wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s WOW – Women Of Wrestling Review 11.09.19

Csonka’s WOW – Women Of Wrestling Review 11.02.19
– The Beast defeated Faith the Lioness @ 0:45 via pin [NR]
– Serpentine defeated Princess Aussie @ 7:10 via pin [**¼]
– Tag Team Championship Series: Havok & Hazard defeated Chantilly Chella & Sassy Massy @ 5:30 via pin [**]
– WOW Title Match: Champion Tessa Blanchard defeated Jungle Grrrl @ 6:40 via pin [***]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– We open with highlights from last week.
– The Beast arrives and calls out Lana Star. Star & Faith arrive, and Star says that Beast should never touch her again, and while she’d love to wrestle tonight, she’s injured; Faith will take her place.
The Beast vs. Faith the Lioness: Star is at ringside. They lock up and beast starts tossing Faith around. The sitout powerbomb finishes it. The Beast defeated Faith the Lioness @ 0:45 via pin [NR] SQUASH.
– We get a Princess Aussie video package.
Serpentine vs. Princess Aussie: Sophia Lopez is at ringside with Serpentine. They lock up and work into counters. Serpentine starts working the arm, but Aussie counters into a sunset flip. The dropkick follows for 2. Lopez trips up Aussie and Serpentine follows with kicks and grounds the action. She follows with strikes, and works a surfboard. Aussie escapes, and Serpentine follows with strikes to the back. She chokes her out and follows with corner elbows. Aussie avoids a charge but the high cross is cut off with a dropkick for 2. Serpentine lays in strikes, but Aussie fires back and hits clotheslines and covers for 2. Serpentine cuts her off with a backbreaker, double stomp and that gets 2. Aussie fights back with kicks, heads up top and Serpentine cuts her off and slams her to the mat. The Serpentine driver follows for the win. Serpentine defeated Princess Aussie @ 7:10 via pin [**¼] This was ok, Serpentine looked good but Aussie still needs a lot of work.
– Siren the Voodoo Doll & Holidead arrive post match but just scare Aussie before leaving.
We get a feature on Shaul Guerrero.
Havok & Hazard vs. Chantilly Chella & Sassy Massy: Chella & massy picked up singles wins last week. Chella and Hazard begin. Chella hits arm drags, tags in Massy and double teams follow for 2. Massy tags in Chella and more double teams follow until Hazard cuts off Chella. Havok tags in and rag dolls Chella around the ring. The full nelson and back breaker follows. Hazard back in and hits a suplex for 2. Hazard dumps Massy and Havok attacks Chella. Havok tags back in and works a bear hug, slamming Chella to the buckles. The sitout slam follows for 2. Hazard tags back in but Chella hits a dropkick and tags in Massy. She runs wild a bit, Havok snatches up Massy & Chella and follows with the double fall away slam. The double teal wheel barrow cutter finishes Massy. Havok & Hazard defeated Chantilly Chella & Sassy Massy @ 5:30 via pin [**] This was an ok, but rushed monsters vs. plucky babyfaces match.
– Next week, Hazard & Havok face Holidead & Siren as well as Fire & Adrenaline for the WOW tag team titles.
Champion Tessa Blanchard vs. Jungle Grrrl: they brawl right away and spill to the floor. Grrrl lays the boots to Tessa and back in, Tessa cuts her off, follows with strikes but Grrrl cuts off the flatliner and follows with dropkicks for 2. Tessa fires back, hits the sliding elbow in the ropes and starts focusing on the back of Grrrl. The superkick follows, and Tessa covers for 2. Grrrl fights off the buzzsaw DDT and takes Tessa up top. They trade strikes, Grrrl knocks her off but when she drops down Grrrl follows with the spear for 2. Tessa counters the jungle driver with a face buster and heads up top. Grrrl follows her up and the superplex connects for 2. They trade strikers now, Grrrl hits the jungle driver and now heads up top. Tessa rolls to the floor and dives off the ropes and flies into a superkick. Back in and Tessa covers for 2. The buzzsaw DDT then gets 2. The magnum connects and Tessa retains. Champion Tessa Blanchard defeated Jungle Grrrl @ 6:40 via pin [***] Good main event with (thankfully) a clean finish as Tessa continues to shine as the biggest star in the promotion.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 66. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Jeremy Lambert review and breakdown the AEW Full Gear 2019 PPV, including live thoughts from the venue from Jeremy, & discussion of early issues with the promotion. The show is approximately 97-minutes long.
* Intro
* AEW in Charlotte Live Thoughts: 2:00
* AEW Full Gear Review/Looking Into The Company’s Early Issues: 7:40
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– End Scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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