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Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 9.26.17

September 27, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Enzo Amore WWE 205 Live 91717, NZO Image Credit: WWE
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Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 9.26.17  

Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 9.26.17

– Akira Tozawa defeated Tony Nese @ 8:03 via pin [***¼]
– Neville defeated Ariya Daivari @ 5:13 via submission [**]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– We get highlights of Enzo’s Raw celebration gone really, really wrong.

Enzo Talks: Enzo limps his way out to the ring with a crutch, selling the beating from the 205 Live roster on last night’s Raw. He does his usual shtick on the way to the ring. His shoulder is all taped up as well. Enzo admits that he got hurt, but he hides it well, like Cedric Alexander hides his charisma. He is a star and champion backstage and on the stage. He’s the reason people watch the show and the reason the title means something. As far as Neville goes, he feels bad for him because he’s ugly. He poses with the title, and says Neville maybe partially responsible for how he looks tonight, and we see footage from BRAUN killing Enzo after Raw. That was followed by the entire 205 Live roster kicking his ass. He gets you deserve it chants, and he says he deserves the title. Last night was supposed his great night; he even flew his mom out to watch the show. She then cried as he got his beat down and the crowd chanted one more time. That came from the same haters that thought Neville was there to save the division. He will put the title on ice, because he had a clause that said if any of the cruiserweights touch him they lose any chance at the title while he is champion. They all broke the clause, but Neville broke it first and he will never touch his precious again. This was a good follow up to last night, with Enzo fully embracing his heel role. The best heel is one who believes what he’s saying and feels completely justified in his actions.

– Drew Gulak arrives to do commentary. Tozawa arrives for his match.

Akira Tozawa vs. Tony Nese: Nese counts his abs on the way to the ring. Nese has to flex first, Tozawa is not impressed and Nese attacks. He lays the boots to Tozawa, but Tozawa fights back with kicks and a standing senton. He heads up top but Nese trips him up and then hits a gut buster for 2. Nese follows with kicks and then works a neck crank. Tozawa makes the ropes, and then puts Tozawa in the tree of WHOA. He attacks with knees and does crunches while kicking away at Tozawa. The running knee strike follows for 2. Nese grounds Tozawa, working a body scissors. Nese then dumps Tozawa off the ropes with a suplex. Nese continues to control, working a torture rack. Tozawa escapes, lays in chops and hits a RANA. The Saito suplex follows for 2. Tozawa up top but Nese bails to the floor. Tozawa follows with a suicide dive. Back in and Tozawa covers for 2. Tozawa follows with strikes, the running boot follows. They work into some great paced back and forth. Tozawa finally cuts him off with the kick, heads up top and the senton finishes Nese. Akira Tozawa defeated Tony Nese @ 8:03 via pin [***¼] That was a good, fun, and high-energy opening match. Both guys looked good.

-Post match, Gulak has some words for Tozawa. Gulak says Tozawa is in violation of his rules to make for a better 205 Live. Gulak debuts point #7, which is no celebrating. Gulak has a dream, a dream to make a “Drewtopia,” where ground based athletes can thrive without celebration. Tozawa’s chants turn the fans into mindless sheep. Tozawa kicks Gulak to the floor… and celebrates.

– Enzo limps backstage and meets with Daivari. Daivari apologizes to him, and Enzo doesn’t accept. Daivari says he fell to mob mentality and kisses Enzo’s ass. Daivari says last night was all Neville’s idea. Daivari continues to kiss his ass, and says he wants to watch Enzo’s back. Enzo says he needs to prove himself, and Daivari asks him to watch his match with Neville tonight. Enzo says he’ll be in his corner.

– TJP makes his way to the ring to face Lince Dorado. TJP attacked Dorado last week prior to Dorado’s match with Swann and then beat down Swann. TJP says he ended the friendship with Swann last week. As Dorado makes his entrance, Swann rushes the ring and brawls with TJP. TJP bails and escapes through the crowd.

– We get highlights of Alexander’s win over Kendrick last week. Post match, Gallagher attacked and beat down Alexander. Gallagher and Alexander meet next week.

– We get a promo from Kendrick and Gallagher. Kendrick says they will show why they have united, because actions speak louder than words.

– Neville arrives and says he heard that he is descending into madness. Last night he knew what he was doing and it was the best night of his life. He knows he forfeited his title rematch and doesn’t care, and given the chance he will do it again, and again and again. He tells Enzo to keep one eye open because he won’t allow 205 live degenerate with Enzo as champion.

Neville vs. Ariya Daivari: Enzo is out with Daivari. Neville looks to go after Enzo, allowing Daivari to attack and work him over, slamming him to the barricades repeatedly. Back in and Daivari hits a back breaker as Enzo talks shit from ringside. Daivari hits more back breakers, and then flings Neville to the corners repeatedly. Daivari places Neville into the tree of WHOA, lays in the boots and then hits a reverse DDT. Daivari follows with a jumping knee and then a forearm for 2. Daivari up top and misses the frog splash. Neville fires up with kicks, and then lays the boots to Daivari as he stares down Enzo. Neville goes after Enzo again, allowing Daivari to attack. He looks for the hammerlock rainmaker, but Neville counters out and locks in the rings of Saturn for the win. Neville defeated Ariya Daivari @ 5:13 via submission [**] The match was perfectly solid, but was more about Enzo fucking with Neville and setting up the post match beat down. The beat down was good, and they may really be onto something with the Enzo/Neville double turn. I just hope that Neville keeps that edge that has been such a great part of his character.

– Post match, Enzo attacks and beats down Neville with his crutch. Enzo continues the attack, talking shit while doing so. Refs come to try and make the save, but Enzo keeps attacking. They finally get Enzo to stop and mockingly chants, “you deserve it” at Neville.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Good
The 411
I really enjoyed tonight’s show, they played off of last night’s angle really well with Enzo’s opening promo and main event segment, while also paying attention to the undercard feuds (Alexander vs. Gallagher, TJP vs. Swann, Tozawa vs. Gulak).