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Edge Discusses What He Remembers Most From His Brutal WrestleMania 22 Match With Mick Foley, The Famous Flaming Table Spot

April 14, 2020 | Posted by Ashish
Edge Mick Foley Image Credit: WWE

In an interview with Inside the Ropes, Edge discussed his brutal WrestleMania 22 match with Mick Foley and how he remembered having thumbtacks in his knee and his palms, as well as the famous flaming table spot. Highlights are below.

On what he remembers from the match: “I land on my knees, right in thumbtacks. It’s a very strange feeling to have thumbtacks in your kneecaps. Don’t try that. Don’t even Wikipedia that. That’s not homework at all. That’s what I remember. That and also getting it in the palms of your hands, that pretty much sucked.”

On the flaming table spot and how he could smell his burning flesh: “Didn’t think it through too much. So here’s the thing, if you saw me do something idiotic like that, it was my idea, because if you see me get FUed off of two tables off of a ladder, that was my idea. If it’s something that is stupid to my body, it was my idea because that’s just the way my mind worked. It was always, like I said, trying to think of the quality of the match. So when I really understood the position I had put myself in, was when I was running back at Mick, and I went, ‘Oh shit, I don’t have a shirt on, and I’m diving face first into this thing, he’s going through with his back and he’s got 18 layers of clothes on.’ And they put this flame retardant gel on us, which was washed off within two minutes, we had sweated it off, so I dove through and I went, alright, I’m just gonna tuck my head into Mick’s big old belly and hope for the best. But I wrapped my arms around him so it burnt my arms, singed all the hair off my arms, my hands, singed a big chunk of hair off of my head, and I rolled off, and I just saw my body smoking. So when I’m crawling over, I’m like, I was trying to make it look like I was in shock, but I was smelling my own burnt flesh, just thinking, ‘Well, I think I’m OK, because I can think that I think that I’m OK.’ And just rolling over to Mick and putting my arm on him, and I went, ‘I love you, Micster,’ and he goes, ‘I love you too, Edgester.'”

If using any of the above quotes, please credit Inside the Ropes with an h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.

article topics :

Cope, Mick Foley, Ashish