wrestling / TV Reports
Hall’s AEW Rampage Review 8.25.23

Date: August 25, 2023
Location: Rupp Arena, Lexington, Kentucky
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone
We are less than two days away from All In and you can feel how important the show is going to be. With just this show and Collision left, there is not much that needs to be covered before we get to London. Odds are this will be the lighter of the remaining shows but there could be a surprise. Let’s get to it.
I was in attendance for this show, sitting about ten rows back in the first section off the floor with the entrance on my right.
In Memory of Windham Rotunda.
Opening sequence.
Excalibur: “It’s Friday!” Liar. This was filmed on Saturday and you know it. Granted by the time it was done it was also Sunday so he’s lying twice.
International Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Aaron Solo
Solo (with a singing Harley Cameron) is challenging and this show is airing out of order from how it was taped. Cassidy takes him down with a headlock to start before putting his hands in his pockets for a toss to the floor. Cameron gets in between then so Cassidy gives her the lazy kicks before ducking Solo’s forearm. A big dive drops Solo but he takes Cassidy down back inside as we take a break.
Back with Cassidy ramming him into some buckles, followed by Stundog Millionaire. There’s the spinning DDT for two but Cameron starts singing….about how Cassidy is stupid for looking at him. The distraction lets Solo hit Trouble In Paradise before nearly dropping Cassidy on his head (that looked bad live and worse on TV). A top rope double stomp gets two so Cameron offers a distraction, allowing Solo to get in a boot (I think) shot for two more. Back up and the Orange Punch into the Beach Break retains at 9:13.
Rating: C+. This was for the sake of getting Cassidy in the ring as there was no reason to believe that Solo was going to end the forever reign. Solo is little more than a midcard villain with long hair and a loud singing manager, making him fine for a slightly difficult foil to Cassidy. At the very least though, Cassidy got a strong reaction and that’s why he was on the show.
Jim Ross gets a sitdown interview with QT Marshall, the new AAA Latin American Champion. Marshall says it is time to get the new respect that he deserves, because people have incorrectly thought that he kept latching on to people. The reality is that those people have come to him because he has put the pro in professional wrestling. Why is it taking a foreign promotion to see how great he is? He’s not on AEW posters or trucks? There is an Excalibur action figure but nothing of him! Starting now, he’s getting his respect. This didn’t air in the arena.
Video on CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe.
AAA Latin American Title: QT Marshall vs. Gravity
Gravity is challenging and Johnny TV is on commentary. This is the match that was taped before Collision started. Before the match, Marshall speaks some Spanish that sounds like he’s doing his best high school impression. Gravity starts fast with a handspring armdrag and then another one out of the corner.
A dropkick sends Marshall out to the floor and there’s a rather scary looking flip dive. Back in and Marshall knocks him out of the air so they’re right back on the floor. Gravity tries a hurricanrana but gets caught in a toss apron powerbomb instead. We take a break and come back with Gravity getting two off some rollups, plus a Canadian Destroyer.
Marshall grabs a backbreaker into a Downward Spiral, only to get hurricanranaed down for two. Gravity grabs a 21 Plex for two more but Marshall catches him on top. Something like a snapmare sends Gravity flying but he lands on his feet. A super Samoan drop gives Gravity two, only to have QT hit a pop up cutter. That and the Dirt Sheet Driver retains the title at 9:55.
Rating: B-. You know, if Marshall didn’t have such a lame history in AEW, he could be just fine as a midcard villain (at best that is). He has a good look and is in better shape than I would have guessed. Apparently he’s doing something right in Mexico to get that kind of a push (or maybe it’s part of a deal with AEW) so why not do that instead of the QTV nonsense?
Video on the Dark Order being all violent. This includes a clip of them slamming someone onto Legos, which isn’t the most serious visual.
Luchasaurus vs. Ren Jones
Non-title. The fans want to know where Luchasaurus’ title is as he chokeslams Jones. A clothesline to the back of the head finishes Jones off at 1:12.
Video on Adam Cole vs. MJF.
Here’s what’s coming on various shows.
Outcasts vs. Hikaru Shida/Britt Baker
Ruby Soho is the odd outcast out. Shida and Storm fight to the floor to start, leaving Baker to hit a quick Sling Blade. Soho grabs Baker’s leg though and Saraya scores with a forearm to take over. Baker gets taken into the corner and choked on the ropes, followed by Saraya’s knees to the chest. Soho gets in some more shots but cue Kris Statlander 9wearing the TBS Title) to carry her off.
We take a break and come back with the Outcasts taking turns taunting Shida with the title. Baker neckbreakers her way to freedom though and there’s the hot tag off to Shida. The fans are behind Shida as she torture racks Storm and then drops her backwards (she’s used that spot before and I don’t think it exactly works). Storm gets in a shot of her own so Shida scores with an enziguri before bringing Baker back in. Baker is taken into the wrong corner again but Saraya throws her over to Shida.
With Baker put on the apron, Saraya makes her slap Shida’s hand….which somehow counts, but Baker tags herself back in anyway. A hip attack in the corner hits Baker and a double powerbomb gets two with Shida making the save. Shida hits the Falcon Arrow and Baker adds the fisherman’s neckbreaker but Storm makes the save this time. Saraya grabs the referee though, allowing Storm to spray paint Shida. The blind Shida hits Baker, knocking her into the Nightcap (Rampage) for the pin at 11:57.
Rating: C+. This was a not exactly veiled preview for the Women’s Title match and there isn’t much of a better way to go about it. Shida is getting her first title defense but couldn’t stop one of the Outcasts from getting a pin, which shows how vulnerable she is going into London. That’s a smart way to go about things as it’s a simple way to tell the story.
Saraya and Storm hold up the title to end the show.
Orange Cassidy b. Aaron Solo
QT Marshall b. Gravity – Dirt Sheet Driver
Luchasaurus b. Ren Jones – Clothesline to the back of the head
Outcasts b. Hikaru Shida/Britt Baker – Nightcap to Baker
Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.
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