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Hall’s AEW Collision Review 1.4.25

January 5, 2025 | Posted by Thomas Hall
Chris Jericho Adam Copeland AEW Collision Image Credit: AEW
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Hall’s AEW Collision Review 1.4.25  

Date: January 4, 2025
Location: Bojangles Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina
Commentators: Matt Menard, Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

It’s a new year and that means…well very little right now actually as this is pretty much just another Collision. We do at least have a title match with Daniel Garcia defending the TNT Title against Mark Briscoe as a result of the loss in the Continental Classic. Assuming Garcia survives there, we should be seeing him face Kyle Fletcher down the line. Let’s get to it.

Mark Briscoe, Daniel Garcia, the Learning Tree and Rated FTR are ready to fight.

Opening sequence.

TNT Title: Mark Briscoe vs. Daniel Garcia

Briscoe is challenging and they start slowly. Briscoe drives him into the corner to start as the fans are feeling a bit split. They trade slides out to the floor before going back inside to trade wrist cranking. Garcia ties up the legs and stomps them onto the mat but has to escape a Jay Driller attempt. Garcia’s dance just annoys Briscoe, who misses a charge out to the floor. Back in and Briscoe sends him flying off a suplex, only to get caught with some rolling neckbreakers for two. Briscoe is fine enough to knock him to the floor for a dropkick through the ropes as we take a break.

Back with a suplex sending both of them crashing over the top for a crash. They get back in where Briscoe hits a fisherman’s buster, followed by a sitout powerbomb for two. Briscoe slugs him into the corner but Garcia ducks a shot and rains down some right hands. A piledriver gives Garcia two and the Dragontamer goes on.

That’s broken up rather quickly as we have three minutes left in the time limit. Briscoe puts him down and hits the Froggy Bow for two. The Jay Driller connects but Garcia gets a foot on the rope. The Cutthroat Driver is loaded up but Garcia reverses into a rollup to retain at 18:15.

Rating: B. Briscoe’s pre-match promo was rather good and as usual he was showing that kind of fire that only he has. Garcia is starting to feel like someone who can hang at this level and giving him a clean win, even off a fluke rollup, is a good way to make that more realistic. Well done back and forth opener here and they both looked strong.

Respect is shown post match.

The Death Riders are unhappy with Jay White and Adam Copeland. Jon Moxley respects Copeland but Copeland shouldn’t go down this road.

We look at Jeff Jarrett saying he is coming for the World Title.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Aaron Solo

Solo jumps him to start but Jarrett is right back up with a pair of Strokes for the win at 1:30. That’s what it should have been.

We look at Ricochet going all violent on Dynamite.

Tag Team Titles: Private Party vs. Lio Rush/Action Andretti

Rush and Andretti are challenging. Kassidy ducks a shot from Rush to start and knocks Andretti off the apron as everything breaks down fast. Private Party clears the ring rather quickly but Quen gets suplexed onto the apron. We settle down to Andretti shouldering Kassidy in the corner and there’s a double suplex to drop him again.

We take a break and come back with Kassidy spinebustering his way out of the corner, allowing the diving tag off to Quen. Everything breaks down, with Quen being planted down on the floor. Kassidy is sat up top for Gin and Juice for two as Top Flight and Leila Grey appear in the front row to throw popcorn.

Quen is back in for a slugout and the quadruple clothesline leaves everyone down. The champs hit some dives and it’s a Twist Of Fate into a shooting star press for two on Rush with Andretti making the save. Back up and Andretti grabs a sunset flip with Rush holding on for more leverage, only for Dante Martin to break it up. Kassidy rolls Andretti up to retain at 13:44.

Rating: B-. Remember when the Tag Team Titles felt important? Private Party is far from a bad team, but they feel like they’re miles beneath the top of the division despite being champions for over two months. They need some bigger challengers, and while Top Flight might not be huge, they would be an upgrade over this.

We look at Darby Allin fighting against the Death Riders and it hasn’t been going well.

Cope doesn’t like Jon Moxley hiding the AEW World Title and saying no one wants to be champion. He wants to be champion and would wear the belt proudly. Chris Jericho comes in and Cope goes over their history together, with Jericho saying he doesn’t remember any of this. They’re in a six man tonight and with Cope gone, Jericho declares “Cope is a dope. Sick burn.” Cope talking about wanting to be champion is fine, but again, calling him Cope is just funny sounding.

Toni Storm vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Taya Valkyrie is here with Purrazzo and they fight over wrist control to start. They both bridge up but Storm is nice enough to shake hands upside down. Purrazzo is sent outside and Valkyrie offers a distraction, allowing Purrazzo to get in a baseball slide. We take a break and come back with Storm’s STF being broken. Taya’s distraction lets Purrazzo strike away but a DDT gives Storm two. Another distraction doesn’t work and Storm small packages Purrazzo for the pin at 9:21.

Rating: C. Storm’s rise continues, with commentary flat out asking if she has really lost her memory or if this is just an elaborate ruse. I’ll take that over what we have been getting around here, though as usual I’ll say that I like this Storm better than Timeless. The other one was great, but it has been around for a good while now. Let her have an actual run with this instead.

Hangman Page and Christopher Daniels get in a big argument over Daniels not helping Page. That has Page asking who Daniels has ever helped and what he’s done for wrestling. Daniels attacks him with a bunch of headbutts (drawing blood) and Page is beaten down.

The Acclaimed argued after their loss on Dynamite.

The Beast Mortos vs. Brian Cage vs. Komander vs. Dante Martin

Non-title but the winner gets $100,000. Everyone goes after Mortos to start before Cage is double teamed to the floor. Rather than fight each other, Martin and Komander hit stereo dives to take out the monsters on the floor. Back in and Komander snaps off a headscissors to send Mortos outside, setting up a heck of a dive.

Martin dives onto the other three but here are Lio Rush and Dante Martin to take both of them down. Cage comes back in to clean house and we take a break. Back with Mortos wrecking everyone before Cage has to cut Komander off again. Martin is taken out as well and Cage hits the apron superplex on Mortos (that was nice). Cage takes out Komander and gives Martin Weapon X for the pin at 9:39.

Rating: C+. I wouldn’t want to see this kind of a prize used on a regular basis, but I’ll take it over some vague notion of a title match possibly being in the cards for the winner. Cage thankfully didn’t pin Komander, who probably owes him a rematch for the title. For now though, nice enough use of about ten minutes.

The Rock N Roll Express is here with FTR but the Outrunners come in. The Express owes them gas money from Memphis in 1982 but only get an apology and handshakes instead. Ok points for a funny gag.

Rated FTR vs. The Learning Tree

Cope and Jericho start things off…and let’s go with Bill instead. Er, make that Keith, whose headlock doesn’t work as Cope dropkicks him instead. Cash comes in to work on the arm but it’s quickly back to Bill. The villains take over on Cash back inside and we take an early break.

Back with Cope coming in for the showdown with Jericho and they chop it out. Cope takes over but the Impaler is broken up, allowing Jericho to grab a rollup with feet on the ropes for two. Now the Impaler can connect but the spear is countered into a Codebreaker for two. Keith comes in to work on Cope in the corner, only for Cope to knock his way out of trouble. It’s back to Cash to hammer on Bill, with the PowerPlex into a top rope elbow giving Cope two.

Harwood brainbusters Jericho for two and grabs a Sharpshooter on Keith, only for Jericho to put Cash in the Walls. Schiavone: “What a Collision moment we’re seeing right here!” You uh, might want to get some more interesting standards there Tony. Bill is back in to clean house but Cope sends him outside for a dive. Back in and Harwood goes up, only for Keith to get in a belt shot to give Jericho two. The Shatter Machine into the spear finishes Jericho at 16:47.

Rating: B-. This was the longer former AEW six man tag and it worked well enough. What mattered here was Cope getting the pin, as he is seemingly now feuding with two champions at the same time. That might be a bit much or him but I’ll take it over what we’ve been seeing in the last few months.

Post match Cope grabs the mic and thanks the fans…but the Death Riders pop up on screen. They’ve bound and gagged the Rock N Roll Express and jump the Outrunners or trying to make a save. Rated FTR run to the back and get the Express loose, with the Express confirming that they weren’t hurt. So what was the point in tying them up then?


Daniel Garcia b. Mark Briscoe – Rollup
Jeff Jarrett b. Aaron Solo – Stroke
Private Party b. Lio Rush/Action Andretti – Rollup to Andretti
Toni Storm b. Deonna Purrazzo – Small package
Brian Cage b. Dante Martin, Komander and The Beast Mortos – Weapon X to Martin
Rated FTR b. The Learning Tree – Spear to Jericho



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Good
The 411
This was a two hour show that should have been one hour. You could easily cut out some of the stuff on here and have one heck of an hour long show, but instead it was all stretched out with more stuff being dded to fill in the run time. That really shouldn’t happen with a company as deep as AEW. Some of their stars are in Japan, but with the amount of people they have available, that shouldn’t be such an issue. Not a bad show, but dang it would have been better if it could have been cut in half.

article topics :

AEW Collision, Thomas Hall