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Csonka’s WWE Raw Review 4.11.16

April 11, 2016 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Image Credit: WWE
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Csonka’s WWE Raw Review 4.11.16  

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IC Title #1 Contender’s Match: Cesaro defeated Kevin Owens @ 14:50 via pin [***¾]
Tag Team Tournament Match: The Dudley Boyz defeated Lucha Dragons @ 3:14 via pin [*]
WWE Women’s Title Match: Natalya defeated Champion Charlotte @ 11:05 via DQ [***]
Tag Team Tournament Match: The Usos defeated The Social Outcasts @ 4:14 via pin []
– AJ Styles defeated Sami Zayn @ 16:52 via pin [****]
– Apollo Crews defeated Adam Rose @ 3:35 via pin []
– Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt defeated Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus @ 11:20 via pin [**½]

– We get an “in memory of Blackjack Mulligan” graphic to start the show.

Oh Hey, Shane’s Still Here: According to the Twitter machine, Shane is in control due to overwhelming demand from social media. I must have missed all of the hashtags. Shane said he got to control Raw last week, and now he gets the shot again and that is all thanks to the fans. He then announced a tag team tournament, with the winners facing New Day, and Charlotte defending against Natalya tonight. He praised AJ Styles for becoming the #1 contender last week, and then booked Sami Zayn against Styles for tonight. If Zayn wins, he then gets added to the WWE Title match at Payback. Kevin Owens made his way out, obviously not pleased with Shane’s decision. Owens doesn’t think Zayn deserves the chance and says Shane knocked a few screws loose when he jumped off the HIAC. Owens felt screwed over, but Shane says he screwed Zayn and then lost in his opportunity to become #1 contender. Owens then claimed he was screwed at Mania and says he never got his rematch for the IC Title. He demands he get it tonight, and Shane says shit don’t work that way. He gave Owens a chance to earn a shot for it, so tonight Owens faces Cesaro, and the winner gets the Miz for the IC Title. And that match is next! This was an overall good segment, running under 10-minutes, getting to business and setting up matches for the night. I appreciate that. But, Shane McMahon lost his match at WrestleMania and should have no control over the show. Vince gives him control last week, making the match mean jack and shit outside of the fact that Shane jumps off of high things. And NOW I am supposed to believe that Shane McMahon, who has been written out of Vince’s will and disowned, is put in control of the show AGAIN? Fucks sake, Vince couldn’t have just said, “Listen Shane, you lost, but you nutted up against my greatest creation and you… you actually impressed me. You may have lost, but I’ll give you control of the show for tonight to show you my appreciation.” And then, they go on this week with their lack of creative angle. We may be getting something great, but make it connect and make some sense and try not to kill the stipulation. This is a major reason that stipulations don’t sell anymore, because most of the time, nobody goes through with them. Hell, if you missed WrestleMania, it feels like Shane won. Why can’t they have things make sense and keep them largely simple instead of skipping the details and care to attention?

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Apparently I am asking too much.

IC Title #1 Contender’s Match: Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens : We see the Miz and Maryse watching on backstage. Cesaro controlled early, Owens brought the banter trying to say he had the best headlock and then Cesaro did repeated headlocks to annoy Owens. Owens finally targeted the shoulder of Cesaro, and hit a divorce court and they spilled to the floor for a bit. Owens kept control, working the left arm of Cesaro. Clean and basic stuff from Owens, but the work makes complete sense since Cesaro is coming off the injury and has it taped up. Cesaro finally connected with a running uppercut and then repeated uppercuts. The dropkick followed for a near fall. Owens escaped the swing and then posted Cesaro, sending us to the commercial break. Post break, both men were getting to their feet after Cesaro hit a gut wrench suplex off the second rope. They traded strikes; Cesaro then started to unload with uppercuts and then tried of the swing. Owens countered, and Cesaro hit a double stomp for a near fall. Cesaro then went up top, hit a high cross but Owens rolled through and into the crossface. Cesaro tried to escape, but Owens held on. Cesaro finally escaped and got the sharp shooter; it’s a Canadian submission buffet tonight. Owens made the ropes, he then hit a superkick and headed up top (after selling the leg) and hit a big frog splash for a near fall. Cesaro would counter the pop up powerbomb and connect with the springboard uppercut. The swing followed, but Cesaro had to stop as the shoddier gave out. Owens pulled Cesaro to the buckles, and we then got a series of counters off the pop up powerbomb and Cesaro hit the neutralizer to pick up the win! That was a damn good way to kick off the show, with both working well together, using smart work that made sense and was carried through the whole match, and it also had a great energy to it.

