows and KUSHIDA then hits corner knees, hits the tornado DDT into the hover board lock; Tanaka makes the ropes. Tanaka locks in a sleeper in the ropes, using all of the count. They work to the apron, with Tanaka laying on forearms, and then attacking the knee. KUSHIDA counters the piledriver attempt, but Tanaka dropkicks him to the floor. Back in and Tanaka looks for a dead lift German, KUSHIDA escapes and looks for the hover board lock, works the hanging kimura but Tanaka powers out into a back breaker for 2. Tanaka fires up and looks to finish KUSHIDA, but KUSHIDA escapes the package piledriver, punches Tanaka in the face and then hits the PELE. Tanaka counters the back handspring into a German, but KUSHIDA rolls into the hover board lock, and then transitions into back to the future to pick up the win! KUSHIDA defeated Sho Tanaka @ 10:28 via pin [***½] This was similar to the Komatsu vs. Takahashi match, as it was another very good, back and forth match with the young lion getting a lot in and while losing, putting in a strong effort. Again, Tanaka and Komatsu getting to work with elite performers like Takahashi and KUSHIDA in a singles setting is nothing but a positive for them.

Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Hiromu Takahashi: #JUSTICEFORDARYL! Takahashi tries to attack at the bell, and ends up exposing Taguchi’s ass. Taguchi then works with his ass exposed and hits an ass attack, Takahashi then chops his ass and takes another ass attack and stink face for his effort. Takahashi then escapes the ankle lock. The crowd is pro Takahashi, due to Taguchi beating Liger; they hold a grudge. Taguchi tries to attack the legs, but Takahashi powders to the floor. Back in and Taguchi takes control and looks for the ankle lock again, but Takahashi escapes and then hits an apron bomb on Taguchi. Takahashi has a conversation with Daryl and posts Taguchi, good advice Daryl. Back in they go and Takahashi lays in some nasty chops and then spanks Taguchi’s ass and then dropkicks him in the ass, covering for 2. Taguchi fires up with chops, but Takahashi then runs into a boot, but counters the ass attack with an atomic drop. Taguchi finally connects with the ass attack, hits another and a third. Taguchi sets for the bum a ye, but instead applies the ankle lock. Takahashi fights, rolls out but Taguchi cradles him for 2. Takahashi fights back and suplexes Taguchi to the buckles. Both men struggle to their feet. Takahashi sets Taguchi up top, tries for the wheelbarrow roll, which looked bad as Takahashi landed on his head; Taguchi gets the ankle lock, but Takahashi makes the ropes. Takahashi hits the German, but Taguchi hits the do don for a near fall. Taguchi back to the ankle lock, Takahashi fights but Taguchi hits another do don and Takahashi kicks out at 2. Takahashi then hits a desperation roll up and picks up the win. Hiromu Takahashi defeated Ryusuke Taguchi @ 12:18 via pin [**¾] This was both under whelming and disappointing; it felt too long, the work was a bit flat and the comedy at the beginning was also a bit too long. They are capable of so much more. I’d call this pretty good at best.

