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Drew McIntyre Doesn’t See Feud with CM Punk Ending Anytime Soon

September 2, 2024 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Drew McIntyre Image Credit: WWE

In an interview with NotSam Wrestling (via Fightful), Drew McIntyre spoke about his feud with CM Punk and why he doesn’t see it ending any time soon. The interview took place at Fanatics Fest NYC after Summerslam, but before Bash in Berlin. Punk previously said that now that he’s defeated McIntyre, he’s moving on. Here are highlights:

On being in a feud with CM Punk and if its surreal: “Yeah, if I take myself out of my own shoes, step back. Even in my own shoes, if you told me that prior to November, I would say there’s no way he’s ever gonna be back in WWE, never mind him and I in a match together, and then also having the feelings that I have for him, from my first run in the company, growing up around him and things I’ve not touched upon, but he negatively affected my career and life in certain ways when I was a kid, and I remember that, and it’s well documented, he was a piece of crap and is a piece of crap especially back then. So yeah, I could never have imagined it happening, and I also probably knew I’m gonna rough him up the first chance I get, and I did that, and his little tricep fell off the bone [laughs], so if he wants to keep coming after SummerSlam, I mean, I’m all for it. He said he won’t stop, and he’ll make sure that I’ll never be world champion, and I know that’s true, until he is officially out of WWE, so we’re gonna go until one of us is not in the company anymore, at least not on the same brand, it feels like, because I want to be world champ and he’s prevented it multiple times. So we’re just gonna have to, I don’t know, one way or the other, exile the other out the company.”

On if he’s comfortable with the feud going for a long time: “I mean, in the end, it’s what the fans enjoy and what they have that connection with, so I’m cool with that. But I’d rather that I took him and he was out the company already, and I was world champion [laughs]. But yeah, I mean, people are entertained by it, I’m fine kicking his arse constantly. I hate his stupid face. I hate everything about him. I hate that he’s poisoned people’s minds to believe that he’s this messiah. I said nostalgia’s a hell of a thing. We’re still living in the Punk nostalgia era. But seeing him up here [at Fanatics Fest NYC], in his little suit, toeing the line, in his little suit, giving crappy little answers, come on. Look at the way he’s evolved or devolved. He was the punk, he was the anti-superstar, he said whatever he wanted back in the day, and I admired that part of him, as much I didn’t like him. Now, he toes the company line, he kisses the company arse, tries to justify that big contract, when I, who tried to be more of a Cena-type when I was younger and do everything I possibly could, even smile when I didn’t want to smile and I just wanted to say, ‘Get lost, go screw yourself,’ and I’ve started saying, ‘Go screw yourself, you deserve it now.’ Now I have become more Punk than CM Punk, and he hates that.”

article topics :

Drew McIntyre, Joseph Lee