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Hall’s AEW Collision Review 8.31.24

September 1, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
Grizzled Young Veterans AEW Collision Image Credit: AEW
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Hall’s AEW Collision Review 8.31.24  

AEW Collision
Date: August 31, 2024
Location: Denny Sanford Premier Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

We’re in the middle of All In and All Out and that means things should be happening here. There are a few matches set for the pay-per-view but it would not be surprising to see some more added on this show. Throw in the good action you tend to get around here and we could be in for a solid week. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Conglomeration/Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos/Johnny TV/Lee Moriarty

Shane Taylor and Taya Valkyrie are here with the villains. O’Reilly and TV get things going with some stand-up grappling until Strong grabs a quickly broken cross armbreaker. Cassidy comes in for a basement dropkick and it’s off to Hologram for a monkey flip. Moriarty can’t do much with Cassidy on the mat so it’s back to Hologram, who gets rolled up for a fast two.

Hologram dropkicks him out to the floor so Mortos comes in, earning himself a rather spinning headscissors. Everything breaks down and we get a submission chain from almost everyone, with Mortos having to shoulder it apart. It’s time to head outside so Hologram can hit a big rope walk flip dive as we take a break. Back with Cassidy fighting out of trouble and getting over for the tag to O’Reilly. House is quickly cleaned but Mortos cuts that off, including a reverse Sling Blade.

O’Reilly gets over and hands it off to Hologram, who gets to clean house, including spite the spinning session to take down all of the villains in a row. Cassidy and O’Reilly fire off kicks to Mortos, setting up Cassidy’s Stundog Millionaire. Cassidy DDTs Mortos but gets suplexed by Moriarty. TV takes too long setting up Starship Pain to Hologram though and gets taken down with a reverse Spanish Fly, setting up a rollup to give Hologram the pin at 15:39.

Rating: B. This is one of those things that AEW does really well, as they took a bunch of people and put them into the ring at the same time for a fun match. It isn’t likely to be about much more than helping boost Hologram up but it was a match that went rather well for what it was supposed to be. It’s a good example of a match that didn’t take itself seriously and that’s how you can have a lot of fun with something like this.

We look back at Jon Moxley’s rather bizarre return on Dynamite.

Bang Bang Gang vs. Premiere Athletes

Austin and Nese start things off with the latter driving him into the corner with raw power. Woods comes in and a quick distraction lets the villains triple team Austin in the corner. Daivari gets in a knockdown of his own for two but Austin manages a quick Quick Draw, allowing the tag off to Robinson to pick up the pace. House is quickly cleaned, including a spinebuster to Woods. Everything breaks down and Colton gets two off a dropkick. Nese is sent into Mark Sterling at ringside and 3:10 To Yuma finishes Woods at 4:35.

Rating: C. The Gang gets a nice win here to put them back on the right track after some recent losses. That’s not a bad way to go and we could be in for some nice stuff from them going forward, though hopefully against some fresh opponents. The team is starting to gel, but Jay White coming back soon enough could take things in a different way.

We look at Mercedes Mone defending her NJPW Women’s Strong Title for NJPW.

Hikaru Shida (in tonight’s four-way match for a TBS Title shot at All Out) is ready.

We look at Kevin Von Erich getting to do the Claw at All In.

FTR vs. Kingdom

Taven takes Harwood down to start but Harwood is right back up with a hiptoss. Some chops have Taven in trouble and it’s Wheeler coming in for a double hair toss. A double backdrop into a double clothesline has Taven on the floor and Bennett is sent out with him. Back in and Taven slips out of the slingshot suplex, allowing Bennett to get in a cheap shot as we take a break.

We come back with Harwood getting a VERY delayed two off a small package due to a distracted referee. Wheeler comes back in to clean house as everything breaks down. A top rope double clothesline puts the Kingdom down and it’s a German suplex into a flipping rollup for two on Bennett. Taven rakes the eyes to avoid a Sharpshooter but the Hail Mary is broken up. The Shatter Machine to Bennett sets up a PowerPlex to finish Taven at 10:08.

Rating: B-. Just in case the Kingdom losing on Rampage wasn’t enough I guess. FTR is in a similar place to the Bang Bang Gang from the previous match in that they need something to elevate them back up after a loss. There are worse ways to do it than this and the match went fine, though FTR needs something new in a hurry, which very well could be the Grizzled Young Veterans.

Post match the Grizzled Young Veterans come in to take out FTR. They’re tired of being compared to FTR but you will remember their name.

Thunder Rosa is ready for the four-way.

Lance Archer abuses various production workers and security. One of them having their feet sticking up from a trashcan is a funny visual.

Top Flight/Action Andretti/Lio Rush vs. Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson/Turbo Floyd

Leila Grey and Truth Magnum (odd) are here too as Andretti and Floyd start things off. And never mind as Boulder comes in to run Rush over but we get a series of rapid tags without anything in between, leaving Darius in the wrong corner. That doesn’t last long either as Darius dives over to Dante, who actually airplane spins Bronson. A four-man suplex drops Bronson but Floyd cleans house on his own. Everything breaks down and a Downward Spiral sets up a frog splash to give Dante the pin on Jameson at 4:46.

Rating: C+. This was a strange one as they had a weird lineup on the villains’ side and then it didn’t have much time to go anywhere. It certainly wasn’t boring though and I’ll take that over some of the other options. Not much to see here, but what were they supposed to do with these circumstances?

Queen Aminata and Serena Deeb are both ready to win the four-way. Deeb knows she can beat the other three but offers an alliance, which has Aminata intrigued.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Tomohiro Ishii

Don Callis joins commentary. They forearm it out before trading shoulders, with Ishii getting the better of things. Fletcher is back with a slam and right hands in the corner but Ishii runs him over with a headbutt. Ishii takes him to the apron, where Fletcher is back with a brainbuster and we take a break.

Back with Ishii hitting a hard clothesline in the corner and sending him flying off a suplex. Fletcher manages a kick out to the floor into a dive but Ishii manages a powerbomb for a double breather. Back up and one heck of a clothesline gives Ishii two but Fletcher lawn darts him into the buckle. They go up top and Ishii busts out a jumping hurricanrana of all things, only to have Fletcher hit a brainbuster for two. Fletcher’s clothesline wakes Ishii up so it’s a Tombstone to put him back down for two more, followed by the piledriver to give Fletcher the pin at 12:46.

Rating: B-. The match was what you would expect, but this is a good example of how Tony Khan can burn through wrestlers. Between this, Dynamite, and Ring Of Honor, I’ve watched more than half an hour of Ishii in the last four days. Seeing Ishii on the card this week didn’t have me interested, but rather saying “Geez, again?”. With the amount of wrestlers that Khan has available, I don’t get the thinking of having someone show up that often and burn out their interest so quickly.

Video on Queen Aminata, also in the four-way.

Video on Bryan Danielson winning the AEW World Title and being attacked by Jack Perry on Dynamite. The title match is official for All Out.

Pac is ready to face Will Ospreay at All Out and take the International Title. Orange Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly come in and a tag match seems set for Dynamite.

Buddy Matthews vs. Komander

Matthews takes him down by the arm to start but Komander is back up with a wristlock of his own. A dropkick sends Matthews outside, where he reverses a dive into a suplex as we take a break. Back with Matthews hitting a hard knee on the apron but Komander grabs a running hurricanrana driver. Matthews strikes away until a poisonrana sends him to the floor, with Komander nailing a dive. Back in and a tornado DDT gives Komander two so he goes up, only to dive into another knee. Murphy’s Law finishes for Matthews at 10:00.

Rating: B. They got rolling near the end here and it was one of the more entertaining Komander matches I’ve seen. Who knew that if you stopped letting Komander run across the ropes while everyone waits around like a moron, things would get better? This was a heck of a match between the two as Matthews gets to show off, which he often does well.

The MxM Collection want the House Of Black next week. The House is in.

Video on Serena Deeb, the final entrant in the four-way.

Serena Deeb vs. Queen Aminata vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Thunder Rosa

For a TBS Title shot at All Out. Shida slugs away at the other three of them to start and whips them into the same corner for a running knee. Deeb pulls Shida to the floor though and has a slugout with Rosa. Back in and Shida breaks it up, only for Shida and Rosa to be taken down with a double suplex. We take a break and come back with Aminata snapping off some suplexes, followed by some running kicks in the corner.

Deeb gets up and cleans house (including Aminata, as the alliance is already gone) but Rosa breaks up the half crab on Shida. Rosa Backstabbers Aminata and hits some running dropkicks against the ropes for two. Deeb gets an Indian Deathlock on Rosa and suplexes Shida at the same time for a bonus. Rosa and Shida slug it out until Rosa snaps off a super hurricanrana. Rosa’s Death Valley Driver plants Shida but Deeb puts Rosa in a half crab. Aminata breaks that up but Shida hits the Katana to pin Aminata at 14:25.

Rating: B-. Shida is a good call here as she is still probably the most accomplished woman in AEW history. Letting her get a shot at the title, even in a match that doesn’t have much build, is a smart way to go. If nothing else, she should be able to have a quality match with Mercedes Mone, which is one of the reasons you would put her in a match like this one.


Conglomeration/Hologram b. Johnny TV/The Beast Mortos/Lee Moriarty – Rollup to TV
Bang Bang Gang b. Premiere Athletes – 3:10 To Yuma to Woods
FTR b. Kingdom – PowerPlex to Taven
Top Flight/Action Andretti/Lio Rush b. Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson/Turbo Floyd – Frog splash to Jameson
Kyle Fletcher b. Tomohiro Ishii – Piledriver
Buddy Matthews b. Komander – Murphy’s Law
Hikaru Shida b. Queen Aminata, Serena Deeb and Thunder Rosa – Katana to Aminata



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
Rather impressive show here with a bunch of stuff that kept my interest and a pay per view match being set up by the main event. That’s not a bad use of two hours, especially with so little time between pay per views. As usual, AEW is at its best when its wrestlers get to wrestle and we were seeing that for a long time this week, making for a higher level Collision.

article topics :

AEW, AEW Collision, Thomas Hall