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Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 5.25.18

May 26, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Titus Worldwide Apollo Crews WWE Main Event Dana Brooke Image Credit: WWE
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Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 5.25.18  

Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 5.25.18

– Jack Gallagher & Brian Kendrick defeated Kalisto & Lince Dorado @ 4:45 via pin [**¾]
– Apollo Crews defeated Mojo Rawley @ 5:30 via pin [**]

Main Event reviews are here for the millions of people that are dancing in the streets for hot and sexy WWE E-Show action!

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Welcome to WWE Main Event, the house that Curt Hawkins built.

Jack Gallagher & Brian Kendrick vs. Kalisto & Lince Dorado: The latest WWE 205 Live feud comes to 205 live! Kendrick attacks as Gallagher distracts Kalisto. He then chokes out Kalisto in the ropes and tags in Gallagher. The heels work quick tags, maintaining the heat on Kalisto as Kendrick grounds him. Gallagher back in and Kalisto fights them off and but Gallagher takes out Dorado. He hot shots Kalisto off the ropes, and double-teams follow. Kalisto manages to fire up and takes out Gallagher and gets the hot tag to Dorado. He hits a high cross and chops. The RANA follows and then a moonsault press for 2. The lethal injection connects, he dumps Gallagher and Kalisto then wipes out the heels with a dive. Dorado covers the wrong man, allowing Gallagher to hit the head butt for the win. Jack Gallagher & Brian Kendrick defeated Kalisto & Lince Dorado @ 4:45 via pin [**¾] While short, this was a pretty good and energetic match that featured everyone playing their roles very well. It give me hope for their 205 Live feud.

– Back to Raw for MITB Qualifier: Natalya vs. Dana Brooke vs. Liv Morgan vs. Sarah Logan. JIP as the Riott Squad beat Natalya down, working double teams and yelling a lot. Dana cuts off Morgan and takes her down on the floor. Natalya makes her comeback and takes out Ruby. Logan hits the running kick for 2. Logan posts Dana; Natalya hits the rolling lariat and sharpshooter for the win. Natalya defeated Dana Brooke, Liv Morgan, & Sarah Logan via submission [*½] This was lethargic, disjointed, and sloppy at times. Not good at all. Also, Natalya was the least interesting choice to win here. Back to Smackdown for MITB Qualifier: Lana vs. Billie Kay. English is at ringside, as is Peyton Royce. English presents a LANA DAY sign as the bell rings. Kay is pissed and the IIconics slap him and Lana attacks Royce, but Kay then attacks her and rolls her into the ring. Head kick and x-factor by Lana and she wins. Lana defeated Billie Kay via pin [NR] Lana is the best, Lana number one; at least it was short, and the crowd really liked it; although the thought of Lana in a ladder match is actually horrifying. Back to Smackdown for MITB Qualifier: Naomi vs. Sonya Deville. JIP as Deville hits a spinebuster for 2. Deville lays in kicks but Naomi cuts her off and lays in strikes. They trade kicks, and work into a double down. Deville now follows with knee strikes, but Naomi gets the prawn hold for the win. Naomi defeated Sonya Deville via pin [**] This was perfectly fine for the time given. You can read my Raw Review here. You can read my Smackdown Review here.

– Back to Raw for Nia & Ronda’s Contract Signing. JIP as Stephanie immediately stirs the pot about Rousey leap frogging the entire division to get a title shot. Stephanie then says Nia is looking to make a name for herself and plans to use her size and power to her advantage. Stephanie says if Rousey loses, she’ll tuck tail and run because she hates losing. Stephanie then turns things around, questioning if Nia is lazy and why she took so long to get to the top. Stephanie is cutting the promos for both; they seemingly have no confidence in Rousey or Jax to speak. Jax cuts her off and says Rousey can’t get the arm bar on her and says she’s not lazy. Jax will make a name for herself by beating Rousey. Jax signs the contract and so does Rousey. Rousey moves the table aside and offers a handshake. They shake and Rousey says she will take her title, and her arm, at MITB. Stephanie did most of the talking (which was for the best), but it was solid enough to set up the match. Stephanie was actually really good and her evil grin in the background was great. You can read my Raw Review here.

Apollo Crews vs. Mojo Rawley: They lock up and Rawley overpowers Apollo to begin. Apollo talks with Titus, and then works a side headlock. Off the ropes and Apollo hits a dropkick out of the international. Apollo up top and the high cross follows for 2. Apollo looks to ground the action, but Rawley cuts him off with strikes and dumps him to the floor. Post break, and Rawley has the action grounded. He works a loose and lazy chinlock, Apollo escapes and Rawley repeatedly slams him to the buckles and then to the mat. The corner spear follows and Rawley then runs into a boot. Apollo mounts his comeback and lays in clotheslines. Apollo cuts off the pounce and hits the standing moonsault for the win. Apollo Crews defeated Mojo Rawley @ 5:30 via pin [**] Holy shit, Apollo won. This was only ok. I still see nothing in Mojo, no matter how much commentary tries to put him over.

– Mojo beats down Apollo & Tutus post match. Can’t wait for the big Mojo vs. Titus match.

– Back to Smackdown for Daniel Bryan vs. Jeff Hardy. JIP as Bryan lays in kicks, but Jeff hits the twist of fate and the swanton eats knees. Bryan follows with a big wind up kick for 2. Jeff cuts off the knee strike and gets a roll up for 2. They fight over a backslide, Bryan dragon screws the leg and locks on a knee bar. Jeff taps. Daniel Bryan defeated Jeff Hardy via submission [***¼] This was a good main event match, and while they didn’t get a ton of time, it was enjoyable and made me want to see a PPV match between the two down the line. Bryan gets the win, and can lay claim to a US title shot down the line, but more importantly gets another chance to get into MITB when he faces Joe next week. Joe was really excellent on commentary here and his work went a long way to help hype next week’s match. Joe tells Bryan not to celebrate, because they face in the main event next week. Joe cuts a backstage promo, noting that he’s just telling the truth. Next week, Bryan goes to sleep. You can read my Smackdown Review here.

– Back to Smackdown for Nakamura & Styles. JIP as Nakamura promises to destroy Styles and says his tile will be his and Smackdown will be his house. Nakamura jokingly says it will be a pillow fight. Styles says Nakamura is the king of soft style. Nakamura says Styles jokes because he’s weak, and just wants to give him a knee to face. Styles says Nakamura can’t beat him when it counts, which is why Nakamura takes cheap shots. Styles says he doesn’t care anymore and goes to leave but they brawl to the floor. Styles dismantles the announce table but Nakamura attacks with a chair. They brawl into the crowd and then back to ringside. Nakamura cuts him off with a chair shot and poses. He starts counting, teasing a last man standing match. He then sloppily slams Styles off of the announce table and lays him out with Kinshasa. He counts again, this time getting to 10. Nakamura confirms it. Last man standing it is then. This was an overall good segment, setting up the next clash between the two. You can read my Smackdown Review here.

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia.”

The final score: review Good
The 411
This week’s episode of WWE Main Event was a good show, the cruiserweight tag was really fun and this was an overall successful recap show, heavily focusing on the build to MITB. Once again, Main Event is here to give you a condensed version of all of the important Raw & Smackdown happenings.