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Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 11.14.18

November 14, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 11.14.18  

Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 11.07.18

– Jack Gallagher and Drew Gulak defeated Akira Tozawa and Brian Kendrick @ 8:20 via pin [**¾]
– Kalisto and Lince Dorado defeated Juan & Javier Botas y Medias @ 2:00 via pin [NR]
– Cedric Alexander defeated Lio Rush @ 13:35 via pin [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– You can check out my top 49 matches of OCTOBER list at this link.

Jack Gallagher and Drew Gulak vs. Akira Tozawa and Brian Kendrick: Kendrick and Gallagher to begin. Kendrick knocks Gulak to the floor, woks over Gallagher and tags in Tozawa who hits the senton for 2. Tozawa follows with chops and jabs, and then lays the boots to Gallagher. Kendrick back in and they work double teams, and Kendrick covers for 2. Gallagher cuts him off and Gulak tags in, Kendrick attacks with strikes and kicks, but Gallagher tags in and cuts him off, and works him over on the floor. Back in and Gulak hits a running clothesline for 2. Gulak grounds things, Kendrick fires back but Gulak attacks the knee and tags in Gallagher. Gallagher continues the attack, working the leg of Kendrick. Double teams follow and Gulak covers for 2. The heels work quick tags, grounding Kendrick. Kendrick fires up and fights off Gallagher and Tozawa and Gulak tag in. Tozawa lays in kicks, taking Gulak to the floor and hits the suicide dive. Back in and Tozawa heads up top, and the missile dropkick follows for 2. The octopus follows, Kendrick cuts off Gallagher until Gallagher runs him into Tozawa & Gulak. This leads to Gulak rolling up Tozawa s he and Kendrick argued. Jack Gallagher and Drew Gulak defeated Akira Tozawa and Brian Kendrick @ 8:20 via pin [**¾] This was pretty good, but while Kendrick and Tozawa had worked well together recently, the heels were the more unified force and walked away with they win.

– We see the Murphy & Ali weigh-in for Sunday’s title match. Ali is 182, while Murphy is 204. They argue as Murphy says he’ll put Ali in the ground. Murphy now cuts a promo, noting that this is all about his championship. Ali doesn’t know what he’s in for on Sunday, and he almost feels bad for him.

Kalisto and Lince Dorado vs. Juan & Javier Botas y Medias: Dorado in to begin and attacks with chops. The springboard high cross follows, and then a RANA. The superkick connects and Kalisto tags in and double teams follow. They take out the other guy and the enziguri and Salida del sol and shooting star press finish it. Kalisto and Lince Dorado defeated Juan & Javier Botas y Medias @ 2:00 via pin [NR] A fine squash for the luchas ahead of appearing at Survivor Series on Sunday.

– Maria cuts a promo on the tron, mockingly congratulating them and says they have unfinished business with Mike & TJP. She and her boys will make an example out of the luchas. TJP faces Gran Metalik next week.

– Alexander cuts a promo, saying he was undefeated for a year and will make an example out of Lio tonight and make a legacy for his daughter tonight.

Cedric Alexander vs. Lio Rush: Lio backs off right away. Lio shoots for a leg, gets cut off and Alexander grounds things. They work to the ropes, Alexander fights off Lio, they work into counters and a stalemate. They talk trash, Lio trips him up and slaps Alexander. Lio picks up the pace, hits a RANA and talks trash, and eats a dropkick. Alexander follows with chops, taking control. He follows with a basement dropkick for 2. Alexander lays in more chops, and follows with a backdrop. Alexander trips him up and follows with a kick, but Lio cuts him off with a superkick and suicide dive. Lio looks for a countout win, and then back to the floor and hits a running dropkick and then whips Alexander to the steps. Alexander makes it back in, Lio follows with strikes, and then chokes out Alexander. He follows with kicks and covers for 2. Lio grounds things, working a choke on Alexander. Alexander fights, rolls, buy Lio lays in crossface strikes. Alexander powers up and slams him to the buckles. Lio cuts him off with an enziguri, covering for 1. Alexander cuts off the kicks, lays in a back elbow and hits an enziguri and springboard clothesline. Lio counters the lumbar check, but Alexander hits the neutralizer for 2. The flatliner connects and Alexander covers for 2. Alexander is frustrated now, he grabs Lio and Lio lays in a flurry of kicks and the spinning unprettier for 2. Lio lays in strikes, but Alexander drops him with a huge right. Lio fires back again, and cradles Alexander for 2. Lio now hits the running Spanish fly, heads up top and misses the final hour. Alexander looks for lumbar check, but Lio hits a RANA and he runs into a Spanish fly, Alexander hangs on and pops Lio into the air with a sweet lumbar check. Cedric Alexander defeated Lio Rush @ 13:35 via pin [***½] This was a very good match with two important stories, Alexander getting off of his losing streak, and Lio finally taking his first singles loss on 205 Live. Lio is a really fun heel. He’s part chicken shit, part asshole, but is obviously talented, but he knows that and it’s a character flaw as his overconfidence cost him while Alexander’s desperation and hard work finally led him to victory.

– Mustafa Ali says Buddy Murphy will have to go to hell and back just to retain his title. The title means more to Ali than anything right now. It will be strength vs. speed, anger vs. heart, and the juggernaut will learn that he can’t stop the unstoppable at Survivor Series.

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Good
The 411
This week’s WWE 205 Live was a good show, continuing the feuds between Jack Gallagher and Drew Gulak & Akira Tozawa and Brian Kendrick as well as the Luchas vs. TJP & Mike Kanellis. The main event was very good, getting Alexander back on track and they also fit in some fine Survivor Series build.