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Flip Gordon Says He Doesn’t Actually Believe The Earth Is Flat

March 16, 2018 | Posted by Joseph Lee

In an interview with Wrestling With Ideas (via Wrestling Inc), Flip Gordon said that while his character is a flat earther, he does not believe the earth is flat. Here are highlights:

On possibly becoming a regular in CMLL and NJPW: “I would love to. I mean that’s my goal. I would love to eventually not be doing indies. Just be doing Ring of Honor, New Japan, and CMLL. I love travelling. I love going international and I love those other new styles because CMLL was a new style for me. New Japan was a new style for me. Wrestling in those places will make me a better performer in the long run.”

On why he chose ROH over Impact: “They [Impact] were actually the first ones to reach out to me… I had already worked for Ring of Honor in Baltimore in that tryout match pretty much with Matt Sydal and I had so many friends working there [ROH]. I already had been there so I knew how they ran and in my opinion, it was just the better option for me and where I was at at the time and I still think it was the best option.”

On if he’s a Flat Earther: “(Laughs)… Yes and no. Flip Gordon believes that the earth is flat because he is a Twitter troll. Travis [his real name] does not, no. Flip Gordon, Evil Flip, he’s got a t-shirt now about the flat earth and you can go buy that at ProWrestlingTees.com/TheFlipGordon. So if it’s going to make me money, I believe in it.”

article topics :

Flip Gordon, Joseph Lee