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Daffney Unger Passes Away At 46
UPDATE: SHIMMER Wrestling has announced that Daffney has passed away at the age of 46. Her family issued a short statement through the promotion.
It reads: “We are very sad to have to announce the passing of Shannon Spruill aka Daffney Unger @screamqueendaff. We are posting this at the request of her family. Please respect their privacy at this trying time. I will miss you my logical sister from another mister.” -Lexie Fyfe”
As noted below, Daffney had posted a video online last night suggesting that she was going to harm herself, which had the wrestling world extremely worried.
Daffney was a mainstay during the final years of WCW, managing Crowbar and David Arquette, as well as feuding with Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson. After some time in the independents, she started showing up in TNA as a Sarah Palin parody called ‘The Governor’ before going back to her Daffney persona, challenging for the Knockouts title and Knockouts tag team titles on multiple occasions. She also appeared for SHINE wrestling, Ring of Honor, SHIMMEr and Wrestlicious in the past. She even had a brief run under the WWE banner with a developmental deal in Ohio Valley Wrestling in 2003.
411 would like to give our condolences to her family, friends and fans. Once again, if you are suffering and need help, you are not alone. If you are considering harming yourself, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
"We are very sad to have to announce the passing of Shannon Spruill aka Daffney Unger @screamqueendaff. We are posting this at the request of her family. Please respect their privacy at this trying time.
I will miss you my logical sister from another mister."
-Lexie Fyfe— SHIMMER Wrestling (@SHIMMERwomen) September 2, 2021
Original: The wrestling world was very concerned Wednesday night for the health of former WCW and TNA star Daffney Unger, after she posted a video to her Instagram Live. Out of respect for Daffney and those who may also be struggling, we will not be sharing the video here.
The video shows Daffney, real name Shannon Claire Spruill, crying and asking her fans if they understand how alone she feels. Her phone begins to vibrate multiple times and she says to stop, then apologizes and says “I love you.” She concluded the video with, “My brain goes to Boston.”
Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp noted that emergency services were called and sent to several of her old addresses, before her family were also contacted and gave them their most recent. The last word is that emergency services were en route, but there have been no updates since.
The wrestling world has been showing concern and giving her an outpouring of love, including fellow wrestlers Crowbar, Mick Foley, Big Swole, Leva Bates and others.
If you are considering harming yourself, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Those in the UK can get help by calling the Samaritans helpline on 116 123.
For those concerned about Daffney, emergency services have been contacted and sent to her most recent known address
— Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful.com (@SeanRossSapp) September 2, 2021
I've been told emergency services have been dispatched to a couple of known addresses, and are still making efforts to contact her.
— Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful.com (@SeanRossSapp) September 2, 2021
Her family have been reached, and have her current address. She'd moved in the past couple of weeks. Police have been dispatched
— Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful.com (@SeanRossSapp) September 2, 2021
Hey everyone, @screamqueendaff’s family has been notified & people are en route. I just figured this would be the best way for people to know so there’s less confusion & worry. Just keep her in thoughts, prayer, & send love.
— BLOOP BLOOP Bridge MBiC (@TeleuteDPu) September 2, 2021
Daffney, I love you! 💙
— Leva Bates (@wrestlingleva) September 2, 2021
please put prayers, love, good thoughts, and positivity towards Daffney right now
we love you and care about you @screamqueendaff
— s ü y ü n g (@realsuyung) September 2, 2021
I'm in touch with her friend who is talking to her parents. They're outside her apartment trying to get in. The police are there.
:/— April Hunter (@AprilHunter) September 2, 2021
She is one of my best friends and it’s killing me not knowing if she is okay. Please pray for @screamqueendaff right now. I am heartbroken. 💔
— Francine (@ECWDivaFrancine) September 2, 2021
People who are reposting video of her need to stop. Those who love her and actually know her have no idea if she is okay right now and seeing this being used for likes isn’t helping matters. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I’m shaking right now. Disgusting human beings.
— Francine (@ECWDivaFrancine) September 2, 2021
Been Trying to text / call Daffney non stop – her vm is full, I do not know her address if anyone does please call the police
— CROWBAR (@wcwcrowbar) September 2, 2021
So did mine. We all love ya @screamqueendaff! https://t.co/wzo7PMIAZT
— Hurricane Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom) September 2, 2021
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