wrestling / News
Erick Stevens Set To Make MLW Debut

Major League Wrestling has announced that former ROH wrestler Erick Stevens will make his debut for MLW on January 11 in Dallas. Here’s a press release:
Erick Stevens looks to annihilate all in MLW; debuts in MLW on January 11 in Dallas
Stevens joins MLW starting at Dallas TV taping January 11
An intimidating mix of brute force, power and and focused aggression Erick Stevens is one of the most destructive forces in the sport… and he’s coming to MLW, debuting January 11 in Dallas, Texas.
Major League Wrestling today announced that Erick Stevens will compete at MLW: Zero Hour at the NYTEX Sports Centre in the greater Dallas/Ft. Worth area on Saturday January 11. The event will be a MLW FUSION TV taping for beIN SPORTS.
Tickets start at $15 at http://www.MLWDallas.com.
“Erick Stevens is a beast, I look forward to his presence in MLW starting in January,” said Court Bauer, MLW CEO and founder. “Stevens instantly changes the complexion of 2-3 divisions in MLW.”
Stevens’ first opponent in MLW will be revealed in the coming days.
Over the course of his career, Erick Stevens has left a trail of wreckage. Stevens has also dominated in bodybuilding, powerlifting, and earned his Brazilian Jiujitsu blue belt.
A menacing punk pro wrestler, this heavyweight turns head with his mohawk and tattoos but is most feared for the hell he unleashes in the ring.
Pulverizing opponents in a manner not seen since the days of “Dr. Death” Steve Williams, Erick Stevens has a reputation as one of the roughest and most devastating wrestlers. So much so there are some in the sport who outright refuse to fight the ferocious Floridian.
Much of Stevens’ success is owed to his intensity, uncanny endurance, and versatility. Stevens’ ability to excel in mat based grappling contests, hard hitting battles, or straight up street fights makes him a nightmare to combat.
Known for his take no prisoners attitude, Erick Stevens is on a violent conquest to show the sport he is the best while showing no remorse for the weak.
Experience Erick Stevens LIVE January 11. Tickets start at $15!
Purchase your tickets today at MLWDallas.com and see MLW’s return to Dallas live.
Media and miscellaneous inquiries for this event can be sent to: [email protected].
Buy tickets starting at $15 at MLWDallas.com.
Matches signed:
Jimmy Havoc vs. Mance Warner
Ross Von Erich vs. “Filthy” Tom Lawlor
MJF wins he gets a World Tag Team Title shot, if he loses he can never challenge the Von Erichs again to a title fight
MJF vs. Marshall Von Erich
Erick Stevens
Some of the athletes and talent signed to compete and appear include:
World Heavyweight Champion Jacob Fatu and CONTRA Unit • Salina de la Renta • Mance Warner • Hijo de LA Park • Low Ki • Richard Holliday • National Openweight Champion Alex Hammerstone • Douglas James • Injustice’s Myron Reed, Jordan Oliver & Kotto Brazil • Davey Boy Smith Jr. • Brian Pillman Jr. • Savio Vega • Konnan and more!
More athletes and matches will be announced at MLW.com.
Tickets start at $15 at MLWDallas.com. Tickets will also be available day of show at the box office unless the event sales out in advance.
General Public Doors Open: 6:00 p.m. with a bell time of: 7:00 p.m.
The NYTEX Sports Centre is a 2,400 seat multi-purpose arena in North Richland Hills, Texas. The venue offers modern facilities, parking and easy accessibility. The NYTEX Sports Centre provides the highest quality service makes the venue a premier event destination.
The venue is located at: 8851 Ice House Drive, North Richland Hills, TX 76180
From I-30 West
Take I-30 West to I-35 North toward Denton
Take HWY 121 North toward DFW Airport
Exit 22A (Hwy 26 and FM 1938)
Slightly veer left and again to the right onto Davis Blvd (FM 1938)
Take right onto Mid-Cities Blvd
Turn right on Hawk before Birdville High School
NYTEX will be on your right
From the West
Merge on NE Loop 820
Take TX-26/ Blvd 26 exit
Slightly veer left and again to the right onto Davis Blvd (FM 1938)
Take right onto Mid-Cities Blvd
Turn right on Hawk before Birdville High School
NYTEX will be on your right
From the East
Take SH121 South and SH183 South (Airport Freeway)
Exit Precinct Line Road
Turn right on Precinct Line Road; heading north
Turn left on Mid-Cities Blvd
Turn left on Hawk Ave
NYTEX will be on your right
From the South
Take Loop 820 North
Exit 22A (Hwy 26 and FM 1938)
Slightly veer left and again to the right onto Davis Blvd (FM 1938)
Take right onto Mid-Cities Blvd
Turn right on Hawk before Birdville High School
NYTEX will be on your right
From the North
Take I-35W South to Loop 820 South
Exit Davis Blvd (FM 1938)
Take right onto Mid-Cities Blvd
Turn right on Hawk before Birdville High School
NYTEX will be on your right
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