– We get highlights from last week’s women’s segment, which is what brought us to Charlotte defending against Natalya tonight.

– Charlotte complains to Ric backstage about her presentation being ruined last week. Ric said if the Authority were running things, they’d be on vacation this week. Dr. Phil arrives, and says Charlotte is hard working, intelligent and has earned her title. He then spoke about the bond with Ric, but then says Ric is holding her back and corrupting her. Dr. Phil tells her to stand on her own two feet. Charlotte threatens her, and Dr. Phil calls her a victimizer and says she needs to stop cheating and get away from Ric. Charlotte leaves, and then Dr. Phil Woooooos at Ric to make him go away.

– Owens rants to Shane about getting screwed tonight. Owens says what happens to Zayn later tonight is on Shane’s head. Shane will have him escorted from the building so he can’t screw Zayn again.

– After last week felt lack luster with Shane, they are actually making him an effective babyface authority figure. It’s such an odd and satisfying scenario.

– New Day make their way out to the ring. They say the tag team division is like NBA Jam, it’s on fire. They say that the tournament starts to determine their next challengers, so say good bye to March sadness and your busted brackets, and say hello to your #1 contender’s tag team tournament, brought to you by BootyOs. They then say there will be eight teams in the tournament, and one will have the chance to try and dethrone them. They laugh off possible contenders and say it will be fun to watch.

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Tag Team Tournament Match: Lucha Dragons vs. The Dudleyz: JIP with Kalisto down on the floor, doctors and refs check on him and Bubba then attacks Sin Cara and demands the ref get in the ring. The Kalisto fall didn’t look “too bad,” and came off as a way to get him out of the match and protect him. I hope that’s all it is, we don’t need more guys injured. The Dudleyz worked their usual heat singe the heel turn, slow clubbing offense and a lot of yelling. Sin Cara made his own comeback, picking up the pace a bit, and after what looked to be a miscue, they hit 3D and that was that. It was bland, and not all that good. If the injury is a work, I will say that I appreciate them protecting Kalisto, something they have failed to do with the US Champ.
– Enzo and Cas made their way out to the ramp and cut their usual promo. The Dudleyz told them to shut up, reminding them that they are the Dudleyz and that they paved the way for guys like them. The Dudleyz made the mistake of trying to banter Enzo and Cas, and Cas told them to step aside because they are going to bust up the road that they paved. Of course, Cas called them SAWFT. The best part was Bubba saying that they were the only reason that they exist, and Enzo came back with, “The only reason I exist, is cause my mom and dad got it on, how ya doin’.”

– Word from those at Raw live is that Kalisto was down during that interview segment.

– We see Kevin Owens being escorted from the building.

