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Csonka’s WOW – Women Of Wrestling Review 9.28.19

Csonka’s WOW – Women Of Wrestling Review 9.28.19
– The Norwegian Nightmare Nikki Krampus defeated Princess Aussie @ 3:45 via pin [*½]
– Reyna Reyes defeated The Temptress @ 7:30 via pin [**]
– Tag Team Championship Series Match: Chantilly Chella & Sassy Massy defeated The Governor’s Daughter Abilene Maverick & The Disciplinarian @ 8:14 via pin [**½]
– Jungle Grrrl and The Beast defeated Monsters Of Madness Havok and Hazard @ 3:49 via DQ [*¾]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– WOW Champion Tessa Blanchard kicks off the show. Tessa says she’s here to set the record straight. She won the title all on her own, and beat Jungle Grrrl, who was undefeated for 18-years. Jungle Grrrl arrives and says that Tessa is either concussed or has amnesia, because it took two people to beat her. She wants a rematch but Havok & Hazard arrive, and Tessa says she’s out and Jungle Grrrl can deal with them on her own. The Beast arrives and they set up our tag team main event for the night.
The Norwegian Nightmare Nikki Krampus vs. Princess Aussie: Aussie gets tossed down right away. Nikki works the arm, but Aussie counters back until Nikki lays the boots to her. Nikki misses a charge and Aussie follows with kicks and a clothesline and then gets tripped up. Nikki follows with a head butt for 2. The elbow drop misses and Aussie follows with rights, a neck breaker and heads up top until Lopez distracts her and she misses the frog splash. Nikki hits Aussie with her kendo stick and hits a catatonic for the win. The Norwegian Nightmare Nikki Krampus defeated Princess Aussie @ 3:45 via pin [*½] This was not good as it was slow, disjointed and of course topped off by the cliché heel finish.
– Post match, Holidead & The Voodoo Queen kidnap Aussie.
The Temptress vs. Reyna Reyes: Temptress is Katarina Leigh, The Dagger accompanies her to ringside. They lock up and Reyes looks to work the arm, Temptress takes her down by the hair and grounds things. Reyes grounds things but Temptress counters out and attacks the arm. Reyes then rolls into an arm bar, but Temptress escapes. She follows with strikes, lays the boots to her, but Reyes follows with arm drags, kicks, and botches a lucha arm drag. The final cut follows for 2. Reyes up top and Dagger distracts her allowing Temptress to slam her to the mat and cover for 2. She chokes her out in the ropes, follows with a back breaker and covers for 2. Temptress grounds things, but Reyes battles back and is quickly cut off with kicks. Temptress celebrates, and covers for 2. She follows with ground and pound and covers again for 2. Reyes fights to her feet, follows with strikes but runs into a spinebuster for 2. Temptress follows with kicks, but Reyes fires back and the back fist connects for 2. Reyes follows with a springboard cutter for 2. She heads up top and Dagger grabs at her but Reyes hits the sky twister elbow for the win. Reyna Reyes defeated The Temptress @ 7:30 via pin [**] This was ok at best, but there were a few obvious jump cuts/edits in order to try and cover up botches, which really didn’t work out.
– We get a video package on the Psycho Sisters.
The Governor’s Daughter Abilene Maverick & The Disciplinarian vs. Chantilly Chella & Sassy Massy: Samantha Smart is ringside with Maverick &the Disciplinarian. Chella and Disciplinarian begin. Chella attacks, hits a dropkick and Massy joins in for double teams and cover for 2. Disciplinarian fires back and Maverick tags in, but Massy cuts her off and hits the cross body for 2. The flatliner follows on Disciplinarian for 2.Massy follows with rights, but Maverick then spears her on the apron. Back in and Disciplinarian covers for 2. Maverick tags back in and double teams follow for 2. Maverick takes out Chella, Disciplinarian tags in and grounds the action and then knocks Chella to the floor. The heels follow with double teams and Maverick chokes out Massy. More double teams follow and Massy fires back with strikes and spears Disciplinarian. Maverick cuts off the tag, and follows with an abdominal stretch. Massy fights out but gets slammed to the mat. Disciplinarian tags in and the nail in the coffin follows for 2. Massy fights back and they work into a double down. Tag to Chella and she follows with kicks on Maverick and a running meteora for 2. The running knee strike follows and Chella then hits a missile dropkick for 2. It breaks down and Chella takes out the Disciplinarian, and the complete shot/cutter combo finishes Maverick. Chantilly Chella & Sassy Massy defeated The Governor’s Daughter Abilene Maverick & The Disciplinarian @ 8:14 via pin [**½] This was a perfectly solid tag team match, with a good layout and a nice face vs. heel dynamic.
Monsters Of Madness Havok and Hazard vs. Jungle Grrrl and The Beast: Hazard is Havok’s regular tag team partner, Neveah. Hazard and Grrrl begin. They lock up and Grrrl follows with a shoulder tackle and hip toss. Hazard cuts her off with a crucifix for 1. Beast tags in and Havok joins her. They scream and brawl, trading strikes until hazard distracts beast and Havok takes control. Double teams follow as Hazard tags in. Beast cuts her off with a slam, Grrrl tags in and runs wild on the heels until hazard cuts her off with a cutter, spear by Beast, tree slam by Havok and Grrrl cuts off Havok. Beast & Grrrl argue until Hazard attacks with chair shots for the DQ. Jungle Grrrl and The Beast defeated Monsters Of Madness Havok and Hazard @ 3:49 via DQ [*¾] It wasn’t good while it lasted and we ended in a DQ, the second main event DQ in three weeks.
– Post match, Grrrl nails the Beast with a chair shot and chokes her out until referees make the save.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 54. On the show, the good brother, Jeremy Lambert, joins 411’s Larry Csonka as the guys will preview week one of the Wednesday Night War, review ROH Death Before Dishonor 2019, and talk some potential WWE returns. The show is approximately 86-minutes long.
* Intro
* John Morrison Is Coming Back To WWE: 1:55
* CM Punk Rumored To Be Coming Back To WWE: 8:01
* ROH Death Before Dishonor Review: 21:55
* AEW Dynamite Preview 10.02.19: 57:45
* NXT on USA Preview 10.02.19: 1:13:57
You can subscribe and listen to the 411 on Wrestling Podcast via the above player on Transistor, or on the following platforms:
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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