KUSHIDA vs. BUSHI: these two have faced 12 times, with KUSHIDA in the lead, 6-5-1. BUSHI rakes at the eyes right away, KUSHIDA picks up the pace and they work into a great series of counters, with KUSHIDA getting an arm drag. He then starts to work the arm, and follows with a standing moonsault for 2. BUSHI goes to the shirt choke spot to cut KUSHIDA off and DDTs him to the apron. On the floor, BUSHI chokes out KUSHIDA with a cable to the jeers of the crowd. BUSHI them slams KUSHIDA off of the announce table. Back in the ring they go, with BUSHI grounding KUSHIDA. BUSHI o the ropes and hits the missile dropkick, KUSHIDA tries to fire up, but KUSHIDA avoids the dropkick and locks in an STF. KUSHIDA escapes, BUSHI sets KUSHIDA up top and they battle for position, but KUSHIDA hits divorce court off the ropes and then counters the kicks and dropkicks BUSHI to the floor. KUSHIDA sets him in a chair on the floor, and follows with the running dropkick. Back in they go, and KUSHIDA counters the code breaker into an arm bar. BUSHI escapes, they trade kicks and then KUSHIDA attacks the arm. BUSHI accidentally mists the ref and v then accidentally punches the ref as BUSHI moved. BUSHI low blows KUSHIDA, rolls him up but there’s no ref as he had the cover for 10 or so. KUSHIDA works the kimura, BUSHI taps but there’s no ref. KUSHIDA transitions to the hover board lock, still no ref. KUSHIDA looks for back to the future, but BUSHI cuts him off with a neck breaker. They trade strikes, BUSHI drops KUSHIDA with a slap, BUSHI pulls him up and hits a destroyer and covers, still no ref as he gets a phantom pin for 10 or more. The ref is back, KUSHIDA counters the MX and kicks the arm, and hits the hover board lock and BUSHI has to tap. KUSHIDA defeated BUSHI @ 13:08 via submission [*] This started out well enough, they were playing the hits and having a fun outing until the completely unneeded and overbooked bullshit finish where the ref took a five-minute nap and we got a bunch of phantom pins and taps. It absolutely killed anything good that they had accomplished and ruined the match. Whoever booked this should be ashamed, it takes a real talent to ruin a KUSHIDA vs. BUSHI match.

– Takahashi & KUSHIDA advance in the tournament.

Tomohiro Ishii vs. Rampage Brown: Rampage Brown stared wrestling in 2001, is 33, and had a stint in WWE Developmental (FCW) in 2011-2012; he works most of the UK promotions. Tomohiro Ishii is the mother fucking truth. NJPW’s Tiger Hatori is the referee for the match. They go power for power to begin, colliding like a pair of rams repeatedly. Brown finally takes Ishii down, but Ishii fires back and works over Brown in the corner with chops. But Brown is willing to trade with Ishii, and drops him with uppercuts and then tosses him to the floor. Brown follows, hits clotheslines but then misses one and hits the post. Ishii takes control, and they brawl into the crowd. They work back to ringside, trading big strikes and chops. Both men break the count, and that leads to Ishii laying in chops in the corner. Brown tries to fire back, and they keep trading. Ishii finally crumbles Brown to the mat and then stomps on his head. Ishii then starts slapping Brown around. Throat chop by Ishii and the head butt follows. Brown staggers backwards, but Ishii with another head butt takes him down. Ishii then hits the Saito suplex, covering for 2. Brown cuts off the lariat with a big boot and hits the corner clothesline. He then hits a second rope clothesline, and starts kicking Ishii in the head. They trade forearms and Brown then hits a lariat for 2. Brown has Ishii down, lays in chops and then follows with strikes. Ishii fires himself up, and now looks insulted at Brown’s attempts at strikes. Ishii no sells a big boot, and then a second and Ishii follows with the corner lariat and a shoulder block. Ishii follows with a suplex, but Brown pops right back up and he hits a suplex, but Ishii pops back up and the battle continues. Ishii hits another suplex and we get a double down. Ishii lays in a series of lariats, but Brown hits a desperation uranage for 2. Brown then follows with the Samoan drop, and that gets 2. Brown tries to take over with lariats, but Ishii hits a lariat and a German, but Brown battles back hitting a lariat. They both struggle to their feet, Brown lays in forearms, but Ishii cuts him off with boots and rapid-fire forearm strikes, but as Ishii hits the ropes, Brown hits a spinebuster for a good near fall. Ishii fights off the piledriver, hits a backdrop and follows with a head butt. The lariat follows for 2. Ishii hits the brainbuster, and Brown is done. Tomohiro Ishii defeated Rampage Brown @ 16:52 via pin [***½] This was a very good, back and forth hard-hitting match between two big mean guys. Brown did well for himself, but it lacked the drama down the stretch that many Ishii matches have. I think that my biggest issue was that while Brown did well, I just never bought into him winning.

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Average
The 411
The WCPW World Cup Japanese Qualifier event was a solid show with some good wrestling and some questionable booking choices. The production looked good and I like the idea behind it, hopefully the other shows are laid out a bit better from top to bottom.