Roman Reigns is the Guy, Brother!: The crowd was not into Roman Reigns here, booing him out of the building. Reigns right away said he’s not a good or bad guy, just the guy. He discusses his Payback match, and says he respects Styles and Zayn and all of the titles they won, but none of them have won “the title.” The League of Nations then makes their way to the ramp to interrupt. Sheamus says Reigns should be nervous, they took out Barrett, and now they are stronger than ever. Sheamus and Rusev are not happy about not getting a chance at the title shot, Rusev said he was a man, bigger, stronger and better looking than Reigns. Reigns called him the ass of the WWE. Del Rio says any of them could kick Reigns’ ass for the title. Reigns challenged all three to hit the ring, they did and attacked. The Wyatts then appeared, and we had a big brawl. Reigns and the Wyatts cleared the ring. Reigns and the Wyatts had a stand off, and Shane McMahon appeared to make peace. He digs that Reigns and the Wyatts fought together, and then made Reigns and Bray Wyatt will team to face two members of the League of Nations in the main event. Well unless it’s a swerve, it appears that the Wyatts are in fact going face, which is interesting. The League of Nations does nothing for me, they have never been presented as a real threat, and come across as on the level of the Social Outcasts. Which is a shame, because I really like Sheamus and Rusev. This was a fine segment, but with so many moving parts, they are doing cluster booking that can prevent fans from getting really invested in anyone in the segment.

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– We get another wacky video with the Colons. “Come to Puerto Rico, The Shining Star of the Caribbean!”

– Dr. Phil makes his way out and is seated at ringside.

WWE Women’s Title Match: Champion Charlotte vs. Natalya: They did some back and forth grappling early, with Charlotte getting the advantage each time and frustrating Natalya. I appreciated the opening two minutes, as they mixed in mat wrestling and some jiu jitsu, making it feel different from the average women’s match. Natalya was able to put together a short run, but Charlotte cut her off, dropped some knees and got an early cover before going to the break. After the break, Charlotte used the skull fucker as she worked the heat. She followed that with the rolling head scissors, but Natalya would escape and again go for an arm bar. Charlotte escaped and transitioned into the figure four. Natalya was able to stop her from bridging, reversed the hold and Charlotte got the ropes. Charlotte then locked in a sharp shooter, because gimmick infringement. Natalya would escape, fire up with rights and hit a German suplex. The rolling clothesline followed, they worked back and froth and Charlotte got a near fall off the big boot. Charlotte hit a toss suplex, and then headed up top and MISSED the moonsault. Natalya locked in the sharp shooter, Ric tried to interfere and Charlotte tapped as the ref was admonishing Ric. Natalya wins by DQ. While a bit clunky in spots, the match was a good one overall, the crowd got into it as it went on. The DQ finish allows the feud to continue.

– Renee Young interviews Sami Zayn, who discusses the match stipulation and the fact that Owens attacked him last week. He says he’s been working for this chance his whole career, and Owens tried to take that from him. AJ arrives, and says he has been there with Zayn. They both fought to get here, but AJ is the only #1 contender and plans to keep it that way.

Tag Team Tournament Match: The Usos vs. The Social Outcasts (Slater and Axel) w/Dallas and Rose: The Usos took control at the bell, but Axel cut off Jey, working the previously injured shoulder. Slater and Axel the heat from there, grounding Jey. They worked a solid, but unspectacular heat, tagging in and out. I picked up a bit, and the Outcasts then did a victory lap. This allowed Jimmy to tag in and he got a roll up on Axel to pick up the win. That was a match. But then ANDERSON AND GALLOWS debuted and beat the shit out of the Usos. They hit the magic killer on Jimmy, and then slammed Jey to the steps. The match was nothing special, but I liked the run in. It allows for a lot of speculation, like that they COULD align with AJ to help him vs. Reigns. Taking out Reigns’ family would be a nice angle to play into that.

– Post break commentary discussed the debut of Anderson and Gallows Cole even hyped their NJPW accomplishments.

– The Miz and Maryse will appear on ESPN tomorrow.

– Maryse ranted to a stagehand as Miz sat with cucumbers on his eyes. She is pissed about the M&Ms, because there are blue one in the bowl. She is also upset about the domestic water. JoJo arrived and asked about Miz’s upcoming match against Cesaro. Maryse called her a groupie, and then Miz said he is a star and that his is the Swiss Superman’s kryptonite. Cesaro, in tear away suit, arrived. He said he will take the role of IC Champion from Miz at Payback. Maryse was a spectacular bitch there.

AJ Styles vs. Sami Zayn: If Sami Zayn wins, he gets added to the WWE Title Match at Payback. I believe that this is their first ever one on one match. They worked a controlled beginning, Styles tried to work the previously injured arm of Sami, while Sami tried for quick rollups to score the win and earn his title shot. Sami took control, working a quick series of arm drags as the crowd was getting into things. They did some really nice back and forth, and while Styles gave Sami a clean break, Sami said fuck it and laid in a chop before breaking. Styles then hit a sweet dropkick out of the international and then tried to ground Sami. Sami then got sent to the floor and Styles hit a running knee off the apron, back in and Styles covered for 2. Sami finally low bridged Styles, and then hit the big dive to send us to commercial. Post break, Styles worked a series of strikes and then the sliding forearm. Styles then hit a pump handle gut buster, and that got a near fall. Styles then connected with the Ushigoroshi, and tried for the clash by Sami fought and escaped into a roll up for a near fall. Sami then hit a high cross off the top for a near fall. Sami with the run up the ropes tornado DDT followed for another near fall. They are building nicely here, and putting together some fun near falls. Styles would hit the PELE to slow down Sami, and both men were down. Sami avoided the springboard forearm and hit the blue thunder driver for an AWSOME near fall! Sami was pissed that it wasn’t three. Styles scored with the calf killer, which Sami sold so well, he’s such a great babyface. Styles then went up top, but was cut off and Sami followed him up. They battled for position, Styles went for a sunset flip bomb and Sami about landed on his head, as he countered and slammed Styles to the corner. Styles countered the helluva kick and hit the springboard forearm and that was good enough to score the win. That was an awesome match, great pacing, great action, believable near falls and a clean finish. I will say that I am disappointed that this did not get the main event spot, considering it is a match that directly impacts the Payback WE Title match. And how great it was. I hope that they have something big planned, otherwise the main event segment will feel really flat.

– AJ and Sami met backstage, and Shane McMahon praised them for the match. AJ and Sami hugged it out.

Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel: Jericho immediately told the crowd to shut up and promised the biggest Highlight Reel of all time. He hyped the biggest star in WWE history will appear, calling this guest a future hall of famer, and introduced the guest as himself. He then actually interviewed himself a bit, saying that he accomplished everything by himself and wanted to give the fans the gift of Jericho. He went to the standard (I beat Austin and Rock on the same night) before again reminding everyone he beat Styles at Mania. He tried to say that no one on the roster can touch him, and Dean Ambrose arrived and he had a fake potted plant. Ambrose claimed that this was his show now, Jericho tried to refute this, and Ambrose had a memo from Shane McMahon. Ambrose accidentally gave him a speeding ticket, but then produced the memo. The highlight reel has been cancelled, and replaced with the Ambrose Asylum. Ambrose hung a sign on the Jeri-tron that was hand made and was wearing a clip on tie as he spoke. He then announced Jericho as his guest and questioned him on his choice of scarf. Jericho was not amused by this, and claimed he was a legend and that he could do anything he wants because there are no rules for him. He called Ambrose boy and promised to bury him if he didn’t get out of his way. Ambrose just wanted to know about the scarf, Jericho tried to attack but ate the dirty deeds for his troubles. Delusional Jericho is pretty good, and this was fun enough to really get the feud for these two. Jericho is also pretty sly, trying to piss off the internet by constantly sing “bury and buried” to generate a reaction.

– The Golden Truth vs. The Vaudevillains as well as Enzo and Cas vs. The Ascension will take place on Smackdown.

– Goldust claims that Truth promised him an audition, but instead got him in a tag team tournament. Dr. Phil is back, and looked to talk to them, but walked away.

Apollo Crews vs. Adam Rose w/Bo Dallas: Crews beat Axel last week on Smackdown, and looks to end another member of the team. Crews took control early, but Roe was able to score a cheap shot on a break and then worked a short, but too long heat on Crews. It wasn’t really that long, it just felt awkward because Rose almost never gets offense in on anyone. He even scored a near fall. Crews finally blocked a suplex and then did a deadlift suplex to start his comeback. Crews fired up, hit rights and a corner splash. Dallas tried to distract him, he failed and Crews hit his spinning sitout powerbomb for the win. Apollo Crews winning is obviously the good here, but this late in the show, and in that spot, no one wants to see Adam Rose go back and forth with anyone. This should have been a quick Dallas distracts, rose attacks and hits some moves, Crews tells him to fuck off and destroys him. 2-minutes, in, out and clean. The win is important, but you can’t have the new guy work even with a guy that’s been slotted as a goof forever. Thankfully commentary actually did well putting over Crews, which did help a bit.

– We get another wacky video with the Colons. “Come to Puerto Rico, The Shining Star of the Caribbean!”

– We get a Baron Corbin video package.

– Bray Wyatt cut a promo from his dungeon, discussing that he has to tag with Reigns tonight. They have a bond, and says Reigns can trust him.

Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio w/Rusev: Wyatt and Reigns argued over who would start, Wyatt played nice and even held the ropes for Reigns. Wyatt attacked Sheamus and then did his wacky spider walk to freak Sheamus out. Wyatt worked over Sheamus in the corner and tagged in Reigns and they bat down Sheamus together. Wyatt tagged himself back in, but Sheamus fought back and got the tag to Del Rio. They double teamed Wyatt, sent Reigns to the floor and took control of the match. Wyatt managed to toss Sheamus to the floor, and got the tag. They still hate Reigns even though he’s on the hot tag and running wild. There’s more of a mix in reaction than his entrance, but it’s still rough. So he ran wild, Sheamus bailed and then they went to the floor and Del Rio posted Reigns. Back in the ring, the League worked Reigns over and Sheamus worked the clubbing forearms in the ropes. Del Rio got a near fall off of an enziguri. This match feels very lethargic, not bad, but it needs something. Del Rio looked for the double stomp, but Reigns was able to pull him off and to the mat. Reigns finally fought back with a Samoan drop and he and Sheamus were down. Wyatt looked to back away and short arm Reigns, but he then took the tag and ran wild on the League. Finally some fire with Wyatt in there, really fun hot tag there. Sister Abigail is countered by Del Rio, but Wyatt wipes him out with the running cross body. It breaks down. Reigns and Sheamus brawl on the floor and Reigns gets slammed to the steps. Rusev kicks Wyatt, and Del Rio gets a near fall off of the back stabber. The Wyatts gimmick hits and Strowman and Rowan beat down Rusev. Wyatt then hit Sister Abigail on Del Rio as Reigns spears Sheamus, and the unlikely duo picks up the win. The match was solid, but was more about the story and re-slotting Reigns and Wyatt; Wyatt actually interests me for the first time in forever.

– Reigns and Wyatt went face to face to close the show. They did not hug it out.

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

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“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
To me that was the best Raw in quite some time, and outside of the Shane angle’s lack of continuity, felt clean and as if things mattered. The show had some great wrestling, it felt focused with almost every match having some sort of meaning, it helped the build to Payback and finally it didn’t feel as if it lasted 13-hours. It’s 2016; Anderson and Gallows debuted and I just watched Generico vs. Styles and Claudio vs. Owens on Monday Night Raw, what a time to be alive. But it’s just not about those guys, they help and make the show feel fresh and I love great wrestling, but this show felt like it meant something as we move on to Payback. So many weeks I say, “it was a show,” because that’s all it feels like. This show felt fresh and also felt like if I missed it, I actually did miss out. I hope that we get more of this going forward, but I won't believe it until I see it.

article topics :

RAW, Tremendous Tirades, WWE, Larry Csonka