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Hall’s AEW Rampage Review 10.6.23

October 7, 2023 | Posted by Thomas Hall
Hikaru Shida AEW Rampage Image Credit: AEW
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Hall’s AEW Rampage Review 10.6.23  

Date: October 6, 2023
Location: Stockton Arena, Stockton, California
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We’re back to Friday and on the way to one heck of a Dynamite next week. There is a good chance that Dynamite will get some special attention this week and that could shake things up quite a bit. Other than that, we have a four way #1 contenders match for a Ring Of Honor World Title shot, because that kind of thing doesn’t happen on the Ring Of Honor show. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Hardys/Best Friends vs. Jake Hager/Angelo Parker/Matt Menard/Daniel Garcia

Brother Zay and Anna Jay are here too. The Best Friends waste no time in beating up Parker before handing it off to Jeff. Garcia comes in as well and it’s time for….a dance off. Schiavone does not sound impressed but Menard gets in a cheap shot to take Jeff down as the villains take over. Jeff manages to fight out of trouble and bring Beretta in for some shots to Garcia’s face. Everything breaks down and the good guys clear the ring, only to be run over by Hager on the floor.

We take a break and come back with Matt Hardy getting to clean house but the Twist of Fate is broken up. The Hager Bomb gets two with Jeff making the save and we hit the parade of secondary finishers. Matt Hardy can’t hit the Twist of Fate on Garcia, who is sent into Jay by mistake. The Twist of Fate into the Swanton finishes Garcia at 11:27.

Rating: C+. The energy was there and the fans are always going to be into the Hardys and the Best Friends. That doesn’t make for a great match, but at least they started fast and had an entertaining enough match. At the same time, it’s kind of funny that the Jericho Appreciation Society is now just a Society without anyone to appreciate.

Eddie Kingston is ready for any opponent but Jeff Jarrett and company come in. Jay Lethal was so annoyed at Kingston calling him out that he isn’t here tonight. Sonjay Dutt calls Kingston out for disrespecting a former Ring Of Honor Champion. Kingston is more than willing to give Lethal a shot…if Lethal proves himself to be more than a clown these days. With Kingston gone, Stokely Hathaway comes in to offer Dutt a deal, which he seems to like.

Danhausen is returning soon. Makes sense for Halloween.

Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta vs. Levi Shapiro/Wise Guy Ruiz

Yuta stretches Shapiro’s abdominals to start before hitting something close to an Angle Slam. Castagnoli comes in and cranks on the neck, while also shrugging off a boot to the face from Ruiz. The Swing into a dropkick from Yuta knocks Shapiro silly and a Fastball Special (Rocket Launcher) finishes for Yuta at 2:42. Total squash.

The former Jericho Appreciation Society isn’t happy with Daniel Garcia, but they’re going to get Anna Jay to the doctor as a FAMILY.

Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Lince Dorado vs. Johnny TV vs. Komander

For a Ring Of Honor World Title shot against Eddie Kingston, on commentary. Penta shoves Johnny into a superkick from Komander to start before Penta clears out Komander and Dorado. Johnny and Penta exchange armdrags and nipups but get dropkicked out to the floor. That leaves Komander and Dorado to flip around a bit, with Dorado landing on his feet. Eddie: “Oh like a cat. I get it.” Excalibur: “Lince Dorado does mean The Golden Lynx.” Eddie: “…..oh.”

Back in and Penta tags Johnny down again, setting up a dive to the floor. Johnny decks Penta from behind though and we take a break. Back with Johnny hitting a standing moonsault for an arroagant two on Dorado (Eddie: “That’s not a good pin.”) before powerslamming Komander. Dorado hurricanranas Komander into another hurricanrana to Johnny before sending Penta outside. A moonsault takes out Johnny and Penta on the floor, leaving Komander to hit his rope walk flip dive onto all three. Back in and Komander hits a 450 to pin Dorado at 10:51.

Rating: B-. Well what else were you expecting here? This was a situation of putting a bunch of high fliers together and letting them go nuts. What matters here is to have someone new coming after Kingston’s title, even if it shows that the matches on Ring Of Honor’s weekly show mean nothing as these four just get a #1 contenders match out of nowhere.

Ortiz is ready to hurt Santana and take out his other knee.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Kris Statlander/Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose/Marina Shafir

Statlander and Shida get jumped before the bell, with Statlander being knocked out to the floor. Shafir kicks away at Shida and we finally get the match officially started. Rose comes in and drops a leg or two on Shida as Statlander is still trying to get up. Shida punches her way back up and puts Shafir down to one knee, setting up a running elbow for two. Statlander gets knocked off the apron again and we take a break.

Back with Shida crossbodying her way out of trouble, allowing Shida to come in and clean house. Statlander can’t quite slam Rose though and the crash landing gets two. Rose runs Statlander over with a clothesline for two more but Shida dives onto both villains on the floor. The Falcon Arrow gets two on Shafir and Rose is loaded up into a Doomsday Device (with Shida jumping all of a foot and a half for the clothesline). The Katana hits Shafir but she hits Saraya’s Nightcap for the pin at 11:08.

Rating: C. Somehow that’s the main event, which was little more than a match to set up the women’s Title match on Dynamite. It’s not a bad match by any means, but it had three other people who had nothing to do with the title match. Saraya didn’t even make an appearance, making for a pretty flat finish to the show.


Hardys/Best Friends b. Jake Hager/Angelo Parker/Matt Menard/Daniel Garcia – Swanton to Garcia
Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta b. Levi Shapiro/Wise Guy Ruiz – Fastball Special to Shapiro
Komander b. Lince Dorado, Penta El Zero Miedo and Johnny TV – 450 to Dorado
Hikaru Shida/Kris Statlander b. Nyla Rose/Marina Shafir – Nightcap to Shafir


Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Good
The 411
This show did nothing to help the reputation that Rampage means very little. The show featured one match with storyline implications and that was for the Ring Of Honor World Title. Other than that we had an eight man tag that featured a dance off, a squash tag match, and a tag match designed to build towards another match down the line. As tends to be the case, there were some fun enough matches to keep me interested throughout an hour, but it’s not a show that you need tow watch in any way.

article topics :

AEW Rampage, Thomas